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About This Club

Premium Spirits are served here: Single Malt Whisky, Bourbon, Rum, Gin, Vodka etc. in big measures (50ml), Rock Music all Day & Night, Horny Ladyboys, Free Pool,
  1. What's new in this club
  2. I have been on a bit of a trip down memory lane this holiday, and last night I was suddenly back in the hectic days of 2009/20011. Popped into Delirious to see if any of the guys I knew were there. While having a cold one two of the gents I spent many a good time with turned up, Doytrong and FatboyUK. Great to see you again after all these years chaps :) Pare and Fern caught Doytrong’s eye ….. ;)
  3. You have surpassed yourself BB. The one in black is a knockout. Hope she is not just super photogenic
  4. Wow! The tall one in black is a stunner. Best I have seen in some time. Anybody know her name?
  5. Was in town on one of my rare visits last night, think the last time I was actually in Delirious was about 4 weeks ago, my now the weeks are flying. No name alas
  6. In the first photo, Pepsi's gaze and the pout of her lips reminded me of Daisy. But I wonder what Daisy would be doing in Pattaya, given that she hasn’t posted anything on Twitter in three years. Ladyboys sometimes make me mad.
  7. The one with the green Brasil topis Pepsi as in Cola. The girl next to her is arguably the prettiest ladyboy in Pattaya, Fang. Or at least her name used to be Fang when she worked in Naklua. She might have a new name at Delirious; not sure.
  8. lol, I just take the photos, names don’t mean much to me really alas as I’m not looking ;)
  9. Are they all called Bumblebee? Just joking, thanks for the pics, but might be helpful to add their names.
  10. Stopped off on our travels last night. The place was quite quiet, probably because of the party in Cindy’s Secrets. Biewty had to be coxed a bit to pose, but when she did :)
  11. We got there late in the evening Rom, so many of the girls were gone by then. The only ones we interacted with are the ones in the photos, but I’ll be back for sure …stay tuned ;)
  12. Hi Bumblebee. There is now a BIEWTY at Delirious? There is of course THEE BEAUTY who has been Delirious' flagbearer since before COVID, which may be about to change if FANG sticks around... did you get any pics of FANG? she must be getting 10 barfines a night... Her Aussie ex is one of the regulars there... wonder how that works out for either of them... What about my femboy crush PEPSI ? Heard she was getting the bolt-ons. Did she? She hadn't in the pic below with Beauty from Beauty's FB. Also one from Fang's FB (she is the gorgeous one on the right. with the 2 other sissies..). These are just posted, high-quality pics. Wonder if you took them Bumblebee? One request: Please tel Herberth that Rom said he is gay for not posting at LBR and only at PY... Thanks and Party On!
  13. Popped into the bar last night on our rounds, Always a good spot and nice to see Herberth and the crew again. Kylemore took quite a fancy to Biewty. Cool girl and loved the outfit :)
  14. It seems Kimmy (a.k.a. Gimme) didn't manage the competition at CIB in Bangkok, so quickly headed back to the sewer Here she is back at Delirious Credits to meta

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