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- Past hour
I believe he refused to pay his bar tab after ringing the bell and when the ladies realised they weren't getting their LD money they became rather incensed. A few days ago the same paper ran a story about an English guy who claimed he was beaten by the Thai police and wrongly imprisoned, when it transpired that he was lying the paper didn't give a retraction.
- Today
well well well.. I see my name got mentioned, so allow me to answer: The reasons i no longer wanted anything to do with you Rom are as follows: A] i find you incredibly egotistical, every post is designed to be boastful, leading on to you you you. B] You are also a font of misleading information that you somehow manage to twist in your head. i cared not that you were getting close to teya and Emmy.. why should i? if indeed you ever were. i could list you many BMs names that i know have been with Teya and good luck to her. As for Emmy, she is a friend and that was all she ever was. i guess that a sex -starved egotist such as yourself, could never understand such a thing. As for me not going to Emmy's.. Quinn and i spent every tuesday and thursday there, up until i left Thailand. The reason i stopped going as much as i used to was simply that i didn't like the music she starting playing. simple as that .Get your facts right before you post. didn't i see you there one party night some time ago? that's quite amazing if i never went there. C] and this is the rub.. i consider [as many did and still do on Ladyboyspattaya] that you are on the edge of Pedophilila. Judging by the young jungle-bunny Phillipino's you used to get your rocks off with by writing all over their young jungle-bunny arses. i love how you have suddenly started talking about 60 yr olds, milfs etc etc.. don't bother Rom.. The past is too well documented and remembered. and just to put you right.. they was no 'him or me' with the mods here. i simply left this forum because the mod team don't like arguments on the forum. Simple as that, respect to PD and BB was all. and just to put you right again. your famous '3 strikes and you're out ' warning went straight over my head... i had no idea what it meant. i do now .. but sorry rounders was never my game. now.. please don't mention my name on here again. i have no wish to post replies.
Great photos @bumblebee! Such a shame Jenny, and many others, have these terrible fillers in their lips. Looks like a lump to me, really puts me off
WN04 Two 'New' Ladies Nam mentioned something on Thursday to one of my friends and this morning it got confirmed! YOGURT IS BACK! After a 4 months absence back home Yogurt returned to WN04 on Thursday! Not only did Yogurt come back, but she also brought a mate from the ville. The new new lady is called Bowie and it is her first time in a bar, so is still in learning mode. I am sure that being coached by the gorgeous Yogurt, she will master the dark arts in quick fashion. Nam has promised photos coming soon. Great news indeed for the many fans of Yogurt! Be aware, she's looking like a stunning redhead now!
I very much doubt you will get any other info on The-Sith other than what I provided. I was trying to help by expanding the discussion in what could have been one of the more interesting topics in the board. " Annoying Off-Topic" ? I am off this topic. Anyone else has anything to update about The-Sith?
Just another Sang Som sunrise ... it's 11 AM and I don't want to get out of bed with this lovely skinny brown sissy wrapped around me. Think Mowgli from the Disney cartoon. Last night we just went in my room for what I thought would be an ST quickie making time for going to a club, but somehow we just BOTH FELL ASLEEP in each others arms without showers or sex. I woke up during the night several times to find her still there sleeping peacefully close to me and took all kinds of quiet liberties with her sweet body except penetration. I don't know what time she wakes up but I am not rushing it. I also don't know what happens when she does but I think I want this one to latch on. She was the one who had offered to come with me for a 1000 LT, a rate she could easily get double or triple from any sissy punter who likes sissies pretty and skinny and nubile. I have like 3 or 4 potential posts from the 2 prior nights I'd like to share and think BMs would enjoy the pics. But I am skipping ahead to yesterday which was kind of a weird day with what I think were noteworthy moments for reflection. Sorry no pics. Here goes the reflections: Yesterday I woke up alone as the massage parlor sissy I had hooked up with the previous night left after the sex. Once naked of feminine clothes, he looked like a tall muscular athletic 20yo boy, which is what he was. With one of those big meaty cocks made for worshipping, which he forced me to do. He wanted me to rim his ass but it looked too bumpy for my taste. I just sodomized him violently in all kinds of positions, but with a condom no chance of me cuming which I did on his face bukkake style. I promise to make a post with his picks. Oh that cock!... I can be so gay sometimes. I think I've mentioned I am prowling on Tinder and Badoo, which entails much time and attention as all women in Thailand above 40 seem to like me. Problem is that they are all there for the money. Most acknowledge it outright. Others, mostly the older ones, play the looking for love angle which ideally would secure them a long term relationship with an ATM, but if that does not materialize will want some cash for their stinky old snatches. I think i reported here on how a 62 yo slut asked me for gas money after spending 2 nights with me pretending to be in love; and also how I wasted time on an upscale slut who slept with me without sex while priming me for a business loan that never happened. Well yesterday I got myself into something even more preposterous: a date with a gas station attendant who posted pics of her on Tinder of when she was like 40-50 but who when I saw her assessed to be in her late 60s. Moreover, she spoke absolutely no English and we communicated through the google translator. She had said it was her day off the gas station and she planned to spend the whole day at the Jomtien beach and told me to meet her there. I agreed out of charity and politeness but knowing I did not want any physical proximity told her I was busy and would swing by only after 4 PM. It was the most awkward hour I spent but sat with her on the rental chairs facing the sea and had a Chang and some beach snacks. Mostly long silence staring at the sea. At some point she typed I could go if I felt disappointed. I typed back I was enjoying the scenery in her company. I did the gentlemanly thing and insisted I pay for both chairs. Then assessing I had finished my large beer and food and was about to leave, she handed me her phone with the following message translated from Thai: "I am sorry we could not communicate but you still have to pay me". Still what? I just got up and left. Thought I might as well walk over to Emmy's but it was not quite open yet with only Teya being there taking a dump. Got back to Buakhao. I feel asleep watching a movie in the room and only woke up at 9, so I got me a farang-style sandwich for dinner and went to eat it at Delirious thinking it would be happenin' on a Friday night. It wasn't that busy and yet no sissy came to hussle for drinks. Perhaps they know me already too well. Also my defaults Beauty and Pepsi were busy with other drink-buying dudes. I had my Lao dark which they now bring me without even asking and just sat there and observed. Something is going on at Delirious. They have more sissies than ever. And a small clique of glamorous ones captained by the beautiful Fang who is being a total bitch to me, basically pretending I dont exist. I think she is bitter she had given me so much ass at wholesale prices, but hey I was the one who first took her to Delirious where she now reigns supreme. As I said, she hangs out at Delirious but I doubt she is on a retainer. Yesterday I was observing and at around 11 she and 4 other dolled up ones just walked out of Delirious without farangs. I quickly threw a bill into the cup and followed them but once they got to Buakhao they got on one of those big taxi-vans. Seemed to early for one of the fancy clubs, so perhaps another venue I am not aware of or a private party. Then the Daddy Rom magic happened and I met this Mowgli looking sissy who is sleeping by my side and who I am not about to reveal to the world until I am sure I am not in love with her. I am just going to hit the submit reply button and then am going back to sucking her nubile stiffy while she sleeps.
WN04 Doll of the Day - Tew Say hello to Tew, who is a petite femboy, but has a special surprise! Tew is one of the hardest working in the bar and is rarely ever off. Maybe the petite girls have to try harder? Tew Stats AKA: Tulip Started: 2023 Job Role: Hostess Bar Finable: Yes Birthday: 01 November Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Chinese Zodiac: Pig Physical Information - Tew Type: Ladyboy Orientation: Versatile Breasts Size: Natural Body Type: Slim Best Feature: Eyes Endowment: Medium-Large Condom Size: 54 Cum per Day: 2 times Height: 1.67 metres (5' 6") Weight: 49 Kgs (108 lbs, 7 St 10 lbs) Shoe Size: EU 39 (UK 6.5, US 8.5) Tattoos: None Complexion: Light Social Information - Tew English Skills:OK Pool Skills: OK Favourite Pet: Dog Favourite Colour: Pink Favourite Drink: Leo Beer Favourite Food: Isaan/Thai Favourite Film Genre: Comedy Favourite Gift: Chocolates Dream Travel Destination: USA (Note: some of these answers are self-reported, so your own experience may differ!). Media Photo Credits to Dan Miller originals Lighting Credits to ToTo and Nan Editing Credits to Belle Follow all of the ladies on the WN04 X (twitter) app:
This is a record of a post I made yesterday in another thread whose OP did not like it, so I just thought of salvaging it here at the Romscars Hall of Legends as it contains what I think is a relevant record of Board membership and of well known fellow sissy mongers, including 4 Hall of Legends inductees. I am initially locking the thread as not to hijack the other ongoing thread where this originally posted. It generated some insightful responses that I can't reproduce here, but I will unlock the thread in a couple weeks once the other thread runs its course. ------------------------------- Since I signed up for this Board in 2019 (prior to that I used to peek in from time to time) I observed a pattern of formerly active BMs going abruptly stone cold silent here at LBR. I am talking about: Kendo UK who left shortly after I signed up and my guess is that he did so not because my potshots at PY deserved a response in the form of his exit in indignation but because he knew he was going to be made to look stupid and bullish for associating with the 2 thickos running PY who had also emasculated him there leading to his resignation as a mod. It coincided with major personal changes in his life and sexuality which is also a reason to step away from ladyboy boards. I miss Kendo. Despite what he did to me, and never giving me likes, I knew he was my most qualified admirer. Dixon Cox also left soon after I joined. We had had our clashes at PY where he enjoyed cult-like status amongst the Pattaya sexpat BMs and was seen as the Board's wittiest and most literate BM... until I showed up. But unlike Kendo I dont think it was directly because of me that he went silent here at LBR as he had already been posting less frequently and somewhat bitterly. In fact at the time I joined here he seemed to also be going silent at PY and I think it may also have done with personal reasons in the aftermath of the colapse of his relationship with a sissy he did not just want to toss in the gutter but in the end he had to. Blind Boy Grunt (aka Liverpool at PY) initially welcomed me and we even collaborated in celebrating Emmy's bar, Emmy and Teya but he soured on me when he sensed I had gotten too close to those 2, especially one of them. He started picking on me for futile reasons (like me using "he" and "sissies" in my posts) and would post shit at the Romscars Club leaving me no choice but to eventually hoover. I bet he gave a me-or-Rom ultimatum, which is beyond stupid because it was nothing personal and certainly not against a ladyboy mongers board rules to fuck fully adult ladyboys. He stopped also going to Emmy's afterwards. Quinn (aka Kwan at PY) is still around but has posted in single digits and no more artwork since his pal BBG left. I feel really bad for that (namely the unproduced art work the world will never see) because Quinn who I admire (and induced into the Hall of Excellence) was collateral damage from BBG's hissyfit at MY dalliances. Duke007 also went silent here without notice or apparent reason which can only be described as RUDE of him to everyone since he enjoyed special status including mod powers (how do I know? I know!) not granted any other non-mod BM I know of. In contrast with the other deserters above he has remained active if not intensified his contributions at PY. I induced him in the Hall of Excellence not out of my nomination but by popular BM acclaim. Ungrateful fellow. Certainly unbritish of him. Seven is still around but also abruptly stopped posting after being the most active poster in the first few years I joined. As I said, he is still around so if he wants to let us know he can. Duncan (odotor at PY) was not an important BM here and was only active here for a few months after the little pirate board he founded (and I joined to boost them) fizzled. Sadly he opted for PY where he also does not post much. Jimbo, youngone, and Herberth. Did they decide they were too big for LBR? Or were they arm-twisted by PY to go silent? I'd rather not elaborate. Just to say that it was not gentlemanly of any of them... Finally The-Sith: Let's face it: he was as cool and sanook as it gets and the kind of monger you want to party with, which I did once in Europe (never in TH). I sometimes wondered about his stories, but he seems to have had the drive, time and cash to back them up. My guess is that life caught up with him and he lost the motivation for ladyboy boards, possibly ladyboys even. He also got roughed up pretty bad at PY by the trio of jealous pricks and that, as I well know, curtails motivation even if we find some measure of solace here at LBR. The-Sith was very secretive about his real identity (once making me erase a pic of him from my cellphone) so I don't have his contact. If he is not dead or in jail (always possibilities) there is some chance he might return one day on a whim with a different account because he forgot the password to his existing one. Cheers and Party On! Rom PS - If I forgot someone I will add to the post when I remember. PS2 - There were other prominent BMs (namely amongst the founding fathers of LBR) who went silent, but this post is only meant to recap the ones who left after I joined
- Yesterday
RodolfoKex joined the community
She was in BKK at that time.
Sorry, but I find this post rather annoying—not only is it off-topic, but half the people you mentioned are part of the PY clique you’ve repeatedly complained about. Dixxon Cox often wrote smart and insightful comments, but the last time I read a post from him, he was lamenting the toxic atmosphere at PY and saying he was losing interest in our activities. Here at LBR, he was part of a group of friends who used to meet at a bar in Sihanoukville before I joined. As for The-Sith, he’s one of us, having been bullied and eventually banned from PY—probably for being too much of a nonconformist in our circles. That’s why I’m genuinely curious about what he’d have to say if he ever came back.
For most of teh Why Not girls, Dan has provide info such as
Jeeeeez I bet... I wouldn't fancy that either. I've never known so may prohibitions which made Polla like taming a highly unpredictable STALLION - I think we can agree on the last bit!
Eugenekix joined the community
I've put a lot of time in the statistics bro The answer you're looking for is there
Who’s the biggest cock in there now? I heard Olivia doesn’t work there anymore
Lovely big cock on her, genuinely freakish, but had a few meth heads go mental in my Loom and don’t fancy having to deal with that shit again
God no lol…this guy was notorious for his cock ring and one of the first on ladyboy forums to use a remote to take photos.
Thanks Rom Actually, 10 days ago I was still in Bangers! I returned Feb 2nd to cold and rainy Europe Maybe, in hindsight, I should have made a TR, because it's the only way to share my appreciation forbthe other BMs doing it. And like you say, if not shared, I'm likely to forget as well hahaha. But since my trip is very recent, should be able to recall So stay tuned for another TR in the City of Angels
THAT sounds very much like the Polla we’re talking about LOL……
Nope - freelance only. I met her twice last month. All you need to know LOL… a ‘unique’ experience let’s say!!!