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Pdoggg last won the day on December 8 2023

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Big Swinging Dick With A Well Hung Ladyboy Harem

Big Swinging Dick With A Well Hung Ladyboy Harem (13/15)

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Community Answers

  1. For most of teh Why Not girls, Dan has provide info such as
  2. Yup, it would be really creepy if a bar kept those types of stats.
  3. 42 for Poy! Impressive! Summer is no longer there? An interesting stat which no bar keeps is repeat barfines which would be somewhat indictative of performance while raw barfines probably has more to do with beauty.
  4. Dan is this in barfines or laydrinks? I love lists. who were the top two? Providing the data is interesting. If I ever get around will do a regression analysis to determine if there is a correlation between condom size and shoe size.
  5. First off, nice cum shot Rom! I think the P Plus Hotel on Soi Xcyte is strategically located just a minute walk from the current action yet on a quiet soi. The hotel used to have a back entrance near Cindy's Secrets but believe that entrance is now closed. It's just a short stroll to Triangle Bar from P Plus. Comfy rooms, nice pool,big gym. Excellent value for money. The downside is that the rooms are rather small but quite nice. Make sure to choose the King bed and not the Twin beds. The hotel erred by futing out too many twin rooms in an area where the demand is mostly for King beds. P Plus Hotel
  6. For those not familiar with Nancy, check out this thread which includes pics of her extremely thick cock. https://www.ladyboyreview.com/index.php?/topic/5551-who-discovered-nancy/ As Potter says, she's a very pleasant lady.
  7. Chrome doesn't seem to work well with LBR. Lots of little problems with giving Likes one of those problems. Most members report a much better user experience using Firefox. YMMV.
  8. Fantasy Lounge has a new location. It's on the other side of Buakhao now, a bit further north of the old location. Never been there though.
  9. Depends on the restaurant. I see 5PM and I see 6PM in different places. I now see 6PM more than 5PM which is crucial because stores such as 7/11 do not sell beer between 2PM and 5PM everyday so there would be a window of opportunity between 5PM and 6PM. I suggest that you go to 7/11 before 2PM today. I think if you buy it before the start time you can finish it. Maybe not if you were ordering a big bottle of booze. I really don't know though.
  10. I would also the choose the ladyboy in the center.
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