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    _Born in Pyongyang but exiled for posting like a boss !

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Big Swinging Dick With A Ladyboy Harem

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  1. thanks for the info above rxpharm. The good news is that the 5K for the Crowning Finale matches what Fang told me so she wasnt padding the request for funds. The bad news is that if I take Fang, I will be out 10K possibly 15 K if she takes her GG friend as she asked me to. That's a month's worth for me of every night sissy ass allowance in the PH. Problem is Fang says the tickets are going to sell out (she is probably right) and she wants me to send the money ahead. But if I do, we all know how that's going to end... Based on the useful information above, my plan now is to be in Patts in time for the 600 baht "Preliminaires", take Fang or another sissy there and depending on how it goes take Fang and Fang alone for the Finale. But if she gives me again the ST-only treatment, she can find another sucker to take her there... thanks again.
  2. I took a careful look at all the contestants' official pics in the other thread bearing in mind that those pics are heavily doctored some to the point of making the subjects look barely human to me. I eliminated those with blatant facial surgery which is a turn off to me, but they all had some kind of surgery especially nose surgery. I think I like Miss Equador the best. I am at a stage of my life where I crave black women more than honkies, and it's been like 10 years since I last fucked a chocolate sissy (in the DR) so Miss Equador it is. I looked on the internet to see if she is a post-op but I did not find out one way or the other. At 1m 86 (6ft 1) she is taller than me and as long as I have a face she has a place to sit. Some internet pics and tiktok vid below. I take this opportunity to ask if any of the Patts BMs knows if tickets are available and how much? They have a website but dont seem to sell through there, nor do they indicate the price. I may go there just to attend in the company of the beautiful Fang who probably would win the pageant if she entered. Here is the beautiful Kenia Bonilla, Miss Queen Equador 2023: Snaptik.app_7369240835021376774.mp4
  3. Fact Check First: As far as the internet knows, Mbappe only ever had that one trans GF. The name is Ines Rau, she was over 30 when they dated and she had SRS ("the chop") when she was 16. They broke up last year and Mbappe is said to be dating a gorgeous GG football groupie. Picture of Ines below. No point in looking for cock pics bc she has no cock. We Are Blessed: Mbappe is young and earns USD 80+ million per year but he was fucking one (and possibly only that one) old sissy with the Frankenpussy. I am an impoverished old man nobody compared to him but I get to fuck gorgeous young sissies with scrumptious cocks by the truckload. Other BMs here do also. We are blessed to be able to. Mpabbe has the money but he cant buy the honey he wants. It's just too damn risky as we saw with Brazil's Ronaldo who was blackmailed by 2 tranny prostis he picked. "cometravas" translates as "eats trannies" with the verb "eat" (comer) being slang-used to mean "fuck". Travas is short for "transvestites" which is not what Ines is. "tranny chaser" may apply to us ladyboy fuckers, but I prefer to be called "sissy lover". What I think we really are is LUCKY GUYS fortunate enough to have discovered the ladyboy experience in and off the sack. I don't understand what you mean with "letter" and "part of the +" Here is Mbappe's old bag:
  4. Rom


    No it has not Z. This site may be reduced in membership numbers but in editorial stature it towers over the other one that has the same software but did not activate the clubs feature because their mods do not allow free speech and use their mod position to pursue personal grudges. The thing with the clubs feature is that once the club is launched BMs need to realize they have to be considerate of the club host and if they troll or pick fights they are not going to prevail. I know what I am talking about because I have been hoovered in 2 LBR clubs in one case for questioning the wisdom of mongering in a certain country and in another case for posting an internet picture of a pink elephant which I meant as a joke but the club leader did not like (no I was not insinuating he was drunk!). As a result I never again posted in the pink elephant club and I post with much caution in the other club. In the Barforth case, the name-calling BM had been nibbling at my balls since p.1 of the TR and I was taking it all like a good sport and even engaging with him as regards a sissy we both like. But in taking a crack at Barforth I felt he was also taking a crack at me as if he was the one in the club who gets to say what he wants. I personally know Barforth and he is a quiet guy who also took much shit at PY until they found a pretext to set him up and ban him. I previously had a similar case with a tranny being rude to my other good pal snoopdawg. I hoovered and then the tranny apologized. In this case, the hoovered BM started this thread to continue to bitch here. I assure you Z that if someone is ever rude to you in the Romscars club he will be hoovered.
  5. Yes cheap cell phones and the internet changed the world across all professions by enabling instant information sharing and gathering. But bear in mind that initially they BOOSTED the Thai bar scene by showcasing the sissies in bars to porn surfers worldwide generating an unprecedented wave of mongers newly converted to sissies who flocked to TH to meet them in the bars. Cell phones existed but using them for mongering was only for repeat customers wanting to bypass the barfine. It was only when social media came into the picture that cell phones made viable the no-bar business model. The sissies could sell themselves directly on FB, TF, Tinder, PinaLove etc and no longer needed to subject themselves to the grueling bar rules. The trend inscreasingly is for the prostis to work when they want, wear what they want and bar owners feel they are lucky to have them as FREELANCERS. As to "the Thai bar scene" I believe it was and still is truly unique. I have traveled all over the world and every country has its red light districts and bars but nothing compares to TH BKK and Pattaya in sheer numbers. Not Ermita (in the 1980s) + Makati + AC together even come close. As mentioned, in Sub-Saharan Africa and Cuba and DR and Colombia and Brazil there are GG prostis and easy women galore but you never have them bar-packed by the 100s or 1000s in front of you like you do in TH. And as regards sissies the Thai advantage is even more pronounced. As regards inflation, the Thai CPI has gone up roughly 50 percent since 1997 (the Asian crisis) but so has the exchange rate so prices for me in USD have on average not changed in those 25 years (although they have eroded the initial exchange rate gains). In Pattaya you can still find 300 baht barfines but in some places they skyrocketed to 1000+. I remember at Thermae I could get LTs for 500 with attractive GGs and now it would seem impossible. I can still get 1000 LTs in Pattaya but only with sissies or MILFs. A young attractive GG will not spend the night for less than 3 or 4 K. That's my 2 cents worth for today. Gotta go. Going to watch Biden make a sorrow spectacle of himself at the NATO summit...
  6. Yes: the CAMBODIA and LAOS imports who are taking over the Thailand sissy bar scene... also some PINOY sissies in BKK and Patts ... I have yet to see a MYANMAR sissy in TH but it's only a matter of time since Myanmar is the poorest of the lot AND has a population almost as large as TH... I hear that Myanmar GG prostis in TH are the bottom of the barrel catering to working class Thais. I also hear it's easy to meet GG prostis in Rangoon but not sissies. Same for Laos Vientiane when I was there 20! years ago. Dozens of GG prostis at my hotel disco, plenty scattered in regular bars, saw only 3 or 4 sissies. Cambodia Phnom Pen was a little better for the GGs with 3 or 4 barfine bars. Saw a few sissies there; none in Siem Reap. But if I aggregated all the prostis and sissies I saw in both Cambodia and Laos they would be less than half those I could tally at Nana Plaza ground floor on a Monday night. What all TH's neighboring countries have in common with each other is that mongering prices there are higher than TH. How is that possible if they are poorer and attract fewer sex tourists? My take is that in Laos and Cambodia and Myanmar you are paying a risk and scarcity premia. Risk because the prostis can get arrested for plying their trade so they pass the implicit cost of that risk to the customer (who is also at risk of arrest btw) in the form of higher rates. Scarcity because those countries dont have the 1000s of bars and massage joints like in TH so it's not so easy to meet prostis by the dozen like in TH. The same goes for hotels in TH that are so much more plentiful and price-quality cheaper than in Laos or Cambodia. Although they are getting more expensive and the 5 bucks a night dives have all but disappeared as have the 5 buck prostis latch ons that made me get addicted to TH.
  7. Thanks gentlemen for chipping in. Let me make 5 things clear as regards my timeline assessment of the TH sissy situation: 1 - The "Golden Age" according to me (and my pal the Captain Outrageous who contributed to it on the internet) was the EARLY 2000s when ladyboys sprang from all walks of life in TH in response to the interest generated in the internet in the late 1990s. In BKK and Patts there were fewer bars and fewer ladyboys than there are now but there were much much much fewer of us mongers and sexpats. That's what made it the "Golden Age": the fact that there were fewer farangs and the ladyboys were fresher and eager to be with us and we felt like pioneers and harem sultans. Plus the sissies were pristine(no exaggerated surgery or tattoos) and considerably younger unlike now they rarely exceeded 25 yo at which age the bars would retire the old bags. 2 - From like 2005 onwards, ladyboy-experimenting sex tourists surged and many stayed on as sexpats (the Kendos, and the Scotts,...). But the ladyboys kept coming in droves and my assessment is that the number of bars and sissies peaked sometime in 2012-13. Since then, the trend has been downward. As mentioned, there are demographic and rising income reasons for that. 3 - However in my last visit to Pattaya one month ago I assessed the bar and prostis situation to have improved relative to my prior post-covid visits. The consolidation of prostis in the Buakhao area continues and it is rocking more than I ever saw it (while in other parts of town the opposite happens). 4 - I am now an old man and if I'm lucky I may have another 10 good years of mongering and even if the number of Thai P4P sissies collapses to 1/5 th there will still be plenty for me... but every year that passes I will be paying more for older ones and facing competition from ever increasing legions of sex tourists especially from Asia that have only barely scratched the joy of sissy fucking. 5 - In our lifetimes, I don't see anywhere else in the world becoming a more attractive sissy mongering destination quantity and pricewise than TH. Not the PH. Not Brazil. I have been to both and there are no sissy bars like in TH and nowhere near as many as % of the population. Africa is a GG mongers paradise (going back later this year) but there are no prospects of feminine looking sissies anytime soon as homosexuality is socially repressed in some cases violently. Hope this helps.
  8. I am the OP who started this thread one and half year ago and here I try to resurrect it with an updated reference to Thailand's shrinking demographics and a plan the government has announced to address it, which surprisingly does not include promoting more births but rather improving labor productivity and longevity so a shrinking population can preserve income and living standards. The plan is called “5x5 Let’s Turn the Tide” and you can read its main pillars in today's Bangkok Post link below. You can also google it and find more information on the particulars. I would just highlight that Thailand's population has according to the Bangkok Post article peaked (in 2019?) having "decreased by around 500,000 in the past four years" and going forward: each year it will fall by more than in the previous one with 10 million fewer Thais projected for 20 years from now. Perhaps such losses will be mitigated by immigration from neighboring countries but the outlook is for labor shortages which includes the prostis, and the maids, and the taxi drivers who make our life in TH so affordably comfortable. The only mongering upside I can think of is that the pace of population shrinking still leaves us a few good years left of fucking impoverished Thais... Let's enjoy while it lasts. I will probably be too old for fucking by the time the mongering scene as we knew it all but vanishes for lack of cheap prostis. https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2823854/population-time-bomb-needs-defusing-says-minister
  9. Rom


    You can't ban or hoover me here and I am still waiting for the evidence of you being "the larger one" as you unilaterally proclaimed. And your catty innuendo is unfounded and very offensive and you are only making more of a sad spectacle of yourself every time you post.
  10. Rom


    Oh Woodie, sweet Woodie ... Yesterday I let it slide, but this morning I saw you are back insulting BMs and this time you did it to one BM who had posted to defend me. So I am afraid I am going to have to swing my cock on this here thread you started... Below is a pic of my cock up your beloved Lyly's bunghole. Do you have a pic like this to share? My guess is you don't ... So use this one to jerk yourself a stiffy and post it here and then I will come back with the whole Romrod enchilada and we will see who has the "larger one"... Or you can change the thread's name from "Pedantic" to "GIGANTIC" Cheers. R
  11. Woodie, it's one thing for barforth to call himself "pedantic", it's another for you to call him that. Nobody gets to namecall fellow BMs here in the Romscars Club. It is also inconsiderate to me as the club host and TR OP. That's all I have to say and no more will be said. Hi ribbitrabbit ... That is Alice another of this trip's revelations, whose time with me is narrated on the June 9 post of this TR with some explicit pics. Very pleasant face tall and soft and a curvy waist-hips like a farang woman. She can be found as a sporadic freelancer on a coed Buakhao road beer bar like 50 yards past the soi MIT junction as you head north or hustling on the sidelines of Walking Street. She is great fun to be with both in bed and in the bars, but she is not the GFE-LT type. She had agreed to stay til morning but said was not sleepy and was on the phone talking to her friends and watching videos until I had no choice but to tell her she could go or otherwise I would not get any sleep myself. I was with her only that one time and did not pursue her again because she was pals with The Pixie who I had met first and bonded with. But I would definitely want to party with her again in the clubs and in the sack. Here some more pics
  12. ? you mean BRAND on the back ? otherwise it's just a baseball cap worn backwards ... surely you know that and are being a funny guy... What's not funny is that James evil cunt who goes around tattooing his name on the sissies. The one @Dan Miller posted actually adopted the name "Jimmy" perhaps to match the tatoo. Looksee his ladyboy-ladyboy page below. And I added a couple more victims I found on the internet just by glancing at one of those ladyboy thumbs page. One of them actually got tattooed TWICE: in the front and in the back. I will try to find from Beauty who evil James is and post his identity (and then if he is a BM here let him come forward to get it hoovered).
  13. And this one is for you Hard1. She participated in the Pride Parade along with the Bon Bar Crew that as I said is the dark horse to win this year's Bar of the Year Romscar and they would win it hands down if they always had all those sissies on shift namely FANG. Problem is they don't. Fang is not always there and some nights I saw 15 other nights I saw 5... I don't think so barforth. We have videochated almost every day since I got back and I've asked if she has a BF and she hasn't mentioned and she is in a room with other sissies. I am afraid though she will video cut me off soon as she asks for money every time and I haven't sent any nor will I... just trying to stay in touch in the hope that we can be together again later this year. Some screenshots just taken a few hours ago. Sorry not sharing the cock and ass ones. Dont want to be heroed with this one.
  14. This one's for you Woodie. Lyly's birthday was yesterday at CS2 ... glamorous. lily vid.mp4
  15. That's FANG the highlight of this trip and I too would fly right back 6,000 (in my case) miles to be with her again. If you read back the TR you will find all information I have on her (use the board search function with "Fang"). I took out the cock pics I had initially posted bc I did not want to be heroed on this one. She is stunningly beautiful and it's only a matter of time before she gets snagged by a sugar daddy or inflates her price to convey she is above the rest. Here are some more pics of Thailand's most beautiful sissy I can think of.
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