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Woodie last won the day on November 30 2023

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    Politics, LB's, Sport, LB's, life in general, LB's!.

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Big Swinging Dick With A Ladyboy Harem

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  1. Lyly works out of Cindy's Patts, and that is her in the photo. Lily (ex TJ Bar),manages Peachy Lily's Bar in Soi LK Metro
  2. Yes BB. As for you the visits were purely research. Peachy Lily's is a smallish one but heaps of goodlooking girls. Cindys (Patts) is much bigger. Very open and bright. Good girls though. Delirious has it's usual collection of just ok to good.
  3. Well I am back from my 14 days in LOS. First off, made a bad error of judgement at the beginning. Left home at 1.00am Thai time and went to bed 27 hours later! Well to sleep that is. Was in bed an hour or two earlier but with company and not exactly sleeping. I think it caught up with me later in the shape of a bad chest infection. Bastard!!!! Anyway I think I learnt my lesson. Arrived in BKK after an easy trip through immigration at about 8.30pm. Checked into the hotel, already anticpating what the night might hold. CIB was my first port of call and eventually I opened the doors to heaven. Then it started. The normal girls who suck the drinks out of me took control. No problem as it turned into a rather interesting time. For some reason Boy seemed to think I was worth pursuing. After a few drinks and getting down to busines on the pool table,(6 months is a long break from the game)! We were in the main room, and then it was suggested we move to the front room. So with a bit of persuasion off we went. Boy controlling the operation. One game later the action turned to bj time. Boy dropped to her knees and started doing the job while some of the other girls formed a circle in front of us. I get contrasting opinions about this sort of behaviour in the bar areas. Some say it is not allowed, others dont care. Anyway I did not allow it to go to its conclusion. Enough was enough. Made my way back to the main room and sat with my regular, Lily. Boy soon joined us and promoted the use of my tongue on her tits!. Was good fun and duly kept the fun to a lower key with Lily sitting with me. I enjoyed the night and decided at about 2.30am to pull the pin and go back to my room. Problem being that that was not the end of the proceedings. Was walking back to my hotel and lo and behold, a tall rangey lb who I had talked to earlier and I thought was a bit of alright, approached me. Deal done and back to the room. Worth every baht and finished the night off. As an aside, and I very rarely quote action bits, but on this occasion I rose to the task. She came like a gusher and then it was my turn. Now ordinarily I do not put on a show, but for whatever reason, she starts squeeling, stop, stop, stop. I was firing missile shots on to her head!. I did not tell her that is was not normal. Just an average day at the office! Second night was much tamer. Needed to catch up. Third day/night was the kicker! Made my way down to Patts. Had to catch up with my fav at Cindy's Patts. Walked in at about 8.00pm. Could not wait to see my #1 girl again. Was wondering what the reception was going to be. No need to worry. As soon as she saw me she came running over. Big hug and the night started. Lyly is my #1 for good reason. A beautiful girl, easy to talk to. Just a cracker! Had a game of pool, a drink or two then decided to do a bit of a tour. Off we went to Delirious Bar, then onto Peach Lilys Bar. As I had a few notches on my belt with some of the girls at Peachy's it was an easy entry. One of Lyly's friends, Sothea, works there. Nice girl and we got on well. Eventually it was time for Lyly and I to retreat to the room and renew our wedding vows! Hold on, a slight problem!!!!. Upon getting to my hotel it was closed up. Black as!. What to do now?. Had left the key with reception. I had passed some rooms on Soi Bukhaoso so we retreated to one which had an ok room. We conducted our getting to know each other again and slept like babes until the morning. Off she went to her room amd me back to my hotel. One comment and I have stated this before. Where the hell do these hotel get their beds from???. It would be more comfortable to sleep on the bloody floor! I think the lack of sleep brought about the chest virus I eventually got. Out of the 5 or so hotels I stayed at, only one, Honey Inn in Soi Honey had a good bed. The reintroduction of Lyly to the list of targets had a dramatic effect. Did not have to pick any others. Game set and match! She is all I need in a package. I returned to BKK and Lyly followed me. She was due to fly home in a few days so thought it would be good to spend time together before she took off. One thing about being with Lyly is you need to be a touch taller than average as she is 178 plus heels, and when she walks she is like Cleopatra, attracting stares from all sides. I am a smidge over 183 and I just qualify!. I cant say that I have ever been with a girl who attracts more stares. I wonder whether it is because she is walking with someone like me who is no longer capable of joing the SAS! Whatever, she messages me every day. I get a buzz out of it. To be cont.
  4. Words used by Madeliene Cahn when the lights went on and she saw the black guys cock! It's true Its true A Mel Brookes classic movie. Blazing Saddles. One of the funniest I have seen.
  5. Had a quick gander at it. At first glance Miss Myanmar could warm my bed up, with Brazil, Philippines and Vietnam right behind. I think Miss Mexico must have snuck across the border a few times and visited MacDonalds!
  6. Wow!, pretty tough call. I dont think I have ever met you but you seem to have some sort of agenda. CIB may not be everyones cup of tea but it has its place. I have been to the other bars you mentioned, except Chaos 9, and in my humble opinion the lb's at CIB are as good as any. Probably better than most overall. Sure there might be some extra special ones at the other bars but they are in the minority. The standard at CIB is good. Horses for courses I guess.
  7. It is strange how you can get a good vibe from a photo, as in this case!
  8. Wow, that is a shock Matey. Have sent you a message. Many good times sitting with Dao and Brett watching the world go by. Bloody hell, it goes to prove that the more things stand still, the more they change. So two of my haunts have disappeared recently. Fantasy Lounge and now Zaza's. A fun part of my life (at times), gone! Also 3 people. One has departed this earth, the other two hopefully I can keep in contact with. Brett, Sophia and now Dao. A sad time for me. They were part of my early experience with the 3rd gender.
  9. Oh you poor thing. So you need someone to defend you?. The whole premise of your whacky posts re this matter relate to my post which agreed with what barforth said about himself. Remember, we were discussing baseball hats being turned around. I think you have an inflated sense of your own importance. Go ahead and take and post photos of your encounters. Some of us have more class than to do that and post them. From your posts it seems that Lily has not found you irresistable?. Also, from one of your photos I would think it advisable to visit a doctor. Oh and I might ban you from this thread!. Doesnt that sound childish?. That's about it from me re this matter.
  10. Are you serious, or just posting something to fill in time?
  11. Wow, you just confirmed my thoughts about you. I actually agreed with what the poster said about himself. Read it. Oh no you cant, thats right.
  12. BB, now come on
  13. During the discussion on Roms Romantic subject I made a hopefully humourous comment about the habit of some people turning their baseball hats around. A BM named barforth suggested that he was pedantic about naming the part of the hat which I call the brim and he called the visor. I replied saying that he was being pedantic. Our friend Rom messaged me saying I was not to abuse another BM by calling him pedantic. (just remember the BM had called himself pedantic!), I replied to Rom suggesting that he was being over the top.(I cant remember the exact words and cannot find them as Rom has removed the post). I would suggest that an OP who bans a comment by someone for agreeing with a comment made by another, needs to take a hard look at himself. This is a forum! I am actually stuggling to stop myself saying a lot more as it may be the case that Rom has influence with the moderators and I get banned!. Me being such a small cog in this machine and Rom being a much larger one. Not on cock size though Anyway, Rom can go off in his own little world. I was trying to add content to his subject matter. God knows, we need more posts on this forum! It can be a strange world in this place!
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