JaiDee Posted May 4, 2015 Share Posted May 4, 2015 OK, I will try to keep this brief because if it got too long it would turn most people off. But it turns out there are some going to be some kind of war games being played by the US Army down there in good ol' Texas - AKA, hell on earth. So the army is preparing for said exercises, and before they can even get their shit down there they already have blowback. See, the good ol' boys down there in the Worst state in the Nation think this is Obama's chance to come in and create Martial Law. And of course they have their hunting rifles and believe in the 2nd amendment, damn it! and will not allow this Kenyan Muslim to come in and take over the country starting in Balstrup county! So they are pushing back; and now even the Governor - yes, the chief executive, and of course an {R} - is getting involved, by calling up the Texas State Guard to kind of watch over the federal troops to make sure they don't put us all under their federal jackboots. It's true, there really are people this paranoid, crazy and dumb in this country. Thankfully [some of them] live in a state I wouldn't go to if you paid me. http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2015/05/02/403865824/texas-governor-deploys-state-guard-to-stave-off-obama-takeover Texas Governor Deploys State Guard To Stave Off Obama Takeover "Your letter pandering to idiots ... has left me livid," former state Rep. Todd Smith wrote Gov. Abbott. "I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn't have the backbone to stand up to those who do." 2 Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 Walker, Texas Ranger is now involved. http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/chuck-norris-jade-helm-15 ''Chuck Norris: Don't Trust The Gov't On A Possible Military Takeover Of Texas'' ''Some conspiracy theorists have warned that the exercise, which is set to take place later this year in Texas and six other western states, may lead to a covert takeover of some of those states. Last week, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ® ordered the State Guard to monitor the operation.'' Quote Link to comment
rxpharm Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 It's truly hard to comprehend that a significant % of the population believe this stuff. When the governor of Texas orders the National Guard to monitor the US army, this is truly bizarre - and then the Republican presidential hopefuls fall into line in order not to upset their base. Only in the USA! Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 Yeah, Ted Cruz is on board for sure.....but seriously RX, there are LEGIONS of people in this country who still believe that the mean black guy is coming to take their guns, their freedoms, have sex with their sisters, install communism and sharia law, wants to turn everyone gay and is basically worse than Darth Vader and Stalin all rolled into one. Texas is just one state of many, basically anything below the Mason-Dixon is TEA party territory and filled with toothless goobers who really think the mean ol' gub'mint wants to take them away to some FEMA death camp. And you can't talk sense to them or reason with them, we can only outvote them. Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 7, 2015 Share Posted May 7, 2015 Yikes http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/texas-ranger-drops-jade-helm-bombshell-there-are-trains-with-shackles-on-them_04292015 Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: “There Are Trains With Shackles On Them” See, these are the trains which are coming to take away anyone who dissents, Obama and company will take them to the camps......and yes, there are hundreds of thousands of people who really believe this stuff. Hell, maybe millions. Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 8, 2015 Share Posted May 8, 2015 Of course the best part is less than 10,000 troops deployed; what person wouldn't want to see all of our brave men and women in the armed forces back home where they belong? The rest are just the ancillary benefits of having a democrat in the WH. 2 Quote Link to comment
rxpharm Posted May 8, 2015 Share Posted May 8, 2015 Despite the improvements, a significant number of Americans believe Obama is the worst and most corrupt president ever, and that things are still bad. I think that if Mitt Romney won - things for the US would be much worse. History will probably end up showing that he was not the worst and most corrupt president in history, and not the best either. Quote Link to comment
stoolpusher Posted May 8, 2015 Share Posted May 8, 2015 Every government in every country are only there for them selves not for the people that supposedly vote them in and not one of them stick to the promises that got them elected in the first place . So my question is...... why vote. Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 a significant number of Americans believe Obama is the worst and most corrupt president ever, and that things are still bad. Can't help but thinking those are the same people who think the gub'mint is coming down to Texas to take over and who think we are all going to be led away in shackles to some death camp somewhere. And who have been saying Obama is a communist muslim homo marxist fascist since 2008, led by the likes of weirdo's like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. Hell, Obama could cure cancer AND give everyone health care, end all wars, heal sick puppies and bring back Jesus and they would still say he sucks. I have a friend, his wife works for the Union Leader, one of the most conservative newspapers in the whole country. William Loeb making Ed Muskie cry in 1972 before losing to Nixon is one of their proudest moments LOL.....anyway, this couple are hardcore righties, they even used to tell me how great Sarah Palin was .......recently, their boy needed expensive surgery and because he was only 23 years old he was all covered, 100%, because of Obamacare. Ironically, his mother's insurance coverage for that far-right-wing rag is very good, and under the ACA all children are covered till age 26 now. My friends are OK with Obama now, and they were gushing over how their son didn't see a penny of any bill; see, when something hits close to home like that, or when someone may need medicare or medicaid or unemployment because they lost their job or have come upon bad times, THEN socialism is just fine. Until that moment; evil. 1 Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 Every government in every country are only there for them selves not for the people that supposedly vote them in and not one of them stick to the promises that got them elected in the first place . So my question is...... why vote. Agree with what you say, but if for no other reason than to perform your civic duty. It's also a good feeling when you leave the voting booth, especially later on in the day when you see your guy or gal has won! Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 70 years ago today the Germans packed it in. Yanks celebrating in Times Square. Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 More updates on the US government about to declare martial law on its citizens, with Obama staying in power as a King or a dictator; you have been warned! This from LiberalTribune.com http://conservativetribune.com/17-video-martial-law/ ''These 17 videos on YouTube show that Jade Helm 15 — a set of special operations exercises many believe might be a precursor to martial law — isn’t anything to sneeze at.'' Quote Link to comment
ArchieBunker Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 Of course the best part is less than 10,000 troops deployed; what person wouldn't want to see all of our brave men and women in the armed forces back home where they belong? The rest are just the ancillary benefits of having a democrat in the WH. This is really dishonest. You do this all the time JD and it pisses me off. All this is a snap shot in one point in time without any context at all. Its totally unfair. Why didnt you post the same thing a couple of years earlier? Why, it doesnt fit your narrative does it?? Right before this point in time the Dow was at record levels. Would you give Bush credit for that? The huge financial meltdown was due to, for the most part, by the sub prime mortgage contagion. you can make an argument that the genesis of that can be traced to the Clinton Administration i.e. banks were coerced into giving loans to people they shouldnt have. you know even with the total train wreck of GDP results associated with the financial crisis, Obamas GDP results are about the same as Bush 43's. So basically Obama cannot even beat a "retard" like Bush when it comes to his administrations GDP rate. What does that make obama then?? Also you MUST know the simple 5.4% unemployment rate needs a little context. The labor participation rate is the lowest since the vaunted Carter administration in the late 70's. The media excoriated Bush 43 when he lowered taxes after the horrific 9-11-2001 attacks. The result of that were record revenues into the Treasury and greater than 3% GDP growth rates. you know the next time Obama achieves a greater than 3% GDP growth rate will be his first. Thats an indictment. Another thing that you always do that annoys me is you like to paint everyone on the right with the same broad brush. Thats the same thign bigots do. i should start doing the same thing. How about your fav reporter Matt Taibbi?? the guy writes for Rolling Stone. Rolling stone has done some awful, incompetent things lately. Since he is employed by Rolling Stone ergo anything he writes is bullshit/not valid. Your progressive buddies at MSNBC rail against the 1% and those who dont pay their "fair share". Lo and behold numerous gasbags over there dont pay the taxes they owe!!! what hypocrties!!! And dont get me started on the scum Al Sharpton. Not only does he have his own show over there, when he ran for president he was treated with respect and treated as an equal. Al Sharpton is actually an adviser to the president on race relations and has been feted at the White house on numerous occasions. Stop being dishonest. 1 Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 First off, all comparisons about presidents should be made AFTER their terms are done! Or close to it.......Obama has a year left; so when he is done, let's compare HIS full 8 years in office and then compare the full 8 years of Bush. And Clinton. And let's see where they all stand and how their records look. Saying Bush did well in his early years and we should base his presidency on THAT? Without mentioning what happened in 2007 and 2008? That's one of those "well, besides that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" His 8 years were a disaster we will be paying for for a very long time......including the very real possibility that our social security - yours, mine, everyones - will be raided to pay for 2 wars we were never even close to winning and only left the middle east worse than ever and the USA hated more than ever around the world. Oh, and there was also a little thing called the 2nd great depression; sure, go ahead and blame Clinton for something that happened in 2008; if you can say it with a straight face good for you. That clown practically destroyed our economy and even threw the whole world into freefall. Harry Truman once said; "the buck stops here." So what happens on your watch is your problem; same as Obama should not blame Bush for any of his failings, no way Bush should be blaming Clinton. When this election season starts in earnest, do you really think GW Bush will be out there campaigning for Jeb? No fucking way, he'd be an embarrassment; but you can damn well bet you will see Bill Clinton at practically every stop for Hillary. That little snapshot alone says a lot about which guy had a more successful presidency. As for lumping every R in the same boat; that's just plain not true. My brother-in-law is a hardcore rightie, more than you, and is also a retired Major from the USMC. He is calm and rational, reads the National Review, loved Buckley and Reagan, Grover Norquist, etc.....he's also one of the smartest people I know. Just happens to have different political views than I do; would I ever compare HIM to those losers in Texas who think Obama is coming to put them into a death camp? Or those weekend warrior militia men playing dress up at Bundy Ranch last summer? No way! You either, hell - anyone with a brain can see people like that are just scary caricatures of the far-right - but they are out there! And frankly they make your side look bad. My now-deceased Stepfather was also a Goldwater/Reagan guy and he was nothing like the people I see today, not even close. Give me some liberal comparisons......besides Charlie Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell latching on to some inane conspiracy plots about 9/11, because those people are just as crazy as the Jade Helm people. But go ahead and give me some others; name some websites and people who are out there screaming from the rooftops that the government will take over, who walk around with AK-47's on their shoulders at Target, who rip on transgender and gay people, who depend on the word of some 2000-year book, who want to regulate a women's body [based on said old book of fables], want to kick out all immigrants, build a 2000-mile fence, mock any and all attempts to keep the environment clean, want a war with Iran, etc.....if there are liberal comparisons, I'd love to see them! Sure, Rolling Stone and MSNBC are far-left and so are people like Mike Moore and Bill Maher. But never once do I remember them, during the Bush years, saying he was going to install Martial Law and install himself as a dictator, nor once did we ever see Democratic-led state militia's gearing up for all-out war with the government. Or pushing for more guns on the streets. Or against gay marriages. Or abortion. They made their points and told us why they didn't like him, but they didn't sound completely unhinged and off the wall. Sorry, but these people in Texas and the south these days ARE unhinged; unfortunately by being on their side on many issues lots of righties will get painted with the same brush. It's not my intention to put YOU in that category, hell of all the people I know at least you can debate rationally and with common sense, even if I disagree with you on most topics. Now, what's your opinion on Jade Helm? Training exercises or Obama taking over Texas? And seriously, why aren't the moderates in your party ..... say, O'Reilly and Geraldo and Krauthammer, Goldberg, etc....shouting down all the crazies who do make the R's look so bad? A FOX news expose on how and why those Jade Helm people look so weird would go a long way right now......they will happily send Jesse Watters to Vermont or to an Occupy Wall Street rally to show how funny the carrot-crunching liberals are, but not down to Texas to mock these fools? If they did maybe even *I* would start watching! 1 Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 Here is where you will spend the most - and the least - on petrol these days. Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 Just watched the replay of Bill Maher from last night; this clip is only 5 minutes and he mentions "Jade Helm" and why it makes Cons look pretty bad.....especially when the Governor of a state brings out the state National Guard to keep an eye on the government. Sigh. https://www.facebook.com/Maher/videos/10152917687087297/ Quote Link to comment
seven Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 Here is where you will spend the most - and the least - on petrol these days. How current is that chart? It feels like highway robbery everytime i fill my car up. I would've though we made top 10. Quote Link to comment
Tomcat Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 What about Beer then.. you guys are surely top of the Leaderboard on that one .. " At least Dick Turpin wore a mask ", as they say here . Four bottles of Bishops Finger in Stockholm 264 SEK (approx £25) Four bottles of Bishops Finger in London £3.99 (Approx 40SEK) Quote Link to comment
williethepimp Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 Here is where you will spend the most - and the least - on petrol these days. i suspected that your figures for the uk petrol prices were low.....so i went googled it...as you probably know (but i didnt)the Uk gallon and the US gallon are not the same.....the Uk gallon is approx 4.5 litres,and the US gallon ,only 3.8 litres !....So ,your figures are pretty much correct for the UK...It made me wonder why the UK and the US have different measurements of a gallon....? Quote Link to comment
seven Posted May 9, 2015 Share Posted May 9, 2015 What about Beer then.. you guys are surely top of the Leaderboard on that one .. " At least Dick Turpin wore a mask ", as they say here . Four bottles of Bishops Finger in Stockholm 264 SEK (approx £25) Four bottles of Bishops Finger in London £3.99 (Approx 40SEK) Probably. I don't go out, hardly ever drink except Jägermeister at home to keep me warm and sane. I think a draft beer is around £5 in clubs, but you can have an untaxed £2 beer and a prime sirloin steak for 5-6 euros which is actually horsemeat from Denmark or Poland at any of the countless syrians/balkans money laundry restaurants everywhere in Stockholm. Quote Link to comment
JaiDee Posted May 10, 2015 Share Posted May 10, 2015 Not sure about these measurements or prices, it's just a chart I found online! America didn't make either side; we are paying about 2.60 for a US gallon right now, which is very good. Quote Link to comment
ArchieBunker Posted May 10, 2015 Share Posted May 10, 2015 Here is where you will spend the most - and the least - on petrol these days. Now there really is only one reason why its so expensive in the top 10 countries-TAXES!!!!!! 1 Quote Link to comment
ArchieBunker Posted May 10, 2015 Share Posted May 10, 2015 First off, all comparisons about presidents should be made AFTER their terms are done! Or close to it.......Obama has a year left; so when he is done, let's compare HIS full 8 years in office and then compare the full 8 years of Bush. And Clinton. And let's see where they all stand and how their records look. Saying Bush did well in his early years and we should base his presidency on THAT? Without mentioning what happened in 2007 and 2008? That's one of those "well, besides that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" His 8 years were a disaster we will be paying for for a very long time......including the very real possibility that our social security - yours, mine, everyones - will be raided to pay for 2 wars we were never even close to winning and only left the middle east worse than ever and the USA hated more than ever around the world. Oh, and there was also a little thing called the 2nd great depression; sure, go ahead and blame Clinton for something that happened in 2008; if you can say it with a straight face good for you. That clown practically destroyed our economy and even threw the whole world into freefall. Harry Truman once said; "the buck stops here." So what happens on your watch is your problem; same as Obama should not blame Bush for any of his failings, no way Bush should be blaming Clinton. When this election season starts in earnest, do you really think GW Bush will be out there campaigning for Jeb? No fucking way, he'd be an embarrassment; but you can damn well bet you will see Bill Clinton at practically every stop for Hillary. That little snapshot alone says a lot about which guy had a more successful presidency. As for lumping every R in the same boat; that's just plain not true. My brother-in-law is a hardcore rightie, more than you, and is also a retired Major from the USMC. He is calm and rational, reads the National Review, loved Buckley and Reagan, Grover Norquist, etc.....he's also one of the smartest people I know. Just happens to have different political views than I do; would I ever compare HIM to those losers in Texas who think Obama is coming to put them into a death camp? Or those weekend warrior militia men playing dress up at Bundy Ranch last summer? No way! You either, hell - anyone with a brain can see people like that are just scary caricatures of the far-right - but they are out there! And frankly they make your side look bad. My now-deceased Stepfather was also a Goldwater/Reagan guy and he was nothing like the people I see today, not even close. Give me some liberal comparisons......besides Charlie Sheen and Rosie O'Donnell latching on to some inane conspiracy plots about 9/11, because those people are just as crazy as the Jade Helm people. But go ahead and give me some others; name some websites and people who are out there screaming from the rooftops that the government will take over, who walk around with AK-47's on their shoulders at Target, who rip on transgender and gay people, who depend on the word of some 2000-year book, who want to regulate a women's body [based on said old book of fables], want to kick out all immigrants, build a 2000-mile fence, mock any and all attempts to keep the environment clean, want a war with Iran, etc.....if there are liberal comparisons, I'd love to see them! Sure, Rolling Stone and MSNBC are far-left and so are people like Mike Moore and Bill Maher. But never once do I remember them, during the Bush years, saying he was going to install Martial Law and install himself as a dictator, nor once did we ever see Democratic-led state militia's gearing up for all-out war with the government. Or pushing for more guns on the streets. Or against gay marriages. Or abortion. They made their points and told us why they didn't like him, but they didn't sound completely unhinged and off the wall. Sorry, but these people in Texas and the south these days ARE unhinged; unfortunately by being on their side on many issues lots of righties will get painted with the same brush. It's not my intention to put YOU in that category, hell of all the people I know at least you can debate rationally and with common sense, even if I disagree with you on most topics. Now, what's your opinion on Jade Helm? Training exercises or Obama taking over Texas? And seriously, why aren't the moderates in your party ..... say, O'Reilly and Geraldo and Krauthammer, Goldberg, etc....shouting down all the crazies who do make the R's look so bad? A FOX news expose on how and why those Jade Helm people look so weird would go a long way right now......they will happily send Jesse Watters to Vermont or to an Occupy Wall Street rally to show how funny the carrot-crunching liberals are, but not down to Texas to mock these fools? If they did maybe even *I* would start watching! Counterpoint: You really think Obamas GDP growth rate will look a lot better in the 1.5 years he has left. the first quarter of 2015 saw a pathetic 0.2 growth rate. not good enough!!! Ok lets wait until Jan 2017. I would be willing to bet that Obamas GDP growth will be about equal to that "retard" Bush 43. Regarding your points on Social Security, years ago it was in a special "lock box". Guess who raided that lock box YEARS ago?? i will give you three guesses and the first two wont count. Thats a fact no conjecture here. BTW Social Security is a huge Ponzi scheme. When the shit hits the fan it will make what Bernie Madoff did look like a kid stealing penny candy from the Five and Dime. Both parties have its total extremes. We know that. Look at what the presumptive democratic presidential candidate is doing right now. I should start a thread of the stupid shit leftists say and do. I wouldnt have to go further than MSNBC and New Yorks mayor. 1 Quote Link to comment
Pdoggg Posted May 10, 2015 Share Posted May 10, 2015 Social Security, Wages above $118,000 are exempt from Social Security contributions. One way to fix Social Security is to stop subsidizing the rich with this exemption. 1 Quote Link to comment
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