Same-Sex Sellout in Ireland
by Aidan O'Brien
On Tuesday, November 17, Cormac Gollogly married Richard Dowling in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. This was Ireland’s first gay wedding. It followed the May 22 referendum that constitutionalised same-sex marriage in Ireland. What appears humane however is tinged with corruption. The fact is that the opportunism and venality that made Ireland infamous during the financial bubble a decade ago has been sublimated and now manifests itself in gay pride. In other words Ireland’s new found love affair with homosexuality has nothing to do with human rights and everything to do with homo-capitalism.
and a book review
Chronicle of Sex Reassignment Surgery: Juliet Jacques’s “Trans: a Memoir”
by Charles R. Larson November 27, 2015
There’s something downright depressing about Juliet Jacques’s account of her transition from male to female, because Jacques himself is depressed, at least when he’s still a male. And, still, Jacques’s Trans is also transformative, exhilarating, uplifting. It’s the mixture of the two that will have you riveted to the story much of the time, not because it is voyeuristic (it is not) but, rather, because another human being has acted courageously, written about it so that others may be informed, and mostly come out the other side of the operation into a better world than he knew before. ...