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Torurot last won the day on February 16 2015

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  1. "What say you?" Brother! Has no effect on me who they WERE with
  2. I got the cabin crew who finally got the captain who gave the arsehole an ultimatum to move to the correct seat or be removed from the plane.
  3. Drinks are way more profitable for a bar than barfines
  4. Ha, just wait until they turn on "Blue Thunder's" whisper mode There is no escape.
  5. Some great advice in this thread. Always carried the passport copy + the hotel card with it, but didn't think about the insurance details Any helmet is better than no helmet especially at low speed. You may still get concussion if you hit the deck, but far less likely to get your skull stove in when you hit the immovable object.
  6. Same-Sex Sellout in Ireland http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/11/27/same-sex-sellout-in-ireland/ by Aidan O'Brien Dublin. On Tuesday, November 17, Cormac Gollogly married Richard Dowling in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. This was Ireland’s first gay wedding. It followed the May 22 referendum that constitutionalised same-sex marriage in Ireland. What appears humane however is tinged with corruption. The fact is that the opportunism and venality that made Ireland infamous during the financial bubble a decade ago has been sublimated and now manifests itself in gay pride. In other words Ireland’s new found love affair with homosexuality has nothing to do with human rights and everything to do with homo-capitalism. and a book review Chronicle of Sex Reassignment Surgery: Juliet Jacques’s “Trans: a Memoir” http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/11/27/chronicle-of-sex-reassignment-surgery-juliet-jacquess-trans-a-memoir/ by Charles R. Larson November 27, 2015 There’s something downright depressing about Juliet Jacques’s account of her transition from male to female, because Jacques himself is depressed, at least when he’s still a male. And, still, Jacques’s Trans is also transformative, exhilarating, uplifting. It’s the mixture of the two that will have you riveted to the story much of the time, not because it is voyeuristic (it is not) but, rather, because another human being has acted courageously, written about it so that others may be informed, and mostly come out the other side of the operation into a better world than he knew before. ...
  7. Vaginas are not often mentioned on this site Just in case you feel the need to use one Vagina Emojis Are Here! http://www.womenyoushouldknow.net/vagina-emojis-are-here/
  8. One of the stone masons was making a political statement
  9. Torurot


    George Cole RIP and a great actor. Played the amazing Arthur Daley, from Minder. Shady wheeler dealer.
  10. Forgot to add the other link to my previous post Android Developers forum forum.xda-developers.com
  11. A couple of old links that may add some light. http://rootzwiki.com/topic/29256-tutorial-rootrecoverybootloader-unlockicsjb-verizon-galaxy-s-iii/
  12. Torurot

    Pantip Plaza

    I loved going there and spent a fair bit of money on "stuff" as well as saving a lot on "stuff". Similar to the place in Singapore (can't remember it's name), and there was/is one in Taipei too. All multiple floors of amazing electronics & parts of all kinds If you can't find it in either three places it probably hasn't been invented yet.
  13. I saw 25, how do you get 40?
  14. >Has anybody seen any episodes of CSI: Cybercrimes? Yep, don't enjoy it. The plot lines are "thin" and contrived. Disappointing
  15. One of the more statuesque Casanova BKK ladies had about 200+ Farang cock pictures on her smart phone in various stages of standing/slackness &etc
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