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SiamSam last won the day on March 15 2019

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  1. Yes. A Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, and a Healthy New Year to all of you.
  2. An absolutely fine roster of talent. Happy and safe holidays to you all also.
  3. In memory of my good friend ETgohm, I too will raise a glass to him back here in his home country. He is missed. May he be resting in peace.
  4. Quite a charming lady. I can only imagine what is in store for this poor sap down the line. Oy-vay...
  5. SiamSam


    For those who care (I certainly don't) however I thought worth mentioning, Charles Manson just died at age 83.
  6. Yes it is Ratchathewi. I found this little blurb: Ratchathewi BTS Station is just a few minutes’ walk to Pratunam – the epicentre of wholesale clothing and wacky street fashion. If the thoughts of ladyboys with tremendous stage talent pique your curiosity, head over to Calypso Cabaret at the station’s very doorstep. Elsewhere, there is also the lively Coco Walk (exit 4), which is comprised of rows of fun Thai-style pubs with live music, cheap drinks and live sports on the weekend. For those wanting to access the popular Pantip Plaza (electronics) as wells as Platinum Fashion Mall and Pratunam Market, then Ratchathewi BTS is your closest option. However, these malls are still around 5 or 10 minutes walk, or around 2 minutes by taxi. Please be advised that this area can become very busy during rush hour, and is particularly prone to long traffic jams.
  7. It's "Pantip Plaza" PD. https://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://static.asiawebdirect.com/m/bangkok/portals/bangkok-com/homepage/shopping-mall/pantip-plaza/pagePropertiesImage/pantip-plaza.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.bangkok.com/shopping-mall/pantip-plaza.htm&h=819&w=1230&tbnid=KRblMeOyifqnbM:&tbnh=133&tbnw=200&usg=__3xeuARxhnaEdvui4ir1Cqf5w2bs=&vet=10ahUKEwjqsejL5LHXAhXDjVQKHYDbAyAQ_B0IfzAK..i&docid=1chrbTUGGwWRpM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqsejL5LHXAhXDjVQKHYDbAyAQ_B0IfzAK
  8. The older I get the more I realize the old adage "everything comes home to roost eventually" is a truism if there ever was one. It's just a matter of time. President Twitter will be no exception.
  9. SiamSam


    Fats Domino dead at 89 http://www.tmz.com/2017/10/25/fats-domino-dead-dies/
  10. I got it free with my service plan when I purchased my iPhone 2 years ago so I have had it without commercials as a result. The anniversary date is November 22nd this year so we'll see what happens after that. It may continue as is or resort to the free option which means commercials every so many minutes. Up until now it has been terrific. You can find anything you want that has ever been recorded. Enjoy Willie.
  11. I've been using Spotify for over 2 years now. Very happy with it.
  12. Well that certainly burst my bubble, Boo Hoo...
  13. Goodness gracious me. Quite remarkable transitions to say the least. Especially the little chap on the horse.
  14. Nice white ones Mr. Duke.
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