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Daddy Complex
Pulci Gorgon replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
I had long hesitated between both videos. I think I preferred the one I posted because of the quality of the image. "Khan hu" in Thai means "itchy ears" when translated to the letter. The original song "คันหู" was created in 1992by the singer Luang Varisara. At that time "itchy ears" meant her ears were burning. That was a fairly soft song unless she meant she wanted to point out something. But the song says "I have itchy ears" then develops the "problem" and in the end, the singer sings she needs some one to help her cure the problem. In 2011, Ja (or Jae), a talented singing or "Turbo" band changed the style. In Thai slang or popular language, ears mean the pussy (as the nose used to be the dick in some European language. So one can easily understand how Jae changed the meaning of the song. Her performance was posted in YouTube and the song became a success. I found more than 20 videos in YouTube. Jae made money but the conservative Thai society found it so shocking that she had to apologize on Television. I found at least 3 scene performance with Jae and probably more than 20 if I add other Thai singers. Back to the topic. If I got it well (), the topic is based on psy(chology) and a Daddy's complex. Here is what I found about it. Of course Daddy (Rom) may argue he's done it before with Kim Jong One -
Daddy Complex
Pdoggg replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
In this version she's wearing denim bottoms instead of red. -
Daddy Complex
Pulci Gorgon replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
Not on my first Bangkok night, but from my first night in Thailand (in Pattaya) till I reached Bangkok again. I can't forget an old traditional Thai song 'Itchy Ears' revamped and performed in an Isaan rock version by Jade and the Turbo band." -
Daddy Complex
Pdoggg replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
no problem. For the record....I am against any drug that forms an addiction. That means Beth is out. The only drugs with addictive properties I have done are alcohol and Ketamine. Honestly.....they are shit too. Both of them. Alcohol is so hard on the body..... and K is so fucked. But that night at Lusi Mustang's apartment which went to the next day was a combo of: 1. MDMA 2. Ketamine 3. Maybe Viagra..... I can't recall. totally crazy. I think that night formed a pillar of my memories to masturbate by for the next 8 years.... I think that was like 2004 so the jacking off continued from that nights memories till like 2012 because of that wondrous drug fueled night of Bangkok sex with the hottest LB the nation had to offer at that time.....IMHO. Everyone remembers the BKK song on their first BKK night......but that night at Lusi Mustang's apartment I actually lived it (and absolutely no Yaba was had): "One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free You'll find a god in every golden cloister And if you're lucky then the god's a she I can feel an angel sliding up to me" -
Daddy Complex
Zeppie replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
probably a good time to drop it and keep it dropped..... -
Daddy Complex
Rom replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
Thanks The-Sith for taking the time to dissert on my post. It made me realize I hit a raw nerve and am left scratching my head as I thought you had all but admitted to partying with the ladyboys under the effect of what I alluded to. Inter alia, I recall you posting how you missed your flight home because you were conked out with Lusi. Am I misrepresenting that too? I am myself a blunt aficcionado and never have I seen much interest in it from my sissies in TH and PH. It's the crystal beth (yaba/chabu) they seek. Please accept my apologies. -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
@Rom First let me congratulate you on your very attractive, youthful "daddygirls." >>THANKS MAN!! It took me a lot of work to make these things happen. I was going to talk about them in a TR about girlfriends and p4p combined but decided to focus in something more fun for me..."The Psychology" behind an older man like me (significantly older by American standards) getting sexy youthful girls (with cocks). +++++++ I believe you that you accomplish and maintain "Friends With Benefits (FWBs)" with them without money being transacted for the sex. >>YES! IT WAS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT.....especially when my over arching policy is to ALWAYS pay money. Because if you don't pay money with girls.... you will be forced to pay in some other way.....like "Fatal Attraction" or nagging or some other way girls make men pay for their pussy. My preference is to pay even with these FWBs.... but if I continue to push they will leave me. +++++++ But I am also experienced enough to know you are generously spending on them while they are in your company: fine dining, clubs and hotels, possibly gifts and travel, >>PARTIALLY TRUE. PARTIALLY UNTRUE. A TYPICAL DATE WITH THE SITH IS SOMETHING I CALL "A SIX-PACK AND A BLOW JOB". Since the age of 19, my dates try to focus on having the girl come to my place and have six beers with me and blow me. This was my overriding method for years until I strayed from this policy and started buying dinners and spending money on them (around the age of 30) and man is that ever a LOSER METHOD. I wanted to have longer term relationships and my youthful looks were fading and so I thought money would help by nice dinners and flowers....etc.... that is the fastest path to going home and masturbating. The woman loses respect RIGHT away for you. it's the kiss of death for a relationship. So after 2 years of that and learning my lesson hard (and then reading several years later in PUA literature why it's wrong and why women lose respect).....I went back to A SIX PACK & A BLOWJOB method. Yet by that time I had incorporated red wine/liquor.... weed.... and sometimes mdma (very rarely). But the basic Sith date for at least the first 2 or 4 dates and the vast majority of the dates thereafter is A SIX PACK & A BLOW JOB. It's back at my place where we get a bit intoxicated and we fuck. That's it. No matter if the girl is No Money or p4p. So EVERY GIRL you see that I posted is exactly that. NO MONEY except for a bottle of wine or some Uber Eats takeout/room service or some weed or some taxi fare or whatever. I NEVER EVER MAKE the mistake of fine dining gifts hotels etc.... unless THE SITH wants to do it for them. NEVER FOR THE PURPOSE of getting pussy. Because it's a failed method. And I learned the lesson at an early age. So the first 2 to 4 dates never involve money dropped unless it's p4p. Read any PUA master and it's Rule 1. But you are also partially correct because after 3 to 5 meet ups I will open up the wallet. Depending on how I feel. For the first picture of the black girl with the massive cock...... I never spent a dime on her. She always refused straight cash. We met on Tinder and she came over to my house fuck the first date. All our dates were a more sophisticated version of A SIX PACK & A BLOW JOB date. The only expensive thing with her later in our relationship was hotel I was staying at or order-in food. But hotel doesn't count. And order in is rarely a lot. Same with the Two Thai LBs. Of course I have bought food and drinks for the girls in my hotel or on a date......but that is a constant for any male-female relationship. I did buy a luxury bag for the longer term Thai LB because I hadn't seen her since covid. But that's cuz The Sith wanted to do something nice to show my appreciation to her for 6 years of meet ups. We still would have banged if that gift wasn't there. Because this girl and I have never been about sex and good times....... and I guess that's why we continue. Maybe she likes me because I'm different from other guys who are dropping big money to impress her. I don't play that. +++++ and that other recreational indulgence I don't feel at liberty to suggest you do with your FWBs but that rhymes with Cristal Beth. >> YOU HAVE BROUGHT THIS UP BEFORE AND IVE MADE IT CLEAR THAT I am opposed to Beth. It repulses me in every facet and you look at the pictures of these girls and you should be able to tell by the glow on their faces (except for maybe the raver girl i met only a few times).... these girls wouldn't touch that shit. But I know I have told you this before and you are bringing this up to be antagonistic so I'll just leave it be. The only reason I bothered to write a response to this statement is because I do love drugs and they are a part of my game. But weed (which HURRAY IS LEGAL NOW IN THAILAND!) is a totally different thing than Beth. And The Sith has zero nexus with Beth. And you already know that. So next time you say something to antagonize.... which I'm betting you will..... I'll just let it be. Because this is LBR and we want to keep everything chill on this Forum and you are an OG too. And it won't be good for the environment if I start to antagonize you. +++++ I would guess a night out on the town with one of those babes you posted did not set The-Sith back less than 500 US and that such carefree spending is for you as much part of the thrill as is the ensuing sex ... am I right or am I wrong? >>> USUALLY NOT .... if my hotel in BKK or wherever is not included.... then it's about $100 in total for wine and order-in food and a little bit of weed and lube and condoms. This is 80% of the dates. BUT IF WE GO OUT....which is rare because dates usually focus on the sex and intimacy..... then the night would be $300 to $800. Things are expensive these days and a nice dinner is $500 in itself. So sometimes it's more than the $500 you said. +++++ Second, I would like to remind that I was perhaps the first punter to cast himself as a "Daddy" in ladyboy boards, namely my defunct "Daddy Rom" persona at PY. I recall doing an essay there simiar to what you have done above attributing much of my success with youthful asian prostis to me opportunistically fullfilling the fatherly deficits in their lives. Both emotionally and materially without actually giving them more cash than a father would give in stipend to a daughter, while spending freely and cheerfully on them in clubs, pool bars, street vendors, etc. They catch on to the game fast and know not to ask or expect much money from me in the morning while giving me (and themselves!) the illusion of GFE and wanting to stick around LT and travel with me. >>THAT GFE TO ME IS PRICELESS. THE FEELING THEY GIVE is everything for me. It's the difference between a mediocre time and a spectacular time for The Sith. Anything below spectacular is a waste of my time.....so whatever it takes to get that vibe going....even with whores....I will do. Otherwise I can just masturbate. So Rom I would encourage you to find that post or even add an updated write up in this thread. My goal is to crystallize the concept so it can be applied by me and you and the BMs almost like a manual that can be referred to. The result of Daddy-Daughter sex is mind blowing. So I hope all horny men of all nationalities can benefit. Please post here.....i welcome the contribution! +++++ Third, I would just share the first time I was called "Daddy" was on the PH where elderly foreigners are routinely called that by the young even in non-sexual contexts. In fact I was only in my 30s and took it as a term of endearment be it from the GGs sleeping with me or restaurant/bar waitresses I had never seen before or get intimate with. In fact, as I write these words I am in a Manila room with a GG 49 yo (almost as old as me) who also calls me Daddy (and only Daddy). The Thais don't do it to me so often, but one who did was the lovely Noon (Cascade circa 2004) that I often bring up in my exchanges with The-Sith to gloat she fell head over heels for me and it was a "Daddy thing" for sure. That's all The-Sith. You are mongering on a farang sissy plateau the rest of us don't or can't aspire to. Party on! >>PARTY ON! NOON is one of the greatest superstars of the Golden Years....only a few lads on this site had the pleasure to know. She may have been the top "uber feminine" LB of that time with a functional dick and a peach for a face. I'm so lucky I got to spend time with her. I never got to know her like you did and I never pulled out the Daddy schtick with her..... but you doing it with her is proof positive to its power. She is so hot that one time my friend was going thru my PC at home and found some shots I had taken of Noon (with clothing) and he kept looking at the pictures.....I had taken him for his first trips to Thailand and I was shagging LBs back then but with him and me I only did GGs..... he kept looking at her photos and maybe suspected but definitely nothing conclusive because he would have said something. That's now feminine and passable Noon is. PARTY ON ROM AND ALL DADDY'S OUT THERE!! Daddy Complex is next level shit and also the basic level shit at the same time. -
Daddy Complex
Rom replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
First let me congratulate you on your very attractive, youthful "daddygirls." I believe you that you accomplish and maintain "Friends With Benefits (FWBs)" with them without money being transacted for the sex. But I am also experienced enough to know you are generously spending on them while they are in your company: fine dining, clubs and hotels, possibly gifts and travel, and that other recreational indulgence I don't feel at liberty to suggest you do with your FWBs but that rhymes with Cristal Beth. I would guess a night out on the town with one of those babes you posted did not set The-Sith back less than 500 US and that such carefree spending is for you as much part of the thrill as is the ensuing sex ... am I right or am I wrong? Second, I would like to remind that I was perhaps the first punter to cast himself as a "Daddy" in ladyboy boards, namely my defunct "Daddy Rom" persona at PY. I recall doing an essay there similar to what you have done above attributing much of my success with youthful asian prostis to me opportunistically fullfilling the fatherly deficits in their lives. Both emotionally and materially without actually giving them more cash than a father would give in stipend to a daughter, while spending freely and cheerfully on them in clubs, pool bars, street vendors, etc. They catch on to the game fast and know not to ask or expect much money from me in the morning while giving me (and themselves!) the illusion of GFE and wanting to stick around LT and travel with me. Third, I would just share the first time I was called "Daddy" was on the PH where elderly foreigners are routinely called that by the young even in non-sexual contexts. In fact I was only in my 30s and took it as a term of endearment be it from the GGs sleeping with me or restaurant/bar waitresses I had never seen before or get intimate with. In fact, as I write these words I am in a Manila room with a GG 49 yo (almost as old as me) who also calls me Daddy (and only Daddy). The Thais don't do it to me so often, but one who did was the lovely Noon (Cascade circa 2004) that I often bring up in my exchanges with The-Sith to gloat she fell head over heels for me and it was a "Daddy thing" for sure. That's all The-Sith. You are mongering on a farang sissy plateau the rest of us don't or can't aspire to. Party on! -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
maybe I will change in the future.....However I enjoy being with Trans and LBs for fun. Not for a long term commitment. A. Trans/LBs for me are for fucking. For partying. For conversation. B. plus I'd rather stick my cock in a vagina over an asshole. It feels better. It's cleaner. And the angle is better for emotional connection if you do missionary. C. I also can feel love for Trans/LBs but I've never been IN LOVE where I want to be with them everyday. I have no interest to live with one and spend all day and every day with one. I have been this way with GGs before. D. plus GGs can produce offspring. That's the main reason to stay with a GG.....IMHO. With that said.... I can say that some of my best times and just unbridled sex and no holds barred fun is with Trans/LBs. Especially Thai LBs. They are so much fun. They have had decades of social acceptance and they are cool with themselves and they are super hot and feminine yet (as a super cool LB said to me recently) LBs "can do anything". It's true. LBs can do anything. They can do all the wild sex. They can take any adventure. They can drink and do drugs and are cool with music too. They never ever act coy. They are not high maintenance (post ops can be very high maintenance) and they are cool with everything..... including money and terms of the bargain. Because they have elements of a male rational mind that does not waste time with drama. I love Thai LBs. -
Daddy Complex
Zeppie replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
But I'm not capable at this stage of having a long term serious relationship with a Ladyboy where we live together and see each other every day. I can do that with a GG but not an LB. kinda surprised to hear that from you.. I can't bottom with her it's too massive. I'm always banging her or we are sucking each other off. Her tits are amazing and I try to keep her walking around my house in a bikini because she looks so hot in one. Since we are now acquaintances. I am will to help and take one for the team....or two... She totally took charge when we met up recently. She made me suck her dick and fucked my ass. I didn't know she was a top because we did the entire Daddy Daughter thing which we both love and she would receive. But I guess she is exclusively too now. And because I dig her so much I was cool with that. We still played Daddy Daughter but with Daughter fucking Daddy. You're credited with the creation of the first, "The-Sithssy..." -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
thanks Zeppie.... yah the first two are keepers. I was chatting with the first one today. I am in love with both of them. But I'm not capable at this stage of having a long term serious relationship with a Ladyboy where we live together and see each other every day. I can do that with a GG but not an LB. Yet I definitely feel something in my heart for these two. The first one is so fucking cool and her energy is so dope and she's always smiling....and her dick is a monster. I can't bottom with her it's too massive. I'm always banging her or we are sucking each other off. Her tits are amazing and I try to keep her walking around my house in a bikini because she looks so hot in one. She is actually like a trophy girlfriend she is so stunning and her vibe is so great. Having her in your arm....where she is taller than me....especially in heals is a spectacle. I remember the first time we met was on Tinder. She was on holiday in Florida and it was the day she was to fly home and she decided to come over to my house to fuck before her flight. Just from a Tinder swipe and some pictures and texts. It was the best decision she made because we became a thing after that. Not because she looks beautiful.... it's because her energy is so amazing. The second one I have posted many pictures and some TR reports of her on the other board. She really blew my mind when we first met and she is forever in my heart. I will likely see her forever....or at least while she looks acceptable as a sexy female....which maybe could be as long as another 15 years. She blew my mind when we first met back in 2017. We met on Thaifriendly.....she was a university student and just got her tit job and her boobs were busting out her university uniform top that was made for a flat chested girl. I showed her the ways of The Sith. and we hung out a lot over the time of my trip....eventhough I boned at least a dozen other girls during that 10 day period. I spent the last night with her before my trip ended. I had no ability to fuck her because my cock was pretty much I'm shambles after the fuck fest of that week and a half. But she said to me as she said bye to me in the morning that she PROMISED me that she would be more and more lady when I returned to see her. Those words she lived by. She became sexier and sexier each time I visited BKK again. I loved being with her and watch her evolution. We even met up in Europe together because she was modeling there and I happened to have a business trip in the area. But covid cut us off for 3 years. And now I see her and she is more stunning than ever and better than these pictures reveal. She totally took charge when we met up recently. She made me suck her dick and fucked my ass. I didn't know she was a top because we did the entire Daddy Daughter thing which we both love and she would receive. But I guess she is exclusively too now. And because I dig her so much I was cool with that. We still played Daddy Daughter but with Daughter fucking Daddy. She treated me just like I use to treat GGs in college. I'd rail them on the coach and up against the mirror and then she took me to the window and said.....Enjoy the view of Bangkok. And there I was getting my ass rammed by this sexy babe over looking Lumpini Park from my hotel room. I had first gone there around the age of 20 or 21 when I was a young wide eyed lad. Never could I imagine 37 years later i would be getting my ass stuffed by a sexy 25 year old model looking over its wonderous green spaces, lakes and fountains. What a hottie. -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
Definitely 6 years is long term girlfriend. that's almost marriage! And all the girls who leave Isaan and Laos get lonely. And I'm sure Woodie has helped a lot of those sexy babes deal with their loneliness!!! I'm not necessarily talking about Lonley..... I'm talking about doing the Daddy types of things.....particularly when cuddling with her and kissing her and then ultimately when you are fucking her........ that will drive her insane. -
Daddy Complex
Zeppie replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
Daddy Complex
Woodie replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
I think my over 6 year relationship with a lb qualifies as long term. Finished now but we still talk. Her relationship with her father always seemed ok. I dont know whether I was filling a void,(excuse the pun), with our connection. It did not seem to be that way. It was emotional and also that I was filling the financial void that the family had. All out of work through covid etc.. Anyway, not my concern now even though I still miss her. Have another connection now, but that is strictly financial. She does the job for me, ie she keeps me connected with the lb world while I am far away. Girls that leave their homes in Isaan or Laos etc., must have times of loneliness no matter what is going on around them. Maybe we compensate a little?. -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
DADDY COMPLEX PART III What's the result of applying Daddy Complex to Ladyboys without money? Many of you believe it's an impossibility. 'No LB/Trans woman in her 20s will shag you for free'..... many mongers will say. I shall retort: au contraire, mon frère! Yes Money is important. But when you give girls the feeling they need.... you do NOT need to include money. So long as the feeling you give them is authentic (and they like it). I know some may think I'm getting the girls by paying extra money....and I ALWAYS try to give girls money. But some refuse 100%. So here are three current LB/Trans girlfriends of mine. I was going to save these photos for a TR I was working on entitled "THREE GIRLFRIENDS & 12 WHORES" but I am not really into writing about TRs currently. What motivates me is the psychology behind the adventures and sharing some insights....mostly because by writing them out...I can get more precise in MY OWN understanding of what makes GGs and Ladyboys tick. So maybe I'll write more about my three LB girlfriends at a later date....but here are three girls.....one in the US and two in Thailand who I have been seeing on multiple occasions and they always have refused to take any money from me. They just want the feelings I described. First my American Trans Girlfriend (No Money). We have been meeting up whenever we are in the same vicinity for the past 2 years. She's super cool. She calls herself a "Bikini Bottom". Second my BKK Ladyboy girlfriend. We have been getting together for 6 years now. No Money. I took her virginity when she was 19. And would fuck her mostly and sometimes she would fuck me. But I found out recently from her that she is exclusively top with other guys. On our last date.....she picked me up in her Mercedes. It fucking blew my mind because I first thought her parents had driven her to my hotel.... because she jumped out of the right front seat to hug me. So I asked her if it was her parents. But then realized it was her car and we were in Thailand. I have no idea how she is so rich at the age of 25. She tells me she makes her money from modeling. But it's certainly not from P4P because she never takes my cash. Third LB girlfriend. Met at a rave in Samui and we had a romance. I can't say she is my girlfriend because I'm not certain I'll call her again....like the two sweet darlings above..... but we met at a rave....she wanted to go home with me....we banged....and we saw each other 3 more times .....all for no pay. So I guess that's 'girlfriend'. Her background is crazy interesting. I'll report more some day. Fourth GG girlfriend....No Money. I've posted this girls photos before. She LOVES Daddy. She never takes money. She just loves to suck Daddy's cock. Super hot. Have been seeing her for 3 years now. Fifth Girlfriend..... For money. This is an amatuer that I do pay money on a per meet basis to. First time we got together.....i have her $150 for her taxi home. Next time i doubled it. Now i try to slip her $300 to $500 whebnever we get together because she totally needs it and i like her. She is a GG and we have had some of the craziest Daddy Daughter sessions and orgies too. She goes totally wild when I can touch her in a way she needs from her deep Daddy Complex. I've had some of the best times with her going on about 2 years. The minute Daddy calls.... she is at the door ready to please!!! I would say out of all these girls she has given me the best times. -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
DADDY COMPLEX PART II When I say "girls in their prime sexual age and beauty........... seek........The Sith" ........of course I am also referring to all the BMs on this site who have the ability to fulfill the role of Daddy to the girl. Girls with a Daddy Complex seek all of us. That's the reason why BMs read this post. Not just because it's a question asked by Zeppie and also an interesting read while taking a dump or while in an UBER, but it's advice on how to get hotter poon and to unlock the vagina (and ass) juices of that hot poon. That's the common goal that unites all BMs on this Forum. It doesn't matter how long you want to be the girl's Daddy. It can be for one night only. it can be for months. it can be a long term or even permanent relationship. whatever you and her choose. the more neglected the girl was by her Daddy....or more importantly, the more the girl "Perceives" she was neglected, the larger the void. And the corrollary of that is the 'The larger the void, the more insatiable the desire to get Daddy's approval, to make him happy'. Any man who can deliver this feeling these hundreds of millions of girls so deeply desire, the more insatiable that poon will be to open her legs and take your Daddy cock into her hungry vagina and curious asshole. To take your meat and seed deep into their belly.... and take it all the way into their yearning heart. To fulfill that void. To make them feel whole. Any man who has devoured a humongous set of tits with reckless abandon to the point of suffocation knows exactly what this means from a male perspective. A big voluptuous set of milkers can drive men back to their deepest needs. Yet this post is called Daddy Complex and not Mommy Complex. URBAN DADDY COMPLEX If you live in a major urban center of your country, like New York or Los Angeles or Miami or San Francisco.... or London....or Bangkok....or Paris....or Tokyo.....or whereever... the more propensity you will find girls with a Daddy Complex. Because these urban centers are filled with girls who flew the coup and left the nest to make it on their own because they were infatuated by the bright lights of the big city. But reality was not the same. They feel lonely. They feel financial difficulties. They make stupid mistakes. They are tired from working harder than ever. They feel insecure and unsafe. And they want Daddy to make it all go away. Even if it's just for one night. Many women were totally tricked by Hollywood by TV Shows like Sex In the City. They left their boyfriends and hometowns to seek their dreams in big cities like Manhattan and London and Bangkok. They believed they can buy shoes and purses with reckless abandon and that there would be a Mr. Big waiting for them there. In fact, the most iconic relationship which permeates the entire Sex in the City series is the relationship between the protagonist in that series (I can't remember her name but it's the blonde curly haired ugly girl who looks like a horse..... Carrie?)... and a man who is significantly older than her called "Mr. Big". Not only was the protagonist infactuated by Mr Big, but so were all her friends. Even the hot older one played by Kim Cattral. Of course, in addition to Mr Big being an older man who makes the girl feel safe, there is a financial component to Mr. Big's iconic character. Money is definitely an important component of being a Daddy. Because these girls were taken care of by their real Fathers at home. Money fell from the sky on to their laps for almost no effort. Toys, clothing, allowance.... all those things a girl got use to for nothing in return in her youth except for Daddy's approval. That's one of the roles of a Daddy.... to financially support his Daughter. And in the case of delivering that Daddy Complex feeling, money SOMETIMES plays a role. It doesn't need to be a lot of money. A lot of money is more in the line of a "Sugar Daddy". Thats a subset of the Daddy Complex but the money is not absolutely necessary to trigger a younger girls Daddy Complex. The items I said above are way more important because she is fulfilling an emotional need. And money comes into play to specifically fulfill that emotional need. It signals the things I have listed a couple of paragraphs below to the girl which helps her fill that void. I always try to pay money. I also try to focus on amatuers and semi amateurs when I can.....but insist to pay them something. Most of the time girls and Ladyboys will take money. Especially when there is a big age difference. But there are some girls I regularly bang or even bang once in a while in their 20s who always refuse money. And so I no longer try to get them to take it. So Money is recommended to apply to the trigger of Daddy Complex because money certainly gets the pussy juices flowing. And what's a good thing about every BM on this site that distinguishes you from most blokes out there? We all have zero quams about giving girls money.....in exchange for sex. So we already check off one of the important components of Daddy Complex. You do NOT need to involve money. But I would advise it. And more importantly, if you agree to a certain amount of money....let her know there will be a generous tip at the end if she does a great job. That will show you are generous and want to take care of her. It will send her many important signals that will let you slide into that role as a Daddy. Namely: 1. You appreciate her 2. You are a kind guy 3. You are generous 4. She can trust you and she can feel safe with you 5. You take that extra step to take care of her and protect her. She will love this point the most. And her performance will crush. And make sure you pay the extra if she deserves it. Be generous. Thats super important. Because you are getting more than the bargained price if she opens up her daughter heart to you and treats you like Daddy. And also generosity brings out the Daddy vibe in you as a male. You need to be authentic about delivering the Daddy vibe....that you care about them....even for one night. Because the more they feel that....the more insatiable their desires will be and the more unbridled they will reciprocate with their submissive feminine sexuality. LADYBOYS & DADDY COMPLEX No where is the Daddy Complex MORE complex than with Ladyboys and Trans women who transitioned while living at home. In many cases, a Father faced with the possibility that their son may not be that masculine can be daunting. For a Father to learn that your son at his core is actually a girl, even for the most stoic or most progressive man can be devastating and something to aggressively reject. And hence with a Ladyboy, the void that needs to be filled can even be deeper and more perverse than a GG. Some Father's of Ladyboys are ok with their son's transition. Most are not. At the point that it's not just a void that needs to be filled, it's an absolute necessity that this "girl" needs to feel the approval and affection from her Daddy. Because her whole life from the day the Father got suspicious related to the masculinity of his son....to the very day you are plowing their sexy Ladyboy asshole.... many of these girls were 100% rejected by their Father's. And that universally needed affection of a Daddy needs to be filled.... one... ....inch... ........at......a.....time. (to be continued) -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
(Thanks to @Pdoggg for helping move this topic) -
Daddy Complex
The-Sith replied to The-Sith's topic in Chronicles of The Sith's Darth Vag (Tales of GG Tang)
DADDY COMPLEX PART I Daddy Complex is one of the most iconic psychological phenomenons in humans. It is like the inverse of Oedipus Rex, a Greek play by Sophocles ... and actually "oedipus complex" relates to both boys and girls. All girls desire love from their Daddy. Almost all girls, whether warranted or not.... do not receive sufficient love from their Daddy (what I mean by that is they may have gotten a lot of love from their Daddy but in their 'girl' mind they didn't get it). Men can show love in a lot of ways that females may not equate to 'love' and so the deficiency is perceived. irregardless, there are hundreds of millions of women who have now left the nest and are into perpetuity seeking that love from their Daddy. To be cuddled. To have attention. To be acknowledged. To be told they are a good girl. To make Daddy happy. and so on and so on that the feed back loop they are seeking is infinite as a female mind is infinite in its emotional expansiveness and also emptiness. simply put..... they are for ever and ever.... seeking to fill that void. That void that is indelibley in their nervous system and consciousness since the age of a single digit age..... 0 to 9 is when it happens and it continues to 16 or 17 and if they don't get it by then it's too late. These girls..... and they are in the hundreds of millions, seek it elsewhere. is it from the High School Quarterback? is it from the 21 year old guy who they swiped right on Tinder? is it from the cute 28 year old guy that bought them drinks at the bar last Saturday. The answer is none of the above. Those "Boys" can never fulfill their Daddy Complex. These girls, now in their early 20s......need to feel the power and masculinity and safety and comfort that their Daddy provided when they were a single digit child and into their teens. Once in the safety of home, many girls have left to forge an independent life. And the realities of that life extenuating the emotional dearth increasingly itches their hearts. Some goofball on a skateboard at the age of 23 or some handsome dude who is 27 and still playing video games and high fiving his buddies when someone makes a funny burp sound is not that guy. No matter how ripped in physique....no matter how well dressed....no matter how funny. To fill the void.....to scratch the itch.... this girl in her early twenties requires a significant age difference. A Daddy Daughter age difference. There requires a different type of energy. A Daddy energy. And there requires a different psychological balance.... a Daddy Daughter balance. And so that's when girls.....ages 18 to 27 seek a Papi. That's when girls in this prime prime sexual age and beauty and effervescent energy seek...... The Sith. (to be continued) -
it's really simple.....it works better with GGs actually......but LBs too (but more complicated). I'm going to write some thoughts and then maybe they can be transfered to my Chronicles of the Sith section ( @Pdoggg please). Because the results of understanding and applying this truth..........means attracting some of the finest pussy on this planet. And it means helping these girls explode in bed in a way that leaves me awestruck everytime. Whether it's the intimacy of one girl....or two or three in an orgy.... this deep desire in so many women......when unlocked contributes to 1. getting the hottest talent and 2. unlocking the wildest carnal energy of that talent that The Sith has had the pleasure to experience. (to be continued).
Haha, just found this topic here ... an awesome read about crazyness among the 3rd gender. Never had any real crazy experiences in my room, but remember one occurence which I should share with you guys. Last year I was with a buddy having drinks at Cindy's, when I got a text from Balloon (former Why Not). She asked if she and her friend Momay (also former WN), could join us. No problem of course so I told her our location. Half an hour later they came in, joined at our table and we got drinks. During conversation me and my buddy were teasing Momay a little when trying to guess her age ... always a sensitive topic haha. I can't recall exactly what my buddy said to her, but suddenly she grabbed her drink and threw it in his face, yelling everything dirty and ugly at him. She grabbed her bag and ran out of the place. We didn't see her back anymore She left all of us at the table astonished and suprised ... couldn't stop laughing afterwards. Photos below are Momay (while working at WN) and Balloon (took it last year in Beer Complex Soi 7).
Josepepe joined the club
last time I banged a trans woman in China was 2018. It was a half Chinese Half Japanese Newhalf that spent her formative years in Japan but lived in Beijing. in China.... she had to live publicly as a dude. in Japan as a teenager she was a gay guy and told me stories of her/him getting gang banged in the toilets of Japanese gay clubs when she was like 16 to 21. Then we met in Beijing when she/he was around 24 and she had already converted to only banging "straight guys" presenting as a woman. Because she got totally bored of gay guys and wanted masculine straight guys so she lived as a woman after hours..... so she was a CD.... that wanted to be a woman. damn she was good in bed. she gave me to total Geisha treatment. unclothed me....washed my body... massaged me and licked my whole body.... sucked every part of me. She loved sex so much and turning tricks was her way to have fun plus extra cash. She even fed me noodles at the end of it. she was 100% Japanese newhalf energy but she was half Chinese and living in Beijing. Totally totally hentai. In Chinese the word is biantai. For connessuers of sex in Asia like @Pulci Gorgon and @Rom that's a new word for your dictionary. I would repeat but I didn't go back to Beijing since 2018.