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Zeppie last won the day on April 25 2023

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  1. I think your a good guy Petesie.......so stay aboard.
  2. "With all my respect"...........hate to meet the I don't respect side of you...
  3. I appreciate your response and I gather that this may have been brewing and finally came to a head. That does happen but the outside observer only see the end result vs the lead up. I have no issues with you or Woodie. As for Barforth, my impression is he is just a nice guy, since there was no backlash from him and did not give the impression he felt slighted.......my observations. Anyhow.....I hope it is over.
  4. This topic and the previous one that started this topic, is whacked out. When I read the previous topic, I just thought it was good nature bantering. Having read this topic, I am now led to believe it wasnt good nature bantering and it was more serious then I could have imagined. People need to step back and take a joke. The only one that didnt seem offended was the one (so called offended) Barforth. He is probably wondering how or what he said that started all of this. In my Opinion..........This site has been reduced in stature, compared to what it once was. Having some laughs and good nature pokes makes reading the topics more fun.........I think only when one gets personal or in very poor tastes, should one be warned off.
  5. That is an interesting point. The free flow of information does have an impact and can affect expectations....but, all-in-all, I am still surprised that TH has an monopoly on sex tourism and still inexpensive cost compared to other countries with similar market resources.
  6. Seems all does not make sense in SEA......Communism and muslim may be the major reasons.
  7. because weather has been changing since the day the earth was born.......secondly to ingest CC.......(which use to be called global warming) regarding mongering, is so far fetched.
  8. How can climate change, be drugged into this topic. It's absurd to involve climate change into this topic......
  9. Personally, I don't put much stock in 20 year projections, unless directly driven by rules and regulations for desired output. Things cycle in life, they go up and down like the weather, over time. As for mongering, I suspect the hayday has possibly peaked, as GDP, goods and services improve in TH, lifting people up and more and more reasonable alternatives become available. Nature says all things come to an end. The TH model is successful and a bit surprising that TH has had an monopoly. Essentially, the money is to good for the political controlling class that share in the wealth. Therefore, without a replacement, greed will be a strong incentive not to cook the golden goose.
  10. I enjoy the read and learning about your experiences and impressions. Though i do find it difficult to follow your writings/train of thought. But, enjoyable regardless. Thanks.
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