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Coworkers Jokes about ladyboys


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I don't know about everyone else but almost as soon as I mentioned at work that I was going to Thailand the innuendo and jokes started.

Along the lines of "You know not all the girls you met are actually girls be careful" or "watch out for the ladyboys". I had the initial thought that I had left something showing on my Facebook page but then you just laugh and play along - "I'll be careful" or "I've heard about them" etc. Little do they know that I will be keeping a very close eye on those ladyboys. Unfortunately it's not something I feel comfortable sharing with friends and family because I imagine it would make it more fun and interesting if I could.

I don't know if others have had similar experiences and how they deal with it.


Sorry I realise there is not really a question or a topic here but it was something I was thinking about today.

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for me at work it's basically a 'don't  ask, don't  tell' kind of thing,, I don't talk about it but I am sure they know whats going on as far as, mongering goes but don't, ask, me about it ,, just maybe not the Lbs though, its just, a basic 'how, was your trip' and I say 'amazing, as usual' and thats, it, till next trip, but now when people ask where I am going I just say, SE Asia, and most of the time they don't ask anything else because they have no Idea where that is and are too embarrassed, to admit it

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Unfortunately going to Thailand for a holiday has a stigma attached to it , you can talk all you want about food culture and beaches but you may as well have SEX TOURIST tattooed on your forehead in most peoples eyes .

I've found with a lot of people its just jealousy , you are living the life they'd love to try at least once in their own life but can't because of whatever shackles they've put upon themselves .

The best way to answer jokes is by joking back and being lighthearted about it all , the more you protest the more guilty you sound :unsure:

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I definitely agree, but I've noticed a shift in attitude in recent years.   There are just too many  "normal" tourists going there now.  A single guy heading there will always raise eyebrows, but I love the fact that whatever they think I might be doing,the truth is much more insane.  Most of the sheep back home haven't got the imagination to comprehend what I,and most of you guys, are doing.  

"I want the truth!"

"You can't handle the truth!"

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I sometimes help my friend who is a vet who looks after elephants so I tell my customers that and they all want to see photos and ask many question about the animals , Temples and other landmarks I visit . Only once did someone say " look out for Ladyboys "And I said Ladyboys ? what are they . no problem ever since 


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I guess we all gotta manage how much we reveal and to whom we reveal it to. 

Personally, I am ok with my choices and not really shy about telling people. That said, at work, I have told a few people I know and trust who will not freak out and start spreading all kinds of missinformation. It's funny, because this very thing came up with my two brothers. They we're making ladyboy jokes, I just looked at them, and totally deadpan, I said, "hey, man, if it looks like a duck . . . I'm gonna fuck it." They both just just kinda looked at me stunned, chuckled and changed the subject. I have dropped hints to them before, and the message I clearly got was they did not wanna know. Fine with me.

Most people that I am close with know of my, ahem, proclivities. 


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3 hours ago, Jimslim said:

I've found with a lot of people its just jealousy , you are living the life they'd love to try at least once in their own life but can't because of whatever shackles they've put upon themselves .


Before my last trip, a colleague,(stereotypical shackled male in his late 40's. Married, 3 teenage children, and spend his holidays trapped in a caravan in Portrush) trying to be a smartass, joked " I suppose you are off to visit the wife"?

Why the fuck would I have a wife out there, I answered, you can fuck everybody in the entire country for 20 quid a time.

He faked a laugh as he trundled off, but it was obvious his mind was in overdrive, thinking "Jammy bastard"

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