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The Big LBR Non Google Trivia Quiz


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Anne of Cleeves

Catherine of Aragone

Anne Boleyn

Jane Seymour


Thats as far as my brain takes me today

Thanks for trying. You get an E for Effort anyway. :)


They go:


Catherine of Aragon (marriage invalidated)

Anne Boleyn (beheaded)

Jane Seymour (died)

Anne of Cleves (annulment)

Catherine Howard (beheaded)

Catherine Parr (survived him)

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The Persian Chessboard Fable ..perhaps for a future Non Trivia thread with this type of question..anyway



The late great Carl Sagan recalled this story about the Grand Vizier of Ancient Persia who was to be given a reward for inventing the game of Chess.. he would be paid in grains of wheat as follows by laying out the grains on the Chessboard he had invented ( a normal 8X8 board). 


 One grain of wheat on the first square , 2 grains on the second , 4 on the third square , 8 grains on the fourth square and so on until the last square on the board was full.. in other words the grains double each time.... so it would proceed as follows  1 , 2 ,4, 8,16 ,32 and so on until the last square


The King had suggest some pretty girls as a prize but the Grand viz said he would prefer to be paid this way.


The question is what was the total weight of all the wheat grains when all the squares on the Chessboard were completed… just a rough guess in metric or imperial weight will be ok .......You have two minutes to think about it and no Calculators..





the winner is the nearest guess

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The final sqaure woud have 2^63 (2 to the 63rd power) and the other 63 squares combined would have 2^63 -1 grains so the total amunt of grains would be 2*2^63 -1 or approx 2*2^63.


This is a huge friggin number number of grains.  I don't know how much a grain ways but since we're guessing I'll say it weighs more than the moon.

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drat i forgot that Piggdogg is a maths wiz... 



The final sqaure woud have 2^63 (2 to the 63rd power) and the other 63 squares combined would have 2^63 -1 grains so the total amunt of grains would be 2*2^63 -1 or approx 2*2^63.


This is a huge friggin number number of grains.  I don't know how much a grain ways but since we're guessing I'll say it weighs more than the moon.


So glad he's good at maths, he's obviously not much of a speller....         :biggrin:  :movethatass:

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Anne of Cleeves

Catherine of Aragone

Anne Boleyn

Jane Seymour


Thats as far as my brain takes me today


Well done TC. I had three of your picks plus Catherine Parr, I forgot Anne of Cleves & Catherine Howard. I'm cross with myself because many years ago this question came up in a quiz & I resolved to remember their names. I didn't think it would take 30+ years for the question to come up again. And when it did the old grey cells failed me...       :sad0116:


Thanks for trying. You get an E for Effort anyway. :)


They go:


Catherine of Aragon (marriage invalidated)

Anne Boleyn (beheaded)

Jane Seymour (died)

Anne of Cleves (annulment)

Catherine Howard (beheaded)

Catherine Parr (survived him)


What a life Henry lived! Six wives at a time when marriage was for life. And what a fantastic bonus he left the world thanks to his voracious appetite for women. i.e. he broke the hold of the Catholic Church over every aspect of life with the establishment of the Anglican Church. Without that the Pope would still be the most powerful man alive today & things like the internet would never be allowed under their watchful eye. 


Three questions about the above list:


1) Which wife is he reported to have loved the most?


2) Who was the ugly one?


3) Who was the mother of the next most important monarch in British history?

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Correct sir. Henry despatched the famous portrait painter Hans Holbein for her portrait so he didn't get caught with an unattractive wife. Based on the paintings he agreed to go ahead with the marriage. He never counted on Holbein being sympathetic to Anne & making her look far better than she did.


Nothing changes, today they do it in Photoshop.

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Not even close, old sport!


What? It has to be somewhere around the Ancient Greek civilisations with a name like that. It can't be the Americas, Asia or Africa, it isn't any of the Polynesian Islands or Australia or New Zealand. I think this is a trick question if Macedonia isn't close.


Another clue please RT67.

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