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London is the worst place ever


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It's not London that has the problem, it's the author of the aticle Clive Martin. I think he's just taking the piss because if he really is so upset by London & Londoners, he should leave. I'm betting nothing would get him to relocate, the more he complains, the more he loves the place. IMO.


One thing that seems to make a Pom happy is a good old whinge. Every Australian knows that. And Clive has a real knack for singling out individual things that annoy him. He has a polished schtick that makes his article entertaining, though if he keeps re-hashing it every few months, he may be mentally ill.


My brief times in London were enough to convince me that one could live there very well indeed. Though I was almost thrown into the Thames on my very first night. Some drunken shaved headed Cockney cunt decided the only good Australian was a dead one. I don't know how I got out of it, he was determined to throw me off a party boat for no other reason than I was there.


Maybe Clive has a point.

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This guy has some strange prose and i dont quite get him. In Paris all the well to do live in the inside and the riff raff live outside where as  in London its sort of mixed. Multi Millionares can be living cheek by jowl with the local low life buts its always been like that


if you got money its a lot of fun , if not then it may seem tough due to the constant reminder of those that have  . I live pretty near Tower Bridge and its a great  life. Every single top Rock Band plays here and plenty to do.


 white flight is an issue thats pushed under the carpet. Due to the Influx of Muslims many are fleeing the Capital and the white guy is now in a minority here.


All big cities have there down sides and London is no different.. 

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I fully agree with both Tomcat and Paccers (shock). I think this is a bit tongue in cheek, probably something we all do about where we live from time to time. I have been to London several times, and although I don't think I could live there, as much to do with the everyday hustle and bustle of such a populated city as the cost of living, I always enjoy a long weekend in London.


What the writer should really do is go to Brussels. In fact I would urge everybody I know to visit Brussels once in their lifetime. Simply because once you have been to Brussels, you will realise that where you live is really nice!!!!

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I'll be heading home to London soon for a holiday and I am looking forward to the following:-


1. Theatre And loads of them.

2. Parks and loads of them.

3. Loads of good restaurants.

4. Cheap wine.


However London is not for the guy on a budget - although it need not be expensive either.  Just got to know your way around.


By the way - can you still park on single yellow lines after lunchtime on Saturday and not get clamped (and/or meters after 12 as i remember it). Always a good deal that was.  Drive up to the West End, park outside the BBC at Portman Place and it was free.  Two minute walk to Oxford Street.

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I think this is a bit tongue in cheek, probably something we all do about where we live from time to time.


 Exactly. I could imagine the EXACT same kind of article being written by a lifetime New Yorker, someone who grew up in the Village or the lower East Side and has only been to the country a few times in their lives and probably considers Rockaway or Coney Island to be nice "beaches."  Even my good friend who lives in Vienna, a lovely city if there ever was one, mocks his own birthplace whenever we talk about how it's always ranked as one of the nicest cities in the world by saying "well, pigs love filth."


    We all bitch about our home towns to an extent, hell I do it constantly......unfortunately I wasn't born and raised in a city as cool and cosmopolitan as London, New York or Vienna,  but if I was I would surely be bitching about that, too.

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By the way - can you still park on single yellow lines after lunchtime on Saturday and not get clamped (and/or meters after 12 as i remember it). Always a good deal that was.  


If was still driving id let you know. The last two cars were stolen , My BMW by a 16 year old retard who launched it across the central reservation of the A127 and wrote it off and an XR3I which i lent to a friend and it was stolen outside an Indian Restaurant where he was dining the same evening... sob. The insurance didnt pay out but thats another story about those parasites


I just use the train now..at least it forces me to excercise with the walk to the station..  :biggrin:

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I fully agree with both Tomcat and Paccers (shock). I think this is a bit tongue in cheek, probably something we all do about where we live from time to time. I have been to London several times, and although I don't think I could live there, as much to do with the everyday hustle and bustle of such a populated city as the cost of living, I always enjoy a long weekend in London.


What the writer should really do is go to Brussels. In fact I would urge everybody I know to visit Brussels once in their lifetime. Simply because once you have been to Brussels, you will realise that where you live is really nice!!!!

Agree with ciobha  here....London's great for a weekend.I have never lived there ,but ive worked there mon-fri for months on end.....and i'd hate to live there full time....because....its so feckin expensive accomodation wise......travel has got cheaper there thanx to the oyster card,but i remember back in 2002 when i was there £8.50 for a journey from southall to baker st ,2 stops on the train,and another 2 on the tube....$13 to you yanx......the british museum is the only thing imo that is a must see in london,the art galleries arent in the same league as the Prado, Louvre or mussee de beaux arts in Brussels.......which as ciobha says ,is even worse than London....As for people slagging off their home cities,I never slag off Manchester,i wouldnt swap it for London,NY,nor anywhere (except Berlin)

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London = Bangkok x 10


 Duke I know you well enough to pretty much guarantee that if someone gave you 2 million pounds and said you HAD to stay in one or the other exclusively for the next 5 years, you'd choose Bangkok. No way you could live without the LB's and you'd get tired of the escorts and their games.


  In what way is London 10 times Bangkok?  Not disagreeing with you,  but it's surely not the weather, the cost of living, the availability of ladies or ladyboys, proximity of beaches, etc.....so what's the appeal for you?

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 Duke I know you well enough to pretty much guarantee that if someone gave you 2 million pounds and said you HAD to stay in one or the other exclusively for the next 5 years, you'd choose Bangkok. No way you could live without the LB's and you'd get tired of the escorts and their games.



I bet he's already got £2 million going by the many trips he does ,

jammy git .

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London is a very big city and you cannot talk about it as one entity


Basically you have the City and West End of London , Inner London and Greater London. I live in the City and i would not swop it for Bankok or id have to think hard about it as my business is based in UK. However as you move further away from the centre some parts are not so pleasant and i would swop in two seconds and emigrate.. my office is in a part of East London and its a hell hole.. id rather commit suicide than live here , but fortunately i dont


The City and the West end are what many think of as London but this part might as well be another planet . Parts of the West end are practically a Russian/Arab Monaco now with money being parked here in  property as its relatively safe in economic terms


I spent a lot of time in other big cities all over the world..Hong Kong, New York , LA,Moscow, Vegas , Milan , Taipei and so on and i think i would chose Hong Kong as a second place to live and work if i had to be based in one country for work.. if only i could afford a house there. But when i retire , sold the Family Silver and no work then maybe Bankok. To be honest i spend a lot of time in BKK anyway and feel like its my second home so i have a  happy medium

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  I met a guy in southern Thailand, an English guy who ran a sports bar; real solid bloke. We used to go to his bar to watch all the sporting events.  He told me he was moving to New York and my first inclination was to ask him "how the hell can you afford THAT?" and his reply was "I come from London."

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yup, if you own the right property in London and bought in the late eighties it can make you fairly flush in wealth terms. When i bought my last place the market crashed  (2008) and it lost 100K value in a month but its come around now thankfully 


Property in the West of London is now just an alternative currency.. half the big swanky houses dont even have occupants and are owned by shifty Russians or Arabs parking their money and will never visit.


some big London property launches are made first in Moscow , Hong Kong or Singapore now due to the super rich who gobble up the prime plots first. 


buying a property here is a nightmare and you must haggle . If you dont haggle and agree straight away the seller thinks its to cheap and hikes the price up another 20G  for good measure. and the most hated profession is estate agents and i never met one that didnt deserve to swing on the end of a rope. 

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 Duke I know you well enough to pretty much guarantee that if someone gave you 2 million pounds and said you HAD to stay in one or the other exclusively for the next 5 years, you'd choose Bangkok. No way you could live without the LB's and you'd get tired of the escorts and their games.


  In what way is London 10 times Bangkok?  Not disagreeing with you,  but it's surely not the weather, the cost of living, the availability of ladies or ladyboys, proximity of beaches, etc.....so what's the appeal for you?


And you would be right Jai Dee, I could never live in London being a Northener myself, one I couldnt put up with their accents all day long and two they dont have gravy in their Chippy's :wacko:

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