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In 2013 the number of reported gun deaths by the US Centre of Disease Control was 33,636 which is a rate of 10.6 deaths per 100,000. A very acceptable and happy to justify figure by anti-gun control advocates.


Archie, why don't you get on the case to have enforcement of existing gun laws, or do you believe that this 2013 statistic is nothing to worry about and more guns will result in lower numbers of gun related deaths?


Also it should be clear that states having strict gun control laws are circumvented by lax gun laws in nearby states.

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I wont make a blanket statement that more guns mean less gun deaths.  It all really depends on WHO has the guns.  The opinion that strict gun laws are a panacea is wrong, just look at the above data.


Dont get me wrong, I am ALL FOR strict enforcement of existing gun laws and mandatory minimums for illegal gun possession and possession while committing crimes.  But hey the US of A has WAAAAAAAAAAAY too many people locked up, dont we???

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But hey the US of A has WAAAAAAAAAAAY too many people locked up, dont we???


  Blame that on the antiquated - and failed - "war on drugs."


This country has 25% of the world's prisoners but only 5% of the world's population. And the vast majority of them are in there for posession or distribution of drugs, or crimes directly related to getting money to BUY said drugs.


As for guns in America, that is the third rail for anyone running for elected office and won't be discussed at all - unless they really want to lose.  'Mericans love their stupid fucking guns, I don't and never will own one so I have no idea why. Same with defense, another subject no potential elected politician can touch; we spend more than the next 15 counties  COMBINED  and could use for a massive scaleback - including scrapping the whole F35 aircraft program and keeping the A-10 Warthog - but if someone ran for office and actually SAID that? Denounced as a pussy and weak on defense and would never stand a chance.


  Remember when buffoons like Donald Trump were saying "stop the flights" when Ebola was en vogue? Hell, Aaron Hernandez has killed more people in America than Ebloa has.  But "stop the guns"?  Naaaaaa.... :(


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Total ignorance.  


Chicago, Detroit, Philly and Washington DC.  

Thats rich coming from a rightwing  american.


Oh, with 'places' you meant north american cities.  Of course, who cares about 'places' outside north america. Did you know there are sovereign states outside north america with guns (and laws)? 


Btw, CAPS LOCK is considered rude  on forums , so please try stop using those. ( If you are from the older generation you are excused as they are very fond of caps).

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Thats rich coming from a rightwing  american.


Oh, with 'places' you meant north american cities.  Of course, who cares about 'places' outside north america. Did you know there are sovereign states outside north america with guns (and laws)? 


Btw, CAPS LOCK is considered rude  on forums , so please try stop using those. ( If you are from the older generation you are excused as they are very fond of caps).


Now you are totally blabbing.  Why dont you address my factual argument?  Why because you cant.  All you do is use personal attacks.  We are NOT talking about places outsides of America now, are we??  Hell, some of the deadlest places are, indeed, OUTSIDE of the USA.

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Republicans views on gay rights, same sex marriage ,transgenders , pro-life, guns, war  etc etc,  its amazing you find yourself on a forum dedicated to transgenders. 


This shows how close minded YOU are.  You have pigeonholed me as if i were a cartoon charecter.  You THINK you know where I fall on the above topics because you think everyone with a right of center view has monolithic views.  You dont know how wrong you are.


I enjoy sex and happen to enjoy sex, occasionally, with ladyboys.  Too bad if that doesnt fit your narrow minded narrative.....

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Trying not to take sides here Arch, but Seven's overall view of how *many* [not all] Conservatives feel is spot on.


That article in The Blaze about Bruce Jenner was a prime example, full of hate and condescension for someone they don't understand; so they call him freak and mentally ill and their readers eat it up and basically confirm what Seven was saying. Read Breitbart or FOX news online or any other far-right website and you will see the same hate and fear towards people who are different, gay, muslim, black, transgender, from Hollywood, etc.....as well as anyone who dares say anything against their beloved guns.


At least you have the courage to take a stand for your side; I wish there were more conservatives around here who would speak up, having an echo chamber of all liberals is frankly too easy.

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Tragic Irony;


Uninsured drunk driver kills young mother of 4 in  a drunk-driving accident......the mother was an advocate of legalization who often claimed weed was safer than alcohol.  RIP




Denver marijuana activist and mother of four killed by drunk driver

''After spending years of her life trying to convince people that marijuana is safer than alcohol, activist Jennifer Friede was tragically killed by a drunk driver over the weekend.

The Denver medical examiner's office said Friede, 34, died while traveling on Interstate 25 early Saturday when a car going the wrong way smashed into the vehicle she and her boyfriend were riding in.''

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What always amazes me is just how stupid drunk drivers can be. Although not an advocate of drinking and driving I have admittedly driven insanity drunk in my life and NEVER have been so fucking hee-haw, mind-dead stupid to drive in the wrong direction ANYWHERE, let alone a freeway.


However, I just might take a drive this evening. If I don't post within three days please check the Moosejaw, Saskatchewan obits. 


God Bless. 

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Gotta be 56?


Increasing by 2 every time.....


It's interesting that we see what we want to see.  I also assumed that that the 9 was a 7 which would make the answer 56.


But as Kahuna and Route 67 said the answer is 90.


The two proposed methods of solving the problem are mathematically equivalent. 

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