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The Big LBR Non Google Trivia Quiz


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All the bands Seven just mentioned fall into that catagory for me, along with Clapton; while I think all of them have SOME good songs, I would never be a fan of their whole body of work.


But hey, I am a metalhead from way back, most of you would find the stuff I enjoy to be complete rubbish.

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Clapton is one of those big artist i never liked or understood, along with Jimi Hendrix and The Who.


Well.... I'm a very liberal & tolerant guy so I still accept you seven. :biggrin:   Maybe it's age, but in their day they were all stunning & original.


I was just old enough to see both the Who & Cream in their first US appearance - I say "appearance" & not "concerts" because it was a R&R revue show where each act got 10 minutes & they did 3-4 shows a day for like a week. The gogo girls would come on & dance while the next bands would set up behind the curtain. The list of acts on that one show is amazing in hindsight, most became the biggest acts of the 60s: rock, soul, motown, folkies... But the rock groups hated the 10 minute window.


In a bit of coincidence & synchronicity just last night I was looking at a site that had listed all of a certain club here back in the late 60s, all of their acts & the dates they played. It was the first real club I ever went to & I wanted to look up the date me & my buddy wandered in there as an adventure for 16 year olds who snuck into the big city one night. (We went into this club because we recognized the name of this unknown band that was written on a chalkboard sign on the sidewalk. They had no record out but the keyboard player had been in a band we dug. This new group was called Blood Sweat & Tears & the small club was half empty. Ahhh memories...)


I digress, sorry... so I'm checking the list of shows this club had & there were a few nights coinciding with the R&R revue I mentioned above where it was noted that Clapton came down after that show & jammed, it must've been his first time in USA as well, & he jammed with John Hammond Jr who had an electric band backing him that gig: "The Blue Flames". The leader of the Blue Flames was Jimmy James, who later became Jimi Hendrix. Also in that band was a 16-17 y/o rythym guitarist Randy Cassidy who declined Jimi's invite to go to London & returned to LA where he formed Spirit & renamed himself Randy California.


(Spirit imo was one of the great 60s live acts, a lot of jazz influences, recently in the news again because of the story that their song "Taurus" was partially ripped off for "Stairway to Heaven" when LZ was their opening act.)


OK, I'm running out of gin, good night!

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Exactly, a lot of the stuff I like would be pure garbage to a lot of people [but not Tomcat, we have the same tastes!], and oftentimes when I turn on the TV or the radio I say to myself "who could like that crap?" But if that's what they like, good for them.


The only time I don't have any wiggle room is when I hear techno or trance, house, minimal, etc.....whatever they are calling it these days. I worked in a factory when I was a teen and that stuff sounds exactly the same!

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Exactly, a lot of the stuff I like would be pure garbage to a lot of people

JD turned me on to Shoutcast and I often listen to Classic Bachelor Pad music.  Probably many of you would consider it elevator music.


Love listening to Christmas music too.


Different strokes. 

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Well.... I'm a very liberal & tolerant guy so I still accept you seven. :biggrin:   Maybe it's age, but in their day they were all stunning & original.



Oh, i certainly didn't  suggest they are not good. They have to be,  given their popularity and legend status.

Just  I never got into them ( i tried with at least Clapton and Hendrix),   never understood  their greatness.

It just didn't hit me, its different tastes.

I understand Clapton is a fantastic guitar player, but i found his music , to be honest , boring.

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Clapton is one of those big artist i never liked or understood, along with Jimi Hendrix and The Who.


I can relate to what you write. The issue is not the quality of the artist or their music, it's how you came to be exposed to these guys & whether you come across them alone or were you introduced to them by enthusiastic friends.


I think if left to my own devices I would not have embraced these guys as I did. But I was caught up in a teenage rush of excitement wanting to know all about the latest & best musos around. Fellow travellers at the time were the best sales people the record companies could ever recruit with their regular message of:


"If you think those guys are cool, wait till you hear Electric Ladyland or Disraeli Gears or Live at Leeds. Those guys are the best / greatest / coolest thing ever"


And for impressionable youth, these clarion calls to listen to such music "gods" were impossible to ignore. And on repeated listening I came to really like what I heard.  


Clapton was never my favourite, I lost a bit of interest after he left Cream though he has some great songs. Tears in Heaven written after his son fell out of their apartment window to his death is a beautiful song.


The Who are poorly presented in their early promotional pictures with the poncy clothes, etc. They were much more rock'n'roll than they seemed, their concerts are a terrific example of loud & good rock songs. The original recordings are rock-lite, tracks like Baba O'Reilly take on a whole new life when played live. (Silly name, everyone remembers it as Teenage Wasteland, who can find it when it hides under such a name?)


The Stones never did a rock song quite like Substitute. No one did. I am positive with guidance you could come to like The Who. Their latter day stuff that gets airplay today is rubbish & a travesty of what the early stuff was about. "You better, you better, you bet" - fuck off, who wrote that shit?


Then were was the original rock god himself, the one, the only Jimi Hendrix. It was an article of faith when I was young that you either liked him or you were eternally condemned to listen to kiddie-pop. I cannot imagine how big he would have been had he lived. I didn't own all his albums & I certainly wasn't his biggest fan but I loved his sound. 


It's never too late to like an artist but if you don't appreciate Hendrix today, the moment might be lost. His style of attacking his guitar with his unorthodox chord fingering that others can't copy, it was music of its time & I doubt anyone would play a track of his today at full volume & say "hmmm, now that's what I have been missing".


All this is a complete indulgence on my part but I felt it necessary when I read Seven's comment that he neither liked nor understood some of the great music influences of my life. 

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OK, back to the quiz, this was the Final Jeopardy question for tonight, just 3 minutes ago; I missed it when I said Madagascar.


''Named around 1616, this is the 5th-largest island in the world, and the largest one named after a person."

Greenland comes to mind but it is huge and I'd be surprised if it was a low as fifth place but worth a punt.
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ha ha ,,that was good


 might be some group up in Australasia , i think some New Guinea dwarf tribe who were given the once over by the Anthropologists recently...thats all i can think of at this moment. Anyway i cant think of the name but thats my nearest guess

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Although that wouldn't account for the Aboriginals of Australia, who some say were stranded there after water receded and aren't related to modern homo sapiens at all.....they surely wouldn't have any Neanderthal blood?


Anyway, you can read more about it here;




        '' about 20 percent of the Neanderthal genome survives in modern humans of non-African ancestry''

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