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About This Club

Soi Chaiyapoon
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Wow, that is a shock Matey. Have sent you a message. Many good times sitting with Dao and Brett watching the world go by. Bloody hell, it goes to prove that the more things stand still, the more they change. So two of my haunts have disappeared recently. Fantasy Lounge and now Zaza's. A fun part of my life (at times), gone! Also 3 people. One has departed this earth, the other two hopefully I can keep in contact with. Brett, Sophia and now Dao. A sad time for me. They were part of my early experience with the 3rd gender.
  3. Sadly I believe Zaza is now no more. I saw some details on the other forum. I hope to get down there next week, but I am sure it is closed now. Many happy memories of times spent with Brett and Dao. Time moves on
  4. I was chatting with Dao today, and she said "Bell has just come back". I have not been to Pattaya for some time, but Zaza was generally a good place to stop by.
  5. Is Bell still there at Zaza, can anybody confirm please? Thank you!
  6. I was chatting with Dao last night. She sent me some photos and said l could post them. Here they are.
  7. She is beautiful. Is she functional down there?
  8. Why was she limping, did she stub her toe?.
  9. actually Dao shot it using my camera thingy. if anyone is unsure, the dancer is linping, she was the star of the show last night.
  10. My Jomty homie, BBG, must have went to film school as he shot a great video at Dao's party. But he's a bit technologically challenged so he asked me to post it for him. Looks like a great party; wish I could have gone but was a bit under the weather. Zaza Massage may not have the golden urinals like their neighbor across the soi in this video, High Rollers. Instead they have pretty ladyboys with tasty sausages! LINE_MOVIE_1670164684924.mp4
  11. posted by me because Emmy is a little lazy tonight.... Dao's birthday bash, 3rd December. Zaza Massage.
  12. Wondering about Nam… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Hi Guys First message here and new joiner... Please be ''gentle'' with me 555. Seriously great line up at the club on las posting (June). I may venture into town and have a look and a well deserved massage too. Have a great day folks xx
  14. Man oh man ... I wouldn't be able to choose. Guess I would try a 4-hands massage from Jeab and Mona
  15. Thanx Woodie. That's a promise I can make! For sure I will go visit next time when I'm in Pattaya. A massage a day, keeps the doctor away
  16. Dao is a sweet lady She is coping ok after Bretts demise. Such a sad occasion, but onward and up. Visit Zaza's, I am sure you will have a great time. Great girls and they will look after you.
  17. Madam Dao is a real head turner ... OMG! Zaza goes straight to the top of my bucket list!
  18. Madam Dao from Zaza massage told me to post a picture of her here. because she doesn't know how to do it. And she told me to tell everyone Welcome to Zaza massage Dao come back now.
  19. I haven't been down for a while, but l did speak to LinPing a few days ago, and yes, Zaza is still going.
  20. I'll be in Pattaya in 2 weeks time, how is Zaza Massage now? Still going ok?
  21. Thanks so much for joining the Zaza Massage club Emmy.
  22. and what has your opinion to do with anything? who do you think you are? Hitler? i would guess the opinion's of PD and BB regards thread fucking are the ones that count. Not yours or mine. have you ever considered that a bit of thread fucking is somewhat harmless and in fact helps to keep threads going?
  23. I put the thread in Zaza so I can hoover any thread fucking that I knew would start before to long and it did . Regardless of the topic there is way to much thread fucking well thats my opinion anyway If Pdog and BB want to move the topic then they have the power to do so

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