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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Then 'Sonny' became 'Sunny' ! I'll get mi White Hoodie !
  2. Snow Patrol. Spot the odd one out. !
  3. She looked great tonight at a very successful Meet and Greet. ! But no fu**ing camera men about. !
  4. Cartoon I posted a few years ago after pondering on this subject. The Farangs talking 'Pidgin Thinglish' sound like Donald Duck on speed. !
  5. BBQ - Who he ? Some mistake surely ? ! 55555
  6. I've seen action on the left hand side also. !!!!
  7. Think that question about 'Louie Louie' I 'm sure I once heard in a quiz. Oddly enough in The Katty last night and up popped a video on Emmy's Klunky Music Machine and it was The Kingsmen doing that number. The rest of that compilation was a mixed bag including lots of the 'Madchester Scene' of which I'm only vaguely aware. Back to 'Louie Louie' - can't remember the original but I did read up about it a few years ago after John Prine gave it a namecheck in his splendid long rambling song 'Lake Marie'. 'Louie Louie' at one time was the most 'covered' song ever till I think it was usurped by the terrible maudlin song 'Yesterday'. Anyway good excuse to play John Prine. Saw him live once superb Bought his first album way back in early 70's. Some tosser called him the new Bob Dylan which I reckon set his career back a few years - as it did a few artistes who got stuck with that.
  8. . . . . and a free face mask ! 5555
  9. Shortly after I finished writing my previous post I headed out and caught the BB to the Beach Road. There they were - sprawled across 5 seats - 3 large Olga's from the Volga - complete with 'White Hoodies' ! Yikes !
  10. The shirt - and sometimes matching shorts - I first noticed a few years ago - is of white cotton, overprinted with a repeat 'picture' of a dodgy looking building - a palm tree and the legend 'Thailand'. The building looks nothing like one I've ever seen in Thailand. I reckon that some factory somewhere in the world is running off yards of this cotton fabric - printing the dodgy picture on it and then overprinting the name of the wherever resort/country etc, These shirts seem very popular with the Russians - but as BBG mentions I've seen more of the 'White Hoodies' this year. I must stay in more.
  11. Quinn


    A friend of a friend of mine has a friend (55555) who works in the kitchen at the Paragon Suites in Jomtien serving a couple of hundred meals a day to the Chinese visitors. The said friend has been told not to report for work for first 2 weeks in February - all bookings cancelled.
  12. All the best with that SP . 'er indoors up on her plot supervising her 'farmhouse' being built. I may venture there one day !
  13. Katty Bar fairly busy last night ie: all of the outside seating occupied. Ah but then . . . around ten o' clock - "FLASHMOB' HITS THE KATTY BAR" Over 20 very welcome guests appeared. It was "Pattaya LB Bars Bosses Big Night Out" - KRUS, The Roof, Sweethearts (Mrs Jimbo) and Bangkok's Why Not. Lots of lovely girls in tow. Drinks flowed, pool played - 'Pump up the Volume'. and after an hour or more there they were gone. Cheers from us locals for coming 'Over the Hill'. Unfortunately the lovely Emmy missed it all as she was upstairs washing her hair (true) - Just like a Woman ! (ooh sexist remark) !
  14. In The Roadhouse the other night - only LB's was Kay and one other (whose name I've forgotten) - I gather that's about it. Mind you the bar was fairly busy with tourists.
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