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The Big LBR Non Google Trivia Quiz


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That song was really clever willie. My favorite has always been "Able was I ere I saw Elba" but that song had some real pips.


Speaking of words I'm always interested in the origin of common sayings, like "rule of thumb" or "made it from scratch". Of course since we have several countries represented these probably aren't common but of regional usage. One of the more interesting ones, & forgive me if I posted this previously, is "and the whole 9 yards" as in "I went to the sale for one section but ended up with the whole nine yards."


Growing up in New York City I never heard this term but when I transplanted to the midwest US it was in common & constant usage & I always assumed it referred to a football game. It was universal in the various other places throughout the country that I darkened with my shadow through the years as well . 


Here's the great thing: nobody knows what it means or what it refers to or it's origin. Lots of speculation & theories but they're all guesses. And it's not because it's lost in the distant haze of antiquity, the earliest known usage of it in print is from an obscure magazine in the late 1950s. Fascinating....  A term in constant usage of recent origin & nobody knows what it actually refers to or where it came from.

(And apologies again if those of you outside the US never heard the term.)

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I used to like reading Safire's On Language column in the Sunday Times.  When I got the Times delivered I could read it on Saturday or maybe I'd read it on Monday since it was more portable than the rest of the paper.


I'm reckon you were a fan too Hefe.  I won't hold it against him that he was part of the Nixon Whitehouse.


Here's a collection of On Language, the most recent written by Ben Zimmer who is new to me.  But it can be sorted Oldest First.



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