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Terrorism At The Boston Marathon


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The authorities are tripping over themselves to say that these two monsters acted on their own.  I aint buying it.  they might have carried out these atrocious acts themselves but they must have had some kind of support/training.  The dead one travels and stays 6 months on the former Soviet Union and he justs goes to stay with Daddy??  heres a guy with a young family and a baby daughter and he stays away from his new family for 6 months to pal around with his daddy???  Fuck no, that doesnt make sense a little bit.


You know they are talking to the live one and they are CERTAIN they acted "alone" then there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER this savage's life should be spared.  Also, follow the money.  How did these people survive???  You think this guy built those bombs and got it right the first time from the internet alone???


The other thing that is royally pissing me off is his wife.  According to reports, she has not met with the FBI yet.  What!!! Why not??  Yet her lawyers claim she is "cooperating fully".  Oh really but she hasnt talked to them.  Utter nonsense.


Its funny that the FBI talked to this guy numerous times yet the authorities begged the public for help to ID these bastards.  Are you kidding me??  Where the fuck were the agents who interviewed this asshole years ago??  Hell, alarm bells should have been ringing BEFORE the pics were released.  Where are these guys or are there hundreds or terrorist suspects that have been interviewed by the Boston Branch of the FBI the last few years???


In these types of investigations a good rule of thumb is to follow the money.........

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Arch, you sound like you expect the FBI to declare to the public all they know. It aint gonna happen. Some of it to satisfy the media certainly but all of it? Naah, they haven't before & they are not going to start now.


They would have ID'd these two guys straight up. The officers who interviewed them would have been in touch immediately. The call for public help was a fishing expedition IMO. It is amazing how people associated with such events can't help themselves from gaining a bit of fame & will offer help. It's happened enough times before that it's always worth a shot.


There has to be other people involved but the FBI are not going to tip them off as to how close they are. We only learn about these things after the event. Like the reports about the wife. How do the journalists know what's happened? They don't. They ask if she's been interviewed, someone says no, they take it as gospel & report it. She'd be at Gitmo now if they thought she had info they needed. And her lawyers said she was cooperating so who's right? The journalists who reported she hasn't been interviewed or the lawyers? We don't know but does it matter? Not in my opinion.


As for the money trail, they will be onto it for sure. He may have returned from Russia with some cash to carry on or as reported, the bombs cost 100 bucks or less, he may have funded it himself. Whatever the case, we can be sure all his banking transactions will be subject to inspection. 


I am confident the FBI will get all their answers. What I am not confident about is whether they choose to share their information with the media. National security issues will take priority & if any of this news is seen as being useful to those who would wish to harm America, it won't see the light of day.


And that is perfectly fine by me.

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The authorities are tripping over themselves to say that these two monsters acted on their own.  I aint buying it.  they might have carried out these atrocious acts themselves but they must have had some kind of support/training.  The dead one travels and stays 6 months on the former Soviet Union and he justs goes to stay with Daddy??  heres a guy with a young family and a baby daughter and he stays away from his new family for 6 months to pal around with his daddy???  Fuck no, that doesnt make sense a little bit.


You know they are talking to the live one and they are CERTAIN they acted "alone" then there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER this savage's life should be spared.  Also, follow the money.  How did these people survive???  You think this guy built those bombs and got it right the first time from the internet alone???


The other thing that is royally pissing me off is his wife.  According to reports, she has not met with the FBI yet.  What!!! Why not??  Yet her lawyers claim she is "cooperating fully".  Oh really but she hasnt talked to them.  Utter nonsense.


Its funny that the FBI talked to this guy numerous times yet the authorities begged the public for help to ID these bastards.  Are you kidding me??  Where the fuck were the agents who interviewed this asshole years ago??  Hell, alarm bells should have been ringing BEFORE the pics were released.  Where are these guys or are there hundreds or terrorist suspects that have been interviewed by the Boston Branch of the FBI the last few years???


In these types of investigations a good rule of thumb is to follow the money.........


I've notice from your posts you're a pretty good arm chair investigator based on the bits you see in the news - were you in law enforcement in your previous career or just watch a lot of CSI?   :character00292:

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I dont have as much confidence in some of the authorities like you do, PacMan.  Afterall, its the government we are talking about.  Bis Sis Napolitano (BTW I hope the dead fuckers 72 virgins look like her!!!) said DHS got a "ping" when that asshole went back to Russia.  The FBI said they didnt know.  Which one is it?  Mr. Right hand meet Mr. Left hand.


No, Hoot I never watched one episode of CSI but I am a little familar how murder investigations go.  I am not just basing my opinions on my "armchair" investigation techniques but I am also taking into account what some very smart people have said on TV i.e. Bob Baer and a couple of other counter intelligence guys that said they had to have some type of training.  The political hacks have a vested interest in covering their asses.


Just read this asshole, the dead one, was on welfare.  WELCOME TO AMERICA!!!  Its the new American Dream!!!!  Wonder how many bombs he built with the help of his EBT card????

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I dont have as much confidence in some of the authorities like you do, PacMan.  Afterall, its the government we are talking about.  Bis Sis Napolitano (BTW I hope the dead fuckers 72 virgins look like her!!!) said DHS got a "ping" when that asshole went back to Russia.  The FBI said they didnt know.  Which one is it?  Mr. Right hand meet Mr. Left hand.


My confidence has taken a hit too, how could the FBI have given these guys a pass after Russia warned them several times these guys had been co-opted by extremists. There will be some awkward questions waiting for those interrogators. 


As for the FBI not knowing they went to Russia, again we are only going on what the media is telling us. One report in the press said they missed an alert because a name was spelt wrong. That seems like an amateur mistake but I don't know if that is right or not.


I was speculating in my last post that the FBI was asking for public help to identify the bombers because they were fishing for anyone who might know more to step forward. After I posted that it occurred to me that was the only thing the FBI could say. Had they come out & said "yeah, we know these guys, we've already interviewed them", they would have driven the two of them underground & secondly, they would have looked incompetent. To act stupid when you know everything is one of the tenets of "The Art of War". 




Just read this asshole, the dead one, was on welfare.  WELCOME TO AMERICA!!!  Its the new American Dream!!!!  Wonder how many bombs he built with the help of his EBT card????


I don't think America has signed up to the UN Charter for Refugees. Then you will see Political Correctness gone mad. Here in Australia every boat person arrival who is cleared as a refugee goes straight onto welfare, is given a fully equipped house including free phone & computer, gets all their medical, dental, education, food, work tools, etc expenses paid for & if he or she need one, they are given a car.


Here we have people jumping up & down complaining about how these "poor people" are treated & how Australia should "open our hearts" & welcome more of them. Because of these unbelievable entitlements, the pull factor will see many more "refugees" arriving over the next few years. Even the hard left of the Labor party have had to go along with our offshore processing of these people. Everyone now recognises that the conditions mandated by the UN threatens our financial future if the numbers expected actually arrive.

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Jon Stewart Blasts Fox News For 'Jettisoning' The Constitution Over The Boston Bomb Suspects

"Daily Show" host Jon Stewart blasted Fox News Wednesday night, taking issue with the network's coverage of the Boston bombing suspects and how it affected their interpretations of the Constitution. 


Stewart played clips of multiple Fox anchors being upset about suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev being read his Miranda rights, while others said he should be declared an enemy combatant and "intensely interrogated."

"In the wake of an assault on our freedom and way of life, we have quickly jettisoned the Sixth Amendment — right to a fair and speedy trial — and the Fifth Amendment's right against self-incrimination," Stewart said. "What's next?"

Next was Fox News host Sean Hannity saying he didn't "believe" waterboarding should be considered torture. 

"There goes the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishment," Stewart quipped. Any others?

On "The Five," the hosts wanted surveillance to be stepped up at mosques, including possible wiretapping. 

"Sure, illegal search and seizure? Done!" Stewart said. "The freedom-lovers at Fox are jettisoning amendments like Han Solo dumping cargo to make the jump to light speed."

But Stewart said it takes a "true patriot" to take on the First Amendment — "The Five" host Bob Beckel, who suggested that the U.S. might have to "cut off Muslim students from coming to the country for some period of time."

"Since we're just throwing amendments away willy-nilly, what if we wanted to track the weapons that any of these America haters bought, or do a background check?" Stewart said.

There was a little different take on the Second Amendment.

Watch the clip below, via Comedy Central:





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That was actually a great clip, I saw it earlier in the week.


But think about it; the hypocrisy at the FOX comedy channel is clear to all of us normal, non-lunatic people who know that comical network is just the media outlet for the Republican party; but the people who sit in their trailers in Red states waiting for NASCAR to come on actually BELIEVE those fools and think that network is actually, you know, a real news operation! They say  "Fair and Balanced", and their viewers actually believe that nonsense; scary.


So when Stewart calls out some of their retarded talking heads for being hypocrites, do you think the people at FOX or their viewers actually care? Hannity and those other fools were ready and willing to shred 4 or 5 of the Bill of Rights this week, but try and do anything to their beloved 2nd amendment?  "Not until you take it from my cold dead hands!"  hahahha. Idiots.




   *By the way, for Ex-pats from the states who lives in Asia now; bookmark Mediaite.com and come back to it daily.  You will find the best news clips of the day, updated regularly.  It's a great website.  





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Just read this asshole, the dead one, was on welfare.  WELCOME TO AMERICA!!!  Its the new American Dream!!!! 


  What I really don't understand is HOW or WHY these morons and their families were allowed welfare at all? They have been in this country for 10 years; isn't that long enough to find work and get the hell off the dole? And I thought welfare was supposed to be for poor people only; the older one had enough cash to fly back to Russia for an extended 6-month vacation in 2011, and we all know how much plane tickets like that cost.  My taxes are paying for that?  And for the younger douchebag to attend college?  jeeesh, I have lived here all my life, have paid into the system for 35 years and been a relatively productive member of society and I get nowhere near the same benefits as these losers and have to pay a fortune for my health care while these assholes get theirs for free. Plus all sorts of relatives and the mother and the father, and the father never even learned our language; fuck them.


 If that is called socialism, then I want nothing to do with it. People can move to my country, never learn the language, and get better benefits than me and my family and free health care and free college? But you can't blame Obama for this one; they moved here when that great guy George W. Bush was in office and have been on the dole the whole time; disgusting.  Our whole welfare system needs an overhaul and anyone deemed able to work should be OFF welfare and AT a full-time job!  And if you don't bother to learn the language and get angry because your retarded little religion is constantly tooled on, then go back to Chechnya or whatever other failed ex-commie hellhole you came from and don't come back.

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Whether or not the younger asshole gets his Miranda warning is a bit of a moot point.  I would guess/hope the Feds actually have video/pics of these sub humans planting the bombs.  You do NOT have to give a Miranda warning to a suspect.  The only thing is it would preclude you using anything the guy says BEFORE you give the Miranda warning.  See above line about the fed's case.  I predict the administration will NOT seek the death penalty.


About the welfare bit I concur wholeheartedly.  Its WAAAAAAAAY too easy to get and stay on welfare of all types.  You really think HE paid for his ticket back to Russia or he had some sort of help???  I  said before the authorities have been tripping all over themselves to say these schmucks "acted alone".  Yeah right............................


BTW I see Deval Patrick the guv on MA cites the right to privacy for these killers when some media types tried to gain more info regarding how much and what kind of welfare these monsters received.  PATRICK himslef should be waterboarded for this sentiment!!!!!

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  Our whole welfare system needs an overhaul and anyone deemed able to work should be OFF welfare and AT a full-time job!  


It benefits society if everyone is working.  Job creation is key with the Dems wanting government to create jobs and the Repubs saying that lower taxes will create jobs.


We also need to end corporate welfare with lobbyists and both Dems and Repubs all complicit in the rape of the working class. But lots of lube is involved because corporate welfare doesn't quite anger people as much as a deadbeat welfare cheat. 

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It benefits society if everyone is working.  Job creation is key with the Dems wanting government to create jobs and the Repubs saying that lower taxes will create jobs.


We also need to end corporate welfare with lobbyists and both Dems and Repubs all complicit in the rape of the working class. But lots of lube is involved because corporate welfare doesn't quite anger people as much as a deadbeat welfare cheat. 


Not many people work for deadbeat welfare cheats, but they certainly do for the "job creators".... can't risk angering them!

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If that is called socialism, then I want nothing to do with it. 


America still only has 'Socialism-Lite' compared to European socialism. But with the effects of the GFC dragging on with more & more people on food stamps, the big danger facing the US is that in the absence of jobs, living off the government is becoming increasingly acceptable. Ergo Socialism is more acceptable.


And if things stay as they are, any party that threatens to remove this assistance is doomed. In other words, the Republicans need to promise much more than tax breaks. With the influence of the Tea Party dragging the GOP to the right, they are making themselves increasingly irrelevant to those who are not well-off. 


Obama will be remembered as the guy who brought in big Socialist reforms to the US. With a broken economy & millions looking for relief, the voices supporting Capitalism & everything it stood for have been rendered strangely silent. They still get an airing on Fox which only helps to make them look foolish.


We also need to end corporate welfare with lobbyists and both Dems and Repubs all complicit in the rape of the working class. 


You know who runs the country when the population is told the banks are too big to fail. What a joke that the government can allow the public purse to be pillaged to pay for the stupidity of the banks, the rating agencies & the corporate criminals who authorised the issuance of millions of CDO's & all the other hybrid instruments that effectively sent the world bankrupt.


Not many people work for deadbeat welfare cheats, but they certainly do for the "job creators".... can't risk angering them!


Anger them! They won't be creating too many jobs any time soon so there's no point in keeping them happy. 

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Obama gets called a socialist by those on the far right all the time;  but how would a socialist government see the stock market more than double in the past 5 years?  I think he is a centrist if anything, and tries too damn hard trying to please "everyone" when we know that is not possible.  He needs to make a stand and have more backbone if he wants to get anything done in the next 3 years.


     Socialism is having a hard time in Europe right now; have you seen the unemployment figures for places like Greece, Spain and France? 50% for young people in Spain, 25% overall; ouch. I do like some aspects of socialism, including and especially the health care aspects of it, but if it includes letting people come to my country, not have to work, not have to learn the language, and have more benefits than I do?  Naaaaa....


  Honestly, with the way Britain has been overrun in recent years by Paki's and Indians and just about every other nationality sucking off the public teat, and then complaining when they can't practice their bizarre religion the exact way they want to, I am surprised anyone there would want a socialist government at all.  Why on earth should hard-working people pick up the tab for newly-arrived [and often ungrateful] foreigners and people who don't want to get a damn job?

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 You really think HE paid for his ticket back to Russia or he had some sort of help???  I  said before the authorities have been tripping all over themselves to say these schmucks "acted alone".  Yeah right............................





 The older brother had a wife who was working 60-hour weeks to support Tamarlen and their baby; he was a stay-at-home dad. Forget what the Koran says about that!  As usual, religious hypocrisy abounds.


          So I think he had enough cash to pay for his plane ticket, and once he arrived there he was staying on his parents couch so he didn't need much money.  Of course that still doesn't explain why he and his family can get welfare; wife is a nurse and dead scumbag could have gotten a job, he was obviously healthy and vital, hell he was a heavyweight boxer.....why should we pay to support him?


  As to the larger question of whether they acted alone or not, I believe they did. With the help of online tutorials and Youtube videos, he became deeply involved as a radical muslim and I think he did this to make a name for himself and do his part for "Jihad".  There is no evidence that he was part of a larger group, and in fact if he was part of a larger group they would have claimed responsibility by now as they always do.  But then again I am always the anti-conspiracy guy and usually just go with the evidence presented to me by the various news outlets; from what I see right now I believe these 2 guys acted alone.

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Obama gets called a socialist by those on the far right all the time;  but how would a socialist government see the stock market more than double in the past 5 years?  


The stock market doubling has nothing to do with Obama running a socialist government. When the US went broke back in 2008 the Federal Reserve stepped in & recapitalised all the major banks. The condition placed on the banks was they would then use this money to invest in the stock market. Of course much of the money was used to prop up balance sheets & pay large bonuses to the very executives who caused the problem in the first place.


One of my favourite commentators wrote recently that about 90% of all trades on Wall Street were placed by the Federal Reserve, the theory being if they pump enough money into stocks that eventually they will get the market's heart started & business will resume as normal. That's the theory, it might take some time.


Socialism is having a hard time in Europe right now; have you seen the unemployment figures for places like Greece, Spain and France? 50% for young people in Spain, 25% overall; ouch. I do like some aspects of socialism, including and especially the health care aspects of it, but if it includes letting people come to my country, not have to work, not have to learn the language, and have more benefits than I do?  Naaaaa....


Socialist policies as opposed to Socialism are not a bad thing at all. A generous safety net that provides protection for all citizens seems both sensible & humane. The problems in southern Europe come when the welfare system is exploited, when corruption allows too many people & companies to avoid paying tax & when banks have acted improperly. Plus other causes specific to each country.


As for Tamerlan & his family, the problem for those administering the system is they are too pre-occupied with fears of being branded racist if they try to halt any of the promised benefits. We have it here in Oz, the moment someone declares they haven't been treated fairly, they immediately play the race card & presto, everything they ask for is given.


Honestly, with the way Britain has been overrun in recent years by Paki's and Indians and just about every other nationality sucking off the public teat, and then complaining when they can't practice their bizarre religion the exact way they want to, I am surprised anyone there would want a socialist government at all.  Why on earth should hard-working people pick up the tab for newly-arrived [and often ungrateful] foreigners and people who don't want to get a damn job?


Every time I meet people from the UK who have emigrated here, I get told how bad things are at home. They all (OK, most of them) share two things, they love their new country but pine for what the UK was. For the Brits who are well off, they still enjoy a high quality of life. Britain is proving incredibly resilient despite the influx of third world migrants plus the appearance of home grown terrorists. The latter group have much to answer for.


The older brother had a wife who was working 60-hour weeks to support Tamarlen and their baby; he was a stay-at-home dad. Forget what the Koran says about that!  As usual, religious hypocrisy abounds.


I think the fact he was supported by his wife has something to do with his hatred of the US. A proud Chechnian man who feels belittled by his circumstance & feels rejected by those who haven't offered him the job he deserves. I don't know if I am barking up the wrong tree but this type of emasculation has proven to be very toxic to other men who have erupted in violence. I am not making excuses for the guy, just suggesting what might have gone through his mind.


 As to the larger question of whether they acted alone or not, I believe they did. With the help of online tutorials and Youtube videos, he became deeply involved as a radical muslim and I think he did this to make a name for himself and do his part for "Jihad".  There is no evidence that he was part of a larger group, and in fact if he was part of a larger group they would have claimed responsibility by now as they always do.  But then again I am always the anti-conspiracy guy and usually just go with the evidence presented to me by the various news outlets; from what I see right now I believe these 2 guys acted alone.


I hope the FBI comes out & tells us whether they acted alone. Personally I doubt they thought this all up themselves. It seems their mother was urging them on. She still carries the hate & shame that comes from her shoplifting charge that she fled from. IMO. "Death to anyone who makes me look like the petty criminal I am" is her mantra.


This is one case for a conspiracy theory that is not a stretch. Other theories get complicated, this one doesn't. A guy goes off to Russia with a hatred of his adopted country. Islamic extremists get hold of him & convince him he will be doing God's work if he kills as many Americans he can. And hand him the plan with all the instructions. 


I think that's how it went & will be surprised to learn if I am wrong.

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Wow this thread has taken some sweeping turns.


The latest is that female DNA has been found on one of the bombs.  There could be innocent explainations for that.  Have they extracted DNA from that monsters wife yet???


This investigation is still in its infancy.  I do fear that it will be politicised, especially along party lines.  I also fear it will be molded by Political Correctness.  PC is KILLING us in the west and especially in the US of A.

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Strange that ethnic profiling is supposedly wrong but our immigration system is so biased, especially against lower class Thais.


I don't like PC, but I'm sure law enforcement gets around that, someone from Iceland is less likely to be scrutinized than someone from Iran.

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Strange that ethnic profiling is supposedly wrong but our immigration system is so biased, especially against lower class Thais.


I don't like PC, but I'm sure law enforcement gets around that, someone from Iceland is less likely to be scrutinized than someone from Iran.



its religious profiling we need....lets not beat about the bush here,its muslims who we should be targeting-theyre the cause of 90+ % of terrorism.....if there's a muslim from Iceland,i'd make sure he was doubly scrutinized....

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Strange that ethnic profiling is supposedly wrong but our immigration system is so biased, especially against lower class Thais.


I don't like PC, but I'm sure law enforcement gets around that, someone from Iceland is less likely to be scrutinized than someone from Iran.


Not at our apirorts they are not.  The idiots in charge are actually PROUD of the fact that they hassle blue haired 86 year old grandmas in wheelchairs rather than a certain er um shall we say "target audience".


We have met the enemy and it is us!!!!!

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I learned via The Boston Herald, which has been doing some stellar reporting BTW, that these vile monsters received no less than $100,000 in various forms of welfare!  we are doomed folks.  This shits gotta stop and it wont thats why we are doomed.  No wonder that hack governor of Mass., Deval Patrick, was dismissive of media when asked what these monsters received in welfare payments. Its an embarasssment as if these hack politicians in charge of Massachusetts CAN actually be embarssed.


Like I said many moons ago-follow the money!!!


Also I see that death penalty talks are "on the table".  What the fuck does that mean??  If the FBI/Justice dept are so convinced that the younger terrorist acted under the spell or his brother, then he has no real info to give us.  That means there is no real reason to want to keep  him alive.  Maybe some folks want him "rehabilitated".  Its a joke folks....

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Strange that ethnic profiling is supposedly wrong but our immigration system is so biased, especially against lower class Thais.


Stories about how US immigration authorities make bizarre choices about who to investigate based on their fear of being accused of 'profiling' are legend. These Thais you refer to sound like they are the exception to that rule, has the government decided their profiling protocol is a model that doesn't fit today's reality?


Not at our apirorts they are not.  The idiots in charge are actually PROUD of the fact that they hassle blue haired 86 year old grandmas in wheelchairs rather than a certain er um shall we say "target audience".


We have met the enemy and it is us!!!!!


I have read numerous reports like this Arch. Children having their toys dismantled while a bunch of Muslim men wearing robes were allowed to pass unhindered. And those old ladies in wheelchairs, we all know what a threat they pose.


But now it is too late. No one having certain ethnic features would be silly enough to try bringing in anything through any arrival lounge whether by plane or boat. After Boston scrutiny will be stepped up again (if that's even possible) & the real threat to US security will come from American Muslims who can attain everything they need right at home. 


Lucky for them they can buy all the weapons they want.

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