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So did you think it was all 'Pay for Pleasure'?


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Same as you bumble Bee, I don't flash the cash, I don't fall in love & I don't need it ever day. I tend to have loads of little mates scattered all over the place & 'most' times they're really pleased to see me & I'm really pleased to see them regardless of whether they're GG's or LB's, because we have fun... And through things being like that I get a lot of free shags & 'mini' girlfriends too ... And I'm a fucking 50 year old bald! man! :angel:

This will seem odd & maybe fanciful or just plain untrue to a lot of the blokes who are totally in the P4P scene, because they can't for the life of them see it any other way & no one's ever wanted to give them a shag for free before anyway.(In their minds it's a tough world out there & everyone pays, pure n' simple)!.. But when you live here it's different. For instance I used to have a GG friend years ago who I'd make pay 'my' bar fine & she'd do it for a laugh... And that's exactly what it was... a laugh... And it paid her dividends too, when she had a bike crash I happily picked up the tab without being asked & took her in for a week of recuperation & imposed rough sex whilst recovering from injury! :devil:

You can have so much fun here on the cheap or even for 'nish', just don't fall in love (Unless it's genuine & mutual) or offer anything on an emotional level that you can't come through with... And don't walk around like a dog with three dicks & his tongue hanging out either, they can see that a mile off & they don't like it... Not unless it's specifically aimed at them! 80

I've had long term relationships where I haven't parted with a fucking penny man & I can list them too, from a top policeman's daughter, to a 'top' Bkk LB 'star' (Of her day) And I'm a stingy cunt! :wub:

And finally... Not one single LB/GG is going to have any more respect for you because you're throwing your cash around, in fact quite the opposite, especially as most of these girls will come from backgrounds where they've hardly anyone's got a pot to piss in. You'll get them to do what you want, admittedly & you'll get a lot of smiles, BIG SMILES!!!.. But you won't be getting one extra ounce of respect or friendship... You just don't buy that stuff... Anywhere! :diablo:

This was a response to Larry's 'Open your heart, open your wallet' topic, but it kind of leads on to a new topic... This seems really weird replying to my own post!?

I'm sure a lot of readers/FM's will think, who the fucks this wanker & that I'm a completely bullshitting C...! But the truth is I've lived in 'The Land of Lies' for a long time now & I've never really paid for it that much; not unless I'm doing one of my Pattaya 'tours of duty', or I just don't see an option, of course, but even in Patts I still get my 'Just for fun' encounters, always have done!.. Although I've got to admit that is happening less often now that I'm getting a bit older... BTW, to be honest the P4P scene bores me fucking shitless. :angel:

So anyway, this is being put out there to try & convince any of you who think, "it's purely P4P in this neck of the woods & that's that"! Cause I know you're out there & I've got so fucking sick of pricks telling me, point blank, 'That's how it is'!!!.. And that P4P is the only way it is, a constant that doesn't deviate or can't be broken!.. Well it ain't & I'm breathing living proof of that, in spite of the fact that I'm not quite 'Sean Connery'!.. Nearly, but not quite... We'll see how things go 'when I get my new eye in'? :diablo:

Anyway, has said in the above piece, it's all about making friends & being a 'proper' friend back in return. Now I do get caught out from time to time & I have made bad judgment calls & come unstuck, but overall... 'You give good, you get good back'! :friends::drinks: :angel:

Anyone else like trying to get it for free??.. Or are you the poor bastard who's never been cut a break??

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Great post Lung! :clapping:

And not everyone who gets it for free is young, dumb, and full of cum.

Two main reasons to pay for sex in the LOS though.

As Charlie Sheen or Hugh Grant, forget which one said, "I'm not paying them for sex, I'm paying them to leave". Guess Charlie's not Cheap! :money:

The other is that is quick, cheap, and uncomplicated.

I know other guys well on the wrong side of forty who get it for free. And I also know other guys who easily could get it for free but prefer not to.

Some of the guys who get it for free, won't post it on a public forum, because some other guy will flame him.

Just a note for those inexperinced in the world of Thai ladyboys..........if you're here on holiday, and have money, I suggest you pay them till your feets are wet.

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Good man Lung, it's refreshing to see somebody has the balls to mention the elephant in the room and I fully agree with you. Any time this topic is brought up on the various forums, the guy who mentions it invariably gets slated by "guys in the know, old hands" with comments along the lines of "nothing is free in Los", "they are all about the money" bla bla bal. When I mentioned on another forum that I have been chatting to an LB student who does not seem to be money orientated, one of these self appointed know it alls asked me did I want to buy some swamp land in Florida he was selling, cheeky fooker lol.

Ask some of the guys who use the various online sites and chat programs how they get on, and one would be surprised by the amount of non payment sex these guys are getting, the only money changing hands in for transport and maybe some food. I have availed of these myself, and it's such a different experience being with someone who wants to be with you, rather than only for the coin. Many of these girls have regular jobs and are looking for a bit of illicit fun like any normal person in any country. Of course these guys using these sites don't boast about it in general. One reason is to keep it secret and reduce the competition/assholes ruining it for them and secondly to avoid the inevitable derisory comments from the so called self appointed experts.

Of course the online option takes a bit of work time wise, and is more suited to guys who spend longer periods in Los or can line the girls up before they arrive. But it is not only the regular girls who give out for free, some of the p4p girls can be quite generous with their bargains also.

This is the area where the "wise old sages" scoff at any mention of a freebie. Well to those gentlemen out there, it does happen whether you want to believe it or not, although granted it is rare. I am not boasting here, just telling what happened, when I say on my last trip I had a few freebies, man I hate that word, and the girls made the offer, I did not coax it out of them or haggle for it. Here is one tale you don't hear that often, a bit of an eye opener I reckon.

During my last trip I met a p4p girl on Sukhumvit on one of the nights I was in town. We had some fun back in her place, and I handed over my money in the morning. But also we swapped mobile numbers and emails as I enjoyed her company and I might give her a shout again. Well I spent 3 weeks in Bkk last February and one day she popped up on MSN messenger. We chatted and she said she wanted some photos taken for her page on Vicesisters and would I do it for her.

Anyway one thing led to another and she made me an offer you just don't get from a p4p girl in Los. I told her I was going to Hua Hin, and she asked could she join me. Now here it comes,rub your eyes gents, she said as we were now friends, and that I was doing her a favour with the photos, she would pay her way on the trip, and she certainly did. She first off insisted on paying my bus fare to HH. Then she gave me half the money for the room each night, and wait for it, every night before we went out, she handed me 500 Baht to cover her drinks. There was absolutely no strings attached to this you scratch my back, I scratch your back arrangement. We have since become friends and as her English is quite good, we can have some normal conversations online.

Anyway I could go on, but hopefully I have helped illustrate the point that Lung made, that it is not always about the money.

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By the sound of things it looks like Bumble Bee's handsum man!!

Fuckin' good post Bumble Bee!


Thanks Lung, not so much a case of being handsome or not. It helps perhaps if a guy is, but more I reckon it is about the girls realising you are a jai dee guy who they connect with on some level and want to enjoy your company on a equal footing, rather than being your paid entertainment.

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The hound is not known to cough up very much unless forced into a corner,everyone who knows me wonders , how does that fat , old , ugly loudmouth fucker do it?

I can reveal my secret brass neck, not frightened of rejection and a amazing line in flattery and bullshit.

I am a person who gets my ducks in a row before I go hunting , a good dress sense and a good patter works a treat.

So you Demi gods who walk about in your sandals with socks and dress like shit then wonder why you pay through the nose get laid , take note, also a nice aftershave or cologne helps , I have pulled numerous beauties especially in the mall who say I smell good, they love a good clean smelling chap.

Or it might just be my devastatingly good looks and ass like a ripe peach LOL

From one loudmouthed fucker to another, I agree full heartedly!

Gift of the gab, look presentable, keep smiling, keep bullshitting & keep turning up!!... 'Good dress sense & patter' as you put it. :hi::give_rose:

I think you're a couple of years younger than me & our generation in England was incredibly style conscious, whether scruffy or smart & that hangs on... And it's one of the main factors that does it for me here :hi: (obviously, keeping yourself in shape 'does' pay its dividends too, but it looks like you're doing well enough already)! :gym:

Most Thais really don't like sweat & beer stained vests, dreadlocks n' other stuff with bits of bird shit, spunk, bubble gum & discarded fag packets in it... =@ :lolu:

Be the man they want to be seen with! :hi:

I've been considering the stinkies for a while now, although I must admit it's not really in my nature, at least not since the 'Paco Rabanne' dousing days... But now I'm a bit older & more insecure I think I can see myself reaching for the cologne shelf quite soon!

Funnily enough it's the complete lack of style in Pattaya (my favorite hunting ground) which is one of the main appeals. I just love watching the circus like, style mishap, freak show roll by while I'm pumping down beer Chang & laughing at these cunts!... Admittedly they're probably thinking, "Who's this prick think he is, "The Great fuckin' Gatsby" in his fancy, soft linen, flouncy, 'poofta' shirts & all the rest of it... But my plan works, their's don't! Simple as that. :hi:

Sexy as you are, I'm afraid the tingly nipple thing isn't working on me, at least not yet. I'll let you know when they're up.

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Good point gents about clothes. I only ever wear short sleeved shirts. Never have T-shirts with me, and would not be seen dead in a wife beater, the uniform on soi 7 and environs it seems. The girls do notice and comment about wearing shirts, "you look good/smart" so already you have a head start.

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Good point gents about clothes. I only ever wear short sleeved shirts. Never have T-shirts with me, and would not be seen dead in a wife beater, the uniform on soi 7 and environs it seems. The girls do notice and comment about wearing shirts, "you look good/smart" so already you have a head start.

And yoo hansum man tooo Mr. Bummble Bee

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Guess I'm doing the right thing for the wrong reason. :search:

In New York, which is a formal kind of place, my prefered mode of dress is a comfy all cotton T in the summer and a comfy sweatshirt otherwise.

But here in the LOS, my favorite T's are now too shabby to wear at night so i've switched to short sleeves.

Tough to find quality all cotton Ts taht fit me here. Bought a Double X and too tight.

No matter what one wears the girls don't want you to smell. So do the laundry! And take a shower. :crazy:

Smile, smile, and smile some more.

I can't count the times that my tirak has said something like "that person no smile". If you're not smiling it's almost rude.

Be clean, throw on a big smile, say "hi honey" at the mall or market and you'll generally get a good reaction from sexy young ladyboys at the mall or market.

Now in New York, it would be considered an intrusion on a girls space if an older gent approached her a subway platform. Not here. The Land of Smiles. The smiling may not mean exactly the same as in Falangland but smiling counts! :D :D :D

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Good man Lung, it's refreshing to see somebody has the balls to mention the elephant in the room and I fully agree with you. Any time this topic is brought up on the various forums, the guy who mentions it invariably gets slated by "guys in the know, old hands" with comments along the lines of "nothing is free in Los", "they are all about the money" bla bla bal. When I mentioned on another forum that I have been chatting to an LB student who does not seem to be money orientated, one of these self appointed know it alls asked me did I want to buy some swamp land in Florida he was selling, cheeky fooker lol.

Ask some of the guys who use the various online sites and chat programs how they get on, and one would be surprised by the amount of non payment sex these guys are getting, the only money changing hands in for transport and maybe some food. I have availed of these myself, and it's such a different experience being with someone who wants to be with you, rather than only for the coin. Many of these girls have regular jobs and are looking for a bit of illicit fun like any normal person in any country. Of course these guys using these sites don't boast about it in general. One reason is to keep it secret and reduce the competition/assholes ruining it for them and secondly to avoid the inevitable derisory comments from the so called self appointed experts.

Of course the online option takes a bit of work time wise, and is more suited to guys who spend longer periods in Los or can line the girls up before they arrive. But it is not only the regular girls who give out for free, some of the p4p girls can be quite generous with their bargains also.

This is the area where the "wise old sages" scoff at any mention of a freebie. Well to those gentlemen out there, it does happen whether you want to believe it or not, although granted it is rare. I am not boasting here, just telling what happened, when I say on my last trip I had a few freebies, man I hate that word, and the girls made the offer, I did not coax it out of them or haggle for it. Here is one tale you don't hear that often, a bit of an eye opener I reckon.

During my last trip I met a p4p girl on Sukhumvit on one of the nights I was in town. We had some fun back in her place, and I handed over my money in the morning. But also we swapped mobile numbers and emails as I enjoyed her company and I might give her a shout again. Well I spent 3 weeks in Bkk last February and one day she popped up on MSN messenger. We chatted and she said she wanted some photos taken for her page on Vicesisters and would I do it for her.

Anyway one thing led to another and she made me an offer you just don't get from a p4p girl in Los. I told her I was going to Hua Hin, and she asked could she join me. Now here it comes,rub your eyes gents, she said as we were now friends, and that I was doing her a favour with the photos, she would pay her way on the trip, and she certainly did. She first off insisted on paying my bus fare to HH. Then she gave me half the money for the room each night, and wait for it, every night before we went out, she handed me 500 Baht to cover her drinks. There was absolutely no strings attached to this you scratch my back, I scratch your back arrangement. We have since become friends and as her English is quite good, we can have some normal conversations online.

Anyway I could go on, but hopefully I have helped illustrate the point that Lung made, that it is not always about the money.

Thanks for the tip BB, but she got free photos taken by a master photographer, worth a lot to her and you had a great time together. Well done to both of you

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Now in New York, it would be considered an intrusion on a girls space if an older gent approached her a subway platform. Not here. The Land of Smiles. The smiling may not mean exactly the same as in Falangland but smiling counts! :D :D :D

In London the bitch would have you fuckin' arrested!!!

I spent years on London commuter trains & it's true, you take one step too close to a chick & she'll do that 'golf ball eyed' tremor thing, absolutely horrified with one finger on top of the 'Mace' button!!!

Fukin', lesbo, wanker, man hating, shit stink, bitches. :growl:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Blanket generalisations about relationships never working out or that freebies could never truly exist bugs me a bit.

I've had a little share of both at one time or another, but in the case of the freebie (it's always been with girls I've known for some time rather than a fresh encounter), I've found myself wanting to give her a 'gift' anyway, unprompted, literally as she's leaving the building.

This is because I prefer not to feel that I owe her anything or retain any duty towards her in any way in the future, so it kind of puts the happening to bed, so to speak.

However, several have gone totally unrecompensed without future issue, even repeated. So anything is possible, especially if it's happened to me cos I ain't no oil painting :pardon:

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Blanket generalisations about relationships never working out or that freebies could never truly exist bugs me a bit.

I've had a little share of both at one time or another, but in the case of the freebie (it's always been with girls I've known for some time rather than a fresh encounter), I've found myself wanting to give her a 'gift' anyway, unprompted, literally as she's leaving the building.

This is because I prefer not to feel that I owe her anything or retain any duty towards her in any way in the future, so it kind of puts the happening to bed, so to speak.

However, several have gone totally unrecompensed without future issue, even repeated. So anything is possible, especially if it's happened to me cos I ain't no oil painting :pardon:

I actually thought you looked rather 'fetching' in that lovely tie & specs!

Thanks for the 'good sense' post & for qualifying a lot of stuff that I should of clarified initially, same as 'BB' did... I really should have mentioned that all the LB's & GG's that I've had 'non pay' relationships with have been individuals that I had already meet & built a strong rapport with or at least 'sussed' them out to the best of my ability.

Overall, if anyone you don't know here (other than a tourist) offers you free sex, it's probably best to 'bat it off'... Almost invariably, it will be safer if at least not less stressful.

Not quite every time, butt almost.

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Dear Abby,

I'm one of those who could never stand the smell of aftershave lotion or men's colognes on me or anyone else. I bought 1 bottle of "Old Spice" when I was 15-16 y/o & I probably still have it around here somewhere.... Where I live it is the guys in the "wife-beaters" who favor it.

Even though the smell of cologne reminds me of being stuck in an crowded elevator in Riyaad, I suppose now that I am entering my "golden years" I will resort to experimenting with it in LOS to see if it is indeed ladyboy bait!

Signed, Shameless

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5555... Nice one!.. that's worth a +1 of anyone's money. :good:

Funnily enough it was always a combination of 'Old Holbourn, farts & stale beer' that reminded me of my father!?

But I do know what you mean about the 'Old Spice' syndrome... I did say earlier on that I haven't had any contact with that sort of behavior or culture since late adolescence & dance halls; but about 7 years ago or so I was back in the UK & for some unimaginable reason I found myself being unable to resist buying a bottle of the wretched stuff (nostalgia, I suppose)... And it did sort of put some more hairs my chest, its a geezer's smell!

You could probably snide up a load of the stuff over here, I'm sure its probably only a mixture of cats piss n' diesel?

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By the sound of things it looks like Bumble Bee's handsum man!!

Fuckin' good post Bumble Bee!


Funny I was talking to a ladyboy in Pattaya last week and BB came into the conversation , the ladyboy in question said he looked like Tom Cruise !!!!!

A good subject this and probably the most taboo subject on any forum .

I find that this scene can be very competitive at times with guys obsessed with prices and getting one over on others equating what they pay must be down to them being more handsome or crafty etc etc ...

Those of us who have been around a while know things are a lot more complex than that , I too have had the odd stroke of luck but as BB and Lung have stated you only talk about this among friends and not on any forum as it seems to upset some guys and their ego's .

One freebee was a pretty famous BKK "superstar" who probably did it to prove she was a big earner and show off to her peers in her bar but believe me I wasn't complaining .

A good friend had the same experience , she was at the top of the game at the time .

Like all things in Thailand be laid back , go with the flow and never look a gift horse in the mouth .

It helps that they know already that you have small money and are on a budget .

I will say however that for every stroke of good fortune I've had the odd one quote me something over the top and spoiled the moment .

Cest la ve :air_kiss:

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