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Obama Calls Mitt A Bullshitter


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Anyone here voting for Mitt, tell me now, so I will know never to speak to you again, if ever we are in each other's presence.

Mitt is the worst pile of scum the Repugs have ever nominated. I'd take McCain or Dubya in a heartbeat over this piece of shit. I am very concerned he is going to win. The USA is overpopulated with idiots who are just stupid enough to vote for him.

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‘If the Mittmobile does roll into Washington it will be towing behind it the whole anti-intellectual, anti-science freak show.’ - Bill Maher

Todd Akins, Michelle Bachmann, that clown Mourdock from Indiana who says "even if a women gets raped that baby is something that god intended" {?} ......and note god wasn't capitalized there because you don't need to use CAPS for a non-existent thing.....scary tea party people who listen to Rush and that asswipe Glenn Beck; THAT'S what we have to look forward to if that asshole gets into power!

Get out and vote on November 6th, this country needs you more than ever!

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A question for the Americans living in the US - is there any explanation as to why this thing is as close as it is? It's hard to imagine how one debate could have turned it around for Romney so much.

I've been following the talk shows, etc., it's difficult to believe that people accept Romney's move from the far right in the past 2-3 weeks is sincere after the last 2-3 years painting himself as the "extreme conversative" to win the Republican nomination. How can they possibly believe what he has to say after probably the biggest flip flop of all time?

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If either Romney or Obama slips up between now & election day... they lose!

It would need to be a major slip but any "misquote" by either man will be amplified by the opposition ad infinitum.

One question that interests me is why does Romney want to spend an extra 2 trillion dollars on the military when Obama keeps reminding us that they haven't asked for it. Here's my theory - the war in Iraq cost one trillion dollars & there is much unfinished business in the Middle East.

So, is the two trillion earmarked for Iran & surrounding countries or will he line up America's real enemy, Pakistan? Whoever it is, the American military does not need that much money for routine maintenance. I predict President Romney will lead the west into the mother of all wars.

Let's hope that President Obama takes a more sensible approach. And doesn't end up assassinated doing it.

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A question for the Americans living in the US - is there any explanation as to why this thing is as close as it is? It's hard to imagine how one debate could have turned it around for Romney so much.

I ain't exactly sure RX, but I know it ain't a simple answer...

I can't really explain it but around here there is a great deal of hate for Obama...I suppose some of it is because of the color of his skin...Some because of the conservative press...Some because folks feel Obama lied to them and let them down...

Right now they don't wanta hear any more excuses...They're tired of hearing why...Blaming the Bush Administration or the Republican Congress don't put bread on the table...The economy sucks...It ain't getting better...Thousands and thousands are out of work...There ain't no jobs...They want answers...Obama didn't give them the answers...They don't think he has the answers...

And so now all these folks' hope has turned to hate...You don't have to like Romney...You don't even have to believe anything he says...You don't even have to know what it is that he is saying...All that matters now is that the man you so hate, President Obama, is run out of Washington...It's not so much that you want to elect Romney, but that you want to unelect President Obama...I've been through a lot of elections RX...I have never felt hate like this before...Comes at me from all sides...

Hate...Don't matter it's focus...Don't matter if you hate the left or if you hate the right...If you hate Fox or if you hate the NY Times...Hate truly hurts the hater much more than it hurts the hated...

Make no mistake...Like it or not...Romney and his funny underwear is probably gonna win...And all because of hate...What a horrible thing hate is no matter where it lives...

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I ain't exactly sure RX, but I know it ain't a simple answer...

I can't really explain it but around here there is a great deal of hate for Obama...I suppose some of it is because of the color of his skin...Some because of the conservative press...Some because folks feel Obama lied to them and let them down...

Right now they don't wanta hear any more excuses...They're tired of hearing why...Blaming the Bush Administration or the Republican Congress don't put bread on the table...The economy sucks...It ain't getting better...Thousands and thousands are out of work...There ain't no jobs...They want answers...Obama didn't give them the answers...They don't think he has the answers...

And so now all these folks' hope has turned to hate...You don't have to like Romney...You don't even have to believe anything he says...You don't even have to know what it is that he is saying...All that matters now is that the man you so hate, President Obama, is run out of Washington...It's not so much that you want to elect Romney, but that you want to unelect President Obama...I've been through a lot of elections RX...I have never felt hate like this before...Comes at me from all sides...

Hate...Don't matter it's focus...Don't matter if you hate the left or if you hate the right...If you hate Fox or if you hate the NY Times...Hate truly hurts the hater much more than it hurts the hated...

Make no mistake...Like it or not...Romney and his funny underwear is probably gonna win...And all because of hate...What a horrible thing hate is no matter where it lives...

The economy nationwide is getting better, and the unemployment rate is going down.

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Well part of the problem with the economy was the housing bust and meltdown of financial institutions.

But the dirty little secret which it's not PC for either the Dems or Repubs to say is that the world is changing and the USA is powerless to stop the change. Indian programmers work for a fraction of their Western counterparts. Cambodian sweatshops produce your jeans and sneakers cheaper than union shops in the West.

The emerging economies are grabbing a larger slice of the pie. Inevitable. The only hope is to increase the size of the pie such that a smaller share yields the same or greater volume than before.

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The economy nationwide is getting better, and the unemployment rate is going down.

Bullshit from a left side hater...

You tell that Lefty to the guy who has had his unemployment insurance including all the extensions, expire...

You tell that to the family who lost their home to foreclosure and are now trying their very best to raise their family while they make their home with their in-laws...

You tell that to the family on welfare whose children won't get any Halloween or Xmas treats...

You tell that to the old folks on supplemental social security who don't have enough money to buy food...

You just keep telling everyone that Lefty...Maybe it will come true...

My post was was only meant as my feable attempt to answer RX question...The only thing these folks can see and understand, right ot wrong, is that all this happened to them while Obama was President...Not Bush...Not Romney...So guess who they are gonna vote for...And you call them names and hate them for that...To me that is shameful...

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PD- please don't tell me you are voting for Mitt.

No. I strongly prefer Obama to Romney.

Since we had a thread Romney Says Let Them Eat Cake, I didn't want my right wing buddy, Archie Bunker, to think that LBR was not fair and balanced. Though ole Arch didn't watch Fox back in the day since it didn't exist.

But looking at things from a class warfare angle, the power brokers of the Democratic Party work with the 1% to keep them in control throwing the middle class a few bones.

The Repubs do a great job convincing the working class that the permanent underclass is more of a threat than the ruling elite.

I like Obama.

But Romney, smart and articulate, is certainly more presidential than Dubya. Not a friend to the working man though.

On some other thread my friend Arch complained that the mainstream media was biased in election coverage. I don't think this is generally the case. It's easy to have an unbiased coverage of the election if that's the objective of a particular news outlet.

Where "bias" creeps in is in coverage of certain issues. How could anyone in their right mind deny climate change? Scientific conspiracy? Gimme a break. Or evolution? Should Creationists get equal time?

Other biased coverage includes abortion issues. I'm sure most New York Times reporters are pro-choice and find it hard not to be biased on questions such as should a raped woman have a right to an abortion. This bias will be reflected in their coverage.

There's lots of media bias. But election coverage is probably the least biased coverage since it's some akin to reporting on the NFL.

Some may be confused by my political writing as it's not always clear which side I'm on. That's cause I try to cut through the bullshit, seek the truth and try to understand the position of all parties in political squabbles.

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...All that matters now is that the man you so hate, President Obama, is run out of Washington...It's not so much that you want to elect Romney, but that you want to unelect President Obama...

This is exactly how so many elections are decided, not just in the US but everywhere. Once again, we have a referendum on a leader's success, or lack of it. And as Lefty reminded us, what hope did Obama have fighting Republican obstructionism in Congress when they wouldn't concede an inch & reversed their position on good policy just so they could blame Obama? Complete bastardry!

Make no mistake...Like it or not...Romney and his funny underwear is probably gonna win...And all because of hate...What a horrible thing hate is no matter where it lives...

If Romney can maintain his composure & the media keeps giving him airtime of him reminding everyone how much worse off they all are, then you are probably right. But there's many a slip twixt cup & lip & neither camp should get too confident.

Hard to believe that only four years after throwing out the worst President in living memory that another Republican even stands a chance of winning. But Romney presents himself as the most Presidential candidate in a long time. And if he wins & gets his two trillion dollar warchest, he will change the world forever. And not necessarily in a good way.

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Ohio is key. Most probably whoever wins Ohio will win the election.

Would not be easy for Romney to win if he loses Ohio. One such path though is if he carries Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Iowa.

I predict an Obama victory. He is leading in the polls in important key battleground states and it is believed that Obama has a superior get out the vote operation.

But who knows, thunderstorms in Cleveland but good weather downstate in conservative areas of Ohio could be the difference.

Or Obama could be found in bed with a dead ladyboy.

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Hard to believe that only four years after throwing out the worst President in living memory that another Republican even stands a chance of winning.

This is very true, but remember 2004; hardcore lefties and moderates like myself never dreamed in a million years that Bushie would win against Kerry as his first 4 years were a disaster.....then he got re-elected and his 2nd term of 4 years was even WORSE and he drove the country completely off a cliff. So it's not hard to believe Romney could get in there, as the old cliche goes "stranger things have happened" - just 8 years ago.

IMO the country can not go backwards to what fucked up this country in the first place; moving back to republican ideals and policies right now would be a disaster, and that empty suit who says he can make this country economically better without raising taxes is lying through his teeth and it pisses me off that he lies so much and will literally do anything it takes to get elected.

Am I absolutely enamored with Obama? Nope. Has he let me down in the fact that he didn't keep his campaign promise from 2008 to get us out of that craphole Afghanistan and instead has gotten us deeper into a war we can't win, getting thousands more young Americans killed along the way? Yups. Did he waste his first 2 years on a watered-down health care bill and this past year pretty much campaigning? Yups. But he has a plan to move this country ahead and he needs four more years to see that through; moving back to that knuckle-dragging party full of misogynistic obstructionist asswipes will only lead to disaster in this country.

Obama next Tuesday.

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I hope you are right JaiDee. A Romney election will bring on the biggest change the world has ever seen.

I think I just worked out what he wants the two trillion dollars for. He may just be intending to seize the oil fields in the Middle East. The NeoCons almost had all Iraq's oil stitched up. Despite their protestations that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with oil, it came out later that was what is was all about.

The Bush administration presented the incoming Iraqi government with a 1000 page dossier of requirements they wanted signed within 24 hours. The new Prime Minister & his cabinet sat up all night going through every page looking for what they suspected it contained. And they found the one page which required them to hand over all rights to oil in the country. They signed the rest but stopped Dubya from claiming his biggest prize.

Now those same advisors are directing Romney & this time, they won't be so subtle. Two trillion should allow them to defeat Iran & any other trouble making country & they will claim all the oil as the spoils of war. America can then pay off their debt with oil sales over the next 100 years.

It's only a theory but the very fact that he has said he will spend that amount of money on the military when they haven't asked for it & just what he could want to do with such an enlarged army makes me think I am not far off the mark. Once the gloves are off, he can seize Iran, Iraq & then... Saudi. Who's going to stop him?

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The joker in the deck now is this random monster storm that is going to hit the (Obama leaning) east coast of the US. It should hit the major population areas starting tonight & last about 2 1/2 days, but the issue is the amount of power outages & transportation breakdowns & evacuations that could linger through Election Day. Both Ohio, ground zero for deciding the election, & New Hampshire which could go either way, are in the projected path & potentially might alter expected voting participation.

If it was today I think Obama would take it, esp. because of his well-oiled machine in important states, but it is a week away & Romney clearly has Big Mo (momentum) lifting him & then there is this pending storm disruption. Stay tuned!

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I predict an Obama victory. He is leading in the polls in important key battleground states and it is believed that Obama has a superior get out the vote operation.

I truly do hope you are right PD but I got this horrible feeling...Maybe it's a product of where I live...But I don't think so...I am surrounded by Republicans...and you know what...They are not monsters like some folks here would have you believe...They are bright articulate folks just like Democrats...In fact, yesterday they may have been a Democrat...And they may be Democrats again come 2013...However you might disagree with their political views, they should never be the subject of your hate...

All we can do now is wait and watch and hope...Khun Hefe is probably very correct...The storm might make a big difference in the outcome of this election...

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A Romney election will bring on the biggest change the world has ever seen.

while i think that might be just a bit of hyperbole there, at least with regard to 9.95 of the 10 billion people on the planet, it *could* be the biggest change ever seen by poor and lower-middle class american women between the ages of 13 and 30 who never had to drive themselves across state lines and pay out of pocket to end a pregnancy they never wanted (be it the result of rape, incest, or the rythm method) and even after somehow coming up with the cash to pay for the abortion and the travel, they have to return home with insufficient funds to access the birth control or family planning that might have otherwise prevented this little tragedy. and the next one. and the next...

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