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duke007 - The Educational Monger


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DukeHallofLegends_resized.jpg.6a8872dcecc8913d9e547407304d1984.jpgFor the first time in the illustrious History of The Romscars Hall of Legends, a BM who was not invited by me to the party, crashed it on the shoulders of his BM peers and made off with the silverware … 

I am talking about one of the most popular BMs both here at LBR and at PY who I did not nominate (this year! ... but would have sooner or later) but, even more remarkably than me nominating him, he was chosen by acclamation by a great many of the BMs who voted for this year's only elected slot for the Hall of Legends.

Well done duke007 and welcome to the Hall of Legends.  Hope you accept to play in my playpen.

You see: duke is a diligent, no-nonsense BM who is too Board Duty-focused for trickster BMs like me as he is constantly processing and disseminating information of interest to all BMs:  football scores, travel tips, expat blogs, music hits, and of course, some of the best on-the-ground intel on the legions of ladyboys that duke scores when he is in Thailand.  That's why his Hall of Legends title is "The EDUCATIONAL monger" (I toyed with the idea of labeling him "The YELLOW PAGES monger").

Other than that, duke007 self-casts himself as a Man U junkie, seems to consider SE Spain as a party on alternative to SE Asia, he special guest star referees at the LBWV, and he was a mod here at LBR (did anyone else notice ?) … His greatest credit may well be that he is much respected by his ladyboy monger peers as evidenced by the wave of support he generated here at LBR to get inducted into the Hall of Legends.  So here you are duke.  Hereafter Legendary duke !


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