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Celebrating EXCELLENCE & CHIVALRY among ladyboy mongers
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  2. I was going to combine the last 2 nights into a single post, but that would be too many ROManesque dalliances for the reader to keep up with, so I will make 2 separate posts even if it means lagging the TR. There will come a night when nothing report-worthy will happen and I will catch up. Such night was not last night nor the previous. I cant say I like sex with sissies more than with borne-women... Sissies offer special thrills both physical and mental but human evolution programmed me as a male to be attracted to females to breed. I can't let go of their soft curves and the taste of their kisses and the only thing better in life than sodomizing a sissy is to sodomize a borne-woman (which is not exactly consistent with evolutionary passing of the genes is it?) something many women decline but which with sissies is a given. But I am starting to digress. And in a corny porny way. All this to say that walking the sois of Pattaya and watching 100s of women skimpily dressed offering themselves for the change I carry in my pocket sharpens a man's hunger for pussy and such hunger hit me big 2 afternoons ago when I was buying something from a Buakhao street cart and so was a bargirl next to me who though no more than a 7 out of 10 was wantonly soft and curvy and at that moment made me feel like I really had to mount her and drain my seed into latex. Later at night, I tracked her to her bar (right across from Delirious), bought her the customary drink, did the unnecessary courting and she accepted to fuck me but only ST. The price she quoted was 2000 (+500 barfine), which I counteroffered with the same 2000 but for LT. She might have gone down on the 2K ST fare, but showed no interest on the LT and effectively discouraged me saying I would need to buy her 5 lady drinks + a 1000 barfine to take her LT. That would cost me an extra 1300 assuming she would accept 2000 LT which she never said she would. I might have coughed the extra dough if she had shown some eagerness, but she didn't so I just checkbinned outa there and hit the sissy bars. Walking up and down Chayapoom a slut in her 40s had been throwing herself at me, so my unintended last stop was her bar and at the sight of her saggers (love MILF saggers) and obious eagerness I pushed the button and she accepted a 1000 LT like it was 2004 (I see the sexpats bragging about 1000 LTs, but it stopped happening to me on first time fucks; don't believe everything they post). I am digressing again. All this to say that Patts pussy has become pickier and costlier as the business model has evolved to retain them in the bar to attract customers rather than letting them go (especially the prettier ones) and emptying the bar so no one comes in anymore. Pretty ones in their 20s still exist but for the most part they are to be found in Walking Street stationed at the bar doors enticing the bachelors and the funky couples to come in. I hear they cost upwards of 5000 to nail and even at that rate you have to be young and handsome. More digressing from the TR... Just looksee the pics. I made sure to document every time any of them fondled my crotch, which they all did even though I never asked for it. Just let them see the bulge and keep the legs manly apart. There's your nugget of wisdom for the day.
  3. Thanks Bumblebee. Party On! or as you say in IRL: keep up the craic ! Thanks for the wishes Potter and let me clarify that I have not run into a single guest of Indian ethnicity here at the Siam Sawasdee (or Sawasdee Siam since their printed references use both). The other guests I have crossed are Korean and Chinese middle-aged men and plenty of Europeans including couples of all ages that are presumably not here for the prosti scene. I would like to add another important flaw I forgot to mention: Besides being a bit of a dump with beds on the floor, THE ROOMS DON'T HAVE PHONES, which means there is no "Everything-OK?" call when our guests exit and collect their IDs. Also if something were to go hostile in the room you can not call the reception for help. Thanks for the tip boss. I went by the P+ and it looks great. So great that when I checked on Agoda it was booked solid through late February. For March the rooms were available at USD27, which is only slightly more than the USD24=800 baht here at the Sawasdee. Will keep it mind for my April trip. Hi PG. I am pretty sure my Ex did not find anything compromising at my place and she never had a chance to have a go at my phone... nor was there any old score to settle from the university days during when she never gave me the time of the day. Your other hypotheses #2, #3, #4 are all highly likely and not exclusive amongst them. I did not understand what "well-hung ladyboy" you were referring to? So far sizewise nothing extraordinary. I have 2 whoppers in the pipeline though... ------------------- Back to the TR: Yesterday I had a craving for pussy and ended up with a 45 yo MILF sitting on my face while I pulled at her fleshy saggy tits. I thought she was going to be a latch on... but out she went at 7 in the morning after extracting a second ejaculation from me. I couldn't go back to sleep so here I am writing this. But now I am feeling hungry and could use an ice coffee, so maybe I will report on last night later, or tomorrow combining it with whatever happens today, which I really should not and take a break because I am drained to the bone marrow as we say in my culture perhaps not in yours. Keep up the craic!
  4. We can go on throwing out wild guesses, blending them with our dirty jokes about what triggered her decision, but we’ll never really know what happened for sure. perhaps she found something in your phone, tab or laptop dealing with your ladyboys activities Maybe her intuition told her you weren’t the right guy for her Maybe one day you did something without even noticing, but it made her uncomfortable. I sometimes noticed such behaviours from other men (without noticing mine) and thout right away : 'it's dead.' Most probaly IMHO, she's got a strange character since she didn't even took time to justify a little bit her decision and she also quit the circle of your common friends. More simply, she might have decided to seduce you, play with you and dump you just to reassure herself about her attractiveness at her age. She wanted to settle an old score from your university days. And if she’s a bit unstable (but hides it well), you’ll never truly know what could have driven such a reckless decision. I hope this breakup isn’t weighing on your mind too much, because honestly, I don’t think it’s worth it. Yes. I prefer them without hair. Moreover, I belong to this category Chinese sissy CDs call Zn. This may explain why. BTW, when I see the face of the well hung ladyboy in your pic, I'd rather have a look under her skirt first.
  5. First off, nice cum shot Rom! I think the P Plus Hotel on Soi Xcyte is strategically located just a minute walk from the current action yet on a quiet soi. The hotel used to have a back entrance near Cindy's Secrets but believe that entrance is now closed. It's just a short stroll to Triangle Bar from P Plus. Comfy rooms, nice pool,big gym. Excellent value for money. The downside is that the rooms are rather small but quite nice. Make sure to choose the King bed and not the Twin beds. The hotel erred by futing out too many twin rooms in an area where the demand is mostly for King beds. P Plus Hotel
  6. I can see the attraction of selecting this hotel (strategically located), however the clientele, I believe are mostly Indian (even before the influx), I can imagine the place is not furnished to a good standard. This place and High Five hotel (top of soi 8, 2nd road), I would avoid like the plague. Enjoy your trip and hopefully it produces some memorable experiences for you.
  7. No doubt I’ll bump into you again at some stage this week Rom. Coincidentally I was in Delirious the night you took that snap of the snapper LurSaluces doing his thing. Neither of us knew who each other was then, how things change in a few days :) I find trip reports are more enjoyable when I know some of the cast, and having been on a crash course of the bars recently I recognise some of the faces in your photos, keep up the good work ;)
  8. Hi PG. I am still wondering what caused my MILF ex to reject me. Maybe it was what you said that she had sensed I am not devoted husband material. We were still in the honeymoon stage of the relationship. Never had a fight even and the last conversation we had she was making plans for us years into the future. Our sex life was frequent and fulfilling at least for me. She had also booked us a romantic trip together for March. All her life she was an exceptionally beautiful woman who got used to levels of male adulation and dedication I did not exhibit. Maybe if she had a big juicy schlong... Still I did not do anything to her that would warrant being dumped with a tweet and blocked and then she quitting the circle of our many common friends. The irony is that she is about to come live on my street (where I am the undisputed neighborhood alfa) and we will run into each other a lot... The plot gets thicker in that one of her MILF friends is now hitting on me, and I suspect she might be going after a common college friend who is married. The 750euro airfare was on Etihad. It could have been lower at 670euro if I accepted a longer connection in Abu Dhabi. Prior to that I had got a 850euro April fare to Manila (includes extra luggage). The fellow sissy monger who will meet me there got an even cheaper Etihad fare from England. The hotel where I am staying now is not that substandard. Just that I get a bad vibe from being here. Absent a chair in my room and the bed being a mattress on the floor, when I am in the room I am always lying down even as I write these words. Do you have anything against hairy, juicy sissy assholes? ... cheers. Last night the sissy who loves me showed up again from wherever she had been (I ask no questions) and asked me to barfine her early and party the night away, which I did picking in the course of the night 2 more sissies in what could have ended as a foursome but did not because I think my main sissy was testing me whereby if I said yes to the foursome she might give me the hair flick. Besides TH is not like in the PH where they beg to sleep in my room without demands of compensation... so we hit a GG+sissies bar in soi Boomerang where one my peripheral sissies was having her b-day party with balloons and howling Issaanites and where I met again the supposedly farang-hitched sissy I had met at the Emmy's party for Pla. Then the 3 of us went to Peachy Lily and later to Duangjai where the 3rd sissy of the night joined the posse. The prima sissy stayed the night and left at noon without wanting to share my Full Monty breakfast for the sake of her slim figure. Another night in Pattaya. At my age I cant keep this up... maybe tonight just watch... but have to do something about the pent-up pussy on Tinder... Pics tell the story better than my non-native English can... Gotta love Brasil.
  9. @Rom regarding your first post : I noticed you had been away from the board for a while, but then you started signing in at such odd hours that I figured you must be in an Asian ladyboys country. So that’s the reason ! Either you get paranoid and think she found out what you’ve been up to on your business trips to Asia, or you just take it easy. If she was single, she might have gone through all the guys she knew and dropped them before you. She probably assumed you were desperately looking for love to settle down in your later years, but deep down, she had a feeling there was something about you she couldn’t quite put her finger on—something you would never tell her. (As for putting her finger on something, perhaps you let her outting too much her finger in ... ) More seriously, I'd like to know which airline offered you a round trip for €750 (and from where it departs - you can PM me if you want). Regarding your second post : IMHO, you're doing just as well as on your previous trips, except maybe when it comes to choosing your hotel. I’m not really sure how you made that mistake or how you usually booked your hotels before. It actually reminds me of a mistake I made on my last trip to Thailand, in Koh Phi Phi. I wanted to stay far from the nightlife, up on the hill, but my bungalow ended up being right next to a rooftop bar. And partying in Koh Phi Phi wasn’t exactly my plan! So, I just went ahead and booked another hotel on the other side of the hill and forgot about the money I had already spent. otherwise, I can see you're as successfull in finding ladyboys, finding the good party, or dating the ladyboy whose name must remain secret or the supposed virgin to have a romantic relationship, not to mention your recurrent romscars and photos of a ladyboy I'd rather the face than her asshole.
  10. For those not familiar with TH monikers, LOS is short for "Land of Smiles". In the "Sissyland" context used above, Pdoggg jested it stands for "Land of Sissies." Pdoggg is a funny guy and I am all about educating the masses here at the Romscars Club. ------------------------------------ This post highlights the main events of my past week that was my first back in TH. As noted in the OP, the trip was prompted by an impulse to get away to make the most of a personal setback so I came to TH on short notice and without an agenda. The flights were uneventful and I was picked up at the airport straight to Pattaya. The Hotel - I made a choice I quickly came to regret but it's no big deal. For 30 years I've been coming to Pattaya dozens of times and every single time I stayed within view of the ocean. From Naklua (once) to Walking Street (couple of times) I stayed at hotels no deeper inland than 2nd road, usually towards the south of Beach Road or 2nd Road. This made perfect mongering sense in the 1990s when the action was like 90% close to the beach, but with the advent of Buakhao I find myself going there every night, so this time I thought to stay there and picked the hotel at the center of it all--the purple beast Siam Sawasdee right across from the alley where you walk to Cindy's Secrets past the Rock Factory that blares loud music until 3 AM which would bother me in farangland but not here. The rooms are big but the fittings are crap and the whole place has a dumpy feel about it. There is no chair in the room (any of the rooms) and the bed is on the floor, so to write this TR I am crouching over my suitcase. The only better than most feature is a large and clean swimming pool, but I dont tend to use them unless in the company of youthful natives, which so far has not happened. It's priced accordingly (800 baht) but I can afford better. One curiosity: the hotel has suicidal-farang proof balconies: you can see nice spacious balconies from the outside, but you can't access them from the rooms. I suspect originally you could and they bricked over the passage doorways. The first night - I told myself I was just going to have a beer and look around and rest from the trip but I ran into a beloved widely coveted sissy who if I declined her interest to stay with me might not give me another chance. We made deep meaningful love all night and promises were made for the rest of my stay but then that very day she disappeared from my radar and at her bar they don't want to tell me where she went. Go figure but it has to be a higher bidder. One curiosity: I did not pay her any money. She saw in my room a gift I had bought for someone else and insisted I give it to her. It may have saved me a small amount but now I have to find another one just like it having told the intended recipient about it. Sissies galore: For someone who was going to mope in the room over a broken-heart I seem to be doing pretty well. Every night I managed to score one and only one different sissy, all of them the flat chested hormones free free range ones I tend to favor. Last night I got one who speaks ZERO English and claims to be a total virgin, which her ultra tight wrinkly asshole seems to corroborate. I barely managed to insert the tip of my finger and then tried with the fat tip of my cock and she yelped like it was a torture chamber. She left at 8 am to go to school !!! One curiosity: I made a club date for tonight with a hot sissy who is a live-in GF with an elderly sexpat. I am not 100% sure sex is on the menu. But how could it not? How do I approach the subject of pay in advance? This is gonna be a tricky one. Emmy's Party: I was there on Saturday for the birthday party of one of their sissies but I brought my own. It was nice catching up with a couple of BMs here and I met another one who is a very likable fellow. Teya who had given me the hair flick on prior visits was very agreeable this time and wants to come visit. Little Pla was there visiting and she did not seem to recognize me. One curiosity: the night before all the bars were closed and it was like there was a black out in Walking Street where I thought I'd find 100s of freelancers. Wrong! There were fewer than ever. The bars: Delirious is rocking but I have been exploring the lesser bars in the context of the forthcoming Romscar attribution of the Bar of the Year. The owner of Bon Bar (a GG MILF) has a crush on me, but my 2 past regulars Any and Fang dont work there anymore. I tracked them both but neither wants to LT me, and I dont like it when they call the shots on the clock. I took one of the femboys from Bon Bar who agreed to LT but after the deed (very good) asked if she could go drink with her friends. I said yes if she accepted half the agreed amount, which she did and off she went. There is a new sissy bar just at the entrance of Walking Street. It's called the Big Tool and has like 5 old ladyboys. I was there like 5 minutes to avoid buying a drink to any of them. My draft beer was 135 baht, but the lady drinks were 250. At Chayapoom, Jie Jie and Dongjai are well staffed with new talent and I went once to soi 6 and amongst the 100s of women I counted 10 sissies, which is more than on recent trips. We are lucky that the barfines in the ladyboy bars are kept at 500. In the pussy bars it was upwards of 800 every time I asked. One curiosity: one of the sissies I fucked has a mother in her 50s who works in a GG bar. The sissy said she and her mother would be agreeable to a threesome with me! I am considering it. The pussy: So far I havent come close to scoring pussy, which is unlikely since I have shown interest in a couple of bar MILF demi-mondaines and am on Tinder and Badoo getting matches like I am the last man alive in Pattaya. I guess my focus is just not on those old bags. One of the things about having had a GF back in farangland is that I got used to bareback sex and at my age ejaculations are the opposite of premature and if I am wearing a condom I will more likely fake them than experience them. One curiosity: can't think of one. I think I have babbled away too much. I will just post some related pics below, without wanting to specify places and identities. The virgin sissy I will keep a secret for a while longer. The others had already been perforated like Swiss cheeses when I got to them... This probably reads like I am a rambling maniac. Maybe time to stop the TRs... But if I don't do them who will?
  11. Or possibly you realised that you couldn't live without the sissies so you accidentally on purpose left your phone so she could take a sly peek and sure enough after seeing your photos she acted as you'd anticipated. You then immediately booked your flight to Sissyland and are now wondering how you could have been so deluded to think you could have forsaken the darlings. I'm sure Lily will be delighted to receive it. Welcome back.
  12. I arrived in Patts last week but had not found it in me to pre-discuss the trip here in the Board or start a TR on arrival as I usually do (reason below), but this morning finally woke up motivated to write something after a fun good old mongering time last night at a birthday party at Emmy's where a couple of BMs recognized me so it is no longer a secret I am in Patts, not that I ever cared to keep it a secret. This trip to TH was NOT planned schedulewise and agendawise as I normally plan them, usually in conjunction with a visit also to the PH. It was a trip I booked on impulse and as a pick-myself-up after ... wait for it ... I was dumped by a farang lady my age. In fact an old classmate who arguably was the hottest chic in the University we attended (and where she never gave me the time of the day). It's not that I was in love with her but after months of she courting me (and my instinct telling me watch out! ) and then one month of wild passionate lovemaking I was honestly thinking maybe time to hang my sissy and exotic GG boots and have a real, age-appropriate GF from my culture and socio-economic background. She was the one making all the plans for the rest of our lives and then out-of-the-blue she broke up with me by text message. I never even got to reply. She had blocked me. Then she just as abruptly excluded herself from our common group of friends, who are all gossiping about me using and discarding another one, with me having in their eyes a reputation for being a womanizer, which is the case aggravated by that they see only the tip of the iceberg... So a couple days after the break up I had cleared my February agenda and booked myself a plain vanilla roundtrip to BKK (750 euros only) and came straight to Pattaya without plans other than at some point I will be hooking up for a few days with an old sissy acquaintance who is now a pastry chief in BKK (she is only 25). And since I am here, I will be personally delivering the Romscar for the 2024 Ladyboy Bar of the Year. I have pretty much made up my mind and can only reveal it will be a Patts bar. OK this post is long enough for a broken hearted farang on the mend. Plus, as I write these words, there is a sissy sleeping peacefully next to me who is about to have a late morning penis colonic. Hope you enjoy this TR that will likely be mellower than my previous ones. Rom
  13. This post is the follow up to the one right above with MY OWN PEEPS OF ALICE, which by mistake I had posted yesterday in another thread where Alice's Christmas trip to Russia was mentioned and so am reposting those peeps in this here thread. For good measure, I am also posting some more FB pics of Alice in Winterland that I had not posted on the other thread. Who the fuck is Alice? I dont know for sure. But sure was good to fuck her...
  14. I agree with PG that Russia's aversion to same-sex romance is ideological but the fact is that such ideology precludes gay marriage and ostracizes openly gay Russians. On the other hand, I hear that recreational sex between boys is prevalent and tolerated as long as the participants do not define themselves as homos and continue to show (claim) interest in women. I see on the internet there are plenty of "Russian T Girls" but not so many of the models dare (or can can access) to use plastic surgery to look more feminine, perhaps to safeguard themselves from social exclusion by still keeping the option to look like men. Regarding Alice in Winterland (pics above) I doubt that her Russian host has to be an oligarch to manage to have her over, and if he is who I think he might be (a photographer for Asian TGirl) he is just another Russian in exile in TH ... But I DONT KNOW. Maybe Alice just went to Russia with a non-Russian dude on a vacation. Below are some revealing pics of Alice I took of her last year during our lovemaking. Alice! Who the Fuck is Alice? Here's Alice
  15. If I'm too off-topic, feel free to hoover my post. Although Russia claims to oppose same-sex relationships, it seems to me that these policies are more about anti-Western sentiment. They appear to use them against Western visitors who are daring enough to travel to Russia or against local LGBTQ individuals with Western-influenced lifestyles. On the other hand, it seems unlikely that they would target a local businessman—especially one powerful enough to discreetly indulge in a relationship with someone from Thailand, given that Thailand is increasingly aligning itself with their big brother, China.
  16. The third one to exonerate me is a gorgeous sissy I hooked up with last year (2024). The name was ALICE and she was a come-when-she-pleased freelancer based in one of the soi Buakhao bars; the one after Bon Bar on the same side as you keep walking north for another block; dont remember the name. At the time I was porking another supersexy sissy from that bar (I called her Pixie here at LBR) so I did not want to barfine Alice and loose Pixie's LT deals. Alice was sort of a Plan B for when a shop owner MILF I was courting would not want to stay the night. Which happened 2 times. Then I'd call Alice to join me after that bar closed. But I digress. Alice has since found a sponsor, who I think is Russian and he may well be the one who posted the first internet pics of her as I believe it is a Russian who runs or shoots pictorials for that sissy porn site, whose promotional galleries' pics I am posting here. Below are the first internet nudies of Alice to be followed by a post with my own peeps that I shied away from posting when I tabulated Alice in the TR of the trip I fucked her. Enjoy these flat chest pics of Alice. By now she must have earned more than she needs for the bolt-ons...
  17. Addendum to the TR: Featured 6 months ago in a post above was the beautiful Pattaya sissy ALICE who was one of my highlights of the trip narrated in this TR. She has since obtained the sponsorship of (at least one) punter who happens to be Russian and since Christmas she has been FB-posting Ice Queen looking pics of her in Moscow and St. Petersburg where I think it's safe to say she is on a love trip. Russia is not keen on same sex romance and I expect her to be on a limited tourist visa and get back to Pattaya where I also expect her to resume P4P on the downlow at much higher rates as long as the sponsor is away and maintains the cash flow... I am going back to Pattaya soon, and if I see her I will fuck her but if she is still being sponsored I will not report it here as not to jeopardize the sponsorship...
  18. Wel I am sorry to break the news to you. ( By the way, with your intimate knowledge of her I thought you must know). She has got the implants, 330cc. I have checked them out. Have advised her to massage them into position after my experience with another girl. I have offered my services in that department. Her chest shape is not perfect for implants, but I am sure they will settle in. Whatever happens she will still be Lyly
  19. I have no idea what she is saying. Perhaps she is asking farang to pay for her boobs. I haven't been to Pattaya all month. Perhaps you could pay her not to get sillycone?
  20. Getting back to CS2 Ly Ly... Did she get the bolt-ons ? or is planning to ? in the first FB video below she is holding the implant bags ... in the second video she seems to already have breast volumes yet she is wearing the same clothes and the lighting is the same on both videos ... ?????? Does anyone understand what she is saying ? Someone out there in Patts please check her out at CS2 and tell me it ain't so... Lyly1.mp4 Lyly2.mp4
  21. Thanks for posting about such iconic ladyboy show venue here at the Romscars Club. Perhaps this post should be moved to a more general section of the board. I have attended the Alcazar a few times and am looking forward to go again and wish you well and all the staff and performers.
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