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The hoovered cartoons from the 2018 Romscars


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This thread is a repository of my 2018 Romscar cartoons that were originally posted at Pyongyang and then regime-expunged (along with all the threads I ever started) in retaliation for me briefly announcing there the 2019 Romscars winners after I had been banned.  At PY’s microcosmic level, it was the equivalent of the Nazis’ public burnings of “degenerate art” paintings by Jews that, more than punishing for contrived sins, self-deprived the Reich and posterity of one-of-a-kind creations.

Not this time meine Führers!  All my former threads at Pyongyang are fully backed up and I COULD easily repost all of the 2018 Romscars thread here at the Romscars Club.  But I concede that it would be awkwardly excessive.  So I will be posting only the more record-worthy Romscars 2018 cartoons with a short recap of the respective categories' winners.

I start with the introductory cartoon to the 2018 Romscars that now serves as the page top image for The Romscars Club.  Initially, I had sought to depict myself, the PY mods and a few chore BMs there.  But once I began drawing, I kept adding more BMs and in the end I had 21 personages.  For the record, here are the contemplated:

1-Aitch; 2-Jimmy Love(/Cargo)pants; 3-Lord Jim; 4-Hellokathoey; 5-LWFM; 6-cherjam; 7-Miguel; 8-fenton; 9-snoop-dawg; 10-Rom; 11-Rom’s wingman who is a lurker at PY and wishes to remain incognito; 12-loverboy; 13-Youngroy; 14-oldlover; 15-AlexP; 16-Petesie; 17-Kwan/Quinn; 18-KendoUK; 19-Ausmagoo; 20-Rinzler; 21-PY’s ladyboy logo with a proper size cock.



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I wanted to give the Romscars awards that “red carpet feel” with show bizz stars in attendance, so who better than the greatest clown of all time to be my MC ?   Trump that is!  I spoofed him and his lovely wife Melania from a ladyboy angle in the cartoon that opened the ceremonies and in a couple more.  Then, I stopped when haters were using it as a pretext to threadfuck with politics.  Here is the first cartoon that kicked off the red carpet awards:


And here is another one featuring Pyongyang’s happiest camper BM oldlover:


And the third and final Trump appearance at the 2018 Romscars was to decorate the Romscar for Trip Reporter of the Year that was won by snoop-dawg with OzzieC, Miguel and The-Sith runner-ups.  The cartoon's joke was on me.  Do you get it?


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The-Sith.jpg.5aa8721b5f4d778e1ca27ebf29125b37.jpgOne of the annual Romscars is reserved for a newcomer BM who shows online the most mongering and posting excellence. In 2018 the winner of Newbie of the Year was a Pyongyang BM who goes by The-Sith, who got everyone’s attention with two Star Wars-themed TRs and his high-roller, audacious mongering style.  BM Twest, also of Pyongyang, was a distant second on the popular vote.

thesith2.jpg.ebd289008715fe4c4bbfd852918d5408.jpgAs far as I can tell, The-Sith is not a BM here at LBR.  I bet he does not even know that in 2019 he won another Romscar, this time for Ladyboy Mongering Legend in the Making.  If anyone here knows The-Sith and can tell him or shoot him a PM at Pyongyang, please do.  It would be a nice favor you would be doing me and, especially, him.

Below is the cartoon I made in 2018 to capture what newcomers must go through at Pyongyang when they start making themselves noticed.  Those of us who, despite being outnumbered, responded in kind to the hazing ... got held back back in Retarded Members, or worse: got our asses booted from the Democratic People's Republic.  Not The-Sith!   Somehow he manages to outsmart the regime by remaining deferential enough to the Kims while posting like a boss.  Well done The-Sith!


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LurSaluces.thumb.jpg.6e69de2d2467ae73ebb759738aa8db8b.jpgPictures of beautiful ladyboys is the reason most of us joined online ladyboy Boards in the first place.  The Romscar for Ladyboys’ Photographer of the Year was won in 2018 by BM LurSaluces who blew away the other nominees.  My take (from what the BMs who voted for him posted) is that he won not because of anything out of (his excellent) ordinary he did in 2018, but because BMs at Pyongyang are grateful for his contribution over the years of many thousands of high-quality ladyboy pictures.  Excellent indeed!

BUT… LurSaluces could be even more excellent if he also shared his bounty here at LBR where he is also a BM.  Last time we had the honor of his visit was to get one of my TR pics hoovered showing him FROM THE BACK while he was taking a pic of Nok.  For someone who has been methodically recording for posterity hundreds of ladyboys prostituting themselves, he sure is self-protective of the back of his shirt.

Been there.  Done that.  On a much smaller scale.  And still do it but to an even lesser extent.  The cartoon I drew for the 2018 Photographer of the Year Romscar captured the misgivings I was having at the time about continuing to share great pics and having to deal with heroes, haters and moderhaters.


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1 hour ago, seven said:

Haha, great stuff, Rom!:clapping:


1 hour ago, Pdoggg said:

Brilliant Trump cartoons Rom!   :drinks:

Thanks seven.  Thanks Pdoggg.  Means a lot coming from you because I know some of my cartoons may touch a nerve with moderation since some of them are not meant to be just “Ha! Ha!” funny but also make BMs (collectively or individually) take a good look in the mirror and perhaps not like what they see.  It’s the case with the cartoon below that spotlights what I believe is our (mine included!) greatest character flaw as ladyboy mongers.

Newtesie.jpg.250931f719d3ec5dfd555c4a0e217ea8.jpgThe Romscar for BM-Ladyboy Couple of the Year is the trickiest one to award because it is about none of anyone’s PRIVATE business.  In 2018, it was won by the Petesie-New pairing, and like for LurSaluces, it was more on the basis of their history rather than anything that actually happened with them in 2018.  Theirs is a unique narrative of the reformed monger who is not embarassed to proclaim his newfound love and monogamy to his promiscuous farang peers.  Throw in the 2 circumstances that he is a top dog at Pyongyang and she has a Pattaya bar, and that pretty much makes them the Royalty Couple of the ladyboy world.  None of the other nominated couples even got any votes. (Well, Lord Jim & Maky got 1).

The cartoon I drew to post along with the nominations for the 2018 Romscar BM-Ladyboy Couple of the Year was meant to show us ladyboy-lovers at our most selfish, self-serving selves, no matter how much we may help or respect the ladyboys.  That’s just the way it is.  And I am like that also.  So don’t hate me if the cartoon makes you uncomfortable. A good editorial cartoonist’s job is not to make readers chuckle.  It’s to make them think.1287609133_03.farangkatoycouple-page-001.thumb.jpg.82a0081c95aa3f5232a7619725fbb866.jpg

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1 hour ago, Rom said:

make BMs (collectively or individually) take a good look in the mirror and perhaps not like what they see.

I have no idea what you are talking about:biggrin:  They love our cash us unconditionally!

I remember you were reluctant to draw some of the top dogs on PY ( I'm sure you have drawn a few already), but here you can 

post them without worrying about censorship and threats.

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On 3/20/2020 at 2:29 AM, Rom said:

The-Sith.jpg.5aa8721b5f4d778e1ca27ebf29125b37.jpgOne of the annual Romscars is reserved for a newcomer BM who shows online the most mongering and posting excellence. In 2018 the winner of Newbie of the Year was a Pyongyang BM who goes by The-Sith, who got everyone’s attention with two Star Wars-themed TRs and his high-roller, audacious mongering style.  BM Twest, also of Pyongyang, was a distant second on the popular vote.

thesith2.jpg.ebd289008715fe4c4bbfd852918d5408.jpgAs far as I can tell, The-Sith is not a BM here at LBR.  I bet he does not even know that in 2019 he won another Romscar, this time for Ladyboy Mongering Legend in the Making.  If anyone here knows The-Sith and can tell him or shoot him a PM at Pyongyang, please do.  It would be a nice favor you would be doing me and, especially, him.

Below is the cartoon I made in 2018 to capture what newcomers must go through at Pyongyang when they start making themselves noticed.  Those of us who, despite being outnumbered, responded in kind to the hazing ... got held back back in Retarded Members, or worse: got our asses booted from the Democratic People's Republic.  Not The-Sith!   Somehow he manages to outsmart the regime by remaining deferential enough to the Kims while posting like a boss.  Well done The-Sith!



The Sith posted first in the former former of Asian-TS that is now the ladyboyforums.com/asiaboard owned and mastered by Crag Rocket (Canadian). Then in posted at ladyboyforum.com . He's got a great imagination and is prolific in posting. I didn't read all his posts since I was too busy at that time and his style wasn't easy for me to understand. 

I like his smart mongering. He is able to find a ladyboy student in BKK rather than a bar girl or a freelancer. IMHO, he would be able to find ladyboys in Negros as you did. I'd like to read from him in Issan. I am surprised he hasn't been tackled at PY yet. 

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On 3/20/2020 at 12:29 PM, Rom said:

The-Sith.jpg.5aa8721b5f4d778e1ca27ebf29125b37.jpgOne of the annual Romscars is reserved for a newcomer BM who shows online the most mongering and posting excellence. In 2018 the winner of Newbie of the Year was a Pyongyang BM who goes by The-Sith, who got everyone’s attention with two Star Wars-themed TRs and his high-roller, audacious mongering style.  BM Twest, also of Pyongyang, was a distant second on the popular vote.

thesith2.jpg.ebd289008715fe4c4bbfd852918d5408.jpgAs far as I can tell, The-Sith is not a BM here at LBR.  I bet he does not even know that in 2019 he won another Romscar, this time for Ladyboy Mongering Legend in the Making.  If anyone here knows The-Sith and can tell him or shoot him a PM at Pyongyang, please do.  It would be a nice favor you would be doing me and, especially, him.

Below is the cartoon I made in 2018 to capture what newcomers must go through at Pyongyang when they start making themselves noticed.  Those of us who, despite being outnumbered, responded in kind to the hazing ... got held back back in Retarded Members, or worse: got our asses booted from the Democratic People's Republic.  Not The-Sith!   Somehow he manages to outsmart the regime by remaining deferential enough to the Kims while posting like a boss.  Well done The-Sith!


That drawing sums it up. I was battered around for a year or so but continued to make posts. Some obviously not enjoyed by the gang of 4, so was given a short term ban, to be followed up by a permanent one. I did have the cheek to ask for a reason but even after approaching one of the 4 who posts here, did not get a reply.

Shit happens!.

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19 hours ago, Woodie said:

That drawing sums it up. I was battered around for a year or so but continued to make posts. Some obviously not enjoyed by the gang of 4, so was given a short term ban, to be followed up by a permanent one. I did have the cheek to ask for a reason but even after approaching one of the 4 who posts here, did not get a reply.

Shit happens !

Shitheads happen !

19 hours ago, P&G said:

The-Sith posted first in the former former of Asian-TS that is now the ladyboyforums.com/asiaboard owned and mastered by Crag Rocket (Canadian). Then in posted at ladyboyforum.com . He's got a great imagination and is prolific in posting. I didn't read all his posts since I was too busy at that time and his style wasn't easy for me to understand. 

I like his smart mongering. He is able to find a ladyboy student in BKK rather than a bar girl or a freelancer. IMHO, he would be able to find ladyboys in Negros as you did. I'd like to read from him in Issan. I am surprised The-Sith hasn't been tackled at PY yet. 

The-Sith happens !

20 hours ago, seven said:

I have no idea what you are talking about:biggrin:  They love our cash us unconditionally!

I remember you were reluctant to draw some of the top dogs on PY ( I'm sure you have drawn a few already), but here you can 

post them without worrying about censorship and threats.

(drawing) Quit happens !

I am glad seven you posted about me drawing the "TOP dogs of PY."  I will try to explain how I feel in this post and the next.


Same as most other Romscars, and contrary to their intended annual focus, the 2018 Romscar for Bar Owner of the Year was attributed on the basis of the winner's years-long popularity among the BM voters, rather than anything outstanding he did that year.  Which would have been even more deserving since 2018 was the year that Jimbo migrated to the Sewer and transplanted C&D's mini-cabaret act to TJ's Music Lounge making it an even more fun ladyboy bar to hangout than it already was.  The Grumpmeister comfortably beat the other bar owner nominees (our beloved Emmy was 3rd!).

The cartoon I drew for the occasion sought to lampoon Pyongyang's selective bars' promotion.  I knew I would be skating on real thin ice when I described  the recently opened (and short-lived!) rooftop bar The Roof as "Thailand's only ladyboyless ladyboy bar," and pointed the finger with the cartoon below at "farang versus Thai" bar owners differentiation with 2 of the Kims personally clearing the way for The Roof's promotion at PY.  I think I did a good sketch job with the Kim in riot gear, although I much prefer the representation of him in my current avatar here at LBR.


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The Romscars’ crowd favorite at Pyongyang used to be the much anticipated Moderator of the Year category, where BMs got to vote for their preferred one and check who the other BMs were voting for.  Since there were only 4 of them, all PY mods and the admin got automatically nominated regardless of having done or not anything noteworthy during the year.  In 2018, KendoUK won in a squeaker by a half-vote over Petesie.  The others got dick.

Editorially, the 2018 award presented a bit of a dilemma for me:  a 5th mod had just recently been added who hated my guts and immediately went to work on getting me banned.  So I could not possibly give him the satisfaction of having me obsequiously draw him.  And yet, if I drew the other 4 but not him it would be me who would look like the bitter grudge-holder.  What was I to do?  The solution was to NOT draw anyone and come up with another clever visual, such as allegorically portraying the lot of them as the inscrutable Willy Honka candy factory owner and his diligent oompa-loompas.



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1523552633_6cherjam.png.92ebc5561e249d2de59af7320603aded.pngThe 2018 Romscar Annual Awards for Excellence and Chivalry was a 2-month long production at Pyongyang with me posting daily all sorts of multimedia, not just the cartoons I am salvaging in this thread.   A lot of it was in the form of Romscar-staged ladyboy pics for live interaction, as I happened to be on a trip at the time.  There were also photoshops, songs, riddles, videos.  Nothing like it had ever been done in the History of Ladyboy Boards, and anyone with half-a-brain or a quarter-of-a-heart would have felt compelled to preserve it.

There were also impromptu Romscars for fun BMs as we went along, and this post records one such award along with the non-cartoon media that accompanied it.  It was the Romscar for Zombie BM of the Year won by fellow-PY-banished BM cherjam who makes it his business to pop up at PY uninvited and rattle the Kims' asses under as many new discardable accounts as he can expeditiously open.  cherjam is a self-proclaimed Scotland separatist and the photo below shows the indomitable Scots from the hit TV show Outlander, each named after one of cherjam's banned accounts.  He had more accounts I could have listed, but I ran out of Scots...


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Rom young fella.... i love all your cartoon stuff and vids but really dislike the references to the other forum, although i understand that the context of the cartoons needs to be explained.

was it really such a personal disaster [not only for yourself but others too] to be thrown off that forum?  personally  i'd wear it as a badge of pride, not anger or regret. 

 long gone now- you are okay here, leave it behind.

and think yourself blessed, you are away from the danger of catching crony- virus now......

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15 hours ago, blind boy grunt said:

Rom young fella.... i  (...) dislike the references to the other forum, (...) was it really such a personal disaster (...) to be thrown off that forum?  (...)

Thanks bbg.  If you don't want me to talk about the "other forum", why do you ask me about it?   I will say a couple words later when I'm done with the cartoons.  Not now because it would threadfuck.  Deal ?

The annual Romscars awards include one for Ladyboy BM of the Year.  Note that it is NOT Ladyboy of the Year.  It is Ladyboy BM, which implies membership in a Board like this one.  Problem is that there are just not so many of them, although the few there are tend to get a lot of attention.  In 2018, I nominated 5, including world famous porn star ChristianXXX.  Pattaya's omnipresent Nok bagged the Romscar.

So far in this thread I have been very succinct with words and draft only the minimum (such as the short paragraph above) to give context to the cartoon that follows.  But at the original Romscars PY thread, I went to a lot more trouble to personalize and justify each and every nomination.  As I mentioned, I have the PY-expunged Romscars thread backed up, and to give a better idea of what I did originally I will repost verbatim, just this once, my original post from there.  The cartoon that went with it is already posted in the cartoons thread, so I just add a doodle with Christian and Emmy that I must have posted somewhere in PY but don't remember what for.  Here we go:

The 2018 Romscar Nominees for BM Ladyboy of the Year

In 2018 our Board saw more ladyboy traffic than I ever recall.  We better get used to it!  Ladyboys just keep getting more English-proficient and better cell-phones with unlimited data plans.  I totally understand the advantages of ladyboy apartheid on our Board, but, let’s face it, it does not feel quite right.  Why does Jimbo get to post in the TJ thread but not Lily?  Both are there to make money off the rest of us.  And I am sure I am not the only BM here who would be a lot more interested in a one-liner tweet from Lily than yet another 10-page rant about Thai emigration.

I am mentioning this because ladyboys don’t always get the respect they deserve on a Board that is, by definition, dedicated to them (Shame on us ! Some BMs even scribble and sketch on them).  So it is only fitting that the Romscars excellence awards have a category to honor the ladyboys who, despite their language-handicap and our Board's biases and hurdles, dare posting with some frequency.  I am sure there are many dozens more who just lurk.  I don’t know if TJ’s Lily is one of them, but if she had ever minimally posted she would be a lock in for the Romscar as she was the undisputed ladyboy star of our Board in 2018.  That not being the case, the 5 BM ladyboy Romscar nominees are:


The indomitable Nok (aka BM tom4767) is a roaming Pattaya fixture and my only ever first encounter starfish that got repeat business.  She OPs a thread here in the Board that should serve as a model to all BMs who believe themselves to be editorially competent.  Nok’s posts are as succinct as it gets and she accompanies them with generous servings of pics of herself.  No banter, no rants, just cut to the chase which is her slutty self.  Nok is now well into her late 20s and in 2018 she announced her pre-retirement world tour where she will be earning more than pocket change a fuck.  So before she disappears from our Pattaya imaginarium, let’s give her a well deserved Romscar nomination and wish her Good Luck! with the not-so-cheap-Charlies.


The improbably fluent Lizally69 is another BM ladyboy extrovert who at first I thought was a fake.  But then I figured there must be a good-hearted english-speaking BM behind her helping promote her massage business with tantalizing posts that include revealing shots of the masseuse in waiting.  Never met her myself and was planning to, but the thread seems to have fizzled.  Wonder if she is still around in Pattaya?  Either way, she deserves a Romscar nomination for having gotten herself noticed  in 2018.


The pornographic PassionLB is better known as Koh Chang Patricia, a niche ladyboy who if you wanna fuck you gonna have to travel 200 miles for.  Accordingly, and necessity being the mother of invention, Patricia started in 2018 a thread where she regularly posted glammed up pics of herself showcasing what looks like a very sizeable juicy hard cock.  I won’t be traveling to Koh Chang for it but I will nominate Patricia for a Romscar for giving us all a good reason to want to get out of town in Pattaya.


The entrepreneurial Emmy is Pattaya’s rare ladyboy bar owner (Katty's Bar & Guesthouse) and our Board’s unspoken ladyboy civil rights leader, as underscored by moderation pinning her bar thread in “Classifieds” to make up for it being assigned there rather than in the higher-traffic, farangs-only “Pattaya Bars.”   Despite such handicap, Emmy’s thread (started in 2017) is quite alive and well thanks to her tireless efforts to engage all BM posters and provide constant photos updates of her bar's femboyish staff.  This has made her a major Board character and contributor and earns her the 2018 Romscar nomination!


The word famous porn star ChristianXXX is not a ladyboy but same-same like them he makes a living from getting his ass tapped.  He is also corralled in the “Classifieds” forum where in 2018 he began promoting his new website Becoming Femme that proved once and for all that Christian will fuck any human orifice available to him.  Considering the geriatric age cohort of that website’s models, it’s only a matter of time before we see pics of Christian plowing one of our many elderly BMs amenable to bottoming.  Christian is in a league of his own and a deserving Romscar nominee.


And the winner for the 2018 Romscar for BM Ladyboy of the Year is ...  ?


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7 hours ago, Rom said:

Thanks bbg.  If you don't want me to talk about the "other forum", why do you ask me about it?   I will say a couple words later when I'm done with the cartoons.  Not now because it would threadfuck.  Deal ?

deal! just to quickly explain  i was talking more of your anger at the mods more than anything else.. which i actually understand very well. i don't like 2 of them either.

as for the ladyboy BM of the year nominations, Nok of course is still around, still very much the same Nok as ever! She even came to teya's birthday party at the Katty in late December. Liza too, still around now and then, advertising 3 threesomes with Nok... as you said..Liza...the only ladyboy that could write with an Ozzie accent! 

anyway, i know that you're a big fan of Quinn the legend... here's one he did of himself back in the Nok days...yes it is him, he assures me...! ..  no worries you can hoover, if this is a thread fuck...i will forgive you! anyway i'm going to copy it into his artwork thread too.   

Keep on Keepin' on!


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15 hours ago, Rom said:

Thanks bbg.  If you don't want me to talk about the "other forum", why do you ask me about it?   I will say a couple words later when I'm done with the cartoons.  Not now because it would threadfuck.  Deal ?

The annual Romscars awards include one for Ladyboy BM of the Year.  Note that it is NOT Ladyboy of the Year.  It is Ladyboy BM, which implies membership in a Board like this one.  Problem is that there are just not so many of them, although the few there are tend to get a lot of attention.  In 2018, I nominated 5, including world famous porn star ChristianXXX.  Pattaya's omnipresent Nok bagged the Romscar.

So far in this thread I have been very succinct with words and draft only the minimum (such as the short paragraph above) to give context to the cartoon that follows.  But at the original Romscars PY thread, I went to a lot more trouble to personalize and justify each and every nomination.  As I mentioned, I have the PY-expunged Romscars thread backed up, and to give a better idea of what I did originally I will repost verbatim, just this once, my original post from there.  The cartoon that went with it is already posted in the cartoons thread, so I just add a doodle with Christian and Emmy that I must have posted somewhere in PY but don't remember what for.  Here we go:

The 2018 Romscar Nominees for BM Ladyboy of the Year

In 2018 our Board saw more ladyboy traffic than I ever recall.  We better get used to it!  Ladyboys just keep getting more English-proficient and better cell-phones with unlimited data plans.  I totally understand the advantages of ladyboy apartheid on our Board, but, let’s face it, it does not feel quite right.  Why does Jimbo get to post in the TJ thread but not Lily?  Both are there to make money off the rest of us.  And I am sure I am not the only BM here who would be a lot more interested in a one-liner tweet from Lily than yet another 10-page rant about Thai emigration.

I am mentioning this because ladyboys don’t always get the respect they deserve on a Board that is, by definition, dedicated to them (Shame on us ! Some BMs even scribble and sketch on them).  So it is only fitting that the Romscars excellence awards have a category to honor the ladyboys who, despite their language-handicap and our Board's biases and hurdles, dare posting with some frequency.  I am sure there are many dozens more who just lurk.  I don’t know if TJ’s Lily is one of them, but if she had ever minimally posted she would be a lock in for the Romscar as she was the undisputed ladyboy star of our Board in 2018.  That not being the case, the 5 BM ladyboy Romscar nominees are:


The indomitable Nok (aka BM tom4767) is a roaming Pattaya fixture and my only ever first encounter starfish that got repeat business.  She OPs a thread here in the Board that should serve as a model to all BMs who believe themselves to be editorially competent.  Nok’s posts are as succinct as it gets and she accompanies them with generous servings of pics of herself.  No banter, no rants, just cut to the chase which is her slutty self.  Nok is now well into her late 20s and in 2018 she announced her pre-retirement world tour where she will be earning more than pocket change a fuck.  So before she disappears from our Pattaya imaginarium, let’s give her a well deserved Romscar nomination and wish her Good Luck! with the not-so-cheap-Charlies.


The improbably fluent Lizally69 is another BM ladyboy extrovert who at first I thought was a fake.  But then I figured there must be a good-hearted english-speaking BM behind her helping promote her massage business with tantalizing posts that include revealing shots of the masseuse in waiting.  Never met her myself and was planning to, but the thread seems to have fizzled.  Wonder if she is still around in Pattaya?  Either way, she deserves a Romscar nomination for having gotten herself noticed  in 2018.


The pornographic PassionLB is better known as Koh Chang Patricia, a niche ladyboy who if you wanna fuck you gonna have to travel 200 miles for.  Accordingly, and necessity being the mother of invention, Patricia started in 2018 a thread where she regularly posted glammed up pics of herself showcasing what looks like a very sizeable juicy hard cock.  I won’t be traveling to Koh Chang for it but I will nominate Patricia for a Romscar for giving us all a good reason to want to get out of town in Pattaya.


The entrepreneurial Emmy is Pattaya’s rare ladyboy bar owner (Katty's Bar & Guesthouse) and our Board’s unspoken ladyboy civil rights leader, as underscored by moderation pinning her bar thread in “Classifieds” to make up for it being assigned there rather than in the higher-traffic, farangs-only “Pattaya Bars.”   Despite such handicap, Emmy’s thread (started in 2017) is quite alive and well thanks to her tireless efforts to engage all BM posters and provide constant photos updates of her bar's femboyish staff.  This has made her a major Board character and contributor and earns her the 2018 Romscar nomination!


The word famous porn star ChristianXXX is not a ladyboy but same-same like them he makes a living from getting his ass tapped.  He is also corralled in the “Classifieds” forum where in 2018 he began promoting his new website Becoming Femme that proved once and for all that Christian will fuck any human orifice available to him.  Considering the geriatric age cohort of that website’s models, it’s only a matter of time before we see pics of Christian plowing one of our many elderly BMs amenable to bottoming.  Christian is in a league of his own and a deserving Romscar nominee.


And the winner for the 2018 Romscar for BM Ladyboy of the Year is ...  ?


Patricia (or Passion LB),should have won that one. She was a sure leg in!!!!. (get it)??. No, I did not think so.

As for Christian, poobah!

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11 hours ago, blind boy grunt said:

deal! just to quickly explain  i was talking more of your anger at the mods more than anything else.. which i actually understand very well. i don't like 2 of them either.

as for the ladyboy BM of the year nominations, Nok of course is still around, still very much the same Nok as ever! She even came to teya's birthday party at the Katty in late December. Liza too, still around now and then, advertising 3 threesomes with Nok... as you said..Liza...the only ladyboy that could write with an Ozzie accent! 

anyway, i know that you're a big fan of Quinn the legend... here's one he did of himself back in the Nok days...yes it is him, he assures me...! ..  no worries you can hoover, if this is a thread fuck...i will forgive you! anyway i'm going to copy it into his artwork thread too.   

Keep on Keepin' on!


Briefly bbg, my frustration with PY has to do with having put hundreds, possibly a thousand plus, of hours into the 2018 Romscars and my TRs and videos only for it all to be erased at the click of a button by thickos just so they could show me and membership they could do without my contributions.  Destroying unique media or artwork (if I may call it that) is something incomprehensible to me and I am grateful for the opportunity to salvage some of it here.

Quinn & Nok were/are fuck buddies ?   Hmmm doubt it.   But there is a Couple of the Year Romscar in it for them if confirmed.

3 hours ago, Woodie said:

Patricia (or Passion LB),should have won that one. She was a sure leg in!!!!. (get it)??. No, I did not think so.   As for Christian, poobah!

I take this opportunity to clarify that while I alone picked all 2018 Romscar nominees (and thus excluded all other BMs from potentially winning), the Romscar winners were determined by POPULAR VOTE open to all BMs at PY, with my own vote counting for as much as any other BM's.   Here are the official results (nominees without votes are omitted) :


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The main thing counting against Patricia was that she was hiding away on Koh Chang. I have no doubt that if she had been residing in Pattaya she would have blown the roof off. There was not a lot of contact by BM's with her.

One of the best I have seen in my 4 and a bit years One of my big regrets was not getting down there. Had it all teed up, but had to cancel. She disappeared off the scene not long after.

Rumour has it that she was whisked away by a knight in shining armour. Lucky bastard!

Another result that surprised me,(not) was the Moderator 2018. Especially the 3rd and 4th placegetters.Charming individuals!.

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On 3/24/2020 at 10:30 AM, blind boy grunt said:

Rom young fella.... i love all your cartoon stuff and vids but really dislike the references to the other forum, although i understand that the context of the cartoons needs to be explained.

was it really such a personal disaster [not only for yourself but others too] to be thrown off that forum?  personally  i'd wear it as a badge of pride, not anger or regret. 

 long gone now- you are okay here, leave it behind.

and think yourself blessed, you are away from the danger of catching crony- virus now......

I second you but

As Rom explained before I post, he spent thousands of hours into his TRs and Romscars cartoons. I understand his frustration. His cartoons are small works of art and the way Kims hoovered these reveals they are just cybervandals without sensitivity. I had the same reflex to save or rebuild TRs. 

I find it difficult to criticize works of art. Hopefully, we'll see more cartoons by Rom and when he's finished with old cartoons, he will make new ones without reference to another forum. If I could add a word about posting in general, I find that too many reviews deal with farangs instead of recommending ladyboys or warning about their poor performance. We'll see how it turns when Rom's has exhausted his stock. 

However, I take this opportunity to congratulate Rom for passing Kim Piggly Wiggly for his number of likes. Great performance. 



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Thanks P&G.  Couldn't have drafted better myself.   Which is why it's time to mothball this sucker.  All these flashbacks about Pyongyang and their moderhaters are making me boil and wanting to post undiplomatic things I know Pdogg would not like, so the thread ends now !

The most symbolic prize of the Romscars is by definition the BM of the Year.  In 2018, I split it into 2 categories:  Clique BM and Badass BM.  The Clique BM nominees were those Pattaya sexpats more contributively active on the PY Board during 2018 and who don’t post nasty shit like the jerk members of the Clique, who are a bunch of limp dick losers who contribute nothing but opinions in retards' written English.  The Badass BMs are the PY misfits who contribute generously and make PY a more interesting, diverse place.  It speaks volumes about the regime that they condone the limp dickers to troll the badasses until they loose their motivation to shine and, if they don’t lose it, the badasses get banned.

The first cartoon below represents the CLIQUE BMs spoofed as Simpson characters or figuratively drawn Simpsons style.  Some are apparent who they represent.  Others are not.  I could explain why I chose the Simpsons and list the spoofed BMs' respective names, but I feel like it does not matter anymore.  The Clique Romscar winner of 2018 was, with lots of merit, BM colywob who also won again in 2019 the unified Romscar for BM of the Year.

The second cartoon shows the badass BMs of 2018.  It is the only cartoon where I uncharacteristically used some color illustration because they bring color to PY.  The winner of the Romscar Badass BM of the Year was Brazil-based party monger Miguel.

Thanks everyone for watching.  This was therapeutic for me and hopefully educational for some of you and entertaining for all.

Be excellent and party on!





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