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Bill Maher


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If Obama keeps it up, the Dems are heading for another hiding in 2012. The good news is they will be out but the bad news is that the Repubs will be in!!! Dont hvae much use for either side but if I had to choose between Maxine Waters and Michele Bachman, thats an EASY choice!!!!

Well the only human being more despicable in the USA than Bachmann is Rick Perry. So, yeah I agree with you it would be an easy choice. Don't know why you make that option anyway. They most likely will never ever run against each other, for anything.

You crack me up BB, with your acting like you despise the Reps equally. I'll bet you have never voted for a Dem in your life, at least for president. I've read your political comments enough for the last 9 years to know you are a devoted Republican.

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to be honest, I'd like one of the Repubs to get in.....Romney or Perry maybe, not one of the Barbie dolls. and I'd like to see them gain control of the senate and the house also; basically I wanna see one of them try to fight this uphill battle and see if they can do anything to turn the USA around. if they don't and just keep fucking things up, left-wingers and moderates like myself can say "told ya' so" - and if they revive the country and make us a world-class power again [we are a laughingstock now], well that is only a GOOD thing.

I don't give a fuck who the hell gets in there these days, as long as they can do something to right the sinking ship. Barry hasn't impressed me at all, certainly a case of buyer's remorse there, and I don't think a 2nd term would be any different; he gets no help from a repub-controlled house and he is too much of a pussy to go toe-to-toe with them. Ya' think Reagan would have just caved in to the other side as much as this guy has? doubtful...

I've been following politics for 35 years now and have never seen such a partisan split, it's nauseating. These people have to start acting like adults and do what's best for their constituents, not their fucking party and certainly not for their lobbyist pals.

The only Rep worth a good god damn is Ron Paul, because at least he'd do the most to get us out of the illegal foreign wars we are in, which are the #1 thing that are bankrupting the country, and he believes the war on drugs is an exercise in futility and would do what he could to end it. Also, he isn't an evangelical Christian who would just as soon turn the USA into a theocracy like Bachmann, Perry, Palin, and Santorum. I've read enough about the Mormon religion to know that anyone who believes those fairy tales is no one I want running things either, though compared to the aforementioned, Romney or Huntsman would be the lesser of the evils. Still they all pale in comparison to Ron Paul.

Where the fuck is a good and true, real traditional Rep like Dwight Eisenhower when ya really need one? These fucking fools the GOP trots out today ain't fit to carry Ike's dirty jock.

All that said, I'll still vote for Obama again because after Reagan busted up the ATC Union I made a pact with myself that I'd never vote for another Rep as long as I lived. Also, the Reagan administration was responsible for the deregulating of the banking industry and that has done more to screw up the USA than any other single thing. As a good middle class union man too, I could never vote for a Rep either. The Reps who want to continue tax breaks for the richest 1%, the corporate polluters who send jobs overseas and want to gut the EPA to the point that it is no longer effective at all.

Fuck the damned Reps. The only one I has an ounce of respect for is Paul. The rest, Perry, Bachmann, Palin, Santorum, Boehner, Cantor...the world would be better off if they were all thrown to some sharks on a feeding frenzy.

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You might by a Republican if.....

1) You believe George W. Bush's redistribution of middle-class tax cuts to the top 1% of tax-payers was good for America, but Obama's plan to return it to the middle class is 'socialism.'

2) You believe stem cells are living human beings, but thousands of Iraqi children are 'expendable collateral damage.'

3) You believe tax cuts for billionaires is a great idea, yet you wonder why the economy has stalled, your job just got outsourced to India, and oil company executives receive $400,000,000.00 retirement packages.

4) You believe the surge worked because the violence in Iraq is back to 2006 levels, which is only horrible, compared to what it was in 2007; intolerable. Besides, Brit Hume said so.

5) You think trial lawyers are harmful to America, yet you support prosecuting some guy in Muncie Indiana who burned his 99¢ American flag that was made in China by forced child labor.

6) You're all for the 'rule of law' when it's applied to Bill Clinton for lying about his infidelity, but not for prosecuting Karl Rove and Scooter Libby for committing treason.

7) You think George W. Bush is actually a really smart guy, but his folksy manner just makes him seem dumber than he really is.

8 ) You believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own, and that those who are born to poverty and never have opportunities for advancement, got what they deserved.

9) You believe Ronald Reagan was a great president who had complete control of all aspects of government, but the Iran-Contra Affair was an insignificant scandal that went on without his knowledge.

10) You believe Democrats tax and spend, but George W. Bush was a fiscal conservative.

11) You believe Oliver North, who was CONVICTED of perjury, obstruction of justice, destroying evidence and accepting bribes, is a patriot. But John Kerry, who saved a man's life while under enemy fire in Vietnam is a coward.

12) You believe George W. Bush kept us safe from terror, and the failure to prevent the 9/11 attacks were Clinton's fault.

13) You actually believe Fox News is fair & balanced.

14) You still believe Saddam had truckloads of WMDs, and that he somehow managed to sneak them into Syria, right under our noses.

15) You believe Terri Schiavo was sentient all along, and Bill Frist had the ability to diagnose her condition by watching a 5 second video of her sleeping.

16) You're in favor of stronger prison sentences for drug users, yet your favorite radio personality is Rush Limbaugh.

17) You complain about having to press 1 for English, yet you hire undocumented workers to mow your lawn because they're cheaper than hiring the kid next door.

18) Homosexuality is abhorrent to you, except when a Republican senator, the president of the National Association of Evangelicals, and a planted White House journalist get caught having sexual affairs with gay men. Then you suddenly feel sorry for them.

19) The war in Iraq makes perfect sense to you, but any suggestion by Barack Obama that we target al Qaeda specifically is 'dangerous and reckless.'

20) You don't mind that president Bush tortured men who were never charged with a crime, yet you're horrified by the wrath of al Qaeda when they capture one of our guys.

21) You believe the 1/10 of 1% of scientists who claim global warming is a hoax, and reject the 99.9% who say it's real, because Sean Hannity and his friends in the oil industry have convinced you that science is a part of a greater liberal conspiracy.

22) You believe patriotism means you should support your government right or wrong ... unless a Democrat's in power, then it's your patriotic duty to call him a closet Muslim, challenge his birth certificate, expose his sex life and impeach him.

23) You're proud of your party's 'culture of life.' Yet you support the death penalty for minors, you believe 600,000 dead Iraqis is justified because one of them was Saddam Hussein, and you oppose confronting the genocide in Darfur because they don't have oil.

24) You support prayer in school, as long as your kids aren't subjected to Muslim prayers.

25) You think Darwin's theory of evolution is a loony fairy tale, and mankind actually began with two naked teenagers, a magic apple and a talking snake.

26) You think $35 billion spent on health care for children is a waste of taxpayer's money, but $1.7 trillion spent on a catastrophic war that has isolated us from our allies, decimated our economy and made us less safe was money well spent.

27) You believe embargoing communist Cuba is sound foreign policy, but trading with China is just good business.

28) You believe Bill Clinton was an immoral cad, but Newt Gingrich and Henry Hyde were faithful husbands (and Larry Craig just has a wide stance).

29) You fervently defend the Constitution, but when president Bush got caught monitoring 300 million phones without a warrant, politicizing our justice system, hyping evidence for going to war and pardoning a convicted perjurer who just happened to be on his staff, then it's okay, because he was 'protecting America.'

30) You were outraged when a gallon of gasoline went from $1.29 to $1.40 during the two terms of the Clinton presidency, but you didn't seem to mind when prices tripled under George W. Bush, the "oil man."

31) You were furious when Bill Clinton pardoned international commodities trader Marc Rich, who was convicted of tax evasion, but applauded when George W. Bush exonerated Scooter Libby for obstructing justice to protect Dick Cheney from a treason indictment.

32) With no evidence whatsoever, you complained of 'voter fraud,' and demanded that thousands of blacks be scrubbed from voting lists during the 2004 election in Ohio, yet when Rush Limbaugh asked his audience to illegally claim to be Democrats and vote for Hillary Clinton during the Ohio Primary in February to "stir up trouble," a FELONY, you were okay with that.

33) You believe Barack Obama should be held accountable for every sermon that Jeremiah Wright ever gave, but John McCain, who sought the endorsement of anti-Semitic, xenophobic, openly racist and homophobic pastors should be given a pass.

34) You believe Barack Obama is either a secret Muslim, was actually born in Kenya, and his parents forged a fake birth certificate when he was born - just in case he should ever run for president, or that his father's nationality disqualifies his son from being president, all because you read that on the Internet.

35) You believe the 8 consecutive years of prosperity and strong economic growth from 1993 - 2001 was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, but today's recession is all Clinton's and Obama's fault.

36) You laugh at how much better Barack Obama speaks with a TelePrompTer than without one, yet you never mention the fact that even with a TelePrompTer, every time George Bush opened his mouth, gibberish tumbled out.

37) You still believe Barack Obama has somehow succeeded in fooling every government and independent examination with his "obviously Photoshopped" documents. Instead, you rely on Internet gossip, WorldNetDaily and Jerome Corsi as your sources for "truth."

38) Your conservative media spent more air time discussing Michelle Obama touching the queen of England's arm than on the economy, the environment, terrorism and health care combined.

39) You believe that we should get out of Afghanistan because Obama is "nation building," yet for eight straight years of Bush's bumbling incompetence there, you kept mum. Therefore, attacking Iraq makes sense, even though they never threatened us, but finishing off the job of finding Osama bin Laden; the terrorist who killed 3,000 Americans -- Bush's original task -- is a dumb idea.

40) You were furious that Barack Obama admitted in France that Americans have occasionally been "arrogant, dismissive and derisive," but you cheered them on when Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld were arrogant, dismissive and derisive.

41) You believe that Obama's $3.6 trillion budget is an outrage, but never once complained that George Bush turned Bill Clinton's $300 billion surplus into a $1.3 trillion deficit. And it never once occurred to you that Bush deliberately omitted the Iraq and Afghanistan wars from those statistics, which means Bush's TRUE deficit was $3.1 trillion.

42) You supported Gov. Sarah Palin, partly because you believed she kept a good Christian home. This, despite the fact that her seventeen year old unmarried daughter was knocked up, her son was accused of vandalizing 44 school buses (cutting the brake lines of school buses - HELLO!!?) and was given the choice of going to jail or join the military, and Palin herself was found guilty of abusing the power of her office. But Barack Obama can't possibly be a true Christian, because his father was a Muslim, and his middle name is Hussein. (Besides, he's black, and everybody knows that Jesus was a blond haired blue eyed white man.)

43) You believe the only solution to gun violence is to make sure everybody is armed to the teeth. That way, when some crazy person goes on a killing spree, right-thinking people will take out the killer, and tranquility will prevail throughout the land.

44) You believe the mainstream news anchors are crazy, biased and filled with hate, but Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are rational, accurate and informative.

45) You defend Rush Limbaugh's right to wish for Obama to fail, and therefore, the failure of our republic, yet you call Democrats the "blame America first crowd."

46) You claim that the economic crisis is the fault of the Democrats, but never mention that it was the Reagan administration that massively deregulated the banking industry in 1982, and it was Phil Gramm - McCain's choice for economic advisor - who completed the task for his pals in the banking industry in 1999.

47) You believe the failure of the US automobile industry is primarily the fault of the unions, and not because management of the three corporations insisted on producing vehicles that nobody wanted. And you're angry with the $28.00 per hour average wage of the work force, but you believe that the multimillion dollar salaries of the men who bankrupted the industry are perfectly reasonable.

48) You believe Barack Obama is a "narcissistic megalomaniac," because you heard Glenn Beck call him that once, but Beck himself is a humble man, concerned only for your welfare (brought to you by Goldline!).

49) You believe anybody who doesn't subscribe to Orly Taitz' birther movement is a RINO, and those who do, are carrying the torch of Reaganism.

50) You think this list is mean-spirited and biased, and even though you privately acknowledge to yourself that it's all true, you believe the Democrats are just as bad. Here's a bulletin: Nobody has ever been this bad.

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All that said, I'll still vote for Obama again

But you haven't said what you think of his first term??

It would be hard to say he has been effective, by any standard; he passed a watered-down health care bill which doesn't do shit and he got us deeper into Afghanistan and STILL hasn't gotten us out of Iraq; 2 things he strongly campaigned on. He is weak and ineffectual and caves in to the right way too much. Sorry, I like the guy personally, but I don't think he has the leadership qualities or the balls to govern a country this size with our myriad of problems.

Trust me, I am not a Repub and I don't like those Christian whackjobs one bit either, but at least if one of them gets in we can finally shut up those annoying twats like Coulter and Hannity and Breitbart who are saying the country is going to hell because Obama is in there; because you can damn well bet none of them will turn this mess around!

If you want a good laugh out of Mormomnism and want to keep wondering how a supposedly educated man like Mitt Romney could follow that voodoo-like religion, read "Under the Banner of heaven" by Jon Krakauer.

BTW; my oldest brother was an air traffic controller; he was only 24 years old and on the job for 2 years when Reagen fired him from a supposedly secure, lifelong job at Logan airport in 1981. He has never been the same since then and has probably lost $1/2 million in income over those 30 years.

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But you haven't said what you think of his first term??

It would be hard to say he has been effective, by any standard; he passed a watered-down health care bill which doesn't do shit and he got us deeper into Afghanistan and STILL hasn't gotten us out of Iraq; 2 things he strongly campaigned on. He is weak and ineffectual and caves in to the right way too much. Sorry, I like the guy personally, but I don't think he has the leadership qualities or the balls to govern a country this size with our myriad of problems.

Trust me, I am not a Repub and I don't like those Christian whackjobs one bit either, but at least if one of them gets in we can finally shut up those annoying twats like Coulter and Hannity and Breitbart who are saying the country is going to hell because Obama is in there; because you can damn well bet none of them will turn this mess around!

If you want a good laugh out of Mormomnism and want to keep wondering how a supposedly educated man like Mitt Romney could follow that voodoo-like religion, read "Under the Banner of heaven" by Jon Krakauer.

BTW; my oldest brother was an air traffic controller; he was only 24 years old and on the job for 2 years when Reagen fired him from a supposedly secure, lifelong job at Logan airport in 1981. He has never been the same since then and has probably lost $1/2 million in income over those 30 years.

Obama has not done everything he said he'd do, and for that while disappointed, I realize none of them do, and also it takes more than just him. Unless he has a filibuster proof majority of true Dems, the Reps and blue dog Dems can stonewall him and often do. Many Reps say their #1 goal isn't anything to directly help people, like jobs and the economy, it is to do whatever they can to make sure Obama is a one term president. Most presidents are able to get some level of bipartisan cooperation from congress. Obama gets little or none. The health care bill was watered down because of Rep resistance, and Obama Care is better than nothing at all. Still, Reps want to get rid of it, and would if they could. Why waste money on health care, when it could go to buying a few more bombers? That is their mentality. Today, one of the first headlines I saw was "Republican John Kyl Threatens To Quit Super Committee If Defense Cuts Are On The Table". I say, well quit then you worthless piece of Republican scum. Two things Reps who wield the most power in the party will NEVER support, military spending cuts (why call it defense, when it is actually offense?) and doing away with the Bush tax cuts for the richest 1%.

I would like to retract my comment yesterday about not supporting either Mormon candidate, just because they follow that superstition. I've read more on Jon Huntsman Jr, and he actually sounds very good. He is a right leaning centrist, extremely intelligent and not a Religious nut job like Perry/Bachmann/Palin/Santorum and their ilk. Read this short bio on Huntsman and see if you agree. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Huntsman,_Jr.

He believes in evolution over creationism and supports same sex civil unions. He believes global warming is real. Just those few things gives one hope he could handle the job. The Tea Party lunatic would never support him though because they want a simple talking good ol' boy like Perry, with his big hat, six shooter on his hip and cowboy boots. Gotta have that to be a good prez, don't ya know. He talks about his Texas Miracle in regards to job creation. Well, when one looks at Texas a little more closely, their is no miracle that he did anything personally to create. Texas is a mess in many ways.

BTW, you can never shut up annoying twats like Coulter, Hannity, Beck, and Rush, short of a bullet to the head. Their blather was constant during the Dubya years too. Only topics changed. And thinking they may tone down their sociopathic rants just because the Reps control both the Senate, House and Presidency is a poor reason to just roll over and say I give up. Let them have what they want so they will shut up??? I do not have any trouble shutting up any of them now. It is called the 'off button'. The country is going to hell in a hand basket and giving the Reps total control because that's what the lunatic fringe of the right wing media want, will just speed up the process.

Obama isn't perfect, but compared to someone like Perry, who is George Bush 2.0 but with even less brains and intellect, I see no other rational choice than to vote Obama again.

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welcome archie and meathead.........archie...did you see bill mahers film religilous?-it was a terrific movie if youre the sort that likes to debunk religion as the crock of shit it really is.........bill maher is one of the good guys archie-I wouldn't let you hit him/.....so there.....

I did not spend the time watching anything done by this twat Maher. Since yu enjoyed it so much I would love to know if he bashed and ridiculed Islam as much as he did the Christian religions???

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Lefty loves to build strawmen so he can easily knock them down. You cut and paste these lists from of your favorite lefty web sites. Well man, lets have some original thought!!!

You criticise me for not voting for Dems. Well au contraire mon frere I HAVE. Not many and I cannot recall EVER voting for a Dem President. Usually, I vote (L). Whacky I know but its a shame we have such limited thought. By saying you would vote for that Jimmy Carter imposter, proves that you are a yellow dog democrat. I love it that you are so enlightened that you would talk about "bullets in the head" of commentators that you despise. You, sir, are a fascist!!!!

I would LOVE to have the military spending cut. I would LOVE even better to have "social spending for the children" cut as well. You know if we went back to the budget of 2001, it would be just about balanced..........

You are deluded to think the "main stream" media such as ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC et al are fair just as you criticise people who watch Fox. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.....

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Lefty loves to build strawmen so he can easily knock them down. You cut and paste these lists from of your favorite lefty web sites. Well man, lets have some original thought!!!

You criticise me for not voting for Dems. Well au contraire mon frere I HAVE. Not many and I cannot recall EVER voting for a Dem President. Usually, I vote (L). Whacky I know but its a shame we have such limited thought. By saying you would vote for that Jimmy Carter imposter, proves that you are a yellow dog democrat. I love it that you are so enlightened that you would talk about "bullets in the head" of commentators that you despise. You, sir, are a fascist!!!!

I would LOVE to have the military spending cut. I would LOVE even better to have "social spending for the children" cut as well. You know if we went back to the budget of 2001, it would be just about balanced..........

You are deluded to think the "main stream" media such as ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC et al are fair just as you criticise people who watch Fox. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.....

BTW wheres that Meathead guy?? That fat fucker spent all those years living in my house, schtumping my little goil and STILL hasnt paid me back. Yeah hes a real LIB. He loved spending OTHER PEOPLES money!!! COME ON MEATHEAD LETS BE HAVING YA!!!!

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Oh yes Lefty you have had enough time to do your research. Why hasnt the allegedly "Labor Friendly" Obama Administration controlled NMB NOT released the American Airlines Cabin crew from mediation in order to seek "self help"-no, not THAT kind of self help!!! Why?? Could it be that he is just a craven politician and it would be bad politics??

BTW what happened when the American Airlines pilots went on strike in the mid 90's?? What happned the minute after the went on strike????

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BTW wheres that Meathead guy?? That fat fucker spent all those years living in my house, schtumping my little goil

First off Arch, she's not your little girl, she's a woman. :girl_devil:

We just got back from Burning Man. We were hoping to make love, not schtump as you so crudely say, in the mud like we did at Woodstock.

But there's no mud in the desert, only sand, so I couldn't make love with your daughter in the mud.

It's amazing, she's still so pretty after all these years.

post-624-084704600 1315896257.jpg

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I did not spend the time watching anything done by this twat Maher. Since yu enjoyed it so much I would love to know if he bashed and ridiculed Islam as much as he did the Christian religions???

Yes Archie...he had a go at Muslims and fundamentalist Jews also........its called contempt prior to investigation Archie....how did you ever end up on a ladyboy fancier's site with such a closed mind? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsoMn-8YJlI&feature=player_detailpage[/media]

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I did not spend the time watching anything done by this twat Maher. Since yu enjoyed it so much I would love to know if he bashed and ridiculed Islam as much as he did the Christian religions???

Dunno about Willie, but I would. All religions are ridiculous and just a tool for the powerful to control the underclass and weak minded. Both Islam and Christianity are nonsense. It is easier to discuss the Christian nonsense though, since that was what most of here had shoved down our throats growing up.

I will give Buddhism a little credit though, since it's followers do not consider Buddha to be God.

If you think Maher is a twat it is just because he picks on your precious little Repuglicans so much.

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Oh yes Lefty you have had enough time to do your research. Why hasnt the allegedly "Labor Friendly" Obama Administration controlled NMB NOT released the American Airlines Cabin crew from mediation in order to seek "self help"-no, not THAT kind of self help!!! Why?? Could it be that he is just a craven politician and it would be bad politics??

BTW what happened when the American Airlines pilots went on strike in the mid 90's?? What happned the minute after the went on strike????

I do not know. You are the one employed in the airline industry, why not just tell us? I'm sure you know.

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Lefty loves to build strawmen so he can easily knock them down. You cut and paste these lists from of your favorite lefty web sites. Well man, lets have some original thought!!!

You criticise me for not voting for Dems. Well au contraire mon frere I HAVE. Not many and I cannot recall EVER voting for a Dem President. Usually, I vote (L). Whacky I know but its a shame we have such limited thought. By saying you would vote for that Jimmy Carter imposter, proves that you are a yellow dog democrat. I love it that you are so enlightened that you would talk about "bullets in the head" of commentators that you despise. You, sir, are a fascist!!!!

I would LOVE to have the military spending cut. I would LOVE even better to have "social spending for the children" cut as well. You know if we went back to the budget of 2001, it would be just about balanced..........

You are deluded to think the "main stream" media such as ABC, NBC, CNN and MSNBC et al are fair just as you criticise people who watch Fox. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.....

55555, Yellow dog Dem huh? That's a new one. Your own creation I presume? Very clever.

Nice of you to take what I said out of context, regarding a "bullet to the head". Did I saw I want to do that or did I say I wanted anyone else to do that? No. And you accuse me of strawmen and call me the Fascist. Hilarious.

I don't want anyone to knock off Rush, Hannity, Beck or Coulter, anymore than you want someone to knock off Olbermann, Maddow or Hightower. All I meant was, as long as they are sucking air, they won't stop finding something about the Dems to complain about. I'm sure you knew that, unless you are more obtuse than I suspect. Just took it as a chance to call me a Fascist since that you were probably hurt when Progressives called your buddies Dubya and Dickless Cheney Fascists.

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Regarding the Tea Party debate earlier this week one of the best comments I heard was from a Republican consultant not working for any of the current candidates.... he said "Watching Rick Perry trying to form complex answers was like watching a chimp trying to open a locked suitcase."

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"Watching Rick Perry trying to form complex answers was like watching a chimp trying to open a locked suitcase."

The POTUS should be smart not stoopid.

The Corleone family had Michael in charge, not Fredo.

There are smart Repubs such as Romney and Huckabee.

Amerika doesn't need any more Dubyas or Palins.

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The POTUS should be smart not stoopid.

The Corleone family had Michael in charge, not Fredo.

There are smart Repubs such as Romney and Huckabee.

Amerika doesn't need any more Dubyas or Palins.

Huckabee???? He is another right wing bible thumping Christian who would have a difficult time seeing the separation of church and state. Thank the gods he is no currently running.

The only logical reason for any liberal, like me, to vote Republican would be if I hate the USA and wanted to do my small part to accelerate her demise.

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JD makes it on to a right-wing blog!!


I found that article about Bill from my Google newsfeed.....read it and replied right away before anyone else got the chance, and they left it up there!

shocking, I figured for sure they would delete it or the real bomb-throwers would come out and shoot me down as a commie leftist liberal fag lol.....

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JD makes it on to a right-wing blog!!


I found that article about Bill from my Google newsfeed.....read it and replied right away before anyone else got the chance, and they left it up there!

shocking, I figured for sure they would delete it or the real bomb-throwers would come out and shoot me down as a commie leftist liberal fag lol.....

those websites are scary jaidee...your country and its people seem so right wing to us europeans ,fascist almost

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Not surprising, and the scariest part is that the lunatics on the far right who support the Tea Party and Palin and those morons like her think WE on the left are the problem! And completely oblivious to the fact that the clown they put into the white house from 2000-2008 destroyed the country.

you can't talk sense to these people, it's like talking to a brick wall....which is why I am surprised no one ripped into me for defending a left-wing comedian. Can't load the comments now however, maybe they banned my IP address??

BTW I am happily an ex-pat these days, I've had enough of America.....I spend half the year in Canada [a nice, friendly, very livable semi-socialist country] and the other half in Asia and don't miss the states and these tea party weirdo's in the least.

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Canada , "semi-socialist"? What does that mean to you exactly? You make it sound like it is a discount of the numerous positives Canada has to offer as an alternative life approach and existence.

Hmmmm, perhaps you haven't been away from the US "slam in the head forever more dogma" long enough.

With all due respect of course. :give_rose:

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"semi-socialist"? What does that mean to you exactly?

only that it doesn't take the socialist role as far as a country like, say, Denmark or Sweden, but still has several of the benefits; health care for all, cheap education for all, better schools and education system, etc.

re-read my post,I LIKE living in a semi-socialist state! if the states were as friendly in so many ways I wouldn't have had to move away......

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