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Oops He's Not Transgender Anymore


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ABC news editor Don Ennis made headlines several months ago when he came out as transgender and announced his intention to leave his wife and live as a woman. As Don, then assuming the name Dawn, explained on Facebook: “Please understand: This is not a game of dress-up, or make-believe. It is my affirmation of who I now am and what I must do to be happy, in response to a soul-crushing secret that my wife and I have been dealing with for more than seven years.” 

But now there's a new twist: Don now claims, in an email sent to friends and colleagues excerpted by The New York Post, that he underwent what he describes "transient global amnesia," transporting him back to 1999 (okay) when he still believed he was a man (sure), which caused him to reaffirm that his born male gender is the correct one. "I am writing to let you know I’m changing my name...to Don Ennis," he wrote. "That will be my name again, now and forever. And it appears I’m not transgender after all."
“I’m asking all of you who accepted me as a transgender to now understand: I was misdiagnosed," he wrote. "I am already using the men’s room and dressing accordingly...It’s so odd to be experiencing this from the other side; as recently as last Friday, I felt I was indeed a woman, in my mind, body and soul. Even though I will not wear the wig or the makeup or the skirts again, I promise to remain a strong straight ally, a supporter of diversity and an advocate for equal rights and other LGBT issues including same-sex marriage.”
Deep sigh. Even in the best-case scenario, where Ennis is given the benefit of the doubt and it's presumed that this was all a big hormone-driven psychiatric hiccup, it's bound to feel like a setback for the transgender community, which struggles with ongoing discrimination, ostracization and misinformation even as the tides have begun to turn for broader GLBT acceptance. Small strides, like transgender actress' Laverne Cox's dazzling performance as a MTF inmate in the recent hit Orange Is The New Black, are perceived as huge victorides for trans visibility. 
So much of the work GLBT advocates do is about reinforcing the fact that human sexuality is innate — that is, just as people are born gay, they are also born into the wrong gendered bodies. Introducing the notion of flexibility into that conversation, even on an anecdotal level, could have a real affect on policy changes, like the likelihood that insurance will cover gender reassignment surgery or hormone therapy. 
Here's hoping that this story is understood for exactly what it is: One man's sensationally-rendered and totally idiosyncratic experience with his own gender, and not something that should be extrapolated to mean that the experience of trans people is anything less than entirely credible. 
As for Ennis? He says that he feels "fantastic" as a man again and calls his experience spending several months living as a woman "a tremendous gift." Good for you, bro, but just don't hold your breath expecting the transgender community to feel the same way.  


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Here's an old friend of mine, Pukky from Chiang Mai... She was, once upon a time, the cashier at Shamrock Bar & a regular at Marina Bar after that.

I had posted about her some time ago & remember saying how proud I was that she'd quit P4P, embarked on a beauty course & was now a very well respected makeup artist & hair stylist for a major 'hi so' weddings emporium up here.

We'd also rekindled our friendship & got really close, dating & spending quality time together... She had a completely feminine demeanour, was educated, spoke perfect English & had real quality about her too.

Anyway, we'd spent a lot of time in the sack together when she was P4P, but now I had to build things up slowly... So when we eventually got to do the filthy deed together, man, had it worth the wait, it was electric!!!... But unfortunately, that most definitely wasn't the way it had grabed her, because... One week later she'd closed her Facebook account & was refusing to answer the phone!

The next thing that I saw was roughly about another two or three weeks after that, 'he'd' rekindled 'his' Facebook page, gone completely Thai & changed back to a boy!

Fuck, Pukky made me pukie, I'd never felt so queezy in my life... And what a real shame to think that I'd have that kind of effect on someone!.. Still, it has been said that Im a bit of a bum deal.





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Wow Unc, what a remarkable difference. Quite a thought provoking eye opener for sure. Chilling. 


It reminds me of when I was sharing my bed with this cute LB from Pattaya. She was pretty, hot, sexy, and I really enjoyed myself with her. One evening she showed me her Thai ID card (as a boy). I nearly upchucked. It horrified me. After that I simply couldn't bring myself to be with her again and every time I saw her I could only see the boy. The gorgeous LB had vanished. As a result I don't look at ID cards anymore. :biggrin:  

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