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Everything posted by strocube

  1. So fucking hot. I love rubbing cocks together. When I was in the PI this past May, my Ladyboy friend loved it when I made her cum while her little cock head was engulfed in my foreskin. Docking, I believe it’s called. Getting a chubby just thinking about it.
  2. The guy struck me as an insightful, decent, and self-reflective person. Really enjoyed the videos. Thanks for sharing. Cheers
  3. Glad they’re ok. Holy shit, ten days in a cave, what a horrendous ordeal. Props to the rescuers.
  4. Damnit, I have no idea!
  5. Those are some cute boys. No skirts or make up required. I would totally do them all, yum. I guess our “hobby” really is a slippery slope.
  6. Trumpo the Assclown is a miserable piece of orange shite.
  7. Bob! Welcome to the forum. Good to hear from a Subgenius. We must have slack! Excellent review.
  8. Well, that certainly works to temper the enthusiasm for our preferred hobby.
  9. I imagine this has been discussed at some point, but can someone please explain to me how these girls get these crazy names? Popcorn, Panckae, Lampshade, Helmet, Shoehorn, Donut, Bean Curd, wtf is up with that? How and why does this happen? Ok, I know I am exagerating; have never heard of a Bean Curd, or a Shoehorn, but you get the idea. Popcorn is a babe,btw. I would totally do her.
  10. This shit just keeps getting weirder. Lmao. Look, I hate the orange sack of shite as much as anyone with half a functioning brain. But, this “Russiagate” nonsense is a fucking psyop; faker than pro wrasslin’ and Cheetolini’s hair. This will be another yuge nothing burger. Corporate liberals . . .
  11. That guy’s a douche, but a very funny douche. I agree with him, I also hate Xmas. Be glad when it’s over, ugh. I always liked Oasis, there sound, anyway, very Beatlesque. Happy holidays, my fellow weirdos.
  12. Lovely, and no silicone, very nice.
  13. Ha, ha, categories . . . I'm glad there seems to be more acceptance of fluidity in terms if sexual orientation. Personally, I identify as "slightly bi-sexual." Though, "mostly straight" probably works better. I imagine, like many of you guys, there is nothing even remotely fem about me, and I have always been very attracted to women. But, after discovering my attraction to ladyboys, I have found that I am also attracted feminine twinks. I am not attracted to masculine dudes at all. So, mostly straigh, or slightly bi-sexual. I guess it's kinda lame, but had lately been feeling, I dunno, guilty for not totally "coming out" to people in my family. It's not like I am hiding anything. Tried dropping hints to my brothers a few times, and got the message they did not wanna know. Though, I did recently mention it to one of my brothers. I imagine he told the other one.
  14. Hey, Stealth, hope you're doing well. Thanks for following up. Ok, so after my trip, I had planned to see I if I might be able to bring Mel over for a Holiday visit this year. After a bit of investigation, I found out it was more or less impossible to get her over here in a tourist visa. Found out it might be possible to get her over here, but on a fiancé visa. I was not sure I wanted to go that route, but then I thought "fuck it, might as well try." Though i never told her this was for a fiancé visa. Did not want to get her hopes up in case things didn't work out. We started the process. I sent her the money to get a passport, which she got. After a bit, I had to tell her I could not make it happen. Guess I got overwhelmed by the prospect, and maybe my heart was not totally in it. Though, now honestly, I am having second thoughts. She is so hot and so sweet, sigh. I have to think about how all this is affecting her, etc. Anyway, we're still in touch. She will soon be statrting work at a call center. I will have some vacation time next year. Depending on how things are going, I might go back to visit her in the PI. Guess we'll see what happens after that.
  15. The last set of pics looks totally fake to me. The other ones seem pretty believable.
  16. I was 17-years-old and had just graduated from high school. Was not really much of fan in those days, as he was fat, dressed in hideous outfits and doing shitty music in Vegas. It was not until a few years later that I discovered his early recordings that I was totally blown away. Those early rockabilly Sun Records recordings are some of my favorite rockabilly tunes of all time. Truly American classic rock and roll at its finest. As John Lennon suggested, "the army castrated Elvis." Meaning that pretty much everything he did after he got out of the army totally sucked. I have to agree.
  17. You know, we hear so much from feminist social justice warriors about human trafficking. I am not discounting this poor woman's story, it's just that I am not sure how much this is really happening, and how much is just a pretext used by postmodern prudes to make sure no one is having any fun. Have any of you guys ever encountered a situation where you suspect some one might be a victim of human trafficking, like the girl in the story?
  18. I dig the accent. Dude sounds like a pirate. There should be a pirate emoji, just saying.
  19. I like the mellow vibe here. I am soooooo over arguing with idiots online. Discourse is fine, but ridiculous ad hominem flame wars are not for me. Keep up the good work, PD and BB. Cheers,
  20. I just hope it wasn't our lord and savior who got ass-raped.
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