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Everything posted by Pdoggg

  1. Pdoggg

    Wall Street

    All Asian markets are in the red today with Thailand down 6% as of this writing. USA stock futures are getting hammered. Usually a Fed rate cut jumpstarts the market as a rate cut increases the net present value of future cash flows. But with the wordwide economy in the shitter the projected future cash flows are decreasing everyday.
  2. The Fed cut rates to near zero on Sunday night but the baht is depreciating today. Under normal conditions if a central bank cuts interest rates, that currency depreciates vis a vis other currencies as money tends to move to where the risk adjusted yield is highest. My guess is that the dollar got stronger because many expect the BOT to cut rates at its March 25th meeting and in times of worldwide crisis the USD tends to appreciate.
  3. Some pics of Diamond Bar can be found in the New Bar thread:
  4. Cambodia is imposing a ban on foreign nationals arriving from Italy, Germany, Spain, France and the US commencing on St Paddy's Day and lasting for 30 days until after Khmer New Year. All Cambodian schools are closed until April Fools Day but teachers suspect it will be until at least after Khmer New Year, same dates as Songkran.
  5. So are you guys changing your lifestyle due to Coronavirus? My Pattaya lifestyle is extremely quiet to begin with but I'm thinking about cutting down even more on socializing, but I've cut down allot already since I'm slowly cutting down on drinking anyway. I guess I could not go to bars at all anymore and run out to 7/11 and Friendship late at night. My big decision is whether or not to go to Cambodia to teach. While I certainly could use the money I make from teaching, it's not essential to me. I know many of you just can't up and quit, so I'm lucky in that regard.
  6. Will the event be held in the Evergreen wing on Soi 15 as usual rather than the original Areca on Soi Diana?
  7. Big Fat Besty in the second video above picks IMO the best area in Koh Lanta to stay, Northern Long Beach. The advantages of Northern Long Beach are a non-rocky bay and good and good nightlife, Lanta style. While I like Lanta, I would caution most mongers that they are much better off elsewhere. The extremely limited P4P scene is in southern Khlong Dao, the next beach north of Long Beach (Phra Ae). I do not recommend staying in Khlong Dao and I don't recommend Khlong Khong as the bay is rocky and downright ugly at low tide.
  8. Perhaps Sunny's ripped denim shorts, either washed or unwashed, should go into the auction too!
  9. MANILA, Philippines -- Philippine officials on Saturday announced a nighttime curfew in the capital and said people in the densely populated region should leave their homes during the daytime only for work or urgent errands under restrictions imposed to fight the coronavirus. Drastic steps announced by President Rodrigo Duterte this past week sparked widespread confusion and questions, prompting officials on Saturday to detail the measures and issue guidelines for the monthlong restrictions in Manila that will take effect on Sunday. The measures include suspending domestic travel by land, air and sea to and from the capital region, home to more than 12 million people. Large gatherings like concerts and movies will be prohibited and most government work in executive department offices will be suspended in the metropolis. Suspensions of school classes at all levels were extended by a month.
  10. Pdoggg


    I like him but rarely listen to him mainly because I'm not in the habit. Some criticize him because he's a softball interviewer and doesn't challenge his guests. Think he views interviews as a conversation instead of an interrogation. Don't see what's wrong with that. He's good at making his guests comfortable such as Charlie Rose did. If guests are comfortable maybe they will open up.
  11. Pdoggg


    My teerak works at what was a very busy shop but today she just had two massages. It also seems quite easy to cross 2nd Road. I have a different problem than most foreign members as I think if I leave Thailand that I might not be allowed to return due to travel restrictions.
  12. Unless I'm missing something the above map seems to be about dangers other than Coronavirus since China, Italy, and Korea are at the lowest risk level on that map.
  13. Rossco without doubt well deserves to be one of the initial inductees into the Romscars Hall of Legends!
  14. Pdoggg


    Here in Pattaya I have not observed any panic buying. Demand is probably lower due to a lack of people.
  15. Sylvester posted this tune on another thread which gave me an idea to start a Sunny music thread. Nice tune and I like the James Bond riff at the beginning. If it were an album cover, the ripped denim cutoffs would have to be on the cover! Add your own sun and sunny favorites!
  16. Pdoggg

    Wall Street

    Is the economic outlook better now or 10-11 years ago? At that time there was high unemployment but the NCAA, NBA, and MLB were playing. Life was normal although it obviously sucked moose for those out of work and unable to find a job. So right now the USA markets are at the levels they were at two and a half years ago when the economy was considered quite good. Is the outlook brighter now than two and half years ago? I don't think so. We don't know how many people are going to die. Maybe not that many. But if people aren't travelling, going out to socialize etc. this will have a huge economic impact. So I'm not a proponent of buying the dip at these levels.
  17. Pdoggg


    Contrast Bernie's Coronavirus plan with what Trump said last night.
  18. Pdoggg


    Major league baseball just suspended all operations and the Supreme Court is now closed to the public.
  19. Activist and whistleblower Chelsea Manning attempted to kill herself Wednesday, her legal team said in a news release. The statement came only a few days before Manning was scheduled to appear at a court hearing on whether sanctions imposed on her after she refused to comply with a grand jury investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should continue. Manning came to national attention after she leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks and was court-martialed for violating the Espionage Act.
  20. Pdoggg

    Wall Street

    The European stocks index has ended the day with its biggest loss on record. The Stoxx Europe 600 index, which measures major stocks across the region, fell 11.5% on Thursday, its worst day on record. It eclipsed the 8.5% drop during the 1987 stock market crash. Britain’s FTSE 100 fell 10.9%, its worst loss since 1987. Germany’s DAX plunged 12.2%, which is more than it lost after the attacks of September 11 2001, France’s CAC 40 12.3% and Italy’s FTSE MIB a massive 16.9%. ___________________________________ The Dow is down 2000 points as of this writing.
  21. Pdoggg


    One of the guys in the pic with Trump and Pence taken recently at Mar-A-Lago has tested positive for coronavirus.
  22. Pdoggg


    Justin Trudeau is in self isolation as his wife is being tested for coronavirus..
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