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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2015 in all areas

  1. Most of the menu girls are named in a previous post here If any of you had been over on Cosy Beach on Thursday you would have been in for a treat.
    4 points
  2. Regarding Bibi Netanyahu's speech at the US congress yesterday, Jon Stewart had THIS to say; “whether or not Netanyahu achieved his goals of sabotaging a deal with Iran or mistakenly opened up a rift in U.S.-Israeli relations, one thing is certain -- the in-chamber response to this speech is by far the longest blowjob a Jewish man has ever received."
    2 points
  3. after another foray on soi 8 tonight I say hell ya, yes please, only in LOS!!
    1 point
  4. PARTY ON SUNDAY NIGHT LITA BAR PARTY ON SUNDAY NIGHT LITA BAR PARTY ON SUNDAY NIGHT LITA BAR!!! All are invited. I believe it's a going away party for Lita's guy, who has to go back home (but I could have misunderstood). Either way, there will be a BBQ etc. Don't miss it!
    1 point
  5. I'll take the category "Things you will never hear about on FOX News" for 200, Alex; http://www.wcvb.com/money/good-news-unemployment-at-lowest-in-7-years/31649308 ''The unemployment rate fell to 5.5%.....That's the lowest unemployment rate since May 2008 -- before the financial crisis. Unemployment has come a long way from a year ago when it was 6.7%.''
    1 point
  6. Yes, she does. Link: http://bangkok.craigslist.co.th/cas/4919395100.html It looks like she is marketing the "domination niche". I think she prefers top, but the couple of times I saw her, she bottomed. I did not meet her from Craigslist, and my guess is that you would pay a surcharge if you did that. I gave her my number in Cascade then she texted me and I hooked up with her a few day later, and she met me late afternoon. This was 6 mos ago. She's pretty bright and she'll probably do anything you like. YMMV.
    1 point
  7. Noi ex baby boom ex stringfellows can cover you in a thick load of cream . freelancing short time only these days .
    1 point
  8. Same same....she is one of my favorite LBs...OK she dasn't talk much but still a good fun,,,shame I couldn't shag her last time...good to see she sorted her ass problem out...
    1 point
  9. update : so I went to The Avenue branch and at first was told because of my visa it couldn't open up an acct period, then an expat seated beside said that he has an acct and then all of a sudden the woman I was dealing with said something about 15,000 baht deposit and balance but she waffled when I asked how long before I had access to it, at first saying I couldn't touch it and I never really did get an answer about when I could so again I politely declined and will try another branch
    1 point
  10. Took Micky again last night. IMHO some of the nicest implants ever, gets me every time I see her. Even more fun than last Friday's short time. Ok, gotta go back and meet Hana (Hanna?) now, I'll take one for the team and report back.
    1 point
  11. OMG Seeing as its nearly time for bed better make that OMFG
    1 point
  12. Now these are proper party costumes, none of those silly, hide everything ball gowns and dolled up hair.
    1 point
  13. Just had a message from Jane this morning. She is currently working in Kings 2 in Patpong. Picture curtesy of Bumbblebee
    1 point
  14. And on that subject, if you don't take bitcoins, take $100 notes. The official exchange rate was around 8.7 pesos to the dollar. The blue rate (an official, unofficial exchange rate offered by shops, individuals and in some places, exchange booths) ranged from 12 to 15.5 to the dollar. I was able to change dollars everywhere. I wonder if bitcoins are accepted outside the CBD in Buenos Aires - certainly in some of the backwaters on ruta 40 I think it would be a challenge!
    1 point
  15. Not sure quite what happened on Soi Lengkee on Saturday night, as I was walking down there I got near junction at Soi Buakhao and suddenly heard a loud smash of glass. When I looked up there was a door off it's hinges, luckily all the glass and whatever had been thrown landed in the back of a nearby pickup truck. A older farang guy did appear on the balcony briefly after. There goes his deposit! Spooked me a bit as I nearly walked on that side of the road but switched sides due to the pickup truck being in the way.
    1 point
  16. You can see the Family Mart sign in this pic: https://www.google.com/maps/@12.923213,100.876509,3a,75y,125.94h,81.39t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1svqhbVU7peDZZASFeyPsKYA!2e0 Then you can pan the image right and see the soi that Volterra is on as well as the sign for Volterra on the power pole on Soi VC. If you walk up Soi VC, from the 2nd Road end, until it ends that is basically where the Family Mart is located. There is a cut through from Soi 16 at the east end of Soi VC. You can see the Family Mart on Soi VC. Also somewhere along here Soi 16 becomes Soi 17. I've always guessed this might be the place where that happens? https://www.google.com/maps/@12.92322,100.876995,3a,75y,211.27h,72.75t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s0YPpPF27GGnZjpgSMsHxuA!2e0
    1 point
  17. party party party....yesterday was ower fith birthday of the month...hahaha.... as I always say...PARTYYYYY IS MY LIFE!!!!!!! my young girls still look good and sexy...but I am in bed hahaha....scare to know thAt there will be soon another birthday party at the house...guys help me
    1 point
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