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Potential republican presidential candidate doesn't even know basic science


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Poor republicans.....as Bill Maher said last week, they have the same problem as The Beach Boys; their fans are dying. And the young guns who ARE taking over the party still rely on fables from the bronze age to tell them about rape and gays and how old the earth is, something the rest of us learned in junior high science class.


"he’s just as intellectually bankrupt as pretty much everyone else in his party."

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The guy is just another fucking hack.

Even if he knew, and he may have known, he could not say because of all the of the potential voters it would alienate. Sorry, to bring this up again, but you know, all the fucking redneck mouth-breathers in the bible belt.

I think this is more a case of politics (pandering to the rubes) than flat out ignorance.

To be fair, if I had been asked I could not have told you exactly. I had to look it up. BTW for the time being, a quick google search indicates that age of the earth is 4.5 billion-years-old. Of course this could change as new shit comes to light; that's how science works.

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True, but carbon dating has pretty much narrowed it down to between 4 and 4.5 billion years ago.... again, this is basic stuff that I learned sitting in Mr. Berube's science class at Southside Junior H.S. circa 1977.....people like Rubio and scary-but-true southern redneck Rick Perry and their ilk really believe the earth is 6000 years old!

Dinosaurs [ which seemingly lived 5000 years ago in their tiny brains] like them will be history in my lifetime, thank goodness. The right has splintered into 3 distinct groups these days; moderates like Colin Powell and Chris Christie....which also included Mitt before he realized he had to start pandering to the far-right crazies to have any chance to win....and which also includes people like Karl Rove and Dick Lugar and to a degree even Dick Cheney. You know, old-school Reagan types. Then you have the TEA party knuckle-draggers, people like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, those fun and crazy guys who believe a lady can ''shut down'' an unwanted pregnancy by - oh, I don't know, wishing it away? - and which also includes intellectually-bankrupt creeps like Sharron Angle and Christine O' Donnell clinging to their bible and their guns. Dumb as a rock, but they don't get anywhere because even dumb people won't vote for them, they are just too scary. This group would even include the wild-and-crazy fun guy Paul Braun of Georgia, a true southern redneck who said this; "All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell". Yes, this guy is a U.S. Congressman. And yes, he is a republican, the party which is thankfully dying before our very eyes.

Then you have the REALLY scary types; mostly living in Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and other red states which no one cares about [and which, coincidentally, suck up the majority of the federal welfare aid they so often rail against] who go to church every sunday and who refused to vote for Romney because he was too centrist for them and who actually believe Obama is some Kenyan Muslim bent on giving free cocaine and weed to every American. Of course people in normal states don't give a fuck about these asswipes, but there are a lot of them, further splintering the party of Saint Reagan into 3 distinct groups who don't even get along with each other, forget the Dems! To get a small idea of how these double-digit IQ morons actually think, check out this site, and I swear it is not a parody [and you've got to love the irony of the website name]; www.AmericanThinker.com . Truly a site followed by people who do anything BUT thinking.

It's all quite funny to watch, and as a left-leaning moderate I just wish it happened 30 or 40 years ago because I will be too old to see the republican party completely self-implode, which IS coming someday soon.

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Found another gem from Paul Braun of Georgia.....for you people from outside the US, please don't laugh TOO hard; us normal folks have to actually live in a country where people like this hold elected office!

Could you even imagine being a registered republican and saying "yup, that's the kind of guy *I* want to follow"?

“You see, there are a lot of scientific data that I’ve found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth,” he said. “I don’t believe that the Earth’s but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says.

Broun — a physician, with an M.D. and a B.S. in chemistry — is generally considered to be among the most conservative members of Congress, if not the most. He drew national attention in 2010 for saying he did not know if President Obama was an American citizen."

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Another person who was on that committee was Todd Akin; you know, the "women have a way of shutting that whole thing down" guy who actually believed that ladies who are raped can kind of just will themselves against becoming pregnant. He was thankfully put out of his political misery by voters in Missouri, but redneck-laden Georgia has no chance; remember, most of these red states still had drinking fountains and lunch counters just for 'colored' people within my lifetime.

Some more absolutely scary people on the far right but who hold no political office; Glenn Beck, Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh, that disgustingly nauseating transvestite Ann Coulter, all of the FOX comedy channel, raised-into-wealth buffoon Donald Trump, etc, etc...... I have no idea how anyone can proudly declare themselves as a Republican these days; the party is falling apart more and more every day and when one of their young hopefuls like Rubio declares that ''we still have no idea how old the earth really is" just how the hell do they expect to gain the respect and following of the young people and future generations of this nation?

G.O.P. - R.I.P.

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Another person who was on that committee was Todd Akin; you know, the "women have a way of shutting that whole thing down" guy who actually believed that ladies who are raped can kind of just will themselves against becoming pregnant. He was thankfully put out of his political misery by voters in Missouri, but redneck-laden Georgia has no chance; remember, most of these red states still had drinking fountains and lunch counters just for 'colored' people within my lifetime.

Some more absolutely scary people on the far right but who hold no political office; Glenn Beck, Ted Nugent, Rush Limbaugh, that disgustingly nauseating transvestite Ann Coulter, all of the FOX comedy channel, raised-into-wealth buffoon Donald Trump, etc, etc...... I have no idea how anyone can proudly declare themselves as a Republican these days; the party is falling apart more and more every day and when one of their young hopefuls like Rubio declares that ''we still have no idea how old the earth really is" just how the hell do they expect to gain the respect and following of the young people and future generations of this nation?

G.O.P. - R.I.P.

Coulter is not a transvestite. She is a GG. To me it is an insult to actual decent transgender people to refer to Coulter as one as if it were an insult and a means to make her seem even worse than she really is.

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Coulter is not a transvestite. She is a GG. To me it is an insult to actual decent transgender people to refer to Coulter as one as if it were an insult and a means to make her seem even worse than she really is.

Sounds like you were offended by that?

Shit! This is the Boiler Room... If you don't like it, no one forced you to read it., After a couple of sentences you could have stopped and moved on, rather than get all offended and whine about it. It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights; it's actually nothing more than simply a whine. 'I find that offensive,' it has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I'm offended by that,' well so fucking what?

Just flipping you some shit brother Lefty. I realize you were kidding JaiDee, but that wouldn't give me anything to tease you about. But us mossbacks gotta stick together after all. :friends:

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It has always puzzled me how these fundamentalist politicians get away with their loopy beliefs. The media in Oz would be all over them if someone here came out with some of the statements that seem almost commonplace in the US scene. Any Member of Parliament here who suggested abortion should be banned would be attacked by every militant female lobby group in the country. And as for the comments about rape, they are met with complete shock here when they are reported in the news. And by everyone, not just the femme Nazis.

But I was watching a documentary on Clinton & they were going over his first term & attributed some of the mistakes he made to his lack of experience in wielding power. They referred to other leaders who used their power to shut down dissent & get their way. Our politicians by contrast are far less able to assert themselves over the media. Our Prime Minister gets questioned by the media every day. And not just once at an organised press conference, she gets hounded the entire time she is in public. It isn't unusual to see her on the evening news giving updates during the day over half a dozen press stops. And the journalists hold her accountable for every last thing that happens under her watch.

And they certainly don't show the respect or the restraint that a US politician might expect. A comment about rape not leading to pregnancy because God has a way to shut it down would create front page headlines that would certainly lead to the dismissal of the person responsible. The person who held such a belief wouldn't last till the next day & the party he or she belonged to would be in complete damage control.

One of our "bright" politicians recently was forced to quit his position because when commenting on gay marriage, he said "what next? Sex with animals?" That was deemed a quip too far & no amount of power wielding could save him from the media & the wrath of the public.

I am not suggesting that we are better served by smarter politicians, if only that were the case, but we will never see the crazy scientific nonsense espoused by some of these well meaning but completely delusional senators & congressmen that seem to pop up regularly in Washington DC, the de facto political capital of the world.

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To me it is an insult to actual decent transgender people to refer to Coulter as one as if it were an insult and a means to make her seem even worse than she really is.

So what if you feel like it's an insult.......you just told off Farangbah and told him if he didn't like what Pacman said to read somewhere else so go ahead and feel free to do the same. The only word I would have added to my original description would be "ugly" transvestite; Coulter looks like an overly made-up drag queen at 4am after a long night out on the town. Not picking on transvestites, just saying she looks like one; a non-passable one.

Remember your own line; this is the Boiler Room and we can say whatever we want; saying "to me it is an insult" results in me giving exactly this many fucks;


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It has always puzzled me how these fundamentalist politicians get away with their loopy beliefs. The media in Oz would be all over them if someone here came out with some of the statements that seem almost commonplace in the US scene.

Wow, makes me want to go live in Australia! Or Canada.....errrrrm, actually I DID live in Canada for 9 months in 2010/2011 and I loved it there, so much more open-minded and liberal than here in the states, and much friendlier people too.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.....you see Paccie, US politicians MUST toe the line to the religious nutjob groups; and this is whether you are a far-left leaning liberal or a far right whacko a la Rick Perry from Texas, who actually held a giant prayer meeting in Houston a few months back, to "pray" for a better economy! Even my personal hero Bernie Sanders, the only socialist senator in the senate, has to say he is a devout Jew, even if he feels otherwise and may not follow the faith as he once did as a child. Even the newly re-elected Christian President has to say he is *something*, despite the fact he is certainly smart enough to realize there are no invisible friends listening to the prayers of billions of people at the same time.

Any politician who would actually declare themselves atheist or even agnostic wouldn't have a shot in, errrrr, hell, of winning anything in this country. especially in the deep south. It's called The Bible Belt for a reason! The voters want to see that someone is a person of faith, that they believe in *something" [but, specifically, a Christian God] before they can get voted into public office. Even good ol' Mitt, seen pumping his own gas into his SUV in California yesterday since he has no sycophants to do it for him these days, believed in something; despite the fact his religion was strange and cult-like, 49 million people were happy to vote for him because at least he believed in God. Sigghhhh.

Some good news though.........the people you talked about with the rape comments didn't get anywhere this year as Akin and Mourdoch lost their bids to hold seats in the house and the senate......they certainly crossed the line with those comments and even the people in a mostly-red-state like Missouri couldn't see past those comments and allow a dummy like Akin to get in there. As Claire McCaskell said; "all I have to do to win is let him keep talking", which she did, and indeed she won despite him being the early hands-on favorite.

It's hard being an atheist in this country, Paccie.....even my own family tools on my sometime, good -natured of course but still, it's there. In my lifetime no politician will ever declare that publicly, even if they don't really believe in the fairy tales they were raised in; as soon as they do their campaign would be over.

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Ahhh, I knew we could get my buddy Archie to weigh in on this one!

Here's one for ya; "It's about as funny as seeing Al Sharpton walking around Queens in his adidas track suit"!

You gotta admit the right-wing religious nutjobs are hilarious, Arch......."God has a way of shutting that whole thing down" when a girl is being raped; someone that dumb should be a US senator? On the Science committee? Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Christine O'Donnell from Delaware, Rick Santorum?? Come on man, even as a rightie....and I seriously respect you for holding firm to your beliefs when we chat on the phone or when you post on a message board like this filled with left-leaning people......you have to agree these people are lunatics!

Sure, there are left-leaning lunatics also.....they are called "moonbats" by the press around here.....but you gotta admit, for sheer lunacy no one beats the hardcore religious right.

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Dude, it ain't just republicans pandering to the rubes. When you have a country with so many, and I'll say this again, illiterate religious fanatics, it is political suicide to say anything even remotely contrary to their particular brand of ideology.

Barry is no different in that regard. Check it :


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So what if you feel like it's an insult.......you just told off Farangbah and told him if he didn't like what Pacman said to read somewhere else so go ahead and feel free to do the same. The only word I would have added to my original description would be "ugly" transvestite; Coulter looks like an overly made-up drag queen at 4am after a long night out on the town. Not picking on transvestites, just saying she looks like one; a non-passable one.

Remember your own line; this is the Boiler Room and we can say whatever we want; saying "to me it is an insult" results in me giving exactly this many fucks;

It is not insulting to me. I am not a TS. As I said it is insulting, IMO, to decent TS people.

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Sounds like you were offended by that?

Just flipping you some shit brother Lefty. I realize you were kidding JaiDee, but that wouldn't give me anything to tease you about. But us mossbacks gotta stick together after all. :friends:

Nope. Apparently, my meaning was too difficult for a couple of folks here., Since I am obviously not a TS it does not personally offend me. I just think it is an insult toward all the decent respectable TS people to have Coulter referred to as one as means of insulting her. Why not just say she looks like a trailer trash crack whore skank?

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Since I have personally seen Coulter naked I know she has a pussy and not a dick. Allow me to share a story, ;)

April, 2005.

The Farmer’s Market on Fairfax and 3rd is a Los Angeles landmark, attracting tourists and everyday Angelinos alike, as well as many famous faces. Among the celebrities I have seen there are Muhammad Ali, Terri Garr, Tyra Banks, Laura Linney, Keenan Ivory Wayans, the guitarist for The Cult, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, and Weird Al Yankovic.

But Ann Coulter is the only celebrity I’ve ever spotted at Farmer’s Market that I wound up fucking in the ass, hard.

It would be fair to observe that my feeling obligated to present the list of celebrities above in roughly Black-White-Black-White order is indicative of my own carefully Liberal sensibilities. And that this sort of conscientiousness is more than a little ridiculous, on examination. But what I notice about myself only on reflection, Ann Coulter seemed to recognize and respond to in an instant, like a cheetah recognizes an injured gazelle. For Ann Coulter is a predator. A predator with a hungry asshole.

I first spotted her sitting at a table in front of The Gumbo Pot with another woman who looked not unlike her, but a generation older (I neglected to ask her at any point subsequently whether this had in fact been her mother). I vaguely recognized her—there’s always a lag time placing faces you know from cable when unconfined to a telescreen—and began to notice, stealing furtive glances up from the copy of Steinbeck I was reading, that she was eyeing me with unsettling scrutiny.

The next thing I knew, her companion (mother?) had left and Coulter was standing over me, looking skeptically at my reading material.

‘The Grapes of Wrath, huh?’

‘Yes’ I said, faking composure. ‘It’s fantastic.’

‘It’s a fantastic primer for vacuous proto-Communists everywhere,’ she said dismissively.

‘I don’t know about that..’

She sighed. ‘I don’t have enough ink in my pen to keep a running list of what you don’t know. May I?’

She motioned to the empty chair next to me.

‘Of course.’ It would be fair to say my voice trembled a little.

She sat and said nothing. Ann Coulter evidently takes an unappreciative view of small talk. That she was eager to continue antagonizing me became evident when I re-opened my recently-insulted book to resume reading. A young man passed in a t-shirt proclaiming ‘Iraq Nam’. She stopped him.

‘1. Haircut. 2. Shower. 3. Get a job, you sniveling hippy,’ she glowered. ‘You’re probably too high to remember that, so write it down--if you can write.’

He looked at her with dismay and scampered away like a kicked cat. She turned to me with bloodlust.

‘What do you think of the war: complete success, or very nearly complete success?’ she asked.

‘Well, in no time—barring the strong possibility of Civil War--we’ll have a democratically-elected anti-US Islamicist government in charge of the world’s second-largest oil reserves, so I’d have to say only very-nearly, on the complete success scale, at a hysterically distorted best.’

She showed her teeth. ‘It sounds to me like you don’t support our troops.’

‘I think that ‘Support Our Troops’ business is the most crass, craven cowardice ever to go unquestioned by the allegedly Liberal media.’

‘Yes? Yes?’ There was oddly growing excitement in her voice.

‘It allows the Administration to absolve itself of responsibility for its own flawed policy. It’s no different than if you sent a classroom of 2nd graders into a burning building, and when anyone objects you throw in their face that they "don’t support our 2nd graders"’

‘Where do you live?’

‘A few blocks away.’

‘Take me there.’

When we got to my apartment, she looked around glumly.

‘I was thinking you’d have half-burned American flags up on the wall,’ she said, disappointed.

‘That’s ridiculous. I love my country.’

‘Whatever you think that means,’ she said, rolling her eyes. ‘Don’t you have anything nasty to say about the President?’

‘Like what?’

‘Like he’s an imbecile, or corrupt, or a corrupt imbecile—the usual sore-loser bitter chatter.’

‘To be honest, I didn’t like the nasty things that were said about Clinton, and I’ve decided to have respect for the Office, no matter who holds it. I don’t think President Bush is corrupt or an imbecile anyway. Would you like something to drink?’

‘I think maybe this was a mistake,’ she said, starting to go.

‘That’s not to say I don’t disagree strongly with many of his policies and objectives.’

She seemed to reconsider. ‘Like what?’

‘I don’t know. Name one.’

‘Get me a drink first.’

With every point I expressed that ran counter to a view she held, she removed one article of clothing. Soon she sat on my couch naked, gently pulling at her untrimmed pubic hair, staring intently but not quite invitingly at me. The growing hard lump in my throat was just outpaced by the one in my pants. I was a little nervous because we had agreed on the last two points—the need to reconsider the option of nuclear energy, and drilling in the Arctic—and I noticed her oversized nipples were no longer hard.

Luckily, she was, by this point, determined.

‘What do you think,’ she began provocatively, ‘of the President’s plan to privatize Social Security?’

I sighed with relief; this was as sure a promise to seal the deal as her asking if I had a condom.

‘I think it’s a payoff to the Americans the President has always been most intent on pleasing: the richest 1%.’

‘What do you mean?’ she cooed. I noticed her nipples hardening once more. She dropped to her knees in front of me. She pushed me backwards and positioned my legs up in the air.

‘A stock’s value is even now only partially tied to the actual value of any publicly traded company.

But who’s going to profit from inflated valuations when stock prices swell irrationally from the forced, artificial injection of capital?

Her breath was hot on my ‘taint as she lifted my scrotum. ‘Yes? Yes?’

‘You might as well shoehorn billions of dollars into the Baseball Card market. The price of a Derek Jeter rookie will be driven up to hundreds of thousands of dollars—before the bubble bursts and the whole market crashes massively.’ It was getting hard to stay on point as she tongue-fucked my shitter vigorously.

‘Don’t..Stop!!’ her contorted mouth pled from my butthole.

‘The top 1% will sell stocks at the inflated valuations to the novice investors-by-necessity, the market will swell and crash, and the same 1% will come back and re-purchase their holdings at pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, Social Security will go bankrupt and all the novice investors will be eating catfood for the duration of their "golden years,'’ barring a massive Federal bailout several hundred times in excess of what the Savings & Loan scandal cost us.’

She sprung up on the couch on all fours and looked over her shoulder at me. She pointed to her twitching, puckered anus. ‘See this?’

I nodded eagerly.

‘I want you to wreck it.’

I spit on my skeezer-pleaser and, prying her ass cheeks apart like a hot dinner roll, drove it home, into the biggest browneye I had ever seen. She gurgled contentedly. Every thrust of my babymaker was met with a wrenched squeal as I grabbed her by the hips and began really leaning into it.

‘Harder!’ she begged, ‘Harder!! Tell me what you think of Chomsky!’

‘I..think..he’s..brill..iant..but..I..don’t really agree with much of his stance on Israel, and--’

‘You’re slowing down!’ she snapped. ‘DON’T SLOW DOWN!’

I went back to punishing her asshole, giving no thought whatsoever to compassionate conservatism as her chocolate socket gnawed on my pork pipe. She was babbling now, as out of a delirious reverie.

‘Feed it,' Ann Coulter rasped. 'Feed my hungry asshole!'

I buried her face in a throw pillow and she swiveled her hips back on my fuckstick with obvious appreciation. My pace quickened as my man-magma built towards eruption.

‘Wait!’ she gasped, sensing the fuse on my yogurt cannon was burning quick. ‘I want to take you ass-to-mouth!’

I withdrew from her puckerhole with an audible ‘pop’ and she scrambled around, gulping at my wang-dang-doodle as though the lives of all her loved ones hinged on her marks for enthusiasm. Her eyes rolled up pleadingly as she threw her head down again and again on my magic johnson. I knew what she wanted.

‘There is a specter haunting Europe,’ I began, and she started to convulse spasmodically with her own thrashing orgasm, her head now dribbling in a blur against my groin. I repeated every Karl Marx quote I could think of until I reached my own ‘historic inevitability’ and launched surge after surge from my hairy boda bag. I ejaculated with what seemed like enough force to blow out the back of her head--but her head was made of stronger stuff. She sputtered, gobbled and gulped what I’d have to call a very liberal, even radically so, quantity of hot splooey.

Once she caught her breath, she wiped her mouth, stood, and took me by the hand.

‘Let’s go to the bathroom.’


She seemed surprised I had to ask. Her tone was that of someone reminding another of something too obvious to need mention.

‘Uh, so I can get in the tub and you can piss all over me?’

I sat in a robe and watched her as she dressed.

‘Will I see you again?’ I asked tentatively.

‘Sure,’ she said, pointing to the TV. ‘On that.’

Some moments passed. I tried to dispel the awkward silence.

‘Well, nice meeting you,’ I offered.

‘You’ve really got a gift for tedious small talk,’ she shot back.

I was a little hurt and, recognizing this, she softened just a shade as she reached for her purse to leave.


‘Yes?’ I asked.

‘Thanks for not staring at my adam’s apple.’

‘No problem.’

She let herself out without another word, and I sat in the late afternoon silence alone. I considered how it felt to be a disposable instrument in someone’s personal debasement fantasy.

All in all, it didn’t feel too bad.

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