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blind boy grunt

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Everything posted by blind boy grunt

  1. well Duke, which respects to this discussion, remember that English is not Emmy's area of expertise, yes, she can speak it very well but writing is not easy for her and neither is reading. Hence when she posts it is usually a short comment or photo's of her staff.. She is happier to leave it with people like me to post on her behalf, to answer questions and promote etc. Also between having to look after the bar/guest house and taking care of her old mum who lives alone miles away... Emmy doesn't have a lot of time at the moment. This why the bar is mainly in Teya's hands nowadays. After having a problem [of her own making i hasten to say] on another forum, she's since very nervous about posting... given time she'll come round. Isn't it true to say that she is actually the only bar-owner that does post? Petesie, Herberth etc are like me promoters, not owners. Jimbo may or may not be owner/partner..i don't know. But i'll be seeing him soon with Quinn and Emmy to discuss the Katty party in november.... talk about starting early! i'd like him to post on this forum...why not! i'll give him a hint..... edit..... oh by the way Duke...the music thing at Katty we talked about.... coming very soon.
  2. well...perhaps i shouldn't say anything....so i won't.... but after seeing the state of QG after Sunny had attended to him. It may well be better to throw the old camera away and keep QG on life support....
  3. i think that you should have got a new camera about 20 years back.... i've seen the camera in question... are you sure it's battery powered QG? looks more like valves and a dynamo to me. Maybe try winding that little handle thing on the side perhaps?
  4. i'd like some please Duke... i'm sick of being a 70 year-old femboy. ....
  5. sunny and sara say the same too.......... that yours are bigger than theirs............
  6. you don't need to buy any QG.... you've started growing your own.......... paleface...great post by the way... and it's your money to spend...be happy.
  7. me? get one? you know that i'm actually a fashion icon QG... not a fashion victim. jomtien night market beach road...much cheaper. i heard rumours that 7-11 will be giving them out free with bottles of vodka soon.
  8. oh dear a bit techy that one for me Duke! you tube is on the TV but it seems difficult to work... a keyboard appears on the screen which has to be clicked somehow with the remote control letter by letter. i've never touched it and won't, having watched DJ Quinn visibly aging has he tries to strut his stuff. certainly i once downloaded from you tube onto a flash drive a lot of MP3 only stuff [as i've never seen the need for actual vids in the katty because the TV can't really be seen on the wall.] Emmy, changed them all into MP4 and they are a playlist available to choose... [called 'Liverpool'- whoever he is] quite how she did it i don't know.
  9. well that's a good start to the announcement Nosher! look forward to seeing you.
  10. lo and behold..... the next meet and Greet in the Katty... Feb 20th. all welcome
  11. Anyone remember the movie...'Village of the damned? something about all the people looking the same, something like that. I headed down into Jomtien last night from BBG Towers, hopping on a baht bus on Beach road. Marvellous...an empty baht bus. Idly musing if i should maybe stay on it and finally head to TJs in Naklua as i just knew that the love of my life would be waiting on tenterhooks for me, or alternatively she would possibly be trying to avoid Pdoggs groping advances of course. A couple of hundred yards down the road, the bus stopped to allow four Russians to board. Mmmm. i thought...okay, maybe the much nearer Katty Bar then. As the bus groaned in pain trying to get going with the very extra weight on board, i looked up. This is when it got scary. The 2 men were big but the 2 women were bigger. oh well, not wanting to get into the overweight debate particularly, i won't go on about that. But! they were all wearing the same shirts... the men and the women... you know what i mean... the white cotton things with hoods and sleeves that hang down to the knees? And as the bus crawled along it passed more people walking...some wearing the same feckin' shirts. Now i know the ex-communist states tried to eradicate individuality, which is the natural enemy of socialism, and understand that the Russian modern generation may have been influenced by parents and history. But what is it with all wearing the same shirts? And to cap it all, this morning i was sitting outside my local 7-11 [as you do] idly passing the time people watching. i swear to god, 3 Russians walked past at different times, all wearing the same feckin' shirts. okay mmmm...but what finally did it...cracked me up.... as i was leaving, a youngish russian couple pulled up on a motorbike... you guessed it...both wearing the white hoody long sleeved feckin' shirts. and then the female on the back seat jumped off to reveal a young kid about 2 years old... and you've guessed it again... the kid had on a feckin' shirt the same as mama and papa. this was when i finally realised that Jomtien is becoming the Village of the damned. it's getting very weird...the cuckoo is flying over the Jomtien nest. okay enough of this...i'm off to the night market to get myself a shirt....
  12. got to agree with soihound on this.... not only on planes...baht buses too... charge 'em double. be careful though soihound... last time a saw you i sort of noticed the kilo's piling on a bit!
  13. but what are we going to do for a photographer for next monday's Teya and Sunny night?..... cancel your flight BB!
  14. colouring her hair... you phillistine you! a major operation as i recall from years past. it's easy enough for me to give mine an occasional grey rinse so i blend in with the jomtien god's waiting room scenario... but for a woman a 3 three hour marathon event. she couldn't have timed it much worse if she'd tried to. Nevertheless little boss Teya held the fort pretty well.
  15. needs a bit of an update. The rhumpho bar area in Jomtien is now to all intents and purposes dead and gone. Not worth visiting. Jomtien now has a few LBs dotted about here and there... but really it's not happening anywhere other than the Katty Bar on Soi 4.
  16. good to see you up and running again Annat. what was it that teya wanted to do to you?...botox injections?................. hope to see you back here soon young fella.
  17. i'm wondering about you comparing your recent conquest size-wise to a can of coke Rom... does this picture mean that you once bar-fined longmint?
  18. first time on this thread as i'm not particularly into chicks with dicks photo's...but opening it up i landed on Mai Ayese...the spread above with the whip...long my favourite newhalf.... also prefer plastic boobs...but Mai could change my mind...certainly could ! unfortunately she hasn't made too many vids recently other than a great one with ririca and another newhalf. miss you long time Mai!
  19. sorry but i'll be talking to Quinn later... already on my mantlepiece is the famous empty beer bottle... the shoe will fit very nicely at the other end.....
  20. that camera is so old the pics will come out in sepia. As for Teya... sorry to mention the name again...Annabelle.... YERRAAGHHH.!... URGGYAHHGH!... YARUMMMPPHHHH! [damn sticky keyboard again..] i'm sure that AnnaB has unbeknown left a lasting legacy in the Katty.
  21. as we all do...good to see you here again Nosher.
  22. yes BB...tiger was out on assignment it seemed. Mind you...he appeared happy enough with mind...
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