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Your Porn Stash

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I was clearing out the attic recently and came across ( quiet at the back) my old stash from my formative years.  I reckon the last time I used it for reference :rolleye0012: was perhaps 14 years ago, around the time the internet became popular and paper seemed so past it all of a sudden.


There was no tranny photos in the mix, just the usual soft porn stuff from the 80s, Penthouse, Knave, Mayfair, Escort and lads magazine from the 90s ie Loaded, FHM etc.  The collection abruptly ends as i mentioned in the late 90s and browsing through them for the last time brought back memories of much more innocent days, ie before discovering SE Asia.   


Time to get rid of it but how.  There was no way I was going to bring it to the recycle centre, and you cannot burn things in the back garden anymore.  The private garbage truck comes every Wednesday. so i put it in a bin liner and slipped it under some regular rubbish bags in the dumpster.  


I was heading out yesterday morning as the truck arrived.  I watch nervously as the Polish guy connected the bin to the pulley and hiked it up and dumped the bags in the back, half afraid it would burst open and expose my past.  I was walking the same direction as the vehicle and I smiled to myself as it seemed i was escorting a part of my younger life to it's final resting place.  Finally the truck sped off and as i watch it pull away I said "Goodbye old friend, it was fun."


No doubt some of you fine gentlemen had some sort of stash growing up, so whatever happened to it, perhaps it's still gathering dust in some forgotten corner of a house somewhere and dare we ask what were its contents? :biggrin:

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It was video tapes for me, featuring a wide assortment of hardcore. The straight porn was donated to a friend of mine back in the 80s. The ladyboy porn traveled with me throughout parts of the US and was eventually buried out in the desert. 

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Video for me as well, I ended up giving it to a fellow perv about 15 years ago. He said he was going to try to resell it to some video store but I figured that was his way of trying to maintain his modesty (and decency).


Of course, much of it was videos of BJ Girls, with deepthroat artists like Little Oral Annie and Janey Robbins very well represented, along with the entire ouvre of Gerard Damiano (Deepthroat, Devil In Miss Jones, etc.)

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Wish I could give you another +1 for that one Willy!!! 55555555555.. Post of the year (IMO)


I remember years ago (late teens) my mother getting a bee in her bonnet about gaining access to my bedroom for a major spring clean... Anyway ridged with fear (as my mum was a religious door knocker) I bundled all my porn together, ran downstairs & dumped the lot in the back of my old mini van  ... Then guess what? Next morning my van wouldn't start, so forgetfully I ran inside & ask my mum if she could give me a push... And low & behold as she looked through the back windows of the van, what did she see scattered all over the floor, but some of the nastiest, vilest, dirtiest, cum smeared, snot wiped, disgusting, anal porn you could possibly see back then in the late 70's (just thankfully all female)  :confused0089:  ... There was a huge shriek, I felt two stinging slaps against the side of my face & she just growled & made cat like hissing sounds at me :vava:   ... It took her over three months for her to find it in herself to talk to me after that & then she could only say was that I was possessed by the devil, should leave home & was not longer her son... :mad0245:   :sad0116:


She really wasn't the type of woman who should have that type of stuff inflicted on her   :fool:  



Also remember dumping all my porn on a mate just before leaving England to come to live in LOS... There was a whole large black bin liner full of the stuff; even I had to shake my head when I looked at it  :rolleye0012:



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I'm an 80's baby so I didn't use much magazines. My thing was buying bootleg DVD's from a Chinese dude that I would always see walking the streets. This guy had everything and it was actually how I got turned on to LB. One day going through a stack of DVD's I saw this hot Brazilian chick on the cover, then looked at the back and she had a cock. The rest is history.  I amassed an impressive stack of LB DVD's and I used to just stack them next to my T.V. in my room. I thought I was slick by putting 2 or 3 regular movies on top of the stack. Well, my mom is also the spring cleaning type and one day she decided to clean the whole house. When I came home my stack of DVD's where missing, my heart instantly sank into my chest, I really thought I was going to pass out from the shock "My mom thinks I'm gay!". I sat in my room thinking of what the fuck am I going to tell her? "I'm holding it for a friend" That never worked for pot and it sure as shit isn't going to work now. My mom called me in for dinner, I walked in the dining room and I couldn't even make eye contact with her. She started off with casual conversation "How was your day? school? blah blah blah" My mom is a bit of a meanie (and really cool, to be fair) and I know she could see me squirm because she knew that I knew that she knew. All through dinner, not a word about the DVD's. As I'm leaving the table to go back to my room my mom says "Oh, and by the way I put all your DVD's in a box under your bed." I turned around, eyes looking at the ground and mumbled "Thanks". I felt like the lowest scum of the earth, I was close to being sick. However, as I looked up at her she flashed a smile and said "Your Welcome." Not an evil smile, just that smile a mom can give to make everything all right. From that day since not a word of this has ever been discussed and she never cleaned my room again. I held onto them DVD's for a few more years until the internet got popular then I just threw them out.   

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Some enjoyable tales so far gents and  great to know I was not the only one with a filthy stash.  Like Lung says it's amazing how much accumulates over the years, especially magazines and video cassettes.  It's so damn easy these days to save it all on files on a computer, no more awkward moments with mum's spring cleaning for this generation.

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Remember the hardcore playing cards you could buy in every shop in Spain ? 


I brought a pack of these home from Majorca when I was a teenager and would take them out once in a while for a spot of pole juggling before sleep .


Unfortunately my mum found all 52 plus jokers tidying my room one time and was not best pleased , my dad was instructed to give me a talking to but seemed rather taken by the cards and spent most of the time rotating them and saying things like "Holy shit what the fuck is that in that girls ass ?" 

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