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It's The End of The World As We Know It, and...

Guest route67

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Guest route67

...I feel fine.

How about you?

When does it all kick off? Would that be 00:00:01 at the International Date Line? Bangkok time? GMT? EST? Or would it only be happening in The Twilight Zone?

I kinda need to know, as I'm thinking about changing the batteries in my mouse. Is it worth doing so, or should I just not bother?

Should I play golf tomorrow (today, actually), or simply lie in bed, waiting for the inevitable doom to fall upon me?

Is there any point in finishing making the bitterballen and a potato salad I was preparing for the party at Famous? Will there be anyone left alive to eat any of it? Or will it be the radioactive cockroaches and mutant mlice (mouse/louse hybrid, and NOT a typo, no sir) that snaffle it all?

Should I even post this on LBR, or is it all ultimately futile? And what is a 'futile,' anyway - is it something like a missile? And why does something you tend to want to have pinpoint accuracy have 'miss' in its name?

Ah, me. Time for bed. One last time, I suppose...


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...I feel fine.

How about you?

When does it all kick off? Would that be 00:00:01 at the International Date Line? Bangkok time? GMT? EST? Or would it only be happening in The Twilight Zone?

I kinda need to know, as I'm thinking about changing the batteries in my mouse. Is it worth doing so, or should I just not bother?

Should I play golf tomorrow (today, actually), or simply lie in bed, waiting for the inevitable doom to fall upon me?

Is there any point in finishing making the bitterballen and a potato salad I was preparing for the party at Famous? Will there be anyone left alive to eat any of it? Or will it be the radioactive cockroaches and mutant mlice (mouse/louse hybrid, and NOT a typo, no sir) that snaffle it all?

Should I even post this on LBR, or is it all ultimately futile? And what is a 'futile,' anyway - is it something like a missile? And why does something you tend to want to have pinpoint accuracy have 'miss' in its name?

Ah, me. Time for bed. One last time, I suppose...


Several posts on the internet say 11:11 GMT/UTC. And of course everything posted on the internet is true. Bummer I will be asleep and miss the whole thing. I hope it isn't too noisy. I hate potato salad.

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Well fuck that, you look forward for years to Armageddon, and when the day finally comes around what happens????

Nothing,nada, fook all,zilcho. I am soooo disappointed.

Could be worse, you could have taken a one way flight to go to a mountain in France to visit the coneheads... :biggrin:

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I remember back in 2007/2008 I would go to a gym in Soi Day-Night called Chevin Gym. The owner while being a personable English fellow, was one who believed in this 12-21-12 thing. He said with total sincerity that on that date, the earth was going to stop spinning in the direction it now spins and immediately go completely into reverse and begin spinning the other direction. He said at least 75% of the world's population would die, and those who survived would be those who made plans ahead of time to go live in a high mountain cave while this incident takes place, That would be the only way to survive. He said he already had a cave in mind high on some mountain where he would be going to hide out for this day. So somewhere in the world he is now sitting in his cave. I wonder if he is happy or sad that the spin reversal did not happen.

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Glad the world didnt end as Im now watching on TV a concert from June 1980 in which the Beach Boys played to a capacity crowd at a Rock Festival in England, Ive always liked their songs but this is so cool :jig: :jig: :jig:

The Beach Boys are great! Relaxes me. Feel good music! Girls, cars, and surfing!

Here's a clip from the concert you're watching Dave.

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The other thing the Chevin Gym dude believed, he had pamphlets on it and everything, was that the vapor trails left by jets was really the world governments dropping poisons on its citizens. Not enough to kill us immediately, but low level, just enough to make us sick more often so we needed to go to the doctor more, and not live as long.

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