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During the discussion on Roms Romantic subject I made a hopefully humourous comment about the habit of some people turning their baseball  hats around. A BM named barforth suggested that he was pedantic about naming the part of the hat which I call the brim and he called the visor. I replied saying that he was being pedantic.

Our friend Rom messaged me saying I was not to abuse another BM by calling him pedantic. (just remember the BM had called himself pedantic!), I replied to Rom suggesting that he was being over the top.(I cant remember the exact words and cannot find them as Rom has removed the post).

I would suggest that an OP who bans a comment by someone for agreeing with a comment made by another, needs to take a hard look at himself. This is a forum!

I am actually stuggling to stop myself saying a lot more as it may be the case that Rom has influence with the moderators and I get banned!. Me being such a small cog in this machine and Rom being a much larger one. Not on cock size though:biggrin:

Anyway, Rom can go off in his own little world. I was trying to add content to his subject matter. God knows, we need more posts on this forum!

It can be a strange world in this place!

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For over 30 years, teenagers and youngsters have been wearing their caps backwards, not only in the USA but also in Europe and Africa. Initially, this was seen as a mistake by very young boys, but it gradually became a way for teenagers and young adults to appear rebellious. In some cases, it’s even practical to wear a cap backwards or with the brim to the side.

Over time, this fashion trend has been adopted by adults, without trying to give it any particular meaning, even if it’s not the classiest behavior. I sometimes wonder what planet you're from or what world you live in that you haven’t noticed this before. We're in the 21st century.

Rom's post is still there but his thread is no longer visible in the 'view new content' page. I don't know how he managed to do it.


Woodie, it's one thing for barforth to call himself "pedantic", it's another for you to call him that.  Nobody gets to namecall fellow BMs here in the Romscars Club.  It is also inconsiderate to me as the club host and TR OP.  That's all I have to say and no more will be said.

I ran out of like before I read Rom's post but I fully agree with what he posted. Your last comment was not necessary to improve the discussion in the TR.


As far as I'm posting here, I'm going to answer @ribbitrabbit's last question :


May I please ask what does "heroed" mean, sorry for deviating from the TR but asking here if its in context to the posts.

Ladyboys forums are the only 'places' where I read the word and I double checked in chatgpt. I saw it used for the first time in 2014. A BM is being heroed when an asshole (the hero) warns a ladyboy that the BM posted her pic in the forum or even just wrote a review. Ladyboys usually don't like that farangs tell other farangs about the time they spent together and how they had sex, even in positive reviews. This nasty habit was developped in another forum (the one we call PY). You can replace the word 'heroed' by 'called ou'.

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5 hours ago, Woodie said:

I am actually stuggling to stop myself saying a lot more as it may be the case that Rom has influence with the moderators and I get banned!. Me being such a small cog in this machine and Rom being a much larger one. Not on cock size though:biggrin:

Your cock or your girl’s one ? ;)

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6 hours ago, Pulci Gorgon said:

Your last comment was not necessary to improve the discussion in the TR.

Wow, you just confirmed my thoughts about you. I actually agreed with what the poster said about himself. Read it. Oh no you cant, thats right.

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19 hours ago, Woodie said:

Rom being a much larger one. Not on cock size though:biggrin:

Oh Woodie, sweet Woodie  ... Yesterday I let it slide, but this morning I saw you are back insulting BMs and this time you did it to one BM who had posted to defend me.   So I am afraid I am going to have to swing my cock on this here thread you started...

Below is a pic of my cock up your beloved Lyly's bunghole.  Do you have a pic like this to share?  My guess is you don't ...  So use this one to jerk yourself a stiffy and post it here and then I will come back with the whole Romrod enchilada and we will see who has the "larger one"...

Or you can change the thread's name from "Pedantic" to "GIGANTIC"




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1 hour ago, Rom said:

Oh Woodie, sweet Woodie  ... Yesterday I let it slide, but this morning I saw you are back insulting BMs and this time you did it to one BM who had posted to defend me.   So I am afraid I am going to have to swing my cock on this here thread you started...

Below is a pic of my cock up your beloved Lyly's bunghole.  Do you have a pic like this to share?  My guess is you don't ...  So use this one to jerk yourself a stiffy and post it here and then I will come back with the whole Romrod enchilada and we will see who has the "larger one"...

Or you can change the thread's name from "Pedantic" to "GIGANTIC"




Oh you poor thing. 

So you need someone to defend you?.

The whole premise of your whacky posts re this matter relate to my post which agreed with what barforth said about himself. Remember, we were discussing baseball hats being turned around. I think you have an inflated sense of your own importance. Go ahead and take and post photos of your encounters. Some of us have more class than to do that and post them.

From your posts it seems that Lily has not found you irresistable?.

Also, from one of your photos I would think it advisable to visit a doctor.

Oh and I might ban you from this thread!:rolleye0012:. Doesnt that sound childish?.

That's about it from me re this matter.

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You can't ban or hoover me here and I am still waiting for the evidence of you being "the larger one" as you unilaterally proclaimed.

And your catty innuendo is unfounded and very offensive and you are only making more of a sad spectacle of yourself every time you post.

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On 6/26/2024 at 11:29 PM, Pulci Gorgon said:

adyboys forums are the only 'places' where I read the word and I double checked in chatgpt. I saw it used for the first time in 2014. A BM is being heroed when an asshole (the hero) warns a ladyboy that the BM posted her pic in the forum or even just wrote a review.

thanks @Pulci Gorgon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This topic and the previous one that started this topic, is whacked out.  When I read the previous topic, I just thought it was good nature bantering.  Having read this topic, I am now led to believe it wasnt good nature bantering and it was more serious then I could have imagined.  

People need to step back and take a joke.  The only one that didnt seem offended was the one (so called offended) Barforth.  He is probably wondering how or what he said that started all of this.

In my Opinion..........This site has been reduced in stature, compared to what it once was.  Having some laughs and good nature pokes makes reading the topics more fun.........I think only when one gets personal or in very poor tastes, should one be warned off. 


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On 7/14/2024 at 11:10 PM, Zeppie said:

In my Opinion..........This site has been reduced in stature, compared to what it once was. 

No it has not Z. This site may be reduced in membership numbers but in editorial stature it towers over the other one that has the same software but did not activate the clubs feature because their mods do not allow free speech and use their mod position to pursue personal grudges.

The thing with the clubs feature is that once the club is launched BMs need to realize they have to be considerate of the club host and if they troll or pick fights they are not going to prevail.

I know what I am talking about because I have been hoovered in 2 LBR clubs in one case for questioning the wisdom of mongering in a certain country and in another case for posting an internet picture of a pink elephant which I meant as a joke but the club leader did not like (no I was not insinuating he was drunk!).  As a result I never again posted in the pink elephant club and I post with much caution in the other club.  

In the Barforth case, the name-calling BM had been nibbling at my balls since p.1 of the TR and I was taking it all like a good sport and even engaging with him as regards a sissy we both like.  But in taking a crack at Barforth I felt he was also taking a crack at me as if he was the one in the club who gets to say what he wants.  I personally know Barforth and he is a quiet guy who also took much shit at PY until they found a pretext to set him up and ban him.  I previously had a similar case with a tranny being rude to my other good pal snoopdawg.  I hoovered and then the tranny apologized.  In this case, the hoovered BM started this thread to continue to bitch here.

I assure you Z that if someone is ever rude to you in the Romscars club he will be hoovered.

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5 minutes ago, Rom said:

No it has not Z. This site may be reduced in membership numbers but in editorial stature it towers over the other one that has the same software but did not activate the clubs feature because their mods do not allow free speech and use their mod position to pursue personal grudges.

The thing with the clubs feature is that once the club is launched BMs need to realize they have to be considerate of the club host and if they troll or pick fights they are not going to prevail.

I know what I am talking about because I have been hoovered in 2 LBR clubs in one case for questioning the wisdom of mongering in a certain country and in another case for posting an internet picture of a pink elephant which I meant as a joke but the club leader did not like (no I was not insinuating he was drunk!).  As a result I never again posted in the pink elephant club and I post with much caution in the other club.  

In the Barforth case, the name-calling BM had been nibbling at my balls since p.1 of the TR and I was taking it all like a good sport and even engaging with him as regards a sissy we both like.  But in taking a crack at Barforth I felt he was also taking a crack at me as if he was the one in the club who gets to say what he wants.  I personally know Barforth and he is a quiet guy who also took much shit at PY until they found a pretext to set him up and ban him.  I previously had a similar case with a tranny being rude to my other good pal snoopdawg.  Hoovered and the tranny apologized?  In this case, the BM started this thread to continue to bitch here.

I assure you Z that if someone is ever rude to you in the Romscars club he will be hoovered.

I appreciate your response and I gather that this may have been brewing and finally came to a head.  That does happen but the outside observer only see the end result vs the lead up.  I have no issues with you or Woodie.  As for Barforth, my impression is he is just a nice guy, since there was no backlash from him and did not give the impression he felt slighted.......my observations.  

Anyhow.....I hope it is over.


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