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Everything posted by thaibound

  1. everybody agreeing on which is the best italian restaurant would be as terrible as everybody agreeing on who is the hottest ladyboy. if that happened, i would *never* get a seat!
  2. panties? we don't need no stinking panties! unless they're black and way too tight of course...
  3. so it's *exactly* the way it was the first (and last) time i was dragged in there back in 2006.
  4. you've got to start the bidding somewhere
  5. a rule of thumb might be--if you'd like to see "her" wear it, then don't wear it yourself. and that includes halter tops and short shorts.
  6. from what i'm hearing every season should be considered low season now -- since the russians fled and the junta took over -- and i expect any girl who can push customers to buy her 3+ drinks a night *every* night of the month--including sundays--just to meet her quota is either one hell of a beautiful talker or the most annoying bitch on the face of the earth.
  7. after watching that video posted by rxpharm--thank you, sir-- i now have only two suggestions for reducing theft by overnight guests: 1. pay barfine *every* night 2. sleep alone. however, while neither guarantees your 'stuff' will be safe 24/7, one does guarantee your 'stuff' will be spent more rapidly and the other guarantees you will have a lot less fun despite keeping all your stuff -- making all that stuff hardly worth the having. almost makes having a gf a logical and cost-containing option... hey, i said "almost"!
  8. "There really is a big concentration of ladyboys in this area, akin to fish in a barrel. " but without the fishy odor or the splinters. although there often is some wood involved. good info, BB. brings back memories.
  9. eaten maybe a dozen times at Volterra over the past few years and it's always ranged from good to very good. the owner/chef always friendly and appreciative (unlike the other eateries along that short soi i have visited in the past). best pizza i've had in pattaya. the staff is friendly and mostly attentive (unlike my former favorite pattaya eatery--LK's). low key--and low decibel--atmosphere provides an excellent spot to actually converse over a good meal and a decanter of mediocre wine. you can almost forget you're in the sewer by the sea.
  10. just curious... in the PH i could transfer airtime money from my phone to another phone on the same network (Globe i think is what i used) just by texting a 2, the # i was sending money to, and the amount of money i was sending. something like (if i wanted to transfer 200pesos) 2-xxx-xxxx-200. please do *not* trust the accuracy of those #'s, but i am certain i transferred monies several times in the past, as i waited to board my flight home knowing i wouldn't return in time to use the left-over time on my phone. if this option were available in the LOS, you might be able to 'top up' just by having a buddy (or a teerak) send you a text.
  11. first time i've managed to reach the exalted one-percenters club. but it was only a matter of time. women (and ladyboys, of course) under 25 are (generally speaking at least) more beautiful (and in the case of ladyboys, hornier) than those over 25. my tastes haven't changed at all. i just got old.
  12. i presume the OP's title for this thread was intentionally exaggerated to inspire reaction and even he has no plans to cease and desist with regard to the wondrous LB's of the LOS. nor, i believe, do any of the other experienced BM's who've responded here, myself included. so, "finished"? absolutely not. but "deteriorating"? almost certainly. for a complex of reasons, some already touched on, from martial law to drunken tourists to ravaged economies to vacillating moral/cultural injunctions to --what i believe might be the greatest factor of all--the expansion of other ever more appealing options. if mongering in japan ever became economically competitive with the LOS, it'd be hard to resist their growing newhalf population. if crime (or the perceived risk thereof) in the LOS reached the scale of that on the streets of Brazil, why not try bonecas next year? if you can find equivalent excitement forsaking the bar scene and hunting online-- the Philippines are already irresistible. but at least for the moment, imho, the matrix of beauty, availability, cost, variety, and cultural tolerance, even weighed against drunken louts, bitter bar girls and unpredictable martial law -- still leaves the LOS far from "finished". so we'll see you there.
  13. you know that from experience? she looks skinny enough to be on our list, but i don't know who she is. you holding out on me, my young friend?
  14. "rectal feeding"...wasn't that a south park episode where cartman took food in through his ass and shit out his mouth?
  15. did somebody say "ladyboy on pool table"? http://www.ashemaletube.com/videos/105895/the-photographer-loses-all-control.html?ct=9--1416961633
  16. maybe he wants to know whether he can wear his favorite shirt or be prepared to donate the evening's wardrobe to the SiamSam Nutted Shirt Museum.
  17. one "day", sir duke?? ah, no wonder you have yet to check her off your bucket list. from what the old-timers tell me about the nocturnal mating habits of the native thai ladyboy, you might want to try one *night* instead.
  18. It's hard to imagine a military junta instituting gay marriage anywhere, until you remember...this isn't "anywhere"...TIT. where the unimaginable goes on every day and continues straight on through the nights...
  19. everybody i know is dead but one of their ghosts just came to me and said: "Snick or Treat"
  20. belize used to be my go-to holiday destination, but then i discovered the ladyboys of thailand. and i've never gone back. i fear those beautiful beaches would feel barren with no bulging bikini bottoms to catch my eye... but, if you do decide to give up the hunt in return for proximity, i suggest you go the extra mile and get off the mainland to catch the cooling breeze on ambergris caye.
  21. it looks like a Jacob's Ladder to the Moon to me. well done indeed mr. BB
  22. "Lick Dick with Snick"?? seriously? that offer might meet with more approval when you're sitting in the top row at cascades than amongst this crowd... then again... it IS halloween! sorry i won't be around to mix the blue kamikazes. i shall expect a thorough photographic recap... btw, just saw on news here a halloween party suggestion that before bobbing for apples, said apples should be rinsed in "running warm water"..... halloween in LOS: competitive twister with uniformed ladyboys halloween in USA--warm apples.
  23. Thailand finished 10th despite having scored a lowly 62 --ahead of only Cambodia -- in "special benefits". I don't know what the authors consider "special" or "benefits" but I dare say virtually every reader of this board would consider the "availability of beautiful ladyboys" as being both. Fix that one fundamental failing in their rankings and Thailand soars from 10th to 3rd or even 2nd--depending on how you like the LB's of Malaysia and/or Costa Rica; the Philippines probably settles in around #5; and bottom-dwelling Cambodia may well wake up in Thailand's old spot at #10. As for Ecuador's sudden rise, perhaps it has something to do with American retirees' growing appreciation of never having to calculate an exchange rate because Ecuador uses the USD as its official currency. Very convenient to us Yanks, but of no real use if there's no one there worth spending it on.
  24. i'll admit it. i love a hairless body on a ladyboy--i feel it maximizes her femininity. you can have your big tits and round ass. i'll go with "hairless", "skinny" and "hard" as my personal trifecta of most-prized attributes. i can't reduce someone else's bone mass, enforce a lifelong diet, or bless them with power where they had none before, but i can give them a nice shave, so of course, when called upon i am willing do what i can to help. which means, to answer the OP's query: yes, i have shaved someone else's balls. although, thanks partially to careful pre-screening, i can only recall shaving 3 ladyboys out of...well, more than 3. the first time i was scared shitless that i might knick her. i'll admit i feared the blood hazard, but not so much as what a buff ladyboy i'd met only hours earlier, who would only give her first name as "Mistress", might do to take revenge if i did slip. a ladyboy with a friendlier name was #2 and my relaxed but carefully honed approach cut the shaving time in half while seeming to double the pleasure. with ladyboy#3, shaving sometimes took more than two hours from start to finish -- due entirely to her abusing the kneeling position i had learned to assume in the slowly running warm shower in order to get the job done right. so however you feel about bushes, i suggest you keep a good safety razor handy in the shower. and when called upon, be willing to get down on your knees to raise foreplay to a whole new level. which might eventually lead to the next OP question: "you ever had someone else shave your balls?"
  25. i hope we don't soon start saying 'remember back in the day when sam used to take shots for the team in stringfellows'-- someone must step up and keep that legacy alive. maybe sam will loan some whippersnapper his crusty shirt and at the pbg the next wearer-of-the-shirt can be ordained. it is, after all, as true a calling as any ministry.... perhaps mr. duke shall be next?
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