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Everything posted by Woodie

  1. The word is maths. It is a multifunction discipline
  2. Yes, She is a bit special. BB told me so.
  3. By the way, great body! I mean the girl!!!!
  4. Mmmm, well I guess that only leaves one possibility?
  5. Just a quick response. I live in Australia. We do have a constitution. Also we have Federal and State governments. Whether that is a bonus I don't know. Government is based on a federation which was setup in 1901. One which has proved to be ok, except for a few examples of stupidity like the rail gauge being different in neighboring states of NSW and QLD. We also have compulsory voting. Whether that is a bonus I am not sure.. How could someone with almost zero knowledge of what is going on in the world and knows more about the Kardashians than local politics is beyond me. You actually don't have to pick out a candidate. You can put a line through all candidates and it will be classed as an invalid vote. You can be prosecuted for not turning up to vote. As for the Queen and Churchill. Yes, both worthy of acclaim, especially the Queen. Churchill not as much due to his performance during the First World War when he was partly responsible for the shambles that was the Allied landing in Turkey . Troops from New Zealand, Australia and other countries took part. Thousands were slaughtered as the British troops sunbathed and swam in another part of the area. We have a remembrance day on the 25th April named Anzac day. As for Thatcher, she wreaked havoc while trying to do a Reagan on Britain.
  6. Agreed Rom. The whole situation in the US has got out of hand. I notice no one to my knowledge has mentioned the NRA. A very powerful lobby group. It must be, with the US having something like 350 million guns for a population including kids, of about 330 million. I still remember a friend of mine who arrived in the US some years ago, and was picked up by a business collegue at the airport and on the way home stopped at a gunshop and came out with one of those Oozie type things and casually placed it on the floor of the car. When asked what it was for he said,"oh just going to try it out on some feral animals up in the hills".
  7. Who is the poor sod laying on his back?. Imagine having to put up with that treatment. Is that cum or spit dripping from her mouth?.
  8. So the 2nd Amendment could be repealed?. Here is a good idea. Maybe make it align with something that resembles the way that sensible countries do?.
  9. Thanks for the explanation Takra. I for one cannot understand why an amendment cannot be amended again. Such as the second. It was written, (I take it), when people all acted like Davy Crockett. The argument put up these days by some, is that citizens can bear arms to stop the government from committing an armed takeover of the populace. If it wanted to, there is no way that the populace could stop it, no matter how many Armalites they had. In the meantime there are many people being killed by nutters and their guns. That sure is freedom.
  10. His appearance brings up a question. Where can you buy those hats with the brim on the back?. All I can seem to find are ones with it on the front.
  11. If it is the most brilliant document ever written, why are there so many amendments? I take it that in the US the word amendment means an alteration?. Maybe it means something else? So who changed what?. It is a serious question. I have never delved into it. Just seemed to be very confusing.
  12. Wow, that is some bum, and I am not a bum man usually.
  13. I really struggle to understand what "freedoms", the US has that other western Democracies dont have. By the way, not that I mentioned Finland specifically,Finland has just joined Nato so that should boost the arms dealers profits. Also as far as countries helping out in WW2. I dont think Spain or Switzerland actually did a great deal to help, apart from Switzerland acting as a banking service. The US has the freedom to bankrupt it's citizens who contract diseases where most other western nations look after it's citizens in public hospitals. The US seems to be in a constant round of elections. Not satisfied with one every 4 years, they have midterm ones as well. Also, the election campaigns seem to go on for ever, whereas in other democracies they start roughly 6 week before polling date. No wonder US citizens are loathe to vote. What is it. About 54 % actually vote?. Might have something to do with having elections on a Tuesday! Goes back to the horse and cart days when farmer went to town. I am not here to bash the US but when comments are made about it being a freedom loving nation, I might point out that the US has been at war for all but about 17 years of it's existence. That's a good example to set.
  14. Not at all. You are assuming the US system of democracy is the way, the truth and the light. It is not. There many forms of democracy. Surprisingly, not all formed by the amount of money given by supporters. I giggle when I hear the dreaded word Socialism mentioned in the conversation in the US. Notice i did not say America. That is North and South America, made up be a lot of countries. Socialism as used in the US terminology seems to be another form of Communism. I think it is far from it. Maybe we in the west could all learn a thing or two from say the Scandinavian countries etc., where the countries wealth is spread around, at least far more equatably than in other countries.
  15. I dont think he sets out to do a complete travelogue when he does these videos. He has his own take on things which obviously does not align with the way you think it should be done. A bit tought to expect someone to do an in depth documentary of Vietnam on one trip experience.
  16. Just look up youtube and Bald and Bankrupt with the title I quoted in my post
  17. You know what, I think we argued over that as we very rarely argued about anything. I still miss him so much. Will be catching up with Dao in early May.
  18. I dont think Djungjai existed until about 2018
  19. Just on the matter of Soi Pothole. My good friend, now departed Stoolpusher, and I used to argue over which end of Soi Pothole was the top end. I said the 2nd road end as that was the more central end, Brett would say the 3rd Road end. He may have been right. I was not there when heavy rain fell and it flooded. A stupid discussion, but that's what friends do.
  20. Just watched a Bald and Bankrupt video on Vietnam. He travelled with two others from Hanoi to Saigon with a side trip to Laos, on motorbikes and a train. He did acknowledge the influence of the guys from Top Gear who did the trip on motorbikes. As usual he did a great job. He seems to have a way of conversing with people even though they may not speak English. A very good communicator. Worth watching. I did want to see a bit more of Saigon but there you go. He did not hold back on the brutality of the western nations who had tried to control Vietnam over the years. France, the US etc. The video was called Vietnam: The Nation that would not submit VN
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