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Everything posted by strocube

  1. Yeah, WTP, Baldwin and Vidal were "gay." I put gay it in quotes because Vidal thought, and I agree with him, that it is a bullshit and very limiting term. Other American writers that we're not strictly hetero, let's say, we're Keroac, Ginsberg and Burroughs. Dunno about Vonnegut or the others. Salinger liked very young, adolescent girls. Many artists, writers included, tend to be outliers in all kindsa ways. That just seems to be the way these things go.
  2. strocube


    Been kinda keeping an eye on this Bitcoin thing. Looks like another bubble to me. Check it out: http://chycho.blogspot.ca/2013/11/the-bitcoin-bubble-or-is-it-two-charts.html
  3. I've read Catcher in the Rye, of course. I thought it was an ok read. I only read it all the way through because it is supposed to be an important part of the cannon of US literature, meh. I thought it was pretty light-weight, actually. In my opinion Salinger was a clever short story writer whose work was perfect for magazines like the New Yorker. He's no James Baldwin, that's for sure.
  4. It's a lovley, bright and warm, November, 70f day here in SoCal:)
  5. strocube


    She's a cutie, for sure. Also very interested in Bitcoin. Thanks for that:)
  6. strocube


    I like Abby Martin from RT. What a total babe. I'd do her, even if she doesn't have a cock.
  7. Holy fuck, that's scary. Who is the dive company so I can avoid them?
  8. Wow, such devastation. My heart goes out to everyone affected. Hope they much needed relief as soon as possible.
  9. It seems there was some kinda glitch. When I scrolled down to the bottom of this thread, there was this un-posted pic by Mr. Duke at the bottom. I just clicked post, and viola. Beer's got a really nice ass and a cute face. If it had not been for all the fun I had with Nookie, I may have taken Beer as well, the last time I was in Phuket, all those years ago.
  10. Cruz, Nugent 2016, bitches! Eeeeeeee haw! "Let the motherfucker burn. Burn, motherfucker!"
  11. What a FOOKIN JOKE. A pox on all their houses. They are all criminlas, republicans and the alleged "other party."
  12. Yes, of course, there is no getting around their humanity and all that entails. Whatever their motivation for being in "the game," I do my very best to treat them well as I can, in every way I can. So besides being nice, paying them well, treating them with respect, I always do everything I can to make sure they're getting off sexually as well. If it is not working for them, then it is not working for me either. Now I realize that this is something I do to mitigate some of the guilt I may feel for essentially exploiting an economic situation in my favor. While I am far from being a hideous old troll, I doubt that all of the ladboys whose company and sexual favors I have enjoyed would've fucked me for free if they didn't need the money.
  13. Not really a fetishist too much, but damn, I love me a hotty in a school uniform. So fucking sexy.
  14. My guess would be different dosage(how much, when, under what circumstances) physiology, desire, horniness, etc.
  15. This place is biking distance from where I live and I've never gone . . . Guess I'll have to check it out one of these days.
  16. Thanks, man. I wish her and her mom the best.
  17. Just curious, whatever happened to Nookie? I have not seen any pictures of her in ages. Did she leave the bar, get outta the biz, get married . . ? She was such a little sweetheart.
  18. Have a look at the other thread. I was the one who originally posted the link you just posted. BTW, you missed a truly amazing dieta outside of Ottawa this past July.
  19. I wish they would listen. I really do not like those big ol fake titties. It seems many of us don't like them either. Sigh . . .
  20. Nice work, lads. Really enjoying this thread:)
  21. strocube


    The Empire will continue it's slow motion collapse as predatory, global capitalism eats itself, rendering huge chunks of the planet effectively uninhabitable due to extreme environmental degradation and massive social upheaval. If current trends are any indication, most people in the US will remain willfully uniformed, going about the business of maintaining and unsustainable system by continuing to consume, living medicated and endentured lives of quiet desperation, watching their lives ebb away in meaningless, humiliating drudgery, going to jobs they loathe and are alienated from, while the rest world collapses around them. Most people will be nothing more than disposable, landless wage slaves to be used as fodder for the prison industrial complex or the military industrial complex. Essentially, the third world will be "brought home" to Der Homeland even more than it already has been. The system will be maintained as long as possible by coercion and propaganda. The usual formulas of fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD), along with the time honored Hegelian dialectic of thesis, antithesis, sythesis, or in more recent times, problem, reaction, solution will be used by the poweres that be to keep a stranglehold on power. These ancient strategies of social comtrol will be aided by new technologies that will be used to further the oppression of the masses. Have a nice day, kiddies:)
  22. I've asked myself the same thing. I still like girls, but when it comes to sex, it seems I am WAY more turned on by femboys, ladyboys, CDs, TGs or whatever you wanna call them. Also, since I realized I like this sort of thing, I have also found a liking for very fem, pretty boys. I guess this just means there is potentially more to choose from of life's vast pageant of hotness. None of this in any way rules out the possibility of some kind of long term relationship with a GG in the future; you just never know.
  23. My main gripe is that I exist as fucking wage-slave. Would really like to be done with that shit for good. Working on various ways out.
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