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Everything posted by Torurot

  1. But you CAN blame the break up of Libya on the U.S. This has become Tribal, not religious. Since when did Eygpt and Emirates need U.S. permission? They are already armed to the teeth by the U.S. As I just posted in the creationism thread U.S. Backs Hotbeds of Islamic Fundamentalism Posted on August 26, 2014 by WashingtonsBlog Why Are We Backing the Most Barbaric, Violent, Extreme Muslims … And Overthrowing Moderates? http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/08/closest-u-s-allies-middle-east-hotbeds-islamic-fundamentalism.html
  2. This falls into the "if everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you follow". If you want to donate to charity just do it and contribute all the money you would have wasted on the ice too.
  3. Maybe he spent all his spare money traveling around the world and checking out Thailand rather than acquiring "stuff"
  4. It's been a while since we have heard anything from this, so today an "update" So who is hiding what or is it "nothing to see here.... move along" Chinese hackers spied on investigators of Flight MH370 - report Classified data on flight's disappearance pinched http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/08/21/mh370_disaster_cyber_snooping/
  5. equal opportunity offense?
  6. AVG still actively supports XP Pro which is what I'm using
  7. I Use the free part of AVG anti virus. You just have to be careful when you install it to ONLY install the antivirus sections and allow it to only see your emails and web surfing. Don't install any of the other junk they offer. Then there is the magnificent FireFox extension "noscript". http://noscript.net/getit Worth it's weight in gold. It's mostly scripts on the web that have the payloads
  8. Fried breakfast is healthiest start to day, say scientists A breakfast of bacon, sausages, eggs, and beans could be the healthiest start to the day, according to new research. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7543507/Fried-breakfast-is-healthiest-start-to-day-say-scientists.html and here http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/08/12/grease_is_the_word_fry_up_breakfast_popularity_on_the_up/
  9. From a comment on the Lancaster story. SR71 Blackbird This is a GREAT read http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/vetscor/1981814/posts Apparently part of a book called "Sled Driver" World's only flyable WWII Lancaster bombers meet in Lincs RAF and Canadian aircraft meet for Two Lancs tour after epic ferry flight http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/08/08/only_flyable_lancaster_bombers_come_together_raf_coningsby/ By Gareth Corfield, 8 Aug 2014
  10. You mean like SARS and other over blown things? And the effect will be? As serious as it it is for the places that actually have the infection what will it mean for the rest of us when traveling?? Detention for any one with a sniffle, an infected finger?
  11. and now with all the money the Mother wants the girl back. What a mess!
  12. In case anyone else has the same problem I could not see the Image Verification change password captcha that allows you to reset the password in the renewed forum under FireFox. Had to use Microsoft Windows Explorer :-(
  13. BANGKOK-BLOCKED: Thailand's dictators ban dictator sim Tropico 5 Irony alert http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/08/05/bangkokblocked_thailand_turns_away_tropico_5/ Thailand's censorious military junta has banned Tropico 5, a game in which players assume the role of a censorious dictatorial ruler. That's according to a report by the Associated Press: the game's Thai distributor told the news wire that the nation's Culture Ministry blocked the city-building title from sale on Monday. Publisher Kalypso Media said it was "disappointed" by the apparent ban. ...
  14. What is the Australian government doing about this travesty?
  15. I use FireFox on a VERY slow connection. No problems reading the forum but problems posting that may or not be java script related
  16. Is this a particularly LB thing, or a Thai thing that GG's also do? Can't say I've ever noticed this particular brush off either way.
  17. Stupid is as stupid does! Florida Lawmaker Drafts Bill To Require Every Student To Watch Documentary Explaining Why Liberals Hate America http://thinkprogress.org/media/2014/07/25/3464290/florida-dinesh-dsouzas-america-every-florida-student/ by Shannon Greenwood Posted on July 25, 2014 All 1,700 Florida high schools and middle schools to show the movie to their students.
  18. Wait for the message :) 404 - File not found http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/404
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