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Everything posted by Dabbler

  1. I'm late to the party, but Lin, your very obscene pictures of big-dicked, lingerie-clad trannies are perverted, wicked, debauched, outrageous and--dare I say it--mildly arousing. We shall all rot in Hell for looking at them, but in the meantime I'm nominating you for the Nobel Prize. :) D.D.
  2. Hi PG. Thanks. Actually, you're right, there are several industrial estates that way and for some it could closer to live a bit up the coast than in Pattaya. D.D. (Decapitated Dabbler)
  3. Can't use Opera with the site: it doesn't display everything properly and--I haven't tried it in a while--I can't log in at all I think. I prefer Opera too (so much faster and safer) but it won't work properly with many sites due to lack of support, and LBR is one of them. ...and my avatar is screwed up with the update. Tried the "crop" thingy and it didn't work.
  4. Deleted; the question I was asking became irrelevant at my end
  5. I'm sorry too for the curt tone of my post. I should have handled it differently. My excuses are that you're a new, unfamiliar name on the block; and that I had a miserable childhood Thanks for the pics!
  6. Thanks BB, I'm glad it's resolved. I know SW didn't mean any harm, and I hate to make a negative post anywhere anytime. Sometimes a few pairs of eyes are better than just one :) D.
  7. The threat of having one's picture plastered all over the Internet is certainly an excellent reason not to set foot in that bar. Did you get a release or a green light from the 2 punters clearly identifiable in your pics? Of course, if one of them is yourself, I take half of that back.
  8. Thanks. There is a Thai village just on the other side, so hopefully it'll work. D.
  9. Will a Thai cell phone (AIS) work in Cambodia, at the border? D.
  10. You hippies! The 20's, now that was music...
  11. Yikes! That'd ruin a vacation, that's for sure.
  12. Didn't know that Songkran was on a different date for Pattaya. Every day I learn something new :)
  13. Rent out a couple of them "loose women"--pun intended--and change your alias to "Texas Puppetmaster" ;)
  14. Nope. I'm a geezer. You wanna make analogies, talk about Lawrence Welk and Perry Como. Now, these were musicians! Not like the current youths; these "hepcats" with their zoot suits and their jazz music.... Why, in my time, we didn't have money to buy them 78rpm Apple gadgets. We had to work hard for our money, and a soda pop cost 10 cents; furthermore zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  15. Yes, good point. I have PayPal. The question of Thai bank accounts etc is also an issue but I'll figure it out once I'm there. D.
  16. RE: internet. A friend tells me that he uses "True" and that it's reliable. I checked prices on their web site, seems cheaper than in the States too :)
  17. Well, first of all there are no clear disadvantages that I can see except if you live in a state that levies income tax: it can become dicey with potential liabilities then. For advantages, if you want to keep your US bank (and debit card) or brokerage accounts, you're better off with a local address; for professional licensing issues too, etc... My thinking is that you should advise various outfits on a need-to-know basis only. D.
  18. Hi. Thanks to all who replied. I plan to go paperless on the bills (those which aren't already) but I hadn't thought about getting the junk mail sorted out and thrown away: it's a good point since I get pounds of it every week :) I found a mailbox service that looks OK but I'll call the guy back to enquire about filtering the junk. Beijo, like you I wandered a lot, but it brought me neither fortune nor early retirement :D D.
  19. Hi. Thanks for the tip. For a non-US citizen I guess that'd be a good option, but I live here and have a driver's license etc and there are stores (like UPS outlets) that will forward mail. I'm taking note of the link though, you never know ;) D.
  20. Hi all. I have a couple of questions for long-term US expats. How do you maintain residence in your US state? I won't keep a house or apt, so I'm thinking non-USPS postal box with a street address and forwarding service of my mail to Thailand. I'm in a non-tax income state so there is no local tax downside, and for IRS purposes I'll of course file from Thailand. Advice? Am I overlooking anything? My US income depends heavily on a moderately fast (preferably >3MBs/sec) but rock-solid, wired (ie not WIFI) Internet connection 24/7, preferably DSL. So it's on top of my list. It may take a few weeks before I settled in a place, but any advice on avg. monthly cost and providers of internet would be much appreciated. Can you choose the DSL provider by simply picking up a certain land-line provider as we do in the US, or is it some other kind of arrangement? Thanks in advance for the info, D.
  21. Yikes! Not my bag at all but sounds like good business though :) Put a coupla broads in a Nazi getup, prod away and collect the cash.
  22. "Two tents" :) To stay with the old West theme... A cowboy gets captured by an Indian tribe. The Chief tells him that he'll be sacrificed in 4 days, but that he can have one wish every day until then. So the cowboy says that he wants to talk to his horse; he says something in the horse's ear and the horse leaves at full gallop. Two hours later the horse is back with a beautiful blond bar-girl on his back. So the cowboy spends the night with her in his tent. The following day before sending the girl back with the horse, he again says something in the horse's ear. Two hours later the horse is back with a beautiful bar-girl on his back: this time she's a brunette. So the cowboy spends the night with her. Same deal on the third day, except that the bar-girl is a red-head. So the cowboy spends the night with her, and before he sends the girl back on the horse, he yells in its ear: "A posse, you dumbass! A posse!"
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