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Everything posted by seven

  1. The have though, but only the jewish part of the population. Love him.
  2. seven


    Just for BBG. Indian virus variant found in Thai travelers from Pakistan https://www.yahoo.com/news/indian-virus-variant-found-thai-131235795.html BANGKOK (AP) — Health authorities in Thailand said Monday they have confirmed the country’s first cases of the Indian variant of the coronavirus, in a Thai woman and her 4-year-old son who have been in state quarantine since arriving from Pakistan.
  3. Apparently its legit. No point in discussing covid infections with you. You don't believe me anyway. Well, the professionals we took in the last decade from Somalia and Syria( i e Iraqis) contribute as much as a ladyman in Patts to the national welfare system, but thats a whole other discussion. I rather have buddist thais than jihadist to be honest. You say a thing like that in the west you are immediately branded a racist which is far from my beliefs. Western Europes integration has failed miserably and is to no gain for anyone.
  4. We're looking at years for thais to be vaccinated. Come october when they realise it cant be done, they'll probably ditch the plan and try to think of something else. Another new travelbubble maybe.
  5. I'd be happy to have more thai ladymen here. Hope this kicks off.
  6. Fake, QG. As an investigating journalist you should know better and check your sources. After reading the piece I admit it looks legit.
  7. seven

    The Bangkok Times

    I'd say so. The 'about' is a giveaway. Not SoCal. Ok then, hes energetic and enthusiastic. Not creepy. Sorry.
  8. Free in developed countries, and no need to buy special insurance.
  9. Good to hear you are ok. I wouldn't have been ok with a 4 month lockdown. We hardly had any restrictions during the pandemic whatsoever. People followed recommendations.
  10. I never met her. I know she was around when I started out but for some reason I missed her. I agree. I'm glad I was around mid 2000s as it was more exciting then, but not necessarily better. Patts was a shithole (still is) and I loved Bkk. Now its the opposite. Probably has to do with getting older.
  11. seven

    The Bangkok Times

    This guy is creepy as fuck and here hes slagging off ladyboys too. Extremely annoying little shit.
  12. So far no major problems after 2 shots of Pfizer. I’m fluent in Hebrew now and It’s a bitch to rub out blood clots in your legs every night though. I wish I had a dodgy massagelady to do that. Sweden is a lost cause. Forget about that godforsaken place. No masks, temperature checks, lockdowns at all. The cherry blossoms are beautiful though.
  13. seven


    The nation that keeps on giving, whether its covid-19 or greenhouse gas. They have fucked life for us and more importantly future generations. Thank you. https://www.yahoo.com/news/report-china-emissions-exceed-developed-045205218.html China emits more greenhouse gas than the entire developed world combined, a new report has claimed. The research by Rhodium Group says China emitted 27% of the world's greenhouse gases in 2019. The US was the second-largest emitter at 11% while India was third with 6.6% of emissions, the think tank said. Scientists warn that without an agreement between the US and China it will be hard to avert dangerous climate change.
  14. seven


    Sweden second country after France to donate vaccine to COVAX (vaccine program helping third world countries). Makes me proud. Not selfish like Engerland. If rich countries donate say 1 or 2 million doses each to Thailand we can get over there and enjoy ladymen. Its a win win. (In all fairness we gave away our AZ supply ) . Happens to be the very same brand Thailand will start manufacture soon. So if any of you Pattaya swots would be interested and aren't afraid of blood clots I'll be happy to send you some. I know BBG don't believe in the hype though.
  15. While I think Australia has handled this pandemic, especially their citizens, lets say not so good, this is resonable. Expats should find their needs where they're at, imo. Problem is they cant go home to get it as they face 5 years in prison. You couldn't make shit like this up. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-30/australians-flying-home-from-india-could-face-five-years-in-jail
  16. seven


    At 4:06. I agree. Hes one of the few thai youtubers worth watching. The days of 14 million international travelers coming to Thailand are gone. Many sensible persons are saying the same thing so I guess its time to accept and find another way, at least for 2 week millionaires.
  17. One of the hottest scenes ever made. I always go back and watch it. Not a bad movie actually. You cant go wrong with Clooney and Keitel. As for the ladies, I would have guessed K had a schlong. Whos the tattooed on the ladder? I think I might have seen F on a tranny site before. Z /Y could be a LB. N is the pro, I'm guessing. I could be wrong as I'm living in celibacy these days. -------------- Rom, lets hope it shall pass. I also hope you have recovered on a personal basis. This year has been a test to all of us. I tried with a lady my age a couple years ago prior to my last trip to Los last year, but absolutely nada came out of it. I blame only myself as I realise I didn't put any kind of serious effort into it. All I could think of was my next trip to ladyboyland. Thats the impact Thailand and its ladyboys had on me since my very first trip. A total game changer. I can get truly fed up with Thailand after a longstay , but it never leaves me when home. Not a day passes by without dreaming myself back to Patts, Phuket and Bkk and the lovely creatures that are ladyboys. I'm optimistic to returning to Thailand in a reasonable near future. Maybe Patts and Bkks scene have completely changed when we do return, but the ladyboys will still be there somewhere. I'm done with the barscene since long and the only reason I go to the shithole Pattaya is the enormous amount and availability of lbs on a rather small concentrated area and to see my good expat friends residing there. Chin up, man. There are brighter days ahead!
  18. seven


    Coup de grace.
  19. seven


    At a press meeting today our state epidemiologist in charge was asked when we can go back to normal life, i e life before Covid-19. His answer was: I'm not too sure we will ever come back to that. Quite sobering and bittersweet at the same time. Once again, Thank you , China.
  20. seven


    It really does, I agree.
  21. seven


    Yes, most did. like I said , fighting over masks is a non issue here, we never locked down, we haven’t done better or worse than any country that allows comparison. The lesson is, lockdown or masks are not the solution. The US was hijacked by an insane person and his enablers for 4 years,so it’s not fair to compare, but of course it wouldn’t work there.
  22. seven


    I agree. So its selfishness.
  23. seven


    The fact that we are debating this and see Karen and Kevin in the US on daily basis is my point. We have different opinions regarding the benefits of masks, I think we established that about a year ago. I don't doubt that but thats not the point. Good. Why do we see it in the US then?
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