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Everything posted by Quietguy

  1. Quietguy


    Nobody knows how it will go. The 'Spanish Flu' pandemic lasted about 15 months from Spring 1918. More people died in the second wave than the first. There may be a second wave with coronavirus too, let's hope not.
  2. Of course death will come to all of us. But I'd rather it wasn't from coronavirus.
  3. I'd rather not catch Covid, when all is said. And I'd rather be locked in than be dead. A nasty disease, you cannot deny. I can think of better ways to die.
  4. These days a lot of information about us is on computers. Not just Government computers either. Anytime you buy, or look at anything, online it will be stored on a computer somewhere. If you bought your airline tickets online, which you probably did, it will be recorded somewhere. Which means you will probably get those pop up ads for 'looking for Thai women'. The Government will also have your dates of leaving and returning your country from the passport scans at the airport. The Thai Government and passport control will also have those from their airport passport scans, and also records of any criminal convictions and bans from the country - that's why it's a relief now when we see the picture of a smiling Thai lady and 'Welcome to Thailand' come on the screen after we scan our passports. The tax department was using that to confirm it was really you. Here we usually have to give our date of birth and National Insurance number which many people won't remember.
  5. The 'foolish men' who you deride are learned men who are on our side. Epidemiologists, scientists, doctors and professors, their only purpose to protect us. They know much more than blind boy grunt does. I'd trust them more about Coronavirus.
  6. Quietguy


    Sweden has highest number of covid deaths per million of population. https://www.uk.yahoo.com/news/coronavirus-uk-death-rate-per-million-sweden-brazil-152335116.html
  7. Good to see you posting on lbr again Emmy. We miss you. I hope you will post more often, when you have time. Take care of yourself, as well as your mum!
  8. Yes, indeed 'tis the same Kimmy. She certainly can shimmy. After downing a gallon of beer, she can still sexily shake her rear! At TJ's she is not now, last seen in a bar on Soi Buakhow.
  9. I knew that bbg, but there ain't much that rhymes with Leo. Unless I can link it up with Rio.
  10. Part II 'Her lips were red, her looks were free, Her locks were yellow as gold; Her skin were white as ice, Her fragrance lustily nice, She thickened my manly pole.' 'Annabel paced into the bar, White as snow is she. Wai-ing their heads as she came in, the ladyboys of Katty.' The visitor he beat his breast, Yet cannot choose but hear; And thus spake on that ancient man, The bright-eyed Jomtieneer. 'Annabel sat outside astride a bike, leaving a damp stain beneath her, Which excited this ancient man, And I sniffed at that reminder.' ''Annabel moved her legs apart, and inserted a bottle of Singha. When she put it down again, To seize it I did not linger'. 'Then Annabel removed a shoe, And threw it through the air. It landed somewhere on the roof, And still remaineth there.' God save thee, ancient Jomtiener, From the fantasies that plague thy mind. I climbed up upon that roof to see if that footwear I could find. And now that ancient Jomtiener, Would that maiden's sandal get. He had the bike seat and the bottle. He now had the full Annabel set. The Jomtiener, whose eye is bright, Whose hair with age is hoar, Is happy: And now the quiet man Can enter Katty Bar's door.
  11. The Rime of the Ancient Jomtiener (With apologies to Samuel Taylor Coleridge) It is an ancient Jomtiener, And he stoppeth one in three, 'By thy long grey hair and drooping fag, Now wherefore stop'st thou me?' Katty Bar's doors are opened wide, I want to enter in, The girls are fine, and so's the wine, May'st hear the merry din. He holds him with his skinny hand, 'There was a bike' , quote he, 'Hold off! Unhand me, grey-hair loon!' Eft soons his hand dropt he. I fear thee ancient Jomtiener, I fear the fag you hold, I fear its' poison laden smoke, He took a drag, his eyes did roll. He holds him with his glittering eye - The visitor stood still. And listens like a three years' child, The Jomtiener hath his will. The visitor stood on the soi. He cannot choose but hear; And thus spake on that ancient man, The bright-eyed Jomtieneer. 'The bike from far away was brought, I rode it down Beach Road, But my eyes were on a girl in slitted shorts, I forgot my safety mode.' 'The front wheel did lock and slip, O'er the handlebars I flew, I lost my balance and my grip, I even lost my shoe'. 'Where's my shoe, where's my shoe?! Was all that I could utter, But fortunately a passing Canada Man, Found it lying in the gutter.' I fear thee, ancient Jomtiener! I fear thy skinny hand! And thou art long, and lank, and brown, as is the Jomtien sand. I fear thee and thy smouldering fag. And thy skinny hand, so brown - 'Fear not, fear not, thou quiet man! This body broke not down.' 'My mishap and my missing shoe, Did aught but the words foretell, Of a fair maiden's visit to Katty Bar, Whose name was Annabel.'
  12. I know. But Sunny seemed to believe she was 'pompui' (I told her she wasn't). She is pleased to be losing weight.
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