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Jimmy Cargopants

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Everything posted by Jimmy Cargopants

  1. I love this... I swear all of those things happen to me (I guess all of us). So relatable!! 555
  2. BBG is something of a dark horse. This is Mrs Grunt - as we can see, there's a startling physical resemblance! Sorry for the threadf*ckery
  3. Not now but when we can travel again I know an Aussie gal who will be in Pattaya - https://www.thaifriendly.com/SummerSuzy
  4. On her Fartbook page she announced she was going home. It was deleted quickly. I don't think Sunny is going anywhere soon. I hope she's okay and I think she is - As Grunt says, she's just bored..
  5. https://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk02wW0BcSCJ-2YaOrXopBeVEGnWs6Q%3A1587374540354&source=hp&biw=1272&bih=697&ei=zGmdXra2E_SG4-EPt96F8AY&q=drunk+oliver+reed+on+tv&oq=drunk+oliver+reed+on+tv&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoHCCMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BQgAEIMBUJgLWLJVYMdcaAVwAHgAgAHaAogB_iuSAQgwLjcuMTguMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEK&sclient=img&ved=0ahUKEwi2zOf81vboAhV0wzgGHTdvAW4Q4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=UW0PSRGmB8JJQM
  6. As Annat alluded to, I think it would be too heartbreaking to visit Asian zoos. I'm not anti-zoo but anti tiny enclosures, poor care, and animals in obvious distress.
  7. Just listened to Murder Most Foul for the first time..... long(!) but very moving. I don't understand why some say he can't sing. For the material it's the perfect voice.
  8. I must admit I'd not heard of him.. Will seek out his music now. (I trust Quinn's taste in music).
  9. In protest at lock downs, air travel bans, not being able to get back to Jomty/Pattaya for at least a year, I've sworn not to cut my hair again until normal service is resumed. This unfortunately means I will be unrecognisable to the few who know me when I next return - *woof woof*
  10. Are there still girls out freelancing at night? I didn't see any in duke's video..
  11. Oh yes... stage 2, 3, I forget. No one in or out of the country
  12. This is a bit self-indulgent again... I'm not there. But then I suppose no one is unless you live there. Tough times these, which why I've been enjoying a lot of classic US country music.
  13. You would have all the Sunny sponsors like me go into a melt down if you did that !! (*joke*)
  14. I don't think this is inappropriate as the bar has closed... Sunny's TF - https://www.thaifriendly.com/Sunnt Told me she "some day" picks up the occasional customer from it. My impression is she's just managing to keep her head above water. Tough times for the girls indeed...
  15. O gawd yes... get her started on him and she won't shut up!!!
  16. I'm the existentialist. Sunny says that's old hat and favours a more robust combination of dialectic materialism and post structuralism. We argue about that .
  17. I hope Annat doesn't mind me dropping this into his playlist... it goes on for a bit but it tells a story, and the story's cricket (!) Australia's premier songwriter Paul Kelly on the depression era batting legend Don Bradman - d
  18. I use public transport but luckily outside peak hours and that's probably my biggest risk of catching something. Will try to minimise using it. I might cancel my gym membership if it looks like a lot of people are getting sick ... and that's about it. I don't get out much. Pornhub is your friend. LOL.
  19. That picture should be made into a get well card for anyone going into hospital or feeling poorly ... it would certainly make me feel a lot better!!!
  20. The other guys with music threads probably have trips coming up. I don't, and so don't have much justification for adding to mine. But a fella's allowed to dream.. FYC were huge in the eighties, then just faded away for some reason. Had this song in my head for a few days.. (possibly because I'm here and not there! Actually it's about Thatcherite Britain). and a couple Oz classics -
  21. Yes, hope all is well with him.. Good to know the kittens are pulling in barfines. A certain kitten with whom I still chat (no prizes for guessing which) told me the opposite - bar very quiet she said, no hab customers. Like a fool I intimated I would like to send her something for her birthday which is still someway off and what would she like? How about now she said and how about money! I actually did think about it for a few seconds, then sanity returned to me after I slapped myself very hard about the head and face several times. 55
  22. I wonder if Quinn could dig up an older pictures he'd done - these were originally posted at that 'other place' (other forum). They were on the theme of a BM called lengcj (I think that's right), a Chinese monger whom no one had met but was following his own extraordinary odyssey through the ladyboy wonderland of Thailand. He'd gone missing at one point, and we were all a bit concerned for him. Our artist came up with a very funny pic of our Chinese compadre's parents holding a portrait of their much missed son (who was probably just shacked up with a lb plucked from a Nana lb gogo on a very long time engagement) ... It was very funny!
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