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blind boy grunt

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Everything posted by blind boy grunt

  1. or even worse... just one Russian woman aged over 30....
  2. no problem for me! i moved well out of the way.... photo's were really of the girls. i doubt they turned out okay, same as the last lot... The camera is one of the big Nikon's, one of those things that you need some sort of engineering degree to operate. Might be second hand too and not so good. we shall see. don't know about the effect that red neon has on the shots, maybe our 2 ace snappers BB and QG understand. it was dark though and no flash used. At least Emmy's nephew [named 'gon' or possibly 'Khon'] isn't intrusive like that bloody woman who does all the big parties.....the main reason i rarely go to them... way too intrusive for me... BB i trust and that's it. QG of course provides a great sense of amusement.....nay wonderment!..."wotcha Geezers... any of you lot know which button i should press?"
  3. i think that Emmy's nephew was taking a few late on Jimmy, but don't how well they turned out...the red lights in the bar don't help with clarity, also he doesn't seem to have a flash on the camera. Where are you when we need you QG? No doubt if the photo's are okay Emmy Emmy will post.
  4. okay then... i'll do a quick report on Emmy's birthday and official opening bash last night. i got there a little late, Mr Quinn had been there an hour or so and reported that it was standing room only when he arrived, as it still was when i did. Lots of well known Pattaya bar owners there. a good few BMs including 'Born to be riled' JImbo. it was pretty busy until 11- ish, quite good really because as some left others arrived. including some non BM customers. Won't go through a list of attendee's, too many to mention, Some LB visitors including New, Ice, Rose , Didi and of course the kittens. by about 11 pm Teya was somewhere between Earth and the Planet Zabadak. This is not unusual of course..... when the crowd thinned out a Teya show started... enough said? Emmy gave me a lift home about 1 a.m and mentioned that 20-30 ladydrinks were bought during the evening. Can't argue with that. it was rumoured QG, that a reporter from the Pattaya Mail had infiltrated the crowd... don't worry, his body will never be found.... all in all a very successful bash
  5. neither do i QG.... probably about 9 places too high.....
  6. A spot of rain today, but panic ye not folks..all is undercover now in Emmy's Bar. a bit of bad news though... and i'm very surprised that QG hasn't picked up this snippet yet from today's Pattaya Mail. Evidently Auntie Sumbint who the PM previously 'reported' as earning 7000 a day selling Durian from a table the size of a chess board on Soi Buck, has attempted to leave her tax exile home in the Cayman Islands to attend Emmy's Bash tonight. It seems though that the airport authorities at Swampy have refused permission for her private plane to land. No doubt due to current entry restrictions. come on QG.. Wake up! i'm doing your job here.... oh...and of course.... Happy Birthday Emmy!
  7. wow ! Quinn, i'm impressed.... did you by any chance go to Public School with Annat?.........
  8. so....Emmy...what gave you the inspiration for the new sign design?..........
  9. in which bar does 'cocoa' work Annat?
  10. not sure but similar.. i only ever saw the rough design. new sign will be fitted tomorrow...no doubt there will be a photo or two from Emmy Emmy..
  11. well QG... now i have a bit more time after recent changes in the maelstrom of life that is Jomtien and Emmy's Bar.. here's what my suggestions for the new name were.. "Bumblebee's"... actually thought that was a good name! but none of the Kitten/ Angels can pronounce it... " Pdoggs".... but no-one can ever spell it..... [i know how to crawl moddy men!] "Bukkake Bar" "Squirters" "Facials 'r' Us" [god know's how those three came into my head....] "QG's Bar"... but everyone would just call it the 'doom and gloom'.... "Ting-Tong Teya's".
  12. many were considered JSG, there were plans to throw suggestions open on here. But, in the end there simply wasn't enough time. and the great fear was that sister and her mate who has taken over the old Katty premises will simply open up again as Katty Bar. Then there would have been 2 Katty's in adjacent sois. Emmy had to move very quickly because she was trading in the new bar without a licence... Big no-no. Everybody knows Emmy in the LB world, the new name will soon be used and accepted. Actually i'll never understand why she didn't call the new bar...'Grunt's'.
  13. yes.... be quiet Rom! i did consider Emmy's Eggmen... but Kittens it remains! all these changes have been long in the planning but we had to wait for the new licence to arrive. as for you QG... Emmy's bar is now declared a P.M F.Z.....pattaya mail free zone. actually i quite like Emmy's angels...what think folks? Kittens or Angels.?
  14. restaurants that advertise... 'Russian, European, Indian and Chinese food' all in the same place... do they really think this works? Might as well save space and advertise 'we sell four lots of shite.'
  15. totally agree with that comment strocube. dunno about hoax and all that but without doubt politicians have now discovered ways to control populations... they'll be wetting their beds with excitement. And the population is going on the ride...brainwashed. Look at the recent comments on here about crowds of people going to bars in London when they recently reopened... people moaning that they have not left their room for 3 months and others are out and about having a good time... so who was the fool then? there is only one way for this virus to die... just like with Sars etc....let it rage, do what it will and it will die naturally. Okay, people will die but culling is what these virus things are meant to do. Sorry if that sounds cold-hearted... but it's true. Starving people, putting people out of work, etc etc is not the way to go. Let nature take it's course. Yes i know that peoples mums and dads are at high risk... so am i. But i'm not going to shit the bed worrying about it. all is natural, people die and new people are born. The way of the world...shouldn't be messed with.
  16. thanks Duke. pleased to see that your boys are coming on nicely too. mmm... we'd better get the announcement re teya out soon! .
  17. thank you! now i understand... it's just from the original post 'traps' in America etc... being a bit slow i wasn't sure if there was a restaurant chain like Hooters calling itself 'Traps' i am now flagellating myself with barbed wire....
  18. so.....Dao is not Dao, Sunny is not Sunny but Sophia sofia.... i'm beginning to wonder if i'm me! Please Emmy and Teya...don't change your names! The photo's Emmy posted of Teya, Spy and Sara by the way... I suspect she is waiting for more from others. Also in the bar last night was [in addition to those 3] Moon, Mind, and Farah. Bell popped in just to say hello to her mates and have a look at the new bar.. Later two of Farah's LB mates came along. Teya spent 10 minutes jokingly practising her ' My papa buffalo sick' spiel. I dread to say this but also again jokingly told me she was thinking of changing her name to 'Pussy'.
  19. sorry....what is 'traps'? what does it mean?
  20. true JSG. thankfully it doesn't happen any more and probably won't for a long time. it seems almost impossible for Thai's to have a party without extremely loud volume. This is true and not exaggerated in any way... years ago i lived on Soi 6 in Pattaya, There were always those dreaded Karaoke things outside one bar or another, sometimes 2 on the Soi. One night there were 2 bars next door but one to each other... i mean actually nearly adjoining units... each one had a karaoke bash going on on the same night...imagine that! there was no 'okay we've made a mistake... your bar does 15 minutes and then mine will, logical type agreement... nope, they both went for it non-stop until 1 a.m or whenever. There was also the night of Emmy's birthday party 2 or 3 years back...all advertised as usual by Quinn and myself... 'no loud music etc.'. Loads of people turned up... strange to say actually too many. About an hour before start time the boss of the Norway bar opposite came over to see Emmy... ' i've got you a birthday present Emmy! A pick-up truck pulled up outside and unloaded a feckin' karaoke which was then set up on the frontage of the moonshine hotel next door to the Katty,. the woman then proceeded to hog it all night, usually highly out of tune. Poor Emmy never lived it down.
  21. you're getting Cabin Fever QG! Red Carpet and the other one are on soi 2, not 3.. Only one very small bar open at the beach rd end of soi 3 [just good friends] something like that. GG bar. Quinn was telling me last night about Red Carpet, i have never been to it, only walked past it. It's owned by an older LB, who also owns a cabaret type place in the gay complex behind Hemingways. it seems that staff can be a small mixture of LBs or gay men [is there a difference?] i.e short haired guys in dresses. Not sure if the other one you mentioned is still open. Red Carpet is. Emmy never saw The RC bar as a rival, more as a gay bar. Guest house only good business in high season... The other 8 months of the year barring a night or 2 - just vacant rooms. low season was vicious for the last 2 years. the 2nd place on soi 4 you refer to .... Wow! you must have been very unlucky with your timing! i too remember a night when they had a Karaoke party.. very rare.
  22. i just spent the last few minutes checking to see if one of the balls is missing from the pool table...
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