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Everything posted by BigTel

  1. BigTel


    My booster was Pfizer and that's what I would go for Pdoggg
  2. I was looking at this early this Morning and thought of you QG, hopefully you will get your trip in before this gains momentum. https://www.matichon.co.th/covid19/news_3094960
  3. You've always been hansum to be Amigi
  4. Thank's B B Here's wishing everyone a fantastic Christmas and with a bit of luck some date in the New Year we shall meet up in Thailand. Cheers Guys
  5. BigTel

    Airline News

    I am really sorry to read this Q G , I wish you good luck in getting your trip still, with a different carrier and enjoying your well earned fun in the sun.
  6. I hadn't noticed any in Soi Yamoto
  7. That's about as smooth as it gets Q G nice one
  8. I can easily relate to your option of taking the two, as you say it's the stress factor I feel the same.
  9. Yes I was watching a video from "Pattaya Joe" yesterday and it's exactly as this.
  10. I reckon it didn't take you long to find out BBG
  11. I can remember my first trip which was a brief 2 weeks in Pattaya in 1981 then I was kept under a tight leash as I was with my Welsh Girlfriend and we were passing through on route to Australia to make a new life for ourselves. One comment that comes to mind after about just 7 days there was me saying to my Girlfriend " I will come back here to live one day" notice the singular "I". We split up late 1985 and in early 1986 my trips started to Pattaya, from that moment I was let lose and could pursue my passion which was and is Ladyboys. So there's some background now my take on your Question Pdoggg is looking back I always found a steady supply hence thought they were in abubdance but saying that I was of course frequenting Linda Bar and the Marine Disco then getting to know Ladyboys who lived at 19 Hole and also the rooms above Saloon Bar Pizza what used to be no more than 10 paces from the Linda Bar. So for me I would say that with Ladyboys being more main stream and out there these day it's both a combination of exposure and a growing demand so yes there are more these days than back then for sure. The shot below is from 1986 the Ladyboy on the left worked in Paris and was over for a Holiday the Ladyboy on the right was one I was seeing at the time from the Linda Bar. Just realized that it's 40 years since my first trip my how time flys forever young at heart !
  12. What a nightmare situation this poor Nick was in ! I can remember all my previous trips and I used to think they were stressful enough having to get everything in order ready for when you eventually got to take your seat on the plane. This new order is just making the past trips seem like a walk in the park.
  13. It's that easy and there is so much choice out there.
  14. BigTel


    It really is like playing Russian Roulette regarding the different strains that are inevetable in any Virus, in our case for wanting to travel it's like we have to hope for a new strain free window while we travel out and back to Thailand as we now know that at any time period within our trip a new strain pops up and we are then in all sorts of bother, ie quarantine on return etc etc.
  15. BigTel


    I was in luck my local shop stocks these, Taxi !
  16. This is ongoing with each new strain it seems, there's the media hype, frenzy, followed by swift counter measures. No wonder I haven't commited to a trip just yet. https://www.tatnews.org/2021/12/thailand-eases-entry-rules-from-16-december-2021/
  17. This is really informative and gives a far reaching insight into Her. Thanks Rxpharm
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