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Everything posted by strocube

  1. Oh my. She is lovely. Could see myself falling hard for a creature like her.
  2. I say legalize herb for anyone 18 and over. I Would, like Portugal, decriminalize ALL drugs, like coke, meth, smack, etc and treat the addicts to these substances as a public health issue, and NOT A CRIMINAL ISSUE. Decriminalization is not the same as legalization. What decriminalization does, is it treats people with substance issues as the sick people they are. At the same time, laws against sales and trafficking in those substances are still enforced. This approach is working in Portugal. It could work anyplace really. But since the war on some drugs in the US is BIG BUSINESS, it will be a very long hard fight to get things turned around. But as we have seen with the recent wave of legalizing and decriminalizing herb, we're making progress:) http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/evaluating-drug-decriminalization-in-portugal-12-years-later-a-891060.html
  3. You are implying that global warming is man made. What are you some kinda CONSPIRACY THEORIST? We know global warming is a hoax and a conspiracy perpetrated by pointy headed Obama liberals and godless communists who wanna take our God-given AMERICAN freedoms and SUVs. Drill, baby, drill! Also, kick their ass and take their gas!!! NUGENT 2016!
  4. Intersting. The thing placed me right in the middle of SoCal. Pretty good, since that's where I have been for all but the first three years of my life.
  5. What a fucking mess, you guys. I am here in SoCal, ten blocks form the Pacific. While I really do not trust the US MSM to spew anything but lies and propaganda, they are obliged from time to time to communicate something factual. There has also been all kinds of over the top fear mongering form various sources on line. Many of them are clearly nuts and many have been debunked to my satisfaction. So we are at a loss as to how much of a threat this disaster is to us here on the west coast. I will not give into fear, at least not totally. I will not be eating any fish from the Pacific, but I will still go out surfing. As always we are left to draw our own conclusions based on whatever information we can find that seems credible to us. I also think, as Pacman inadvertently suggested, that if and when we get some actual, credible information about how bad this really is, it will more than likely not be coming from the US media, but rather from some other country that may still have a vestig of legit journalism. Here's something for further consideration: http://www.policymic.com/articles/78287/fukushima-radiation-scare-stories-are-going-viral-on-the-internet-are-they-real-or-fake
  6. Hey, here's a relatively fresh conspiracy for you guys. It seems drug running by the US gov did not end with Air America and Iran/Contra. Shocking, I know, right?! http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/bill-conroy/2014/01/dea-case-threatens-expose-us-government-sanctioned-drug-running?utm_content=buffer2343c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  7. Not at all, Sam. I just didn't make the connection. Thanks for the explanation; now I get it.
  8. Thanks for that. Guess I could've looked it up just as easily. Sorry if I'm missing the obvious, but what does a star chamber have to do with this thread?
  9. I seem to remember Moo giving me a right proper polling;)
  10. I think you're pretty right on Pacman. The way I am currently viewing most of this stuff is as an unfolding battle of narratives. On one side there is the all-pervasive dominant narrative, and on the other sides there are a whole shitload of conflicting narratives. You've got everything from extreme evangelical end-of-the-worlders, to people who suspect that there is an alternative space program, the moon is hollow, and the WTC were brought down by particle weapons, etc, etc. The way I see things, is that yes, there are all kinds of competing conspiracies going on all the time. Where I part company with Alex Jones and people of his ilk, is when they insist that there is a single overarching conspiracy in control of everything. That to me, is clearly an "epistimological cartoon." About all we can do is try and make sense of out all the noise as best we can. Or if you are so inclined, you can very easily drink the cool-aid of your particular culture and not worry it about anymore. Most people go the cultural cool-aid route. It's a scary pain in the ass trying to DYI.
  11. Here are a few more actual conspiracies, in no particular order, for those of you who have a hard time admitting such a thing even exists. HSBC, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, Iran/Contra, operation Gladio, MK Ultra, COINTELPRO, Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Chile 1973, Operation Paperclip, Tuskegee, Operation Northwoods, etc. A few clicks will verify every single one of those. Now where did I leave my tin foil hat, damnit?!
  12. What the hell, May as well say what I think or suppose about some the "conspiracies" mentioned in this thread. JFK: Elements within the US gov. killed him. RFK: probably the same thing MLK: US Gov. killed him 9-11: Inside job/ false flag John Lennon: lone whacko Raygun: lone whacko Sandyhook, Colombine: lone whackos Moon landing: actually happened Didn't see these in the thread, but what the hell: Michael Hastings, killed by some element of the US military. Gary Webb, two gunshot wounds to the head, ruled a "suicide." Right . . . makes perfect sense to me. I suppose these are more probable than not. I "believe" nothing, and reserve the right to change my mind if and when any new shit comes to light.
  13. Wow, buncha shit chucking apes up in here. Just kidding, lads:) I have been pondering these ideas of the dominant narrative versus creating your own models for most of my life. This is an ongoing work in progress that will end when I croak. Anyway, it seems to me, that ontology is best approached as a DIY project. That said, one of the things that has helped me sort through some of this stuff is to try and reconcile these two seemingly opposing ideas. The first is by Terence McKenna. He states: "Conspiracy theories are epistimological cartoons." The other is just based on my own observations, that is "conspiracies are just business as usual." Just off the top of my head, based on information you can find on line with out too much trouble, here a some actual conspiracies: LIBOR, current NSA survaillance scandal, Wallstreet (pick a scam, any scam), two fake wars, etc, etc, ad nauseum. How are these things not conspiracies? Conspiracy defined: when two or more people conspire to do a crime and then keep quiet about it. That's it. Not complicated. This happens all the time. People get busted for conspiracy everyday. You think it's just small time crooks doing petty crimes? Fuck no! The real money is in major crime, so that's where the major criminals go. They go into banking, the military, etc. I would also like to point out that "conspiracy theory" or "conspiracy theorist" have become terms of derision. They essentially refer to anyone or anything,that is deemed by anyone in a position of authority, as being beyond the pale of rational thought. They function as our current taboos. I have noticed that there have lately been a lot of pieces on line, at various sites, questioning the sanity of anyone who dares challenge the ideas presented by the dominant narrative. Any counter-narrative that is deemed potentially threatening is colored with the term "conspiracy" so that "right thinking" people can ignore those ideas as whacko and not worth any consideration. It's a neat little trick. Edit: Now this is just my own thing, but I figure since I do not know everything and it is impossible for me to know everything, about the best I can do is "suppose" something is this way or that way. I can never know anything for sure, with 100% certainty. About the best I can do is simply say how it looks to me at any given moment. Belief is not your friend, and if you are trying to formulate your own models of reality, neither is culture.
  14. RIP Phil. Thank you for so much amazing music.
  15. Sorry if there is already a thread for random, funny videos. This was too good not to share. Mods, if you need to move it, that's totally ok with me. Cheers:) http://youtu.be/qkpGFpiEpx8
  16. Man, I'm a perv:) Love me some school uniforms on sexy femboys and ladyboys.
  17. strocube


    More grist for the Bitcoin mill: http://disinfo.com/2013/12/bitcoin-crash-patent-falsehood-heres/
  18. strocube


    This just in: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2013/12/18/255207384/already-down-50-percent-will-bitcoins-bite-the-dust?ft=1&f=1001
  19. Oh my, you are truly stunning:) Welcome to the forum.
  20. The Bushes are an old crime family. Prescott Bush was doing deals with the Nazis. And of course, as head of the CIA, GHW bush was running drugs with Manuel Noriega, among doing other nefarious activities. Also, lets's not forget the W, the monkey-boy not only stole two elections, but he also started two wars under false pretenses. So, you know, it would not surprise me to find out the GHW bush was at least somehow involved with the JFK hit. IMO, the entire family belongs in a prison for the criminally insane. It is tragic that the world is essentially run by criminally insane psychopaths.
  21. I'm with Sam on this one. As long as it gets hard and comes, not really too concerned about size. Though even the little micro cocks one occasionally runs into are fine; I prefer a "medium" sized wang. Nothing too big or too small. Also, I really like them uncut.
  22. I think you are failing to grock the situation in its fullness. The Vietnam war was not a "failure" for the military industrial complex (MIC). In fact, many contractors made a killing, pun intended. It was all about money from the get go. The Gulf Of Tonkin incident was pure propaganda and the flimsiest casus beli (pretext for war). They also destroyed Vietnam so as to make an example of it, lest any other countries in the region start getting any ideas about trying to do what they deemed best for their people instead of allowing themselves to be exploited by US geopolitical and corporate interests. It is the business of this Empire to go around the world and foment as much strife, conflict and chaos as it can. This is what it does. It makes money this way.
  23. I still very much like pussy. Though, I have to admit, ladyboy cock is more of a turn on, for sure. Though, I suspect this has more to do with it still being a transgressive fetish for me, rather than anything else. As for bar girls gyrating their pussies in front of me, my reaction would depend very much on the girls in question.
  24. A nice bottle of single malt would be lovely.
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