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Everything posted by SiamSam

  1. I am/want/need to be connected 24/7 for a variety of reasons both personal and professional. If I am disconnected for more than an hour I am totally distraught and fucked up beyond belief. Perhaps to some this is nonsense but truly if I am not connected than I AM NOT CONNECTED!!! I have no life whatsoever beyond being connected.
  2. I bet you like pancakes with lots of syrup also!!!
  3. Perhaps you're right Mr. Tex. But as we all know pix can mislead. When I looked at the photo I thought, "look out, the troops are in town on leave". Hmmmm, one man's floor is another man's ceiling.
  4. SiamSam


    Yes, Unc. Dan Hicks has passed. He was 74. He's Gone Up the Country.
  5. I don't have another 8-10 years time!!!
  6. I don't know her but I am sure many of us would like to. Wow...
  7. Came across this today. Anyone know where Buddy Holly's "Peggy Sue" came from? http://www.msn.com/en-ca/music/news/who-was-buddy-hollys-peggy-sue/ar-BBp5BrU?li=AAggNb9
  8. Is the shortcut to Soi BJ still open from Second Road?
  9. It's all about the eyebrows IMO. She is a stunner for sure. The number of times I've encountered her she never gave me a second glance and my eyebrows are similar. Then again our age and overall physical attributes aren't.
  10. She's a 5 cum Halloween's delight. If only I had that in me...Boo Hoo :-(
  11. I don't understand the last paragraph.
  12. I'm not so sure BB. I think it is an attempt to connect people and make them feel more comfortable with each other readily. That would be my reason for forum name introductions. On the other hand I understand that some of us might want to remain forum anonymous until that comfort level is reached more naturally.
  13. I think that would go for most of us Mr. Doggg. Could be a sticky situation.
  14. SiamSam


    Does anyone here use a straight razor? Or the old two sided safety razor?
  15. SiamSam


    I truly had a chuckle reading the "Vitamin E + Aloe + Jojoba" label with the arrow pointing to the lub strip, hahahaha!!! I guess that's what makes the miraculous Wilkinson difference for delivering a satisfying shave. Is that it ciobha?
  16. SiamSam


    That's about $26.00CDN. I will check out eBay and compare to stores like Costco. Usually it is the shipping costs on eBay that makes the deal less attractive. However some sellers offer free shipping. Thanks Dave.
  17. SiamSam


    Curious to know what you guys pay for the Gillette Fusion blades on eBay.
  18. SiamSam


    We all shave. We buy the latest expensive stuff from Gillette which is price obscene. We also try the cheap stuff which hurts and is shit for the most part. Personally I have to shave at least once a day (sometimes twice) and I never really get a satisfying shave no matter what the hotshot, latest product is. In the end it is all the same. I pay more thinking I will get a more satisfying shave and in the end it is the same. No difference. Just nicks and cuts and a blade that dulls within a week. Is it a scam? Why can't anyone produce a blade and mechanism that does the job well and lasts for a period of time that justifies the price? Was my grandfather's single blade razor more efficient? I recently subscribe to HARRY. This is a product from the US. You buy the razor and they then send you the necessary blades automatically depending on your shaving cycle/frequency. In my case, every 2 months they send me 8 blades. The results? Same same. However it is cheaper than buying the Gillette alternatives. Makes me crazy. Your thoughts gentleman?
  19. SiamSam


    Thanks Unc. You're a good man.
  20. SiamSam


    I thought so too Unc. Happy Birthday by the way.
  21. My Goodness the traumatized black barber is pathetically hilarious.
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