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blind boy grunt

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Everything posted by blind boy grunt

  1. i always said that you are a fashion icon in Pattaya Quinn...
  2. yeah... but we were planning an alternate livestream Woodie, one where people buy us drinks to keep the clothing on!
  3. You are a silly Ol' Gunslinger sometimes QG.... why can't you mention The Pattaya Mail? nothing wrong with mentioning the Pattaya Mail! i'm happy to mention the Pattaya Mail. the only mistake is putting news or newspaper in the same sentence... i do feel for Em now... it's a bit like the kiss of death really. I mean, come on 'hundreds of thousands baht a day'... even better than Auntie Durian.
  4. well said Ciobha. We have hundreds of them here too. this covid insanity has brought out the worst in human nature... Many happily sitting in thier rooms thinking 'i'm all right Jack' while not giving a damn about others thrown out of work, not being able to feed families etc etc.
  5. as opposed to DDT, various other chemicals, MSG, sugar and salt.
  6. what is a gaint Lizard Quinn? and doesn't it know that most 7-11 do home delivery nowadays?
  7. Another one in Jomtien. Not visited yet. Video on You Tube - looks similar inside to 'The Pantry' They also have a 'Facebook' page which they obviously don't want me and many others to look into. you're the man Quinn! Nice to see another real grub shop open, just around the corner from me too! Much better than that awful unhealthy thai shite.
  8. and...a big welcome to Emmy's club... BM Tulio Leno. many thanks for joining.
  9. i'll do it Seven! ..... just hold on till i organise a paypal acount.........
  10. hey hey my-my. A 2 part special...Kittens choice with changes at half-time. What will they be?.... tune in to find out.
  11. yes... a ground breaking two-part show! this is where those of us lucky enough to be at the bar get to see things as they happen during the half-time break. We will know first what the second half wiill be... i'm hoping for Nuns.....
  12. as we all do. but the multi-entry story has changed as i recall it, and if i had access to old PMs i'd prove it.
  13. Well now... ripped of when the insurance company doesn't pay out. As an example... the guy who fell off the Hideaway balcony some years back, he was refused because they accused him of being drunk, which he wasn't, and Lord Jim proved it, only then after major battles and threats of media attention did L.J manage to get money for the guy. How can you get ripped off when its your choice to apply and you know what you are paying for. not particularly insurance based...but just like you got ripped off by the thai embassy staff in Australia last year when they insisted that you had to buy a multi-entry stamp with your visa application. Not so... how much did that cost you?
  14. be careful BB, you never know what you might discover... You could have Irish Cowpoke blood too.
  15. sounds a tad too intelligent for me...must have been Quinn... only profound thing i ever said was on Annabelle night... ''Jeez, i'd give her one'...
  16. not so. only visa applications from outside thailand. Another way to get ripped off. note the comment from Andy that Josh's insurance does not cover repatriation. Does yours?
  17. well yes.... but i'm actually grateful Jimmy that you appreciate the work that quinn and i do for you. Some folks in these parts don't you know. some cowpokes can be ornery critters sometimes. did you know that a few weeks back we started hearing rumours about a certain country and western fan having irish ancestry? So, as we knew that there was an upcoming Cowgirls livestream planned by Emmy in his honour, quinn and myself started teaching emmy and her staff how to do line dancing and also the Riverdance thing.. Hence my torn Achilles tendon, and quinns kneecap being now halfway up his thigh. but was it appreciated by a certain cowboy?... no. but at least my walking stick got to whack teya's arse last night...
  18. no doubt Quinn could work his magic Jimmy... send me a photo....you know that you can trust me.... perhaps...just thinking aloud here.... Sunny has said that she will pop down in April to Emmy's around the date of Sara's birthday party [17th]... if she does then surely an occasion for a 'one off the wrist, Cargo pants' Livestream special! could even be a 'Cargopants Bukkake night'! i can picture it.. [with some hesitation i confess] A picture of you on the wall...with each of the girls blasting away. the one who gets you from the longest distance, takes the prize... but no Sunny !...not from across the road please.... i really am going to have to stop thinking aloud....
  19. excellent post QG ! But begorrah and bejeezus, to be sure Pard... i have to tell you that your influence is becoming world-wide... I had an email from my daughter yesterday, she lives in NZ now... and is learning line dancing! Dunno if she's bought a Hoss as well. But, i blame you for all this! don't worry, i won't disown her....
  20. are any of them part Irish....... ? since QGs revelation are BB and Kylemore, Seanbeag7 etc, safe and well? no mass suicides jumping into the Atlantic? that's not a question for the kittens, just me asking.
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