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Everything posted by thaibound

  1. Sorry, Sam, but if the girl you spoke with had any good words for me it wasn't the girl i'm describing. She totally hates me. But it might have been her twin sister. You think Jerry would be interested in identical twins?
  2. well...i do know this one volleyball-playing webcam porn actress meth-head who sneaked into thailand when she ran away from home because her father wouldn't stop fucking with her--but her mother loved her--and she's a pre-op, but she'll be a post-op right about the time the book comes out, when she can finally take time off from her job where she's been cast as a dancing waitress in a cabaret show upstairs from a massage parlor she runs when she's not at university or browsing Facebook. except of course when she's turning tricks in street clothes without m.u. because she doesn't want the cops to pick her up again for being so non-discriminating with who she goes with. and i believe she just retired. let me give her a jingle and i'll get back at ya. :crazysmile: -);\ (for those unfamiliar with my arid wit--or sad lack thereof--please imagine if you will that those 4 squiggles represent a tongue inserted in a cheek)
  3. sorry, but now i'm a bit confused. yeah, i know, nothing new there, but.... if Jerry has more experience with ladyboys than most of the mongers here could possibly have, then why has he come to this board to ask for introductions and 'nominations'? after twenty years i'd think i'd have a pretty good idea of who i wanted to profile. and as for not telling him 'how to write his book'--well, we kinda would be doing that if we determined the characters/people he was going to profile. they say 90% of good directing is good casting and i'm thinking that about 90% of making this book a good book is picking the proper people to profile. the rest of it is just syntax. and photographs. so if the context (content?) has been predetermined to be limited to sex workers, so be it. that's information squirrel clearly didn't have prior to your revelation thereof-- and without that limitation (against which i would struggle mightily) i would heartily concur with his squirrelness--there's more to being a ladyboy than hooking. for example, there's ex-hooking. :crazysmile: (now where's that emoticon for 'stirring the pot' that i've been looking for to substitute for the tongue-in-cheek emoticon that i've already given up on ever finding...) ps seriously, Jerry, if you have the best interests of the ladyboys you interview at heart as you write, i wish you only the best of luck with your book.
  4. Once again DT displays excellent taste. And great pix, Juri. Maybe i *will* have to suffer thru songkran in search of DT's mystery "woman with feathers"... after all, what are friends for, right? :crazysmile:
  5. Kendo, a brilliant blend of seminal Mondrian line with an overlay of Matisse collage. mixed media influences at their finest. and a good map, too.
  6. not even 400 ladyboys could get me to suffer through another songkran in pattaya. i guess i'll be hoping for a Morlam in May...
  7. such thoughts cause me to reflect upon the (apparent) scientific "fact" that each year literally millions of babies are born with androgynous genitalia -- indistinctive and/or both sexes--and (usually) the doctors (and sometimes parents) immediately decide which "sex" their child will be and perform the necessary surgery to (theoretically) prevent "confusion" later in the child's life. i've read that "modern medical practice" now sometimes prefers to let the child develop a bit and observe its/his/hers behavior and growth prior to an irrevocable decision being made (cut it off or sew it up), but i'm sure others here know much more on that subject. my point here being--what if we could go back in time to the moment such amazonian beauties as Venus appeared from their mothers' wombs--might there now be more glorious ladyboys in the world worthy of worship? (not that i am in *any* way inferring--because i am NOT-- that Venus herself would be one of them--only that her body type would inspire such wishful thinking--especially upon such a group of perverted--i.e., enlightened-- mongers as have gathered here...)
  8. hmmmmm fruits with fruity preferences.. makes sense. ps feed them lots of mango and OJ (and other citrus) and deny them spicy foods (good luck w/that in LOS) prior to your rendezvous and your odds "sweeten" exponentially. of course that's based only upon how big the girls smile as they wipe their lips when i'm done. because it's always better to give than to receive. :crazysmile:
  9. randiuno's first hot pic is domino going down on bailey jay, something she's done quite a bit of for the movies--and no doubt for private viewing as well. for those interested in wanking to more, do a model search at ashemaletube which is a very hot porn tube sight that (so far) hasn't been blocked in LOS--but for how much longer, i dunno... i met domino at a ts strip club in l.a. a while back. very friendly and just as lovely in person. the only catch, she wanted well into 4 figures to spend the night at my place. and that's 4 figures in USD, btw. very lovely, yes, but not as lovely as a round-trip ticket to LOS.
  10. might want to stay away from this link--i just clicked it and got a big warning from u.s. homeland security who has seized the site for illegal activity--and left me wondering if my own isp is now on some fucking 'watchlist'. ouch.
  11. DT, a couple thoughts/questions: 1. is her profile active--which is to say did she put it online a year ago and has never or rarely returned, using it for little more than a 'back-up' should your buddy bail LOS on her--as is almost inevitable is it not? 2. could you invent a profile (not one you'll ever use again) and respond to her profile and get a vibe from her response, be it 'sorry, have bf now' or 'i love you already, please come see me soon!' 3. don't tell him directly, the messenger may not be beheaded, but he'll *never* be knighted. 4. is she hot? :crazysmile:
  12. true that. off the grid sucks when you can't get off the toilet. have a great time JaiDee.
  13. i thought you were Nok's favorite? am i destined for a distant second here as well? :crazysmile:
  14. funny how singular memories multiply in the cauldron of time. sometimes i think i remember the many pitchers of kamikazes i made one night at Famous... but i know no way that ever happened either. so pbg sounds like a good option to me. look forward to seeing some of you there, perhaps later this month...
  15. clearly the speed with which one can obtain internet access is increased when you're in some cold european country and not being constantly dragged back into bed by some overheated ladyboy who doesn't give a flying fig how important the news is you were intending to share with your compadres. not that i'm complaining... :crazysmile:
  16. you are correct, sir. and according to Lita, hot dogs will be served -- and i don't mean hot dogs will be allowed in the bar, i mean the thai version of western cowboy food will be hotdogs. there may be some beef from some part of some cow in some of them, right? Lita suggested 8pm might be the approximate kick-off. Ladyboy cowgirls sucking down some sausages? Should be worth a look See you there. :crazysmile:
  17. okay i *might* have agreed to a photo or two--but you *never* said you'd post them on a website, you tacky boy, you! :crazysmile:
  18. well maybe not "just like" you... then again...since we've never met...and i don't want to pre-suppose anything here..you got any photos? :crazysmile:
  19. interesting thread for me in that, being a ridiculously picky lblover ("you think SHE is fat?" is a refrain i've heard a million times)-- i could pretty much agree with *every* 'deal-breaker' listed. but truth is, i'm not sure there is any *one* dealbreaker. i might *wish* her breath were better, or she'd had one less drink, or she'd quit smoking or she was completely smooth and hairless beneath the eyebrows or she hadn't stuffed those perfect hormonal tits with silicone or she had better manners and were a tad less greedy, less mercenary...but... i must confess i get back to the whole gestalt: the smile/ass/behavior/smell/style/skin tone/affection/power/etc all rolled into one, to the point where any *one* (or even 2 or 3) deficient elements may well be forgiven if the other 47 or 48 are out-of-this world. and yes, when i find a very firm, very skinny little ass sitting atop long lean legs, all tightly wrapped in perfect skin -- well, i might not want to kiss her, speak to her, listen to her, or trust her alone w/my wallet while i take a shower -- but i'm probably gonna wanna tap that one time anyway. :crazysmile: then again, when i see an ass shot up with silicone that's starting to slide down into the thighs--hmmm, okay, i spoke too soon. i guess i do have that one dealbreaker... although i suppose a beautiful face performing a brilliant blowjob from a fully-dressed and seated position where all i can see is the perfect mouth and hard-nippled breasts wouldn't be out of the question.... so, no, i don't have any one dealbreaker.
  20. i've never met the lovely (based on the photo herein) New, but i'd be curious about the salon (and wish her the best) and even more curious as to whether an old fuck like me --if i walked in saying "hey New, great to see you again!" -- would merit the boyfriend's attention? yeah, i think of doing shit like that. but no, i won't. i promise. :rolleyes:
  21. my pleasure. i think. can't really remember all that much right now. but looking at this photo series you put together, just had to comment on the best ad campaign ever-- "Hot ladyboys drunk on cocktails and dancing half-naked for LBR? Priceless." American Express eat your fucking heart out.
  22. how do i cancel this accidental double-post?
  23. well done Jaidee, and every illusion completely fitting in a country/culture where the importance of "face" far exceeds any value given to "truth".
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