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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. Quinn


    It was Maureen O' Sullivan - before my time. 5555
  2. Quinn


    Really - think you've been on the Jungle Juice ! 5555
  3. Looking forward to the 'nomenclature' ! 5555
  4. Well - thousands of replies - none quite right - ciobha gracefully standing back. So here is the answer - https://www.thefreedictionary.com/wayzgoose However it says an 'annual' outing - they were more frequent than that !
  5. Not quite - tho' years ago the pubs on Fleet Street used to open odd hours for the newspaper workers. Not sure about the name of one popular pub - but it was known as The Flying Piss Pot !
  6. Nice one clobha - a further clue is that as previous questions - drink is involved !
  7. New question. What is a 'Wayzgoose' !
  8. I once went to Sweden - it was shut. ! did eventually find a beer bar and it was fu**in expensive. !
  9. OMG ! https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Trap
  10. Yes Dao did work The Red Carpet Bar for a while. Not seen her for about a year or more. As in the Roadhouse a very friendly girl. Old pic of Dao.
  11. Great pics of the New Katty Bar (and it is) I see that images of myself and BBG have been ghosted out !
  12. Indeed - Top Feller - Mike that is - bought a round for the girls and paid a barfine. !
  13. Tiger is probably still at home caressing her new 500cc implants. !
  14. A great turnout for the 'Farewell Party' - not really farewell but 'Hello' to the next move by Emmy. She is very upbeat about starting afresh. Looking as sharp as ever top 'Front of the House' man Jimbo was an early arrival. 'Pad Thai Boy' from KRUs/Sweethearts. Petesie and New from New Bar of course. Lots of lovely ladies floating about. Everyone wished Emmy all the best for the future and I'm sure they will be there to support her next move. No rush I don't think - slowly slowly.
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