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Everything posted by Foggy

  1. Foggy

    So What! Bar

    'o' my god.. that works for me
  2. I think u know SS and yes I was very sorry to have missed that as Im bombed out building a place here again. The next one shouln't be a problem though All is very well thank u
  3. For the first time in Thailand there is a round of the world motocross championship. This for me is awesome as I love the sport It's at Si Racha just a few km's from Pattaya on the 10th March A good reason to make the trip from Samui and combine my 2 passion's
  4. I will actually go to a bar for it's good music and get in the mood so to speak plus a few Lb's in the mix helps too. But no amount of eye candy would have me endure music so loud I cant even speak to mates or my chosen 'friend'
  5. Happy birthday DT sorry I'm late :-(
  6. Recently I used Mr T and as always a great on time service. 1000 baht all in Bkk to Patts 038 7203 18 Cheers Foggy
  7. All the best to everyone here for the new year and making this a great place to be
  8. I had a simular encounter in 2009 just after TG as I remembered his photos at the time and just had to try them out
  9. Thank u SS much appreciated and only saw this today. It was a fun night for sure and ended in June ( not december ) from Famous... sorry bad joke
  10. Thanks DT and a good night for sure with BB and all the chicks to our selves. As much as May's zeplin's were appealing and investigated, June won me over with her antic's and provided the perfect birthday gift to myself.
  11. Im coming to BKK next week and seeing's as Darkside has my attention I will be poppin' in for a grapple with the girl's
  12. What works for me is to treat each one of them as if they are the one girl in the world when were together, but with no promises for the future as I can't offer one living here. If I was back home with her ( UK ) then I'd treat her the same.... but also when we weren't togther because we'd be a couple. Playing around ?? Its because I can here and the male ego needs it's fix. I think if you have sex with someone else while in a relationship and your partner doesn't consent or know then thats who u are. You didn't change, you just maybe didnt get the option previously and have just found out something about yourself you didnt know before. Not really a Los thing but this place surely does bring out the deepest inner passions and secrets we never thought possible or that existed inside of us. Well for me anyway Thank Budda for immerging countries
  13. But have u stayed in your comfort zone during all of your encounters and time with LB's SS, or have u slipped into some activities that u didn't consider possible previously ?
  14. Its been a slow progession in this wonderfull new experience of live that I now enjoy. I have gone from slightly curious to being fully 100% active in the space of 7 odd years. Exploring boundaries and pushing the limits, drunken encounters and just plain getting horney and turned on by certain things. I have tried most things and now know and realise what it is I enjoy. No two encounters are the same for many reasons but being violated and damn enjoying it is some thing I have grown to like and on many occassions insisted upon. Hope that helps
  15. U got teeth ? dam I'm out Oh and I wouldn't leave u hanging
  16. Slightly off topic but in line with the OP's original question. When I was living in the Uk I would have travelled 7000 miles for 15 hours to hook up with a hot LB. Now I live here in Samui some times I cant be bothered to travel 15 minutes to do the same. ( the LB's here havent been shagged by all my mates on the forum.... so keep staying away, thanks ) Just knowing so many are available and on my door step all the time is enough to relax the mind. Trips to Pattaya though Im in holiday mode and enjoying fun and sex not a girlfriend so dont want to return to Samui and feel, I wish I done her when I look at a BM's report. I liked that at 2am Got to have teeth !! so true
  17. Other guys just go with the flow. Thats more my style as I cant be bothered with a plan and having to lie or ignore if a better situation arises when I'm ready to go back to the hotel. I love the uncertainy and adventure of a nights prowl. My back up is a few numbers of favourites that will or wont be available when I am. Having said that if Im in Pattaya on holiday I dont like to 'waste' a night so standards can drop a tad if it's late
  18. Obvoiusly for this type of person there would be no thrill involved or the danger element that turn's them on. But surely if u were doing some thing as hiddious and sickening as this and with a kiddie and are running the risk of serious jail time or payoff's if caught wouldn't u keep it very very discreet. I think the punishment should be a public birching in Pattaya where by people can pay to swing the birch a few times and then let the Law deal with him.
  19. Foggy comes from the nick name of the World Super Bikes most successful rider from the UK. Carl Fogarty.
  20. Door to door to Pattaya is 3 hours for me as U-Tapao ( army base ) is a trouble free quick 50 minutes in the air from Samui. The biggest headache though is that BKK airways ownes the airport here and are a blatant rip off at 9500 return. I get it for 7750 as I have a residence card but still very steep. As there are a lot of great guys in town I will be gritting me teeth and staying for 2 weeks, but probably applying the BB plan of attack and mixing it up a bit. @ Lung I hope u make it down as I'd like to meet up before I come to Chiang Mai later this year for some serious riding.... mountain bike and LB's
  21. I always look forward to my Pattaya trips and have been visiting the place for 22 years. In the old days I would stay for about 2 weeks and do a BKK day either side of that trip and be in total holiday mode. These days living in Samui full time I still relish the Pattaya vibe every few months but am all spent after 3/5 nights there. Drinking and staying up late takes it's toll on me very quickly and isnt my life style any more so has a negitive effect but I do enjoy the buzz and then even more the escape. Thank fully in Thailand there are many other attractions for me but then I guess when Ive lived here 10 years my answer may be different
  22. Just caught up with this thread Ken and enjoying it a lot. This story does mirror my life choice as well as of 2 and a half years ago I followed my heart to Ko Samui so I can relate to all u say. Looking forward to more of the same
  23. From experience I have learnt to speak slowly and clearly using easy 'should' know words. I been surprised and found that a lot of Thai's will ask me if they dont understand what Ive said as they are interested in learning. If a Thai is really bad at English in any form then our time together is limited unfortunately and only physical, I dont do baby talk or sign language. How many times have u seen a guy sitting in a restaurant with his barfine and 10 minutes later the conversation has dried up and the food cant come quick enough. Probaby played connect 4 in the bar as well and thought she'll be great fun to go to dinner with before the deed. Why put yourself through that and in public too. Im all for treating a girl well and with respect, but know when to buy noodles on the way home or sit in a public eatery. Ive made the effort to learn the Thai words I need to know for my local Mammas and Pappas shop and the market as Ive needed to or go hungry but fluent Thai, thats beyond me.
  24. and a wake up call to get in have fun and get out....... alive
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